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Experimenting with Mechanical Life

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 11:58 AM

Daleat Phragmynt

Daleat had always had an obsession with erasing the unnecessary in life. He believed that anything that wasn't useful to him should just be deleted, even if it was another human life. Killing came easy to him since he felt merely as if he was cleansing the earth. His life style caught up to him one day and he was forced in to the form of a Fellox, beings sentenced to a life of repentance. Daleat still believes that the useless should be discarded, but he is stuck creating life instead. At the lab he works for, Daleat has been given the job of trying to bring robotic beings to life, actually giving them souls of their own. Most of his creations simply annoy him and he wishes he could wipe them out with the push of one button. Of course, the higher ups won't let him get rid of them and he just has to put up with them.


One of Daleat's earlier creations, Amau is probably one of his least hated ones as well. On a daily basis, the Velix is usually content to just sit next to Daleat's desk with his face pointed to the sky, mouth hinged wide open and waiting for any trash to just be flung his way. Who wouldn't love just sitting around and being fed throughout the day? Sometimes, being the little glutton he is, he tries to find a few extra snacks and makes the mistake of eating papers, metals, or other such things that Daleat still needed. Were it not for this little tendency he would be a beloved assistant.


Though Kutas tries to be helpful, he's useless to Daleat. Any files saved on him become corrupted, as if he has some internal virus that Daleat is unable to get rid of. Because of this virus, he is also always crashing. One moment he will be working and the next screws and other bits will start coming loose and falling off of him so that Daleat will have to reconstruct him often. The poor little guy does do everything he can to please him though.


Tired of Kutas breaking down upon hooking up to the computer or losing files to the virus within him corrupting them, Daleat made another Maus to be able to keep his files on. Unlike Kutas, she works perfectly fine. Possibly she works a bit too well, as Daleat is always stuffing her with information. Now days she often blocks him from being able to access his files, as she is tired of being used and doesn't understand why Kutas can't help out with any of the filing at all. Needless to say she's often been thrown at walls in anger when Daleat can't access his needed files.

-Need to find recorder image-
Voys Mael

Voys was clearly a big mistake and Daleat realized that very quickly. He wanted a creature that would be able to handle messages left for him by other lab workers. He did manage to do that, but it also does much more. Voys will gladly listen to any message you have and won't stop you from going in to detail. In fact, the more of your voice it hears, the happier it will be. The moment you are gone though, don't expect that the same message will get across to Daleat. Voys, though it is just a simple recorder has a personality all its own and also has the ability to replicate the voice of any person who has left a message with it. Because of this, Daleat finds himself spending hours trying to find out who came to visit him and what they really wanted with him.
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A Realm all my Own

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:07 PM


The only thing that Oimohe seems to truly love is doing harm to others. Most times he does not physically do it himself, but instead uses one of his 'puppets', his 'tools'. The creatures that reside under him are all at his command, even if some don't seem to be so willing as others and some have quite vivid opinions about what they are doing. We don't believe he wants to 'rule the world'. He's quite content with this little... realm that he resides in. Still, it is quite odd the lengths of which he will go to cause trouble on Evelon. He's even tried to bring down the Mardes Shrine, and likely would have done so had it not been for a few brave souls.


Nthav is pure darkness. Merely a shadow able to take on form. To be exact, it is Oimohe's shadow and apparently his connection between his realm and Evelon. While around Evelon, Nthav must stay connected to Oi or maintain the portal to their realm. While on Evelon its powers are limited to whatever Oimohe can shape it in to, but while within their own realm he may disconnect completely and roam freely. It is here that Nthav may take on any form. It can often times be found sleeping in a little pot.


At some point in time, the souls of those killed by Oimohe became unable to cross over. It is unknown as to exactly why this happened, but the souls began to pool together, as if becoming part of a collection. Over time, they formed a being much like Nthav, although rarely does the creature bother to show itself. The pot that they pool together in rests next to Nthav's, as if to make sure it can not escape.


When it came to his tribe, very few ever liked him. It was the head of the tribe's daughter that showed him kindness though and he fell for. Despite all he did, he was unable to save her from sickness that slowly took away her life. After she was gone, no one cared that he was alive and he was in fact soon cast out from their group, saying that he was the cause of her death. Alone and distrusting of anything that moved, Taxikoth roamed the lands for a while until pursued to become a part of Oimohe's little group of sorts. It was then that he continued with experiments, and there that one went horribly wrong. It was through this that his arm was mutated as well as he has lost the ability to see through his right eye. He hates his arm with a passion, for it seems to drain the life from anything that it touches. It is because of this that he often times tries to keep it in bindings, which doesn't last long as it is a living being all on its own.


Daughter to the leader of her tribe, Amiah looked upon most of the other Shimin with a cold heart. Who did they think they were, to shun one of their own kind only because he looked different, when she looked different as well? The only one of the other Shimin that she did not dislike was Taxikoth, the one they all seemed to hate. He made her smile. Told her what things were when others like her father would rather she just sit inside 'looking pretty'. It was from him that her love of herbs and medicine grew, seeing as how everything she knows she learned from him. She had an odd love of the snow as well.


Loyal to only Oimohe, Eivr will stop at nothing if it is to make him happy. If anyone makes a request of her she might do it, but only if she knows it will help the Moonling in some shape or form. She's indirectly been the cause of a good few deaths, holding those in Oimohe's ranks to the standard that no one is to gain friends or fall in love unless they wish to see those loved ones put to rest. It is believed that she used to be involved in some medical field as she has vast knowledge of medicines and how to use them to kill. That said, she is also great at providing poisons as well. While she would prefer to take on her battles in a more sneaky way, the Symona can wield flames as well.


Were it not for her 'mother', Aetou would be a relatively calm, normal being. Of course, nothing growing up in this realm, especially being raised by Eivr of all beings, can hope to be 'normal'. Most of the time she can be found either hiding in Taxikoth's lab or lurking within the shadows, head phones covering her ears and blaring music. She uses the music to drown out Eivr's calls, trying to keep away from the crazy woman. She's one of the only females that Eivr isn't a 'threat' to, but that's only because the poor dear has already lived her whole life fearing what she'll be made to do next. More a tool than a daughter, Aetou talks to almost no one and would prefer to just be seen as a drop of water in a pond.


