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Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 1:06 AM

This is a crack ship that will in no way be considered canonical in either of the characters' storylines.
The 'M' rating is more of a "just in case" as most mature topics will be used for comedic purposes.


Systems failing. Emergency landing required.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Xen began banging buttons on the dashboard, hoping that he could somehow reverse the damage. But it seemed that the ship's failure was inevitable. All he could do was pray that the navigation system was still fully functional, and that he was close enough to another planet to make a safe landing.

Planet located. No public records. Atmosphere readings indicate a high probability of survival. Initiating emergency landing.

Well, that was something at least. But Xen knew that he wasn't out of the woods yet. The landing was going to be a rough one, and he knew he would be lucky to come out of the crash unscathed.

Buckling himself into the seat, he gripped the armrests and prepared for the worst.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 1:40 AM

The rapid entry into a foreign planet's atmosphere was more than Xen's body could handle. He stiffened, before his body went slack. He slumped in his seat unconscious, the safety belt the only thing keeping him from sliding out onto the floor.

He regained consciousness just in time to feel the full effect of the crash landing. Every alarm in the ship was blaring, and there was the horrendous sound of metal screeching. The ship bucked and bounced, sending every object that wasn't secured flying around the chamber. Xen was whipped around painfully, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood and possibly giving him whiplash as well.

Once again, his vision went dark.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 1:45 AM


It was dark outside, and Cory had just finished his tea and was about to head upstairs to bed when he heard the strangest noise. It was similar to that of a plane landing... but different, and much louder. And to make matters worse, it sounded far too close.

Pushing aside one corner of the curtain that he had drawn for privacy, the man looked out to try to figure out what had created the noise. But when he saw the blazing hunk of metal tearing through the farmland, he immediately backed away in shock and fear. What the hell was that? The first thing that came to mind, of course, was 'UFO' but surely that couldn't be possible. Those sorts of things didn't exist... did they?

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 2:22 AM

With his heart fluttering in his chest, Cory tried to decide what he should do. The most sensible course of action would be to call the authorities. They would come and take care of everything, and he wouldn't have to put himself in any sort of danger.

But... if he were being honest with himself, he was actually quite curious. If he called the police, they would no doubt tape off the area. What if they tried to cover up whatever had just happened? Out here in the middle of nowhere, it was possible that no one else had seen. Without news coverage, how would he ever know what had happened? His curiosity would remain unfulfilled.

It was this curiosity that lead him to his decision.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 2:24 AM

He wouldn't put himself in any danger, oh no. He just wanted to get close enough to see what had fallen out of the sky practically right into his backyard. Once he had gotten a good look at whatever it was, then he would call the police. There was no reason why anybody had to know that he hadn't called right away. He would still be doing the right thing. Eventually.

Grabbing a light jacket, Cory slipped his arms into the sleeves and zipped it up. He didn't want to bother lacing his shoes, so he grabbed a pair of boots that were a bit too large for him, slipping his socked feet inside and then hurrying out the door.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 2:31 AM

He couldn't see the object that had fallen, but he could see the path that it had left. The dirt and grass was disturbed, as if nothing large and heavy had torn across the ground. It looked as if the thing had been heading straight towards his home... yet there had been no collision?

Confused, Cory began walking around the side of his house. It was then that he spotted it. The metal object looked like it could have come straight out of a science fiction comic book. It was glowing, and making a soft humming noise that somehow made the ground feel as if it were pulsing. There were several thick plumes of smoke, coming from small fires along it's surface.

Suddenly, a panel began to lower, and a figure appeared, silhouetted by the flames behind him.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 2:36 AM

Cory would have screamed, but his mouth was suddenly dry and his throat felt tight. He gasped, stumbling backwards a couple of steps. His hands shook, and he felt as if he were about to faint.

Then, he noticed something odd. The figure was moving erratically, staggering down the metal ramp. Right as he neared the ground below, his legs gave out. He tumbled forwards, falling facedown in the dirt. After that, he didn't move.

Instincts kicking in, Cory sprinted towards the figure. The person may have been dangerous, but they were also injured. And Cory would never forgive himself if he didn't try to help someone who needed it.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 6:12 PM

Kneeling beside the fallen figure, the first thing that Cory did was check for signs of life. Two fingers pressed against the person's neck revealed a pulse, strong and steady. That was definitely a good sign, and it gave the man the courage he needed to attempt moving the injured person.

