Most of the southern region of Baa'sek is cut off from the rest of the continent by the dense, dangerous Tengel Rainforest. Much of what isn't forest is swamp lands, with the Baian Swamp covering the majority of the coast. Most cities exist along the edges of the rain forests, particularly in a divide just on the eastern limits of Baa'sek. Lamenolai lies to the north while the Slums lie to the south.

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No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/06/2018 6:07 PM

[AU time! Please move to Baa'sek when event is over.]
We're all in our private traps
Clamped in, and none of us can ever get out


Cyril bolted upright in bed, body slick with sweat and breathing loud and high. He stared at the darkness that seemed to stretch into the corners and swallow up the far ends of his bedroom altogether. He watched it like it was some snake, coiled and ready to strike, clearly something that could smell the adrenaline and fear rolling off of him in waves. But nothing attacked, and Cyril's breathing lowered, and he stiffened as the sensation of pain started to trickle in where the adrenaline left room.

A dull ache, and then, it localized, pinpointing in an acute stinging sensation that raked continuously along his torso with each inhalation. Slowly, he slipped out of bed, exhaustion clinging to him. It must have been the adrenaline--he felt as though he'd just run for miles. Carefully he picked his way over last night's clothes and into the adjacent bathroom, and flicked on the light to stare at his reflection. Dark hair a mess, dark circles rimming his eyes, loose white nightshirt hanging off of him, and then... right below his collarbones, barely visible, what looked like a thin streak of dried, dull red, leading down into the collar of the shirt.

He opened it. Watched his own fingers work the buttons, numbly noting that the beds of his nails were caked in the same red. His eyes trailed slow, uncomprehending, down his bare chest, eyes darting from gash to deep gash, bleeding freely in thin, fresh rivulets down his abdomen.

Cyril blinked, and the world returned to him. His senses exploded with the sounds of the nightclub he'd been in for the past few hours. The drink he'd been holding in his hand in a plastic cup had fallen to the ground, alcohol pooling around his shoes, lit up with a sheen of neon light. Hands now free, they flew to his chest, his stomach, probing the cloth dress shirt he wore to find cuts underneath... nothing. No wounds. No blood. No pain.

Cyril bent down to pick up the cup, not wanting to leave it where someone could fall, and nearly dropped it again when a scream ripped through the bass. Voices raised. Something about a body, bloody beyond recognition, left just outside the club in the bushes. Some man. Early twenties, maybe. No identification? Well, call the police, they'll figure something out. Get her back inside. Does she know him? Don't know, she won't talk, just crying. Everyone back inside. Remain calm, remain calm...


Cyril dropped the cup and ran, breakneck, through the surging crowd, until he found the back door and burst through it with a frightened, gasping whimper. He scrambled on his hands and knees from where he'd landed, pressing himself to the cold brick of the club, hands over his mouth as he tried to find his wits. His hands flew into his inner jacket pocket for a handkerchief, and he brought it to his mouth to attempt to breathe into it--and inhaled the acrid taste of blood. Cyril looked down at the handkerchief, staring at the clean swipes of what could only be a drenched knife blade, dragging methodical crimson across the white cloth. Maybe he was mistaken. Maybe he was drunk. No, he'd been drunk before, and the rising panic and fear like bile in his throat was something far different than the buzz of alcohol.

It took an enormous amount of willpower to not drop the handkerchief--old, and embroidered with his initials, no less--right then and there. Instead, he stuffed it back into his pocket, and tried not to think about whose knife, and where, and what had happened to it, and whether it had plunged into the body of that twenty-something year old outside the club while no one was looking. He found his footing, and he ran, down the darkest street he could see.

And he didn't look over his shoulder. Not once.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby Isalynne » 07/11/2018 6:03 PM


Being in the business of murder, Kai was unruffled by happening to stumble upon one.

The chaos gave it away before anything else. Screaming, scurrying around, the general stench of disorder and fear from the frantic crowd. It was too early for the cops to have shown up - no wail of sirens in the distance or thud of boots on the sidewalk. If nothing else, it meant he could take a look. Get in there before anyone else had an opportunity, while passersby were too distracted to peg him as a potential subject.