The youngest Kirund ever seen roaming the lands, this little guy is rarely seen away from Oimohe's side. By far worse than any shadow could ever be, this mutt comes with a bite. He has no real name but is called Runt by most just for the pure reason that he's much smaller than all of the others at the current time. He appears to be roughly the size of a large dog, compared to the rest that easily tower over a man.


Living, breathing, sleeping, talking... computer. Vnae, while appearing to be of flesh and blood save for a few armor like mechanical pieces, is truly a living computer when you boil it all down. At first Taxikoth kept him around the lab as a 'housemaid' of sorts, until a rather useful trait of his was discovered. Through some sort of his programming, Vnae is able to often hack in to people's minds. Taxikoth hasn't quite figured out what it is in his programming that makes him able to do such, but he has found out that it sometimes fails, as if there is some mental block that a few beings are able to put up. If Oimohe uses one of your deepest, darkest fears against you, don't be surprised if this Cyber Fellox was the one that found it out for him.

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Threats to His Realm

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:12 PM


The Nonaga species may be rumored to be able to do many special things, but for Kizai it isn't merely rumor. Of course, one would have to manage to actually get to know her to manage to find such things out. Most that know her don't even know that she is in fact a Nonaga, though her odd way of speaking should possibly be a bit hint in that direction. Born on Evelon, she lived most of her childhood normally. As she aged, she began to be able to see different dimensions, one interesting one in particular. Because of her ability, she eventually became of interest to the ruler of that dimension and was eventually brought to him from Evelon just as many of the other inhabitants had been. Both this power to see beyond just one dimension and the fact she was beginning to be able to delve in to someone's soul gave her great status with him - practically his right hand 'man' if you wish to see it as so. With her status and power growing over time so did her ego. She was too good to merely work for him in her mind. She could see what he couldn't, toy with people to an extent he could never wish to achieve, and could hold her own in a fight with him if she so wished. Finally, one day when they were on a visit to Evelon, she managed to break her ties with him, though not without force. Since then the two of them have always been on bad terms, and neither will pass up the chance to try to cut the other one down. Kizai finds it rather hard to get her hands on him though, since she can only see his dimension and not travel there herself.


Neyuki and her twin sister were taken under Kizai's care at a relatively young age, noticing their peculiar ability the tell a person their future in a rather round-about way. Were they simple fortune tellers, she would have turned them aside, but there was something special about the way people learned from them. Neither one could look in to some silly crystal orb and claim to know what your future would be. In fact, they don't know what your future will be any sooner than you do. The twins were always obsessed with fortune cookies. Neyuki seemed to always receive a good fortune, no matter where she got the cookie from, while her sister always got something relatively bad. Yukimi could steal her sister's cookie and still somehow manage to get a bad one. Over time, the siblings began to make their own fortune cookies, filling them with blank pieces of paper instead of typed out fortunes. Surely enough, when opened, the siblings each got a fortune that matched them. Now days, working for Kizai, the twins still make these cookies. If you would like to learn something good that will happen in your future, simply purchase a cookie from Neyuki. If you'd like to know the bad well.. you should certainly buy your cookie from Yukimi.


Yukimi and her twin sister were taken under Kizai's care at a relatively young age, noticing their peculiar ability the tell a person their future in a rather round-about way. Were they simple fortune tellers, she would have turned them aside, but there was something special about the way people learned from them. Neither one could look in to some silly crystal orb and claim to know what your future would be. In fact, they don't know what your future will be any sooner than you do. The twins were always obsessed with fortune cookies. Neyuki seemed to always receive a good fortune, no matter where she got the cookie from, while her sister always got something relatively bad. Yukimi could steal her sister's cookie and still somehow manage to get a bad one. Over time, the siblings began to make their own fortune cookies, filling them with blank pieces of paper instead of typed out fortunes. Surely enough, when opened, the siblings each got a fortune that matched them. Now days, working for Kizai, the twins still make these cookies. If you would like to learn something good that will happen in your future, simply purchase a cookie from Neyuki. If you'd like to know the bad well.. you should certainly buy your cookie from Yukimi.

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Displaced by the War

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:23 PM


Having repented for the sins of his past, Idzuna, once known by the name of Reizen, is not bound to just the body of a Temple Fellox or his more human form any more. So long as the animal is of temple origins, Ida may take on the form of it. While he still finds it hard to love, he has settled down for the most part with Denir. Even has a daughter now. Most of the time he seems rather distant these days though... Sort of like he has locked away part of his heart to keep it from getting hurt.


All that really ever mattered for the greatest amount of time in her life was Reizen. She even worked for Oimohe just because of Reizen. Of course, while working for him she was.. a bit more crazy than she is these days. Getting away from his clutches has seemed to mellow her out a good bit. She even accepts now that she can not be the only center of Idzuna's attention, and thus will not try to kill for it anymore. She would still willingly give her life up to save his, and has recently taken a young Peacer Fellox that Otiephu saved during the war under her wing.



Having been separated from her family for some time, the war pulled her even farther from them. She was mistaken for a Purine soldier because of her species and was attacked by many Imperial soldiers. Otiephu took care of that to the best she could, coming near death once again just to make sure the child made it out alive. With a bit of help from Denir who had been passing by, she made it away from there and was soon under her care. She may not have any blood ties to Denir, Idzuna, or Samhain, but she trusts them and loves them like family.


One of the first Elder Kuhnas to appear on Evelon, actually the second right behind her lover, Riri isn't exactly the image of what an Elder should be, much like her beloved Arkaros. While she doesn't have any amazing powers that she has shown yet, she does have quite the mind when it comes to planning traps. Her traps were almost the end of Idzuna out in the Wilt'no Desert. She was also the one, or rather her Ballama was, to give him back the human form that had been taken from him when he was sent down as a Temple Fellox. She hates the Ballama that follows her around, cursing the old mage for ever selling her that odd little potion.


In her past life, Velia fell in love with a mercenary by the name of Reizen. He was known by his companions to be ruthless, yet one day she found him wounded by a stream, unconscious due to blood loss. Though she didn't know much in the way of medicine her house was nearby and she was able to bring bandages to at least cover the wound after washing it. She watched over him, managing to get him to agree to stay at her place for at least a few days while it healed, and eventually began to become attached to the demon. When he left she asked him to visit her any time he could, which he felt obligated to do since she did possibly save his life upon finding him.