As gently as he could, Cory rolled the person over so that their face was no longer in the dirt. It was hard to make out any features in the dim lighting, but if he had to guess, he would say that the person was a man. Nothing about him looked too out of the ordinary... but then again, it was too dark to really be sure about that.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 6:16 PM

Luckily, the 'spaceship' - Cory assumed that this was what the metal object was - appeared to have an automatic system for putting out fires. Clouds of puffy white foam began spraying out over the flames, stifling them before they could spread. The situation still wasn't ideal, but at least Cory wouldn't have to worry about his yard or house catching fire.

He still had no clue what he should do in this sort of situation. Moving the person didn't seem like a good idea, since it could potentially make any injuries worse. Besides, Cory wasn't necessarily the strongest person, and he wasn't confidant in his ability to lift another man.

"Hey," he lightly patted the person's cheek. "Can you hear me? Should I call for an ambulance?"

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 7:54 PM

When the man's eyes opened, Cory jumped back in surprise. While one of the eyes appeared to be darkly colored with no visible sclera, the other glowed slightly, an unnatural neon green color. Both eyes narrowed as they focused on Cory.

"nnam stet tðadêle aahih?"

The words were completely foreign, the voice unlike any he had heard before. It was impossible for Cory to describe the sound. He simply stared, wide-eyed, as the person continued trying to communicate, getting more and more frustrated each time his attempts ended in failure. Backing away slowly, he began to think that he would have been better off just calling the authorities from the beginning.

"I... I don't know what you're saying," Cory said. "Is that even a language?"

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 7:59 PM

Xen was about ready to pull his hair out, he was so frustrated. Every muscle in his body hurt, he was seeing spots in front of his eyes, and his head was spinning. But to make matters worse, there was a stranger hovering nearby, speaking in an odd language that he didn't recognize.

Then, he remembered the mod he had installed before leaving his home planet. A flick of his wrist brought up an ethereal keyboard that only he would be able to see. He typed rapidly, inputting the command.

Detecting language... language unrecognized. Attempting translation... attempting translation... attempting translation... translation complete.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 8:03 PM

"...a language?"

The mod managed to translate the end of the native's sentence in real time. Xen let out a soft sigh of relief as he stood, happy that he would finally be able to communicate. Now all he had to do was explain why he had crash landed, and hope that he wasn't about to be imprisoned. Or worse.

"Can you understand me?" he asked, checking to see that the mod was also able to translate his own speech.

The native's eyes widened and he nodded. "Yes! Yes, I understand you." He took a timid step forwards, leaning in towards Xen. "Who are you? And what is... that?" he pointed towards the wrecked ship.

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 8:06 PM

"My name is Xen," the alien replied. "I hail from the planet ðaiðitk. That is my spaceship. Or at least, it was. I doubt that it's usable now." Pressing two fingers to the spot between his eyes, he groaned. "They're gonna kill me when they catch me." After a moment, he looked up at the human, curious. "So what do I call you, native?"

"Oh, uh... I'm Cory," the other man responded. He seemed to be having trouble speaking. He had already guessed that this person was an alien, but the confirmation was still shocking and somewhat terrifying. "You aren't here to cause any trouble, are you?"

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 9:47 PM

"Of course no-" As Xen attempted to speak, he suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. Eyelids fluttering, he reached out blindly for something to steady himself. What he found was Cory, who wrapped his arms around the alien and held him up.

"Sorry," the man began apologizing. "You've just been through a horrible trauma, and you obviously aren't in good shape, and here I am making you stand out here instead of getting you help! Come on, I'll get you inside and then we can call for help. Although..." he suddenly froze, concerned. "I have a feeling the police will want to check this out. Or possibly the military. I don't think they'll be super chill about an alien crash landing here on Evelon."

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Re: Alien Attraction [Hunt/Self/M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2020 9:51 PM

Xen shook his head, an action he immediately regretted upon feeling the resulting nausea. "No, no, please! You can't let them take me away." He may not have been from... Evelon, was it? But he had been taught from a young age that space travel was dangerous, mostly because the natives of other planets could become quite hostile when meeting other species. There had been pictures of frightening creatures, armored and carrying weapons, attacking the poor person who had landed on their planet.

"Look," as he spoke, he gripped Cory's shoulders, partially to grab his attention and partially to keep himself from falling. "I don't mean you or anyone else any harm. All I wanted was to get away from my home planet. Consider me like a refugee. You know what that is, right?"

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