As small as he was, he found no difficulty in squeezing through the bushes to stare at the crumpled body, levitating ever so slightly off of the ground (leaving footprints wasn't a smart idea). Hmm. The amount of blood didn't throw him off, but the location... it was awfully public and central. To commit a heinous crime and dump the body in an uncovered place, and then manage to slip away without being recognised? That required skill. A skill that piqued Kai's curiosity.

Cecil could wait for their meeting. He had a far tastier fish to fry.

Sleuthing around the club was a start. With the majority of the partygoers ushered inside and the police called, he didn't have a chance to check out whether the suspect had joined them. Oh well - maybe he could go around the back. There was bound to be an entrance to sneak in somewhere.

"Huh," He was limited to saying when he discovered the rear door wipe open. Not by a crack, but flung open, like someone had left in a hurry. A glance to the left confirmed his initial suspicions; he caught the tail end of a figure slipping away into the darkness at reckless speed. No one without something to do with the situation would be darting off like a bat out of hell. "Guess I gotcha. Man, I don't feel like running.."

There was nothing for it, though. Heaving a sigh, he set off to follow the anonymous person on their getaway. All he wanted to do was talk! Maybe learn a little more about what possessed them into doing something quite so outrageous. He would follow at a distance for the time being - observe their path, stick to the shadows, see what they would do.

His phone buzzed insistently in his pocket. It gave him pleasure to ignore it.
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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/18/2018 12:53 AM

Cyril wasn't sure when he stopped, but his legs gave out from under him before he could really register that the world was no longer rushing past. He'd fallen to his knees in a park, a small thing surrounded by a thin grove of trees, completely abandoned at that time of night. He held his hands in front of his face, staring at his own thin, pale fingers with weak, rapid breaths puffing out of his lungs.

The night was warm, but Cyril's blood ran hot with fading panic. It had happened again, after nearly two full months without any sort of issue. Cyril had been a fool to think that it was over, just like that.

He found himself reaching under his shirt and feeling of his skin, searching for the scars from his vision, or memory, or hallucination... it was hard to say. Nothing, once again. Nothing at all. Not a scratch on his person.

He could, however, feel the knife point where it lay heavy in his inner jacket pocket. Cyril let out a small, harrowed sob, his hands flying to his mouth as he rocked himself back and forth. It had been in public this time. Never before had it been so close to other people. And when had it happened? How long had Cyril been out? Questions he couldn't ask--no one he knew had been there to see him. At least, he hoped that was true.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby Isalynne » 07/18/2018 7:29 PM

Kai kept a decent distance between himself and the anonymous potential killer as he tailed, training his eyes permanently on the back of their retreating form. Gods, they were in a hurry. If they didn't want to have to sprint away from a crime scene at top speed, then why did they choose to murder someone next to a busy nightclub? It beggared belief.

Stranger things had happened in his life, but usually they happened by chance. It was rare he came across an individual who genuinely had little to no common sense.

As they came to a stop, so did he, remaining under the cover of the sparse patches of trees. His curiosity was piqued. The instant remorse - detectable in the form of the sobs and dishevelled posture - was another unusual trait, which had his brows raising almost through his hairline. Seriously? Did the guy have no instinct for self preservation whatsoever?

"Mate.. I really hate to break this to you," He spoke and approached; rather contradictory considering his bemused response to Cyril's own recklessness. "You seem a bit troubled, so I'll try to be gentle - you went about it all wrong."
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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/19/2018 4:49 PM

Cyril froze with all of the shock and anxiety of a deer caught in the path of a moving car, his eyes glued to the grass in front of him. He whirled around, stumbling back on his hands to face the source of the voice, his pupils shrunken to frightened pinpricks in his eyes. "W-went--I don't... I don't know what you're talking about. I'm going through something right now, so please--" he spoke quickly and frantically, almost like it was a canned response, though the choppy pauses proved otherwise. "So please go away."

Had this person seen him? He was such a short man, and odd, as well. His tone was calm, and not accusatory. In a way, that was even more frightening. Cyril stumbled to his feet, prepped to run, but put on a kind of twisted, strained smile for the other individual. "Or I can take myself elsewhere." It sounded like a threat, in his panicky state.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby Isalynne » 07/21/2018 7:46 PM

Kai was not shaken in the slightest by Cyril's words - though, he did feel a twinge of concern that the boy would escape him before he had a chance to dissect the situation properly. Damn it. How were you supposed to calm a person down to a level where they'd be willing to discuss a murder they recently committed? Cecil was bound to know--

Speaking of which, he could still feel his phone buzzing away in his pocket. That would be fun to deal with.