During their visitations, Velia grew more fond of him, asking him to stay longer each time. Despite his sometimes icy demeanor, he seemed to be growing fond of her as well, as he usually did stay at her side when she asked him to. This eventually turned in to somewhat of a relationship, with Reizen spending any time he could with her, often being patched up by the caring young woman. Love came at a great cost one day though. For reasons unknown to herself, Velia was attacked by the very person she cared the most about, despite having protected her from attacks from people wanting to kill her to get to him many times. She was left with blood pouring out into the snow from a large gash from her left shoulder to the right side of her hips.

Centuries later, Velia was given a chance to return to the world of the living, of which she took upon being told that Reizen was dead and she would no longer have to worry about him returning to kill her again were he to find out she was alive. After being given her second chance Velia went back to her normal, quiet life, though so many things had changed in the world and for a long while she felt completely out of place. She stayed away from most people, always wearing a trench coat any time she did go out to ensure that her scars were thoroughly hidden away.

Her life of solitude was disrupted one day upon finding another wounded creature within the forest, though this time she knew better than to become too attached. The little Magma Creeper seemed to be suffering greatly from something, yet she could find not a wound on him. This would lead to her meeting with a certain Khimera that the life of the Magma Creeper was bound to. She took them both in, for the second time in her life nursing a powerful creature back to health.

Once the two of them were well, the Magma Creeper convinced her to travel across the world with them. She was unable to refuse the peppy little guy, as despite her tries she had become attached to the two of them. The three of them also ran in to a Fellox one day that seemed strangely interested in her, as if it were a stray pup that found someone to cling to and call his owner. Their little group traveled a lot, meeting many people along the way. During one such travel the group visited the Wilt'no Desert, told that they would be able to find treasure out there if they found one of the hidden temples.

Velia's life was upturned during the Wilt'no trip after finding out that the Fellox that she had named Idzuna was actually Reizen, bound to the form of an animal. It was shortly after this that the Imperial and Purine war started, which she and her companions were caught up in. During the war she was kidnapped at the Mardes Shrine and saved by her companions, including Reizen, from another dimension that had somehow become connected to Evelon. It was in this dimension that she came upon yet another companion, a young Kuhna that follows her everywhere. Despite all the chaos she has been through, Velia continues to try to live as normal of a life as she can with her traveling companions. She tries to put the past behind her and let Reizen live life the way he wants, away from her.


Already the size of a fully grown Kuhna even though she's still only a child, Yavena isn't exactly a normal Kuhna. She was found within Oimohe's realm when Velia was being held captive there. The Ociame, unlike the other creatures there, seemed to only want to live in peace. Yavena is curious about everything in this new world she has found herself in and is quite eager to check everything out.


There are many things that distance Otiephu from the normal Khimera. She is quite a bit larger, carries around a plush toy with her wherever she goes, and is bound to a rather peppy Magma Creeper. Both species on their own would look like something you wouldn't want to near, but these two seem like they are the happiness of one another. In truth, Otiephu herself isn't a very friendly creature. Can't even speak the human tongue. Talbot makes up for that though as he jabbers away, answering for the both of them. Otiephu also has a fondness for Lady Sa'ouna.


Magma Creeper.. Nasty little thing, yes? Actually, far from it. Talbot, name included, wouldn't be someone you would expect to be a chipper being, but he's in fact the bright side of the little duo. He makes up for Otiephu's lack of being able to speak the human tongue, as he himself rarely hushes. He certainly makes a good friend.
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A Cursed Family

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:27 PM


One of many children born of noble blood, Destiny would within the first eight years of her life become the end of her bloodline, or so she believes. Her life was simple, being so far down the line to succession. While she did have lessons for growing up to be a proper young lady for her family to some day hand over to some young nobleman, most of her days were allowed to be spent as she pleased, typically either at the side of her mother or her eldest brother. From her mother she learned a talent for healing others, the likes of which she later on abandoned when she could no longer study under her mother. Meanwhile, her days with her brother were spent as any child should spend their younger years, playing games outdoors and adventuring about the woods and the castle.

At the age of eight, the vixen's world was upturned when her family's castle fell under attack. Confused and frightened, it was all she could do to cling to Draiz's side, trying to push aside the visions of her family falling before her, the screams echoing through the air. They were the only two of their family left when Destiny felt her brother give her a shove through a small open door before thrusting something in to her hands. He wrapped the child's hands about the object, a sword in its sheath, kissed her on the forehead, told her to run for the forest, and then closed the door behind her. At first she just stood by the closed door, as if waiting for her brother, until she heard more screams.

Getting through the secret exit and out to the forest was no easy task for the child, especially dragging the sword, which for her was quite heavy, the entire way. Still, she eventually made it out and in to the forest. Were anyone to pursue her, she would be almost impossible to find there, granted that meant that she herself would probably be lost for quite some time. It was during her first few hours in the forest that she was found by a raven demon,  who was a few years older than herself and lived on his own due to the loss of his family some years ago.

Life was relatively peaceful for the two of them as they lived together in the forest, doing what they could to get by on their own. There were hard times as well as times that neither would have wished for something better to happen. Reason unknown to her though, Kurosuist one day turned on the vixen and began working for the very demon who slaughtered her family, trying to finish the job for him. She managed to escape him during what seemed to be a moment of doubt, but not until after he had painstakingly etched a feather on her back with a blade laced with a poison meant to keep the wound from ever properly healing. The scar will always be a reminder to be careful of who she trusts.

Her future would not be without a companion though. After being on the run from both R'cai and Kurosuist for over a year, Destiny found herself taking shelter in Basantha Shrine one night, where a faitful encounter would leave her with a forever faithful companion at her side. Having come across a Hunter who wanted to be free from the shrine, Destiny willingly gave up the ability to grow, in doing so impairing her ability to heal. For some time this caused her to often fall sick, a few times almost dying from blood loss or some illness that her body could not fend off well enough. This too was resolved by bonding, in a way, to yet another creature. She and Rak'kal visited Basantha Shrine, during which they came across a Quiksylph. In return for extending its life, the Quiksylph said it would give back something which was lost, reviving her ability to grow.

Every day she lives with the fear of being attacked by either R'cai or Kurosuist yet again. She knows she does not have the strength to fend off the dragon demon, and has the scars to prove it, while she is unable to bring herself to kill her childhood friend. Destiny is left with no other choice than to not allow herself to get too attached to any person or place, constantly moving from place to place to try to throw off her hunters.


