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RP Central [Casual/Lifemate]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/10/2019 12:51 AM

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Hello all. I am putting up a random selection (literally with a randomizer) of my characters under two different categories: Casual and Lifemate, which are pretty self-explanatory. Of course, you can still ask for a general rp with anyone in the 'lifemate' section. I will have 3 in each, which I will switch out every couple weeks or so. You can either post here, pm me, or dm me, whatever works best for you.

You can also look through my pen, at the right end of the list of links above, if you want.

Casual Roleplay

Werewolf | Perceptive | Loyal

Gender: Male
Preferred Form: Human, but not restricted to that
Orientation: [Open]
RP location: Anywhere

History: Located here.
Character: Thorn is the lead female of her werewolf Pack, as their Alpha male has no partner. Leadership comes easily to her and she has no difficulty in handling her role in the pack. She is not the strongest, or the biggest, but she is quick and intelligent. Although she is young and cannot control her abilities as well as the others, they still respect her immensely. Thorn hears and sees everything and thinks things through before she says anything. This can make her seem quiet, maybe even shy, but don't be fooled. When she does speak, it is with great authority and confidence. Still, what Thorn is best known for is her incredible loyalty. She would do anything for the members of her pack, though she stands with Rasii before all else.

Transcendent | Gentle | Motherly

Gender: Female
Preferred Form: Literally anything
Orientation: [N/A]
RP location: Anywhere

Character: Space, a female entity, is the root of her many forms. She is sometimes old and sometimes young, reflecting her whims more than her nature. She is a gentle soul, who enjoys the unique traits and emotions of her 'children', the living beings who live within her realms. She does not exist in all time at once, and therefore has a fascinated kind of fondness for short-lived mortals. Their dreams and goals inspire her, their difficulties and frustrations amuse her, and their progress and achievements astound her. She pays only moderate attention to the long-lived and the immortals, favouring the younger beings whom she can bestow motherly love upon. Her husband is her truest companion, as Time the only other being whom she feels can walk alongside her and at times remind her of her greater existence.

Storm Spirit | Wild | Sadistic streak

Gender: Female
Preferred Form: Any
Orientation: Pan, probably (In a gay relationship)
RP location: Preferably sea/coast

Character: Arabex is a rather feisty storm spirit. Basically, she's a living thunderstorm who was born inland but discovered that the oceans are ideal conditions to create bigger and worse storms. Not only that, but she gets a kick out of tormenting sailors. Yeah, Bex loves to torment people, and it helps that no one can touch her - and if anyone makes her mad she can just smite them. Apart from this...flaw, Bex is energetic, wild, and a truly free spirit, as is typical of both air and air-type spirits like herself. No one could possibly rein her in, not even her lover. There is a complicated story surrounding her interactions with the half-sea-spirit (and sailor) Piper that resulted in the two of them falling in love. They even have some children (don't ask about the logistics of that).

Lifemate Search

Powered | Timid | Misfortunate

Gender: Male
Preferred Form: Any
Orientation: Gay

Character: Poor Lance has had one bad run after another through his life. He eventually ended up in the circus, doing tasks and basic stunts to assist the main performers. He's the primary support for Paladin, an acrobat. However, Lance also has a gift - one of the main causes of misfortune in his life. This gift is the ability to remove or warp specific memories when he makes physical contact with people. His control is not very good, he sometimes winds up distorting memories if he's not paying attention. Therefore, he keeps most of his skin safely covered. That being said, though his main job seems to be with the circus, he got basically threatened by Paladin into covering the man's tracks as a thief. After everything that has happened to him (and is still happening), Lance is a rather timid young man who tries his best to disappear into the background and not tread on any toes. He'll do literally anything to prevent others from getting upset with him.
Additional Note: Lance is the minimum age of consent, as his situation with Paladin is M rated. He is subject to abuse from him, including sexual.

Passive | Easily embarrassed | Introvert
Strong-willed | Mature | Extrovert

Gender: Male or Female (Genderfluid, in a way)
Preferred Form: Human
Orientation: Both like men

Character: Noah and Noelle are twins who, apart from their genders, are identical. That, and they share the same body. You heard me right, they're the same physical person. For some reason, when one sleeps, sometimes they wake up as the other. They share memories, complete with thoughts and feelings, though they feel detached from them - like watching a movie. Noelle is a quite vibrant but mature woman. With a strong personality, she dominates pretty much every social situation, probably even when she shouldn't. Noah, on the other hand, is rather quiet and softspoken. He's not shy really, just more comfortable letting others have the spotlight. He does get embarrassed easily, however. Neither of them actually tell others about the whole sharing bodies thing, and very few people find out why they never see Noah and Noelle in the same place at the same time. They don't know how it works either, or why it happened in the first place, since they were found abandoned as a baby and raised in a (thankfully) decent and understanding foster home.
Note: I am very much open to adapting their history and current lifestyle to something more dramatic for a story's sake.

Spoiled | Wealthy | Needy

Gender: Female
Preferred Form: Human
Orientation: Straight

Character: The lone heiress of a rich family, Kisaki tends to act really stuck up. However, despite being spoiled materialistically, she never got much attention and longs for it. Not that her pride would let her admit it. So she tries to buy love, both friendships and relationships, just to get the attention she wants. After a fight with her equally stuck-up mother and businessman father, she took off to live on her own. She had secretly been putting some of her monthly allowance into her own account since she was small, so she doesn't fear being cut off from her family wealth. So far, though, that hasn't happened. So still she goes around, seducing guys wherever she wanders, and throwing money at those who try to reject her. Secretly though, deep down, she just wants to be loved.
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Jaden Wolf
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Re: RP Central [Casual/Lifemate]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/10/2019 1:58 AM

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Re: RP Central [Casual/Lifemate]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 11/05/2020 5:19 PM


Last bumped by Jaden Wolf on 11/05/2020 5:19 PM.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Jaden Wolf
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