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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:11 AM

“Oh yes. The mind thing is very much our fault... partially. But I’ve always been a believer in telling the truth to children... for the most part.” Vala said softly and while there would have normally been a laugh at the end of it, she didn’t have the humor for it this time. She peered at Friend thinking, his lips pulling from side to side. She had been like that earlier, but instead nibbling on the tip of her thumb.

She too had poured over the possibilities and liked none of them. If it was Strahd, then they had exposed many of their discoveries to him without realizing it. Ones that could hurt them exponentially. Though with how he acted and how excited he had been to explore even the smallest parts of Barovia... Vala could not find it in her heart to think his intentions malicious. Especially since he was actively helping them.
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:11 AM

“It wouldn’t be so bad if that were actually the case. Yes. But we both have been in that castle. There’s nothing about that man what makes me believe that he’s crying for help to leave Barovia where he has sole rulership.” She said and stopped walking, looking over the mountainside and into the horizon. It was beautiful, in it’s own weird way to see the land stretching down below them and to know what it had been like before them... before all of this. Before... tragedy.

The mountain wind tugged at Vala’s clothes, pulling at her slightly though she did not budge.

“The only other option I see is that it’s not Strahd... but an aspect of him,” she suggested. “One that wanted to be a good ruler. One that was jealous of Sergei... or envious, rather considering how he was beloved amongst the people. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Mist’s of Barovia had taken what good part was left of Strahd’s soul and manifested it as such. Because... technically... he did die when he became a Vampire.”
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:11 AM

As Vala came to a stop so did her Tabaxi companion, taking in her opinion on Strahd's rulership. They'd both been to the castle, and Friend couldn't deny the horrible things Strahd had done. Still, he did like to think that somewhere inside of Strahd was the desire to fix his wrongs. Maybe not all of them, but... he couldn't be all bad. Otherwise Friend certainly would have departed from them weeks ago.

"Hrmm... maybe," he started out as Vala spoke of the possibility that Vasili was only a fragment of Strahd, separated at the time of death. They'd certainly seen that jealously, fed by Rahadin in the mirror's memories. But why the polymorph in that case? Well, he'd probably still be undead regardless, so the ring probably would be useful to keep people from being scared of him.
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:11 AM

The line of thought that he could be only fragment given form brought up something else to Friend's mind; Madam Eva's wish for Strahd to be saved. Was Vasili that chance? If Vasili could truly live his own life, helping the people of Barovia, was that the way he could be saved?

"Think... if Vasili is that side of Strahd, would like to continue to help do good." It would be hard, especially with Vasili now searching for who her really was, but Friend was willing to take that chance. "Would like to show him that even if past life made bad choices he has chance to be better person now. Rather, continue to be better person."
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:12 AM

Vala nodded solemnly in agreement to Friend’s idea, her gaze turning back to him as the wind finally untucked her hair from its bun. “I agree. Especially on the off chance that his polymorph doesn’t hold... maybe there will be the slimmest of chances he’ll keep being the good part of him Vasili is through our help... but more importantly yours. ”

Gently Vala reached up and placed a hand on Friend’s shoulder, smiling up at him as she did so.
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:12 AM

His influence on Arabelle, Nemissa, and Ireena had not escaped her notice. He was a spark of light in a dark place and while she wanted to keep encouraging it, she could only wonder what toll it was taking on him to be that for everyone.

“You’ve already helped so many people continue being good... including myself, Friend of Foe. I can’t imagine anyone else helping Vasili the most right now....though I will try and help. Not that I’ve ever been much of a good influence,” Vala teased a little.

“Speaking of help... are you okay?”
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:12 AM

Friend's initial response to the gentle touch of a hand on his shoulder was to look down toward his shorter companion with a soft smile. The words that followed the touch took him by surprise, the confusion visible briefly as his ears ticked upward. It... had been a while since anyone had so straightly asked if he was alright, which he didn't fault anyone for. He'd tried to keep any of his own frustrations from the others, relying mostly on working through his feelings through meditation.

Leave it to the mother though, even if she hadn't been given the chance to raise her own child, to realize something was wrong.
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:12 AM

"Oh... ah." His ears ticked downward ever so slightly for a brief moment as he seemed to be thinking of how to word himself. In particular Vala was perhaps the one he wanted to bother with this thought the least. "Mm.. Is not really anything that will get in way of helping, at least don't think. Probably going to sound very silly, but was just... thinking.. still would not make for a very good dad."