Though born within the walls of the crystal cities hidden away in Craiss Caverns, Rak'kal was very young when his family was forced to leave. So young that he doesn't even remember what exactly it was that caused the migration of the Hunters away from their glorious home. Almost every memory he can recall, aside from a very few obscure ones, has been of a life bound to the halls of the Basantha Shrine, unable to leave and see the world outside. He was raised to accept their fate, to believe that he and the others were not meant to ever be able to leave, despite knowing that the curse could be broken if someone were willing to sacrifice a great deal for him.

Eventually, it seemed as though all of a sudden freeing a Hunter from Basantha just became the most popular thing to do, as he happened upon a rowdy group seeming to be seeking for one of his kind. He tried his best to avoid them at first by sitting in silence, listening to them converse. The thought of leaving the shrine became more and more tempting until finally he stepped forth to them. It was explained just what it meant for him to leave the shrine and just how much one of them would have to give up in order to make that possible. It was something that he would never truly wish upon any of them, but they all seemed so eager to be able to perform this act of... charity if one were to call it such.

After some talk between them, one girl stepped forth to become his savior, putting herself through the pain of removing the curse from him and giving up something important to her very being. Indebted to her for freeing him, Rak'kal vowed to stay at her side even if the bond between them were some day severed. Though he is usually very somber and possibly even considered slightly pessimistic, spending his days with the vixen give him great joy that he is unable to express well.


As the first son of a lord, Draiz was raised to be a proper young man, as well as conditioned to some day take the place of his father. He never gave his family any trouble, simply falling in his place as the heir and doing as told by his father. Though he was the heir, he was not the real first born child. His elder sister was kept from claiming the right as was often done when the first child was a female. Though she may have been kept from being the heir, her influence on the actually heir and how we would some day rule was substantial. Draiz looked up to her a great deal, spending what time was not consumed by lessons trotting along after her and pestering her with questions left and right. She was, in his opinion, the only family member that would not judge his actions and questions based on his status. Her thoughts and opinions often became his own, leading to typically docile nature.

When he was twelve years old, Draiz's older sister's life was taken in front of his very eyes by a dragon demon in order to spare his life. He was too young, too unskilled, to be able to face the dragon in her place. There was absolutely nothing the child could but watch as his beloved sibling was gutted before him. True to his word, the demon left Draiz untouched, physically. The mental scars that had been created would never fad as some physical ones did as he was left to take her body back to his family and face the reality of just how helpless he was.

On that day, his views of many things took a sharp turn. His sister had always taught him to never hate anyone just because they came from a certain bloodline or were of a specific species. He had been taught to never fight when conflict could be resolved otherwise. From that day on though, he swore to himself that he would become stronger and would, as vengeance for his sister, slay any dragon within his path, including the one that took her life. No longer did he seek for the companionship of any of his siblings or even play with them when asked. Instead he dedicated himself to his studies, spending any extra time that he could bothering his fighting instructor for more training.

As time moved by, Draiz eventually began taking on the challenge of slaying dragons and bringing their heads back to his father's castle. His quest was only fueled by his father's joy of seeing just how strong his heir was to be able to bring home such kills. Each skull was kept as a trophy, a fang taken from each to be melted in with the components of a sword make especially for him.

One day, a few months after his fifteenth birthday, his parents had another child. He had seen plenty of siblings within his time, but this time things were different. For once he was old enough that his mother handed the child to him a mere few hours after she was born to hold. As he looked at his tiny little sister in his arms, it felt as though something inside him was melting. For three years he had cast away as many feelings as he could, while now that this infant looked at him with her bright blue eyes he felt as though it was his turn to be older sibling that his sister had been for him.

As his youngest sister grew, his urge for vengeance dwindled, though by now he was still often challenged by dragon demons claiming to have lost family to him. He made sure that none of these fights involved Destiny, his sister, and always did his best to help his mother raise her the way his older sister had done for him. He cherished his time with her, finding himself truly happy any time he saw a smile on her face. Happy days would come to an end though after he had angered the wrong demon.

He was twenty-three when his family's castle took a sudden blow from unknown forces. Not expecting the attack, the castle was quickly overtaken and one by one his family members were killed before him, refusing to let him fall to the enemy at the order of his father. Everyone had been told to protect the heir at any cost, which for most meant their life. Unable to accept the fact that he was being pushed out while everyone else was left to die, Draiz felt as though if anyone deserved to be saved it was his little sister, as there was no way she could fight against the demons.

Forcing Destiny to take a hidden passage out of the castle, Draiz stayed behind to make sure that no one followed them and found the passage. He fought as long as he could but eventually fell to the enemy's forces. He was thrown out with all the other bodies, believed to be dead. By some luck, Draiz found himself waking in the small home of an elderly couple who had found him still bleeding and barely breathing and had taken care of him the best they could for over a month before beginning to worry that he would never wake. Though he is unsure as to if it was just a dream or what, Draiz believes that he really did die and was given a second chance, while he was told to repent for the wrongs he had done to the families he ruined.

Nowdays Draiz spends his life traveling in search of his little sister, who he believes is still alive out there somewhere. His past still comes back to haunt him from time to time though, particularly in times that he is upset and his other side, as he likes to call it, is drawn to the surface. He says that it feels as though there is a completely different person in him at times, though really during these periods he simply reverts to his old personality from before Destiny was born, which is often sarcastic, mouthy, and borderline violent even.

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Those that Cursed the Family

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:32 PM

R'cai Araspir

Born in to a wealthy but not particularly high status family of demons, R'cai's childhood was typical of most children. There were family members he loved, while others annoyed him just as any annoying little cousin would. He was not the first child of the family nor the last, so there was nothing special about him, at least in his family's opinion. He was simply the middle child, the one that had to step back and let the oldest take all the glory, while the youngest captured the heart of all the relatives. Growing up, he did his best to stay relatively out of the way of all the others, helping the family only at times that he was truly needed.

Once he was old enough to move out on his own, R'cai left the family's mansion to start a life, and some day family, of his own. He did not have to worry about money matters typically, as his family made sure that even though he was moving on he was not forgotten when it came to financial needs. They even bought his house for him, a two story building with plenty of room for a few children when the time were to come. Eventually he met a beautiful woman one day, in the Slums at that, and was captivated by her beauty, only to be further drawn in at a later time by her personality. He'd never been so taken by a woman, enough so to even put up with the sometimes annoying child that she called her brother.

