Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 5:51 PM

Lotus had dreamed of this day since she had been thrown from her own coven after completing all the steps to becoming a high witch. Certainly, she didn't do it the way they had wanted her to, but she had completed the steps. It shouldn't have mattered what other measures she had taken to come out on top. She should have been rewarded upon completion, but instead she was banished and tossed away like garbage. Now, she would rise from the ashes along with a few others thrown away and prove her worth to them all.
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 5:54 PM

Lotus had spent years training under witches and learning how to harness her magic. She had gotten pretty good at it too, but not good enough to join their ranks. One high witch had whispered in her ear. She had given Lotus a key to achieving the one thing she wanted. What Lotus hadn't known is that the bar was meant to be to high for the learning witches. The test was to measure loyalty and honesty, not skill. Lotus had failed the biggest test of all by trusting one of her own. It didn't seem fair at all.
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 5:57 PM

She was the only one who failed the real test that day. Everyone else tried their best and although the failed the trial they passed the test. That day, was the day that Lotus was cast aside. She was told until she could prove her loyalty and honesty she could not join in their ranks. The thing was that she was loyal. Had the other training witches had the same relationship with the witch that performed the real test they would have failed as well.
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 5:59 PM

"Welcome," said Lotus. "You here today because I've spotted something special within you. You will train and perform in trials to become the best you. I promise you honesty and a place among me, becoming members of my coven. You will have a place here."

She looked to the three standing before her.

"You will not be cast out. You have found your home."
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 6:02 PM

Eden had heard this same speech a week ago when she was recruited, but this place looked anything like home. The tile was hard and the walls were mostly bare. The building was new and she could still smell the fresh coat of paint drying. This was not her home. At least, not yet. The one redeeming quality was the little fenced in piece of earth outside of the building. An overgrown garden was the perfect place to practice her skills. She would have it thriving in no time.
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 6:06 PM

Aurora looked to her left and right. There stood one other student on either side of her. She had never before heard of a coven so small.

"When is everyone else going to be here?" she asked.

"We are a small family," replied Lotus, "but that will make for a stronger and closer one I assure you."

"Oh," said Aurora, her eyes shifting to the ground, embarrassed.

"Your questions are welcome and encouraged," said Lotus. "Do not feel shame for expressing them. I'm here to train you, not belittle you."
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 6:11 PM

Delilah wasn't here for what her abilities could do. In fact, it was quite the opposite. From the moment she walked in the room she knew that Aurora desired a place to fit in and Eden wanted to grow beautiful things. What she wasn't able to tell was what Lotus desired. She had never before been met with nothingness when applying her skills.

"Why don't my powers work on you?" asked Delilah.

"It's a small mental block," replied Lotus. "I will be teaching all of you that nifty trick soon."

"W-what powers would you be trying to use on Lotus?" asked Aurora, clearly nervous.

Delilah laughed, "only the one I've already used on you. No worries though hon, I think you will fit in here nicely."
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 6:14 PM

"You...you!" Aurora spit, her fear turning quickly to anger. "You've been inside my head! Stay out of my thoughts!"

"Have you been in mine too?" asked Eden, a blush rising to her face. She hadn't wanted anyone to notice her obvious unease about this situation.

"I don't read thoughts, I dabble in desires," said Delilah, the smile never leaving her face.

"And she WON'T be doing that again," said Lotus. "At least, not without your permission."
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 6:17 PM

"I will try not too," said Delilah.

Lotus' expression went sour. She had stated a simple rule and Delilah was already threatening to break it.

"I mean that Lotus. I will try," said Delilah. "It just- well, sometime the desire speak to me. I don't ask for them. It's not always a pleasant gift."

Lotus' expression softened, "I see. I believe in time I can help you with that as well. No need to crowd your mind with unwanted information."
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 6:20 PM

Delilah felt as if she had just been given a gift. Stop the voices? Could Lotus really teach her that skill? Desires were fleeting thoughts and some of them dark. Being around her parents was especially tough. Most their desires were pure, but every once in a while a nasty little one would slip out and Delilah would hear it. Her mother wished she hadn't ever been pregnant. That desire lasted only a moment and was quickly replaced with love for her child, but she had still desired it. Even if it was only for a brief moment.
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 6:23 PM

Perhaps if Delilah could learn that little skill, she could go home. She wouldn't have to hear father's desires to not work so hard. He provided for their little family and there were days he hated it. On those nights his desires were dark, wishing he didn't have a family he had to provide for. Before going to work, his desire were always to spend more time with his family, but work put a darkness over his heart. Delilah's desire in these times were for silence. She didn't wish to know her family's dark desires.
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/11/2020 6:25 PM

It wasn't all bad for Delilah when she was home. She was named one of the best gift givers. Desires could easily be prompted. If she were to ask her mother what she wanted as a gift desires would flood out. Though, her mother would say something sweet like spending time with her, the desires of physical gifts would come out in whispers too. It made for easy gift-giving.
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/12/2020 12:01 AM

Moss sprouted all around Eden as she glanced around nervously, hoping no one would notice.

"Cool!" said Aurora pointing to Eden's feet.

"What the-" started Delilah.

"Surely you can think of a better way to show surprise than to curse Delilah," said Lotus. "You all have abilities and they are something to be proud of. You will not hear a harsh word from me because of what you cannot control. It is my job to teach you control. Until then, this is what we will be dealing with."

"I'm not pulling weeds!" shouted Delilah.

"You will if I tell you to," replied Lotus, "or you will leave. Am I understood?"

Delilah didn't bother to reply.

"Girls, please get your rooms together. Decorate as you will. Then, you are free to explore the grounds as you please. Training will start tomorrow. Delilah, please do clean up the moss before going upstairs."
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/12/2020 12:05 AM

"Please," said a figure emerging from the stairs. "It's my job to do the cleaning around here and it's their first day Lotus. Let them go be girls!"

"Nanny, it is a lesson to be learned and not a chore to be done," said Lotus.

"You just said training starts tomorrow," said Nanny. "Might I suggest keeping your word? Delilah will remember the consequence of unkind words regardless. Won't you 'Lila?"

Delilah wanted to argue. She didn't know who this was and she wasn't happy about someone lurking and listening to the conversation. Still, she didn't want to clean so she politely nodded her head.
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Re: Witchy Business [Self]

Postby amanda784 » 12/12/2020 12:07 AM

"I'm Nanny and I'm very pleased to meet you girls. Although I don't share in abilities like you I like to think I have my own kind of magic. I will be keeping the grounds and taking care of you."

"Could we call you by your first name?" asked Eden.

"Of course," said Nanny. "My first name is Nanny. Fitting, isn't it? I was born and trained for a position like this one and it's the only name I have ever known."
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