The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:45 PM

But having decided that these quarters were sufficient, Tomoe made no further fuss, and walked inside, curling up after only a cursory inspection of the interior. Acheron watched her, something like surprise clouding his features.

A moment later, Tomoe opened one eye and inclined her head at him. "What?" she said, in a tone that others might have taken as mild annoyance. But Acheron knew her well enough to know that it was merely some cursory prickliness of hers, perhaps to cover up some embarrassment.
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:46 PM

"Forigve me, Lady Tomoe. I did not mean to be rude," he said. It was true that it was rude to stare, especially at the one that he was serving--- never mind the issue of reconciling her change in forms. Lady Tomoe was still Lady Tomoe, and at least intellectually, he understood that.

But the reason for his surprise... He glanced at the wall, then said, "I did not expect you to... acquiesce so quickly." It was the best way he could think of to put it.
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:48 PM

What he wanted to say, and did not say, was that he had expected her to be more... Fearful wasn't the word he was looking for, but something like. More cautious, perhaps? More distrustful, if only of her surroundings?

They were in the wilderness, after all. Even the temple, constructed as it had been for her and carefully monitored, held dangers. So what of this place, which no one tended to at all? How could she seem so at ease here, under these circumstances?
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:50 PM

But Tomoe's response was merely to huff through her nose and close her eye again, flicking an ear at him in an artfully dismissive gesture. Apparently adjusting to the body of a Ninetails was something she was doing well enough.

"There is no need," she said simply. "You're here, aren't you?"

Acheron was brought up short again. This time, the surprise on his face was clear as day, eyes wide and startled. Of all the answers she could have given, he would not have expected that.
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:51 PM

And the way she said it--- as if it were such a simple matter. You're here, aren't you?

It was true. He had come with her. Acheron wasn't sure exactly how it had happened, but he was grateful for the opportunity to continue serving his duty. It would be difficult, but at least he was spared the labors of finding her again--- which, given where they had ended up, he wasn't confident he would be able to do, if they had not remained together.
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:53 PM

So it wasn't that he himself expected to betray her, and Acheron had always hoped that she would trust him, but... To have done so to this extent...

He felt something warm suffusing himself, welling up from somewhere within his chest. Pride, perhaps, or gratitude. He wasn't sure which. "Yes," he said, his voice catching a little. "I... Yes, of course. I shall do my utmost to make sure we return to the temple safely."

"I expect no less," said Tomoe, apparently unperturbed.
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:55 PM

There were no dangers within the cave itself. Acheron had ascertained this a moment ago. Tomoe must have been relying on this, and thus did not feel the need to stay on edge herself, settling into the cavern almost immediately. And short of a Pokemon burrowing in through the rock, Acheron felt certain that they were only assailable from one direction.

Thus, he stood guard outside, curling up at the cave entrance. This way, he could keep an eye out for anything and anyone that came close.
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:56 PM

But no sooner had he settled himself into a position comfortable enough to maintain for several hours did Tomoe's voice catch his attention again. "What are you doing, Acheron?"

Acheron was briefly at a loss. He had thought it would be readily apparent as to what he was doing. He hadn't been prepared to answer such a query, so his word came out more slowly than he intended, and slightly startled. "I... I am standing guard, my lady. Night will be upon us soon."
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 9:58 PM

He felt that he need not explain why there would be a need to stand guard at night, surely. She had lived with the threat of danger to her person long enough that this should be obvious.

But Tomoe tutted, and said, "Yes, that is all very well, but can you not do it just as well from inside the cave? There is no need to abase yourself to such a degree that you should be a fool and expose yourself to the elements."
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Re: The Ashes of What Once Was [self]

Postby crow » 08/21/2018 10:00 PM

Acheron blinked. Tomoe took this as a sign that he did not fully understand what she meant, and made a noise of exasperation low in her throat. "What if it rains, Acheron? Do you plan to get drenched?"

"Ah, no, but..."

"Then come in," she said, as if the matter was decided. It was very like her. Acheron understood that this was kindness on her part, even if the delivery was a little more roundabout and prickly than it might have been coming from someone else.

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