With his good looks and charming demeanor, he was eventually able to woo her and after a few years even took her to be his wife, sealing their bond by sharing his blood with her to ensure her life would not fade as quickly as a normal human's. They both thought that their love would last forever, content to always be at one another's side. Their first child, a daughter, only strengthened their bond. As the years went by, R'cai's compassion began to wane. He still loved her, but his eyes began to wander to other women while they were apart, eventually leading to the birth of his first son a few months before Basia was due to give birth to two little boys.

Despite still loving her, eventually the marriage broke apart, unable to be held together when he was constantly finding the companionship of other women whenever his wife could not be around or was unable to suit his needs. Nineteen years later another loved one, his precious first born son and rightful heir to any fortune he owned, was taken from him. News reached him about his child's death after rashly fighting with a fox demon over the murder of some girlfriend of his.

The circle of vengeance continued as R'cai pulled together mercenaries with the help of his family to storm the fox demon's home, killing any person they could find to ensure that they killed the correct one. He then took over the castle as his, though nothing could cure the pain he felt for the loss of his child, even if the son had not belonged to the wife he lost from stupidity. He still harbors the pain deep down but does not show it to others, instead usually seeming calm and content.

After having found that one of the castle's inhabitants survived the assault, R'cai's days are typically spent trying to locate her and eradicate the last, or so he believes, of her lines. He has yet to discover that the man who killed his son is still alive looking for that very same woman as well.


Atayura Lyest

Atayura is unable to remember anything from below the age of seven when she woke up in the arms of some strange man for a few moments before slipping back in to unconsciousness. When R'cai found her she was on the brink of death, wings torn apart, gashes covering her body, and bones broken from place to place. Her family had been murdered by thieves when they caught them in the act, the sleeping child unable to do anything to resist the initial attempt on her life. She does not know if she has family left, though she learned of what happened to them, as well as the fate of the burglars thanks to him, a few years later after being told by R'cai when he felt she was old enough.

Her wings were salvaged the best they could be, the feathers and bone torn from them replaced with synthetic material, mostly lightweight metals. Broken bones were set back in place, some with metal supports to assist their proper regrowth, and stitches ensured that her wounds healed with relatively little scarring. After healing she was then raised alongside his own children, though she always knew she was not one of his own since it was typically as more of a servant that served as the children's friend. Not that she had to serve to be their friend though.

Even though she is now older and no longer serves as a companion for children her age, Atayura still does menial chores around the castle. As she is quite frail she is never given difficult tasks, afraid that the work that was done on her body to fix it would be easily shattered. Her presence around the castle is a quiet one at most, spending her days content with helping out while talking to almost no one. Something about her seems sad, though she never truly expresses such an emotion. It's probably just the fact that she almost never smiles and seems so lethargic.

Kurosuist Lyest

At the young age of eleven, Kurosuist lost everything he knew and loved. Returning from an overnight trip to a nearby village, he walked in to his family's house hidden away in the forest to see the bodies of his parents and several strangers throughout the different rooms of the house. Try as he might, he could find no trace of his little sister aside from bloody feathers scattered in small bundles about the child's room. Based on the amount of blood splashed around the room, he assumed that she had met a similar fate as that of his parents and faced the fact that by now she was surely dead. Despite the tears that welled in his eyes, he forced himself to dig graves for his parents and dispose of the strangers' corpses. Who was he as a demon to be crying over the death of others? He would continue to put a smile on and live life as he had before, just simply... without the support of his family.

The house was cleaned the best he could on his own, the bedroom doors of his family shut to never be opened again, or at least that was his plan. He did relatively well surviving on his own, as he had usually helped his father fish as well as search for other sources of food within the forest. Living inside the three bedroom house on his own was a lonesome life though, one that would be cast aside slightly more than a year later when he came upon a young girl, he assumed to be around the age his sister would be were she alive, lost within the forest. After learning that she had a similar fate as his, Kurosuist took Destiny in and relinquished his sister's bedroom to the vixen to stay in.

The two of them lived together happily for many years in the little house, of which Kurosuist was truly happy, not just forcing himself to look on the bright side of things. As it is said though, all good things must come to an end. Upon learning that his sibling was still alive, Kurosuist ended up promising R'cai that he would serve under him so that the demon would continue to allow her to live. He's struggled over the thought many times, but every time it would always end the exact same way. While he charished his times with Destiny, he couldn't allow his little sister to suffer any more than she already had. To this day he has never been able to bring himself to actually kill Destiny and his containment of her any time she was captured was... lax, but he has caused much pain in her life, which R'cai tends to accept as payment as long as there is promise that some day he will fulfill the goal.

Though Atayura does not remember him, Kurosuist is as dotting on her as any other older brother would be of their adorable little sister. Any time that he spends within the castle is typically spent watching over her or helping her out with any task that he can. He knows the likelyhood of her ever remembering him is slim to none, he still holds the hope that maybe some day she will. If not... well, he'll still be at her side


Among those born to a live forever locked away within the halls of the Basantha Shrine, Mor'sera resented the hand dealt to her by life. She resented the gods, especially Xai're, for allowing such a species as the Hunters, so pitiful as to be cursed in such a way, to wonder the earth. She even hated the monks, as she had never heard of a single one of them doing so much as to free a single Hunter from the halls. As a cub though she heard stories of those who had made it out before her by the generosity of some stranger giving up some part of theirself. It always sounded selfish to her. People came to Basantha seeking Hunters knowing they were incredibly powerful. If they gave something up then that meant they'd gain a powerful companion or even... pet as some would call them.

Despite her hatred of her captivity, Mor'sera hated the thought of being considered someone's little pet and strayed as far from any newcomers to the shrine as she possibly could. One day she came across a blood trail though, her interest becoming slightly captured as to see who would be so idiotic as to roam the halls while bleeding where Mekkayenas could catch the scent and be on them within minutes. This would lead to her first true run in with someone looking specifically of her kind. He had not been majorly injured in the least and she found that were he to be attacked by a Mekka he would at least be able to properly fend for himself.

Just as many others would have, Kurosuist offered to take her with him when he left the shrine. It took a lot of convincing on his part for her to agree, but finally the Hunter fell to his persuasion and ask him what he would give to see her free from this place. The curse was lifted from her with the loss of his ability to fly, belts suddenly and painfully clasping his wings from being able to ever be stretched once again. During the process a change overcame Mor'sera as well. The once Sapphire Hunter felt the same pain he did, which from her knowledge was not usually something that happened. When everything was over though she was no longer her normal color but instead the bright blue had begun to dim.

