Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 5:33 PM

Exchanging a few moves, Nero fought the male off, going so far as to heavily wound the male's foreleg, rendering it useless, and warned him then, "Get out of here, if you want me to spare your life." Her voice, then, was terrifying and, undoubtedly, she meant it.

She was only showing mercy because she didn't want to end his life in front of the child, even though he deserved to lose his life for being so willing to take the lives of others.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 5:35 PM

No match for the strange new comer, the male fled with his limp, scoffing. What did it really matter if one lone child survived? What could a single orphan of the clan accomplish? It wasn't worth risking his own life in order to deal with her, he viewing his own life more precious than the lives of others.

"Come with me, child," Nero said to the young one, only after watching the male slink off, out of her line of sight, and deeming it safe.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 5:39 PM

"Your mother... Is gone. But she told me to find you." The Demon King did not hesitate or sugar coat it, nor did she wait for the child's response, before stepping forward and picking the young one up, a little awkwardly, but safely, with her mouth and began to carry her away.

It was just one child, but that was all that mattered. Even if everyone else in the clan was gone, Nero managed to keep this one safe from harm's way.

And with her mother gone, Nero supposed... she would have to take on that role.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 5:50 PM

Vayde witnessed it all, from the fallen mother that begged for help, to the fight with the foreign male. At the time, he had considered revealing himself then, but he had faith in Nero, and it was evident that his assistance was not required. He had been asked to watch over her so, watch, he did.

It was only when the Demon King was carrying the small child that she had rescued back through the empty lands that the dark one fell into line beside her, showing himself.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 6:05 PM

"What are you planning to do?" It was not entirely like him to ask these sorts of questions, but he found the words slipping out of his mouth before he could stop it.

Hearing another new voice, the young one, Fallyn, tensed up in Nero's grip, and Nero side eyed the one beside her before coming to a slow stop. She released the little one carefully, and immediately told her, "It's safe. This is my friend. A member of my sect."

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 6:08 PM

But everything was happening so fast for the orphaned child. She had not even exchanged words with the one that had come to her rescue, so when her paws touched the dead earth, she stared at the two adults with some uncertainty. There was no way that she could successfully run away from them, even if they were dangerous.

"Your mother must have loved you very much." Those were the first words that Nero thought to say when the young one looked at her that way.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 6:11 PM

"She was very brave, and did everything she could in order to protect you." Nero admired that mother. Even though she was obviously weaker than the one after their lives, she was more than willing to lay her life down if it meant giving her child a chance to survive.

Hearing these words, the Fallyn's eyes turned glassy once again as the tears threatened to spill over. She already knew it all. And she already knew, undoubtedly, that her mother was gone. That she had given up her life so that she may have had the chance to live.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 6:13 PM

"W-what... do I" It was incredibly difficult to speak the words, the little one beginning to sniffle as she did, but she tried to be brave. Her mother had saved her. This red one had saved her. Now, she had to live on, no matter what happened. She couldn't let her mother's efforts to go to waste.

"Be one of us." It was Vayde that made the suggestion, so bluntly, with few words. Did it really require anything more? He thought not.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 7:57 PM

"One of... you?" Fallyn questioned, still very obviously uncertain. She could feel her own insides twisting uncomfortably, threatening to make her sick, but it wasn't because she genuinely sensed any danger from these two. It was just that... she had lost all of her family. Her entire clan, her home, her mother, and she didn't know these two. They were strangers. The fact that she hadn't shut down entirely was already a surprise.

"My name is Nero," the demon king introduced herself then.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 8:01 PM

"Regardless of my... appearances, I am also a female, and so... while I cannot replace your mother, I will do everything that I can to protect you from now on, hm?" Nero lowered her head somewhat, as if to look less big and threatening. And while she was not particularly used to conversing with children, her tone was somewhat gentle, although self assured.

"And this one," Nero gestured with her head toward the other adult, "Is named Vayde."

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 8:05 PM

"Like you, he once had nowhere else to go." Nero only said these words to try to comfort the young one, and didn't go into detail, not wanting to disrespect Vayde and divulge too many details of his own life. "Before joining alongside me."

Although Vayde did not particularly like broadcasting details about his personal life, he understood easily while Nero brought up, so didn't say anything on the matter or actually take it as an offense.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 8:08 PM

The little one nodded her head then, unable to manage to say anything immediately. She still did not know what to make of all of this, but if this strange female had protected her, she could trust her, right? Her eyes shifted between Nero and Vayde, but settled specifically on the one that had fought off her pursuer.

"My... My name is Fallyn," she managed to tell them, but that was all she said before her lips were once again sealed.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 8:10 PM

The other two nodded when she told them her name.

"We should carry on," Nero then stated, glancing over to Vayde, whom met her gaze and nodded his agreement. Although he did not say it, he was a little surprised that their leader had made the promise to care for the child, herself. He didn't imagine such a thing would happen, but he also could not say that it was actually something out of character for her to do.

He just didn't expect it.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/21/2021 8:12 PM

"I'll stay beside you on the way back," the male told his leader. There was no reason for him to stay hidden in the shadows now. Not only had Nero fought off the only danger without needing his back up, but they were already part of the way to their own territory.

Then, it was Nero's turn to nod, and she picked the young one back up once more and took off again. This time, Vayde matched her pace entirely, no longer just shadowing, but escorting Nero and Fallyn back to their home lands.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/29/2021 2:16 AM

Once the trio, Nero, Vayde and the young orphaned child, Fallyn, made it safely through the empty lands and into their own territory, their cavern home in sight. That was when the dark male slipped back into the shadows with the simple, uttered words, "See you." He wasn't complicated.

The Demon King carried the young one all the way up the stone steps that lead to the mouth of the cavern shrine, while Fallyn, from her position in the others' mouth, tried to take in all that she could and be brave.

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