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[HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 02/20/2020 3:49 PM


The incubus stretches across the lounge couch lazily, exposing his broad chest and freckled navel. From inside the seedy club dance music blares in stereo and the patrons laze about. The collection of miscellaneous creatures that make up the bar are of a unsavory nature and best not disturbed by humans.

Sommer flicks his eyes to the front door as a newcomer enters and grins lustily at the man who enters.

"About time you join us here, Sedimus. I was beginning to think you thought yourself above us."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 02/20/2020 3:53 PM


Sedimus looks up at the incubus and frowns severely. He never cared for Sommer. The beast was always on him about how Sedimus must believe himself higher than the rest of the incubi and succubi. In reality Sedimus just hated to be reminded he was no longer free and had no choice in his life anymore.

"Ah yes, well you see I merely was waiting for the right moment to grace you with my presence," he cooed sickeningly sweet.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 02/20/2020 3:57 PM

Sommer only grinned in response before getting up from the couch and approached Sedimus. The half naked beast made a point to look Sedimus directly in the eyes before kissing him savagely.

"Remember your place, dear one," Sommer shot back just as sickly sweet.

Sedimus scowled and wiped his mouth on his sleeve before flicking his hand to rid himself of the imagined dirt.

"I see you still have no taste in mouthwash."

Sommer cackled harshly and grabbed Sedimus by the waist before moving him over to the lounge couch.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 02/20/2020 4:01 PM

"Stay a while, Sedimus. Stop your fussing for once and just relax. Let me help you unwind."

He deposited Sedimus on the couch before sitting next to him and slinging an arm around his shoulder possessively. Sedimus had no choice but to stay put. To challenge the higher ranking incubus would be stupid at best and suicidal at worst.

Sommer begin to massage Sedimus' shoulder and hummed appreciatively at Sedimus' lack of resistance.

He looked up at a bar maid and motioned her over.

"Bring us two drinks. Hard. My usual."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 02/20/2020 4:05 PM

Sedimus wrinkled his nose at the thought of being forced to drink whatever hell concoction Sommer had as his 'usual'.

Sommer leaned into Sedimus and whispered into his ear.

"Relax, boy. I don't plan on bedding you tonight. I merely intend to get you to let go of your...inhibitions."

He licked the shell of Sedimus' ear and sniggered before mouthing at his throat as he continued to rub his shoulder. Sedimus repressed a shudder of revulsion. To think he used to enjoy such activities in his past life. But that seemed to be a million years ago now. Now he was a beast who put out simply to survive in a cutthroat industry of hell.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 02/20/2020 11:19 PM

Sedimus tried to not let Sommer affect him. The beast was a known abuser and rapist; one that used his rank to the fullest to get what he wanted. If he just played indifferent it was likely he would be able to go back to his job relatively unharmed. Just stay quiet and let the sicko do what he wanted. It was easier that way, though no less violating.

Soon the woman had returned with their drinks. Sommer detached himself from Sedimus' neck and accepted the drink with a grin.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 02/20/2020 11:23 PM

"Thanks, doll."

Sedimus accepted his drink with a small knowing smile at the bar maid who smiled back at him before leaving them alone. Sedimus grimaced as he sniffed the offending drink before taking a sip. He nearly gagged and tried to not show his utter distaste.

Sommer merely laughed at him as he downed the drink in one go.

"Stop pussy footing, Sed. Just down it."

With a scowl he forced the drink down, then set the glass down on a nearby table.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 03/10/2020 10:37 PM

Sedimus tried not to vomit the offending drink back up. Clearly it was pure alcohol with bitter herbs. He never could stomach anything bitter.

"So tell me, Sed, how are you liking your duties?"

Sommer grinned slyly as he moved a hand down to grip Sedimus' thigh.

Sedimus put his best bored expression and rolled his eyes.

"To be entirely honest, it's gotten boring to me."

Sommer tsked and pat his thigh roughly.

"We'll just have to teach you a more fun way to go about it then."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 03/11/2020 1:32 PM

"Oh?" Sedimus raised an eyebrow but kept the same bored expression.

"Oh yes. I can think of many ways to educate you," Sommer licked his lips and squeezed Sedimus' thigh tightly.

Sedimus looked down at Sommer's hand with disinterest and yawned.

Truly this was going to be an awful night, but if he played his cards right he might avoid sleeping with this vile beast.

"Tell me, Sommer, why so interested in me? I'm hardly worth your time or effort. I'm just a lowly slave after all."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 03/11/2020 10:02 PM

Sommer laughed and leaned in close to Sedimus and grinned maliciously.

"Because you're not one of us yet. I can smell the humanity on you and it makes me sick."

Sedimus startled and flinched away from Sommer who only laughed more and hooked his arm back around him and pulled him into a rough kiss. Sedimus struggled against it and tried to squirm away but Sommer latched onto him.

Sedimus sent a silent prayer that someone, anyone, would come save him.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 03/11/2020 10:10 PM

That someone, apparently, was one faerie who had conveniently known Sedimus before his descent to hell.

"Leave the poor sod alone. Guy looks like 'e's gonna piss 'emself."

Sommer ripped himself away from Sedimus to snarl at the faerie who only grinned in response.

"Mind your own business, fae."

"Nah, looks like it'd be more fun tae bother you. Sedimus? Why don' we go somewhere else? Somewhere with less rapey bastards."

Sedimus swallowed and stood over and went over to the fae, not wanting to really spend a single moment longer with Sommer. And honestly he be far safer with Ceres. Not even demons messed with fae folk.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: [HUNT][Self] Wilted Roses and Withered Hearts

Postby Kylo » 03/11/2020 10:26 PM

Ceres took Sedimus' hand and lead him out of the bar and through the winding streets until they reached a small bookstore far away.

"Ceres, thank the gods you were there. I really thought he was going to...just thank you."

Ceres smiled and squeezed Sedimus' hand.

"Don' mention it. Now come sit in the corner while I hop back behind the counter an' get ye a nice cup of tea."

Sedimus smiled slightly and took a seat while waiting for his friend. He couldn't be happier to finally be away from Sommer.
[Wild Pet Found]

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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