Over the course of her time with Kurosuist she has continued to lose her original blue color and it is assumed that this will continue to go on until she is almost solid black in color. Some say that his intents were what tainted her, but in truth... wasn't she already tainted with hatred for Basantha, the monks, and those who caused her to be born to such a life? While her bond is not that tightly knit as many Hunters', considering she has already told Kurosuist she will not protect him with her life, Mor'sera is a trustworthy and strong companion willing to do most things that he asks of her, even if it might mean killing someone possibly innocent.
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Doctors without Borders

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:35 PM


Once a mere Doom Kitty with a human form, Rukaj dedicated his life to becoming a doctor so he could take care of those in need. It wasn't long before he met others much like himself and the group started a clinic that did everything they could to keep from charging their patients anything. They wouldn't turn away anyone, but usually it was just those who couldn't get help elsewhere that turned to them. After time passed, Rukaj fell in love with one of the other doctors helping run the little clinic. Darian, a Bleached Fellox with a human form as well, accepted Rukaj's feelings, returning much similar ones for the feline. During the Purine and Imperial war, the two of them joined the side of the Imperials not to help them but instead to help those they captured. They would take care of the injured Purine soldiers the best they could while not getting caught. They of course didn't refuse to help treat Imperial soldiers since many were forced in to fighting as well. It was during this war that a transformation overtook the two of them, morphing their animal forms in to Lucain with characteristics similar to their old forms. Now with the war in the past, Rukaj lives with Darian as a teacher at Madicai College. He doesn't do much teaching himself, as he feels he's not very good with teaching others.


Before Rystik was born, a lot went wrong. The night she and three of her brothers were conceived, her parents were brought to a place and time they shouldn't have been, which in turn played a number on the unborn children. While all are highly intelligent and capable of doing so much, they all have.. quirks that set them back. Rystik's range from the small tick that she has, causing her ear and leftmost tail to twitch without her knowing often, to her awful memory and her tendency to be happy one moment and want to tear you apart the next. She is the only female out of six children.


Quite the expert in the black market when it comes to finding any body organ needed for a transplant, Ruelian makes his living by selling the organs to those in desperate need of them. Occasionally he's had universities buy entire bodies from him - for academical purposes surely. While the main doctors at Medicai have turned down his offers to supply them with anything needed, he has made himself quite familiar with a certain female Lucain working for the doctors. Having drawn up a contract with Rystik, daughter to Darian and Rukaj, two of the main teachers and doctors at the college, she is now bound to serve him whenever he may call. Since she signed the contract with one of his pens, which he fills with his own blood instead of ink, the contract can not be broken in any form. He generally only calls upon her to supply him with packets of blood though, as he has deemed it distasteful to take blood from someone unwillingly.
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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:38 PM


Tai'rane has never exactly been the lucky one. In fact, if anything went wrong he was always the one that was blamed and forced to do the time for it. Much of his life has been spent in and out of jail. Even at a young age he was sent in as a juvenile many times. It's amazing how even though he has been through so much he can still muster a smile. Right now he's currently doing time for those stolen war badges that he had no idea about. Poor guy was framed, and now he was found himself in a rather rundown prison. Whenever he gets out it seems like he'll need a high carb diet to fatten him back up a bit. Looks like skin and bone currently.


Certainly not a little angel, I'skelon takes much after his father. He just doesn't torture other Kuhnas and experiment on them though. Instead he is the apprentice of the mage Kelloc, who owns a shop in the Marketplace. It was because of his ability to go ethereal at will that Kelloc was able to sell stolen badges during the Imperial and Purine war. It is also because of this little power of his that he tends to blame any bad deeds done on other people. Since he can slip away unnoticed he lets whoever else was around at the time take the blame. He also seems to enjoy tormenting a certain Jailer Kuhna by being the cause of him going to jail many times now.

Soundscape Kuhna / Sorrow Kuhna
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Pirates of the Sea's Deceit

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:43 PM


Life out on the sea is hard. Anyone could tell you that in less than a day of being out on a ship, unless they were out for some luxury cruise. In order to survive out there one has to be tough. Has to be able to take anything that the sea throws at them, whether it's a storm, an attack from another ship, sirens, or whatever one could think of. So why then would one find a scraggly little guy aboard a pirate ship looking fresh out of school? Despite his lack of muscle, experience, and skill, Riphest resides aboard the Sea's Deceit working as the first mate, trying to earn his sea legs alongside his father, the captain of the ship.

For the majority of his school days back in the Dead Coast, Riphest had been picked on for his relatively petite form. Most children in the port-city grew up with parents who exported the sea salt that the city was known so greatly for, so many of them grew up with a rather rough crowd of people. He was sheltered by his mother though as she always refused to let him take take off of school and join his father's crew for a while. She worried too much about what would happen to him out there since they weren't simple traders. She had heard the stories the men came back with and wanted her child to focus on his education and make something better of himself. The most labor he ever did was help his mother out around the tavern. Cleaning might keep one in shape, but it surely did not help build any muscle like the bullies of the class had.

Still, despite his mother's wishes, Riphest had always felt as though the sea were calling to him. Not particularly that he wanted to be a pirate like his dad was or anything, but there was just something out there that he needed to see or needed to obtain. After graduation he packed a few belongings and told his mother that he respected her wishes, but the only way he was going to find what he needed to would be to go out with his father's men and take to the open sea without having to pay a dime.

Life aboard the ship turned out to be exceptionally harder than he thought it would be, and he quickly learned that he was definitely not qualified for the job that he had been given by his doting father. Quite often he felt so unsuited that he thought he ought to just give up the next time they returned to the port and continue to live a quiet life with his mother. The urge to find what was calling to him kept him moving onward though, and eventually Riphest felt as though things were started to get better. Gradually he began to get mildly stronger and started to get to know the crew better. He learned who to talk to when he needed help and who he should steer clear from.

Eventually, he found companionship in the other newest member of the crew, a single female. The spite a few of the crew held for him due to feeling as though he was only allowed on the ship due to his relationship to the captain quickly grew, since even in recent times most pirates still feel as though women should not be aboard a ship. None the less, Riphest has felt as though he might finally be close to finding what he was looking for.