"Something is right," He replied, taking a few steps closer. "Seems to me like you just got into a spot of trouble with the stiff in the bushes. Feel like sharing what happened?"

Tact was not a concept he was familiar with, and that was obvious.

"I'm not gonna grass you up, don't worry. I'm just wondering how crazy you are, to do that right there."
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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/29/2018 2:15 AM

The fear in Cyril's eyes threatened to flicker into full blown fight-or-flight panic at the mention of a corpse--in the bushes? Cyril honestly hadn't known. He stared for a few seconds, then let himself settle, but only slightly. If someone wasn't startled by murder, then surely, that person must be a dangerous person. And Cyril, despite being the apparent perpetrator of the crime, was very startled by murder.

"I," he began, and let it hang in the air for a few moments before he steeled his nerves and continued. "It's... it's not really... me, per se." Cyril wrung his hands, white as a sheet, and looked off into the treeline with a sudden intake of breath. He could've sworn he'd seen a dark, shadowy mist there. The kind that had collected in the corners of his dark room, in his dream... had that been a dream? More like a dissociative episode. "I thought I was better, but recently... it's been getting worse. I sort of... b-black out? It seems? And when I come to..."

He trailed off, a hand pressed to his mouth, as if he was about to be sick. "In the bushes?" he whispered to himself, knees threatening to buckle. Did someone see him? Surely someone did. It was impossible that no one saw that...

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby Isalynne » 07/29/2018 4:13 PM

Huh. Kai made a non-committal noise of disbelief at the boy's explanation; how was he expected to trust that the mist happened to descend on him (quite literally) and made him attack randoms on the street? What kind of fairytale shit were people cooking up nowadays?

... He did happen to be a demon, with a giant talking cat and an owl man for a friend, but those were things beside the point.

Even so, Cyril looked serious. Too serious and nervous for him to be confident that he was a liar. The jitters were a standard sign of dishonesty, but this was real fear - he could smell it just as well as he could smell anger, or sadness. He was beside himself.

"Okay, okay, take a breath, champ," Kai said, scratching at his own cheek with a shrug. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about, so you're gonna have to take a few steps back. You're telling me that it's like you're being possessed or something?"

It wouldn't surprise him. Ghosts were fucking assholes.
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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/30/2018 5:11 PM

Cyril lowered the hand at his mouth to warily stare at the man, his eyes narrowing in a kind of hot irritation over his devil-may-care demeanor. Sure, he could've laughed at him, or ran off to tell the police, but acting nonchalant wasn't much better.

Cyril's expression flickered at Kai's words, however, when he mentioned possession. He glanced to the ground, then back to the treeline, swallowing thickly around his fear. "Could be it," he murmured, adjusting the collar of his shirt, and standing up a little straighter. "I mean... y-yes, that's... what it feels like. I'm sure there's an explanation for it. I've... considered going and getting help, but my father is... strict."

Understatement of the century.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby Isalynne » 07/30/2018 6:52 PM

Kai hummed, and dug his phone out of his pocket. Was he really brazen enough to begin answering his texts while the boy was standing in front of him, vulnerable and afraid? Apparently, he was. He didn't even have the decency to put it on silent - Cyril would be able to hear the tapping of the touchscreen keyboard as he typed a hasty message to a friend.

u at the store? got one fucked up boy here who might be of interest

"I think I can help you out, pal. If you want it," He said, doing his best to sound just a touch earnest. It was hard to keep a shit eating grin off of his face; it had been a long time since he had been near something this crazy and dangerous. Did marvels to get the blood pumping. "I got friends who are interested in this shit."
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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/30/2018 7:09 PM

Cyril had felt a bit of offense when the man took out a phone, but it quickly morphed into paranoia. He watched the phone like a hawk, ready to cover his face at a moment's notice in case of a photograph. It couldn't get out. If it did, he was ruined. His whole family was ruined. His family's company, raked in the headlines for ages... their model son, the heir to the Pearcival throne, a murderer?