It had only been a few days since he'd whisked Arabelle from the Vistani camp, but every poor choice he'd made since had been weighing on him a bit, elevated even more in the wake of the fight in the archives.
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:13 AM

Out of all the things that could have been bothering Friend, his response was not one that she had been expecting and she found herself blinking blankly at him for a moment. Dad? When had he had kittens- oh.

Vala chuckled softly and gently patted his shoulder before politely putting it back inside her warm furs. Arabelle...

“It’s not silly at all, Friend,” she soothed, trying to find words to help him instead of reflecting on her own, limited, experience being a mother. It was funny though, where she expected pain to flair up, she just felt...numb. Perhaps it was because that sore spot had already been stabbed at multiple times today with the vision of the Child and the many mothers after their child birth.
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:13 AM

“But what makes you think that?” She asks instead, a brow raising with the question

“I think you’d be a great Dad. After all, no one goes into parenting or influencing a child knowing what they’re doing. Every parent makes mistakes raising their children and that’s okay. What matters in the end is what they take away from your actions...and from what I’ve seen, it’s been nothing but a good influence.” She pauses, surprised by her own answer to that considering her predicament. But she continued on.

“Though, if it’s any consolation. I think you’re more like an uncle in this case.”
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:13 AM

Vala's words did ease his mind to an extent, but even with her assuring him he did still feel it was a bit silly that he was worrying about it so much. After all, as she pointed out, it wasn't like he actually was Arabelle's father. Not even close. He'd just wanted to be a good example for her. And it wasn't like he was expecting to be a father any time soon.

But... Arabelle wasn't the only reason it had come to mind. She'd certainly been a good reference point of trying to raise a kid for even a few days, but he'd pondered the thought a few times even before taking her from the camp.
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:13 AM

It was probably Mistake's fault, or rather the prodding from the Wachter brothers that she had brought on a few nights ago. Thoughts of what he'd do if they did manage to get out of Barovia one day, the idea of actually settling down.

"If this what being uncle like, think being actual dad must be even harder. Probably super hard. Dad always made seem so easy... but guess he had practice." Looking back toward the cabin where the others all slept, Friend supposed his father also didn't have to deal with any of his children having such... special friends either. Maybe a child of his own wouldn't be so hard either.

As his face drew back to Vala he smiled again, thankful for her words even if he still wasn't quite confident yet. "Thank you though. Maybe won't even ever happen, but if it does would like to be a good dad like mine some day. But for now will focus on protecting family here."
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:13 AM

Laughter bubbled forth from Vala involuntarily. It was light and gentle in actual amusement for Friend’s words. She could only imagine how many children Friend’s father had and perhaps she might have been stereotyping to assume that Tabaxi’s would be very active in the baby making department but she wouldn’t have been surprised if he had a large number of siblings.

“It’s difficult, yes. It’s hard to watch your kids get hurt and make the wrong choices. But ultimately parenting is just worrying about if what you’re doing is right and having to let go and watch your children make choices for themselves. I imagine that’s what your father felt the most, especially with you leaving his fold to explore the world all on your own. ”
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:14 AM

Vala explained, sure of her answer though she didn’t really know why. No memories or examples came to mind despite her assurances. She just... knew. Which was strange. Though she was slowly coming to terms with the fact that her memories had been tampered with several times over and not everything was there anymore. So she trusted her gut on this one, unwilling to digest any more revelations for the day. Instead she turned her gaze to Friend and gave him a look.

“You’ll have plenty of time of time to decide if you want to be a father with Vadra. Though I can see why you’d worry if your children could breathe fire.” She teased lightly, smiling mischievously up at him.

“But either way, you’re welcome. I’m glad I got to talk with you tonight. I know I’m not as... physical a fighter as you but I’ll do my best to support you too.... and everyone else.”
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Re: As Many thoughts as Stars [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 10:14 AM

As she'd set him at ease she just as easily sent his mind racing again, panic momentarily evident in his eyes. Fire. He hasn't even thought about the possibility of fire. Or... Flying. Oh dear he had not thought about the possibility of a child that could both fly and breath fire. Maybe this trip with Arabelle really was his test, dealing with a child that had all sorts of abilities of which he did not.
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