For some reason those distant eyes of her always seem to find themselves cast out at sea, as if longing to be out there. Honestly, she doesn't want to be out there. She just wants her lover and son to come pay her a visit. While usually somewhat of a dainty looking woman, Achis is actually quite tough. She has to be in order to keep her tavern in one piece when the boys come in for a visit. If one visits it means they all visit.. the whole bloody crew. She's not afraid to get down and dirty, and can't wait to see the day her son finds that special someone.


Captain of Sea's Deceit, Kyndar is somewhat of a laid back man when it comes to the job of a captain. He's of course interested in gold, glory, and all sorts of other spoils. He'll tell the crew what he wants done, but he expects his son to make sure that it gets done. After all, his son is one crew member that he doesn't have to pay. Of course, he expects his son to follow all rules as well. Sadly, he doesn't get to see the corruption that is spreading across his crew thanks to his lack of disciplining them himself. Unless he finds out about it soon, he may find most of the crew turning against him rather quickly. After all, many are displeased at his allowing a woman to board the ship, even if she is a lovely cook.


While not exactly the most innocent aboard the ship, Ridu the navigator isn't the most horrible either. His temper is horrible, quick to snap at others for the slightest mistake, but he never tries to strike out at anyone even off the ship. So long at you don't torment him about his name you're likely to be forgiven for any mistake you make, even if he doesn't let you live it down later. His slightly lax attitude probably comes from the Captain wearing off on him after many years. Ridu was an old friend of the Captain's, possibly even from childhood. As such, he was the first official crew member that was willing to tag along when Kyndar managed to get his ship. He'd probably be the last person to turn on the captain, thus those that are starting to plot tend not to get too close to him for the sake he might over hear too much.


When thinking of the master of arms on a ship one would usually think of a trustworthy person that would keep the crew in check, yes? Well apparently not for this crew. It is often blamed on the species that he is, but many say Tariet is just down right nasty. His bite is certainly worse than his bark, and if anyone gets in his way he's not exactly inclined to listen to the rules of not striking a fellow member. It could possibly be the viruses that often infect him, most likely reprogramming him to attack rather than uphold justice. It's been said that he gets sick quite a bit too, which is likely another thing brought on by the viruses. Most try to stay on his good side, as to get in his way would be to have a death wish.



While not the sweetest looking, Tsig is actually possibly one of the most calm members aboard the ship, if not the calmest period. The slightest scowl makes him look like he wants to tear you apart, but he's more likely to make you listen to a long lecture. He spends most of his time in the lower chambers.


Savalith, able to change gender at will, was an amazing find to a circus troupe. Amazing really. Not only could they have a mermaid, but at the same time they could have a merman! Sadly for them, things didn't exactly work out that way. This Hydrolisk wasn't about to stay as a show case freak for them. Instead (s)he managed to get free and has found his/her way back to the sea around the Dead Coast. Things might get a bit crazy for any ships in that area some time soon...

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Kandy Killer

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:46 PM


In life many people go about things the wrong way and can in turn create a monster. When Ny'echi was a child, society wasn't particularly kind to her. Many an adult turned the other cheek to her suffering as others took advantage of her in any way they could think of. Despite her rough start in life, outwardly the young maiden seems happy. Her wardrobe changes quite often, particularly when she has taken on a new preference as to what her favorite sweet happens to be at the time. What no one would expect from the colorful woman is that she is the infamous "Kandy Killer", who is known for quite her.. unique fashion of slaying those she deem need to be taken care of. One person could have been drowned in a vat of syrup while the next might be killed using peppermint canes that were sharpened to the finest of points. With a secret underground home stocked with any sort of sweet one could think of, the ways in which she could kill someone are quite endless. Death by chocolate may not be a figure of speak any longer with her around. Oddly enough, while no one is around, her other favorite pastime is watching soaps and reading sappy love stories.

While far from the tale that has been spread around about the ginger bread man, Maech is in fact a living, breathing, walking baked treat. Ny'echi had her made because sometimes the life of a killer can get pretty lonely back home. Her body is merely a brownie, which seems to have been slightly over cooked on accident. She was topped off with sprinkles and red icing, with edible paper for wings. While she rarely talks, she's better company than none at all. Besides, at least with Maech around Ny'echi could be sure she'd always have at least one person left in the world. She could kill and kill and the sweet little Lavamancer would be waiting for her back home. Since she's so fragile, she almost never leaves the safety of the hideout. Instead she cooks for her Frost companion, awaiting her return with a smile


Iarien is some what of a pet, yet at the same time he is an accomplice. Putting the Kitrell's love for candy to great use, Ny'echi almost never has to buy her weapon of choice. All she has to do is take him outside and tell him what sort of supply she is currently in need of and the little guy will do so for a price. More often than not this price is simply that he is allowed to keep some of the sweets to himself. He's never killed anyone himself, but he has been known to shove little kids down just in order to get all the candy they're carrying with him. If it comes down to fight or flight, this little guy will fight for his, and Ny'echi's, candy.
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Stories of Basantha

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 12:48 PM


As a monk at the Basantha Shine, Yerenthor is rather calm and relaxed. Relaxed enough to put up with a young Hunter who seems to enjoy everything in life. The two seem like complete opposites, and yet Yerenthor is never cruel to the cub, as he knows he only wishes to see the outside world for once in his life. He himself is content with where he lives, and has stayed there for some time. He would allow the Hunter to bond to himself, but he knows it would only lead to a life of still staying in the shrine, which Kh're would not like.


The quickest way to see this male Lucain disappear is to make a comment about his pelt. While it screams of temple to those that see it, he sees himself as nothing more than a mere Lucain. Some say that he spent so long in Basantha he one day actually turned in to stone. This theory has no backing though, as his fur is as soft as that of any normal Lucain. He is a priest at the Basantha temple though, and there have been many times where he disappears and no one can find him at all. He's apparently friends with Yerenthor the Sky Serraptor who has much of the same position as himself at Basantha, so maybe if you want to find out more about Serilvor you can ask him?