He flexed his fingers, wincing as stress-dried skin stretched over white bone knuckle. Had he... really held a knife in that hand, mere minutes ago? He could almost still hear the sirens, this far away.

Unless that, too, was another hallucination. Cyril looked up with a small bit of alarm as Kai spoke, his expression on guard, but not without curiosity. "Friends," he echoed, almost incredulous. He glanced away, then back at Kai as the sirens got louder, fear tinging his gaze once more. "Yeah--fine, god, whatever. Yes. Let's meet these friends, shall we?" his voice was hurried and panicky, walking a few steps closer to Kai, glancing over his shoulder toward where he'd come into the little park.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby Isalynne » 07/30/2018 7:20 PM

Kai checked his phone only once more - to read a text confirming that his friends, whoever they might be, were still at the store. Perfect. It was only a few blocks away from that sorry excuse for a park, and no one in their right mind would think to look there for a murderer. What kind of ruthless killer would stop by a candy shop for a sweet treat after ending someone's life?

Well, he would - it sounded delicious - but perhaps he was an outlier and shouldn't be countered.

"Can you tell me anything else about this possession? Like.. you just totally black out? No kinda sign about what might be causing it beforehand?" He wasn't very good at making conversation that wasn't offensive or outlandish, but any thoughts about manners had been banished from his mind at that moment regardless. It was something to keep him entertained as they began the short walk. "Don't see the spirit of your ancestor or whatever?"
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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/30/2018 7:42 PM

Cyril followed close behind Kai, one more glance around the park letting him know that the strange, shadowy mists he'd seen moments ago seemed to be gone. Somehow, that didn't comfort him at all. At Kai's question, his expression flatlined into irritation, his footsteps growing a little more heavy with irate purpose. "Nothing like that," he muttered, but recalled... yes, in the nightclub, he... "But... I think I do sort of... dream? During it? Ah... where are we going?"

It wasn't a deflection so much as a nervous energy that propelled him to ask. He rubbed his arms, a bit chilly in the night air, now that the sweat had cooled and the adrenaline had started to wind down. "In... that dream, I was hurt. I was in my bedroom, and I walked to the mirror to look. There were these... gashes, I think, at least three of them, across my chest. And then I was in that nightclub. I don't... really know how I got to that nightclub, actually," he realized, slowing down a few paces as the look on his face settled on a quiet horror.

He tried to shake it off, picking up the pace to keep up with Kai. "It happened a lot more when I was a child. Just with animals, if it was any killing at all, not people. I... had a pretty good streak of it not happening. Thought maybe it was over."

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby Isalynne » 07/30/2018 8:28 PM

Kai listened with interest, which was a rare occurrence indeed. It was fascinating to him that such an act of brutality could be committed without Cyril having registered it at all - that was some weird, strong possession going on, if it was a spirit at all. The dream aspect was even more confusing. Gashes? Bedrooms? Ugh. Cecil or Aella would have more of a clue about that sort of stuff. Symbolism was too much effort to consider.

“Gotcha. So this is a long term thing?” He grimaced. “Sheesh. That’s rough, pal. I mean, it wouldn’t bother me personally, but the inconvenience of it—“

It was best for everyone involved if he stopped talking there, and thankfully, that was what transpired. The short walk had brought them to a quaint street lined with trees, limbs twisted and daunting in the darkness. With at least half the streetlights not functioning, there was a definitive eerie air; though, when Kai came to a halt outside a shop entitled ‘Clairvoyant’s Confectionary’, any feeling of intimidation was difficult to maintain.

“We’re going here.”
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Re: No Angels [P; Isalynne and I] [E]

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/31/2018 2:49 AM

Cyril had to wonder what type of person he was following for unconscious murder to 'not bother him personally.' He glowered slightly, calm enough to emote. That was something, at least. The walk was comforting just because he had someone to follow. He wondered if he should text his father to tell him where he was.

Seemed like a bad idea.

Cyril's eyes tore away from the twisting, eerie branches of the trees to the shop sign, blinking at it. "A... candy store," he said, like that was unexpected, after such a strange night. "You're... alright, that sounds... nice?" he said, offering something like a smile. Terribly unsure, it was.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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