Kh're is... not the average Hunter. He does not care about the past, or that his kind has been bound to the halls of Basantha without someone to help free them one by one. Why look at the past if it is only going to bring you sorrow? Instead he looks toward the future and whenever spotted by another Hunter he makes it clear that he will get out of there and the moment he steps out the doors he just wants to drop down right there and roll around in the snow for a few moments. There's a huge world out there and it's just waiting for him to see it all! Don't they understand? Unlike them, he will not let what they call a curse get him down. Nope. Instead it shall bring him a companion to travel the world with. What's so bad about having a companion that's bound to you? Certainly never going to betray you after all. Best type of companion there could be!


Actually born within Basantha, V'hei never knows nothing about the glorious Crystal Cities were the Hunters once lived. Basantha is the only home she has ever known, but still she lingers to some day see the outside world. Finding someone that will accept her has been rather hard though, as she isn't quite the same as most of the Hunters that are bound to the shrine. Her oddly white crystalline body is much more fragile than those born of a normal color. Because of this, when she was younger she was never allowed to go near anyone in the shrine for fear that harm might come her way. Now that she is able to do as she wishes though, she is trying her best to find someone to leave with. It is hard though, because she is very timid and doesn't know how to approach others.
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Party Animals

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 2:27 PM


If you're looking for Kyest, the most likely place to find her is in Kat's club. His choice of music is to her liking, and being siblings spells out free drinks for her every night. Wouldn't be too surprising to see her as one of his special dancers on some nights, although usually she prefers to be in the dark area meant for raving. She's cheerful and upbeat, and she seems to have a thing for guys with pink hair, although she'll take girls as well.


Well... It's quite easy to determine what Kat's gender preference is, considering he freaks out almost like a germaphobe if almost any woman touches him. The main exception seems to be Kyest, but then again she's his sister. Been around her all his life. He owns his own club and is also the DJ for that club. He chooses in person who he is willing to hire, and seems to be rather fond of one of the dancers at the club. Little Lucain named Beat. Keeps a rather close eye on him... possibly because of his heart problems?

Originally hired by Kat as a bouncer for his club, Evan didn't last long at the job. Every time Kat turned around, Evan was out on the dance floor with Kyest. While not a couple, Evan and the female Lucain have grown very fond of one another and the two enjoy going out to clubs together. Evan does not drink oddly enough, and is often the one carrying Kyest home when she's too far gone to do anything but laugh and pass out. While quite friendly, he can also be very protective of his friend. He's also not opposed to trying to pick up a lady on one of their nights out.

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Accidental Undead

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 2:48 PM


Once a very bright, intelligent man, Crefai was in an accident at a lab he was studying at. He was one of the lucky few to escape, though he decided that it was possible the dead were the lucky ones. Slowly, his body was beginning to decay. He wasn't dead, but his body was decaying like a corpse would. Over time this began to affect even his intelligence.

Though he doesn't run around trying to eat every person he can grab, Crefai does have to eat the flesh of others to control his hunger. He tries to plan ways to go about doing so that few people are actually harmed. Sadly, most of his plans fail and he only grows more hungry. He fears the day that he becomes little more than a monster controlled by hunger.


Caught in the same lab accident as Crefai, Eakei was assumed to be one of the 'lucky' people who had died. Upon going back to the lab to see what he could salvage, Crefai found her to still be alive. She had already done clean-up for him, though not in a way he wished. Within the few days he had been gone, she had devoured the bodies of the deceased.

Oddly enough, she seems to be capable of thinking like any normal human. She can even carry on long conversations, though she'll let it be known many times during the conversation that she is starving. Her hunger seems to never dissipate, causing her to often go against Crefai's plans and find a few meals of her own. She does enjoy his company though and has never thought about even getting a small taste of him.


It is said that Shiric was the cause of the accident at the lab. Then again, it was probably the fault of those who made him exactly what he is. Unlike Crefai and Eakei, Shiric was born the way he is and was tested on to try to make an even stronger breed of Kirund, as well as a stronger breed of humans as well.

Now with the scientists gone, he seems to have decided that Crefai is his master and will protect him as any normal Angriff Kirund would, now that those who tried to claim to own him are out of the way. His only thoughts are his hunger and to protect the two others who made it out of that place. He's exactly what Crefai fears he himself may become some day.
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Fueling the Fire

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 2:51 PM


Ilixan isn't afraid to get down and dirty. In fact, it's her job. She works on a train, shoveling coal to fuel the fires and keep it going. Her pelt was once a beautiful orange red, but after so long of working with coal, her pelt has been stained and thus looks as it does now. Usually rather agreeable, Lix can often time be found arguing with her two companions, which might make her seem a bit crazy if you just walk in and see a Khimera yelling at the flames lapping at the fuel. Khimera, Slikey, and Pot O' Embers. What the odd team these three truly make.


Not the average Slikey, Hacan is around six feet long and can survive severe heat such as flames and lava. It is because of this that he is able to harbor a Pot O' Embers and live as the flames that keep a train running. He finds it easy to get along with his train companions, but at times they all bickers and he's just as prone as Cinder at losing his temper. When this happens there tends to be fire flying. This may be one of the reasons he tends to stick to just these two companions.


Without him, Hacan would have no powers other than being able to withstand flames. Assendir is literally the flame within the Slikey. While they both have their own forms and can separate from one another, it is far more safe for each of them to stay connected. This way he can focus his powers through Hacan. Cinder is usually short tempered and if Lix angers him enough he's been known to leave Hacan's safe body to last out at her.
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Traveling Circus

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 2:54 PM


Part of a traveling circus troupe, Erissan and her sister display a rather stunning, yet fake as can be, show to the audience. They act as a Khimera tamer and a well, Khimera. When in human form they are exact twins, though in their animal form neither share the exact same stripes. The difference is so minor though that the two of them may easily swap roles at every performance, making sure that neither one has to be treated like a simple beast every single day. More often than not though, Erissan is the one stuck being the Khimera. She can often be found following behind her sister, complaining about this when a show isn't being put on.


Part of a traveling circus troupe, Iaquia and her sister display a rather stunning, yet fake as can be, show to the audience. They act as a Khimera tamer and a well, Khimera. When in human form they are exact twins, though in their animal form neither share the exact same stripes. The difference is so minor though that the two of them may easily swap roles at every performance, making sure that neither one has to be treated like a simple beast every single day. Iaquia usually manages to find some way of tricking her sister in to taking the part of the Khimera most of the time. She is generally the more outspoken of the two and won't hesitate to tell you if you're in her way of something.
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Elie's Trashcan
Elie's Trashcan
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Joined: 09/04/2007 12:33 AM


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