Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/15/2018 1:18 AM


To be perfectly honest, Leon wasn't really sure what he'd gotten himself into.

Regardless, his mother had encouraged him to at least try to go on a blind date today, it being Valentine's Day and all, instead of spending the day working or sitting at home with her. So he gave it a shot. He'd signed up for a blind date, that was most definitely blind. He knew absolutely nothing about the person he was going to be meeting.

Given that fact, he chose a meeting place he was comfortable with: his family's own bookstore, where he worked as the assistant manager. The place was sizable, with a number of staff and with two stories, although the upper level only went around the inside perimeter of the building with the center being cut out; one could see down into the ground level from the upper level.

There was even a cafe inside, off to the right, when someone entered from the front entrance. It was hard to miss it. And that was where Leon sat, arriving a little earlier than the arranged time, as he awaited the arrival of his date.

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby Silver » 02/15/2018 1:31 AM

Another new holiday from the Land that Touched the Sky. This holiday focused on courtship, she had learned, and it was customary to spend the day with someone. Kyrx didn't know anyone she thought would be willing to spend the day with her, so she took a very kind man's suggestion to sign up for a blind date. The blind part, she was informed, referred to the fact that she would not see her date beforehand.

Once given the location of their meeting, Kyrx was thrilled. A bookstore? How wonderful! She loved books. It made sense to her that her date, too, loved books. Why else would they meet in a bookstore? Maybe she could talk about her favorite human fables with them. She really liked this idea of dating after all.

Kyrx did her research, and she learned that humans exchanged flowers, chocolate, and jewels on this day. She had found some lovely wild flowers on her way, but she did not know what chocolate was. Jewels and gemstones, on the other hand, she knew all about. She plucked a few from her collection and intricately weaved them into thin strands of silver. The delicate and sparkling piece was a crown like her people wore for ceremonies.

Kyrx was just on time for her date, and arrived at the front door not a second too soon or too late. She stepped into the bookshop and clicked her mandibles cheerfully. There was only one person she could see, and they were sitting off to the right.

"Sss, Hallo, I am Kyrx. I am here for Valatin date."

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/22/2018 1:19 AM

Unsure of what to really prepare, not knowing what his date would actually be interested in, he'd come with some classic things: a large heart shaped box of fine chocolates that was tied neatly with a ribbon, although he'd taken the time to go to a local chocolatier and pick each chocolate out individually. It felt more genuine than just picking up a prepackaged one. And then, of course, roses. Although, in an effort to make them more special, he'd purchased a dozen white roses that had been dyed various shades of blue and purple; he already had a florist, since his mother preferred roses that had been dyed black or green. Both were arranged on the table, it making it rather obvious that he was waiting for a date.

Leon had been idly looking over the cafe's menu that he held in his hands, never mind that he actually had the whole thing memorized by now, keeping busy, when someone approached. When they greeted him, he placed the menu down, looked up and smiled automatically. Although, when his contact covered eyes met what he presumed to be his date, he was stunned for a brief moment. He'd been expecting someone a little more human, perhaps, but they weren't the most unusual thing he'd ever seen. Not really. There were all sorts of races from many different worlds. He supposed that the decorative skull he wore on top of his head wouldn't be that off putting for his date, at least. Hopefully.

"Kyrx, you said?" he replied, standing up, and smiling once again. "You're my date then, yes. My name is Leon. Would you care to take a seat?" When he offered, he moved around to the opposite side of the table from where he'd been sitting and pulled out the chair for Kyrx.

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby Silver » 02/23/2018 8:08 AM

Kyrx took a moment to size up her new date. She knew that female humans kept their fur long, and they were usually softer and rounder around the chest. However, humans were very frustrating in that neither of those two things were certain, and the only way to tell for sure was always kept hidden. In this case, she thought her date to be male, but she wasn't entirely positive. Another thing she knew about humans was that it was rude to refer to them incorrectly - and their language made it a difficult subject to avoid.

"Ss, yes, Kyrx," she said again, carefully articulating her own name. Sometimes humans had trouble pronouncing it. "I will thank you for meeting me for date," she said. She accepted his invitation to sit, and did so carefully, swinging her long tail out of the way before finally settling down.

"I brought you this," she said. Kyrx held out a handful of wild flowers she had pulled up on her way here. A few could be considered weeds, and they were all pulled with the roots still attached. Though the dirt had been gently cleaned off. "I make this for you, as well," she used her extra set of arms to hold out the circlet she had made.

It was made of thin strands of a silvery metal woven and twisted together like the vines and branches of an ancient tree. Different colorful gemstones were held in place by the delicate wire. Each one was cut in a different way to show off its color and shine. It wasn't at all like the neat, symmetrical cuts that were often seen in typical jewelry. It was a very interesting piece, and she hoped that it would be well received.

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/25/2018 2:47 AM

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine," Leon answered as Kyrx settled into the chair he'd pulled out; the words coming easily enough, in spite of the circumstances of his date not looking at all human, like he had come to expect. It had been long enough ago now that it no longer hurt him, but he could still recall his father's words. That he had to hide the fact that he was alien to the world, and that he should hide his face underneath the skull any time he left the house.

He'd then moved to settle back into his seat and, by that time, she held the flowers out to him. Leon stared at the wild flowers for just a moment, before quickly nodding his head once, and accepting them with a grateful smile. "I didn't expect you to get my anything," he admittedly, as he took them. Although, he hurried, but still carefully, laid them out on the side of the table to reached for the circlet she offered in addition. Leon certainly wasn't about to reject her gifts. He wasn't aware of her kinds traditions or customs, but he certainly didn't want to reject her kindness.

Once it was in his hands, the man lifted it up so as to admire it for a long moment. It was and incredibly intricate and curious piece. Perhaps not something he would actually wear, but not something that would go unappreciated. "You... made this?" he confirmed, glancing up at her. "It's quite beautiful."

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby Silver » 02/25/2018 8:15 PM

Kyrx was very pleased that her gifts were well received. She wanted to make sure that she did everything right. This was her first date, after all. It was a shame that she couldn't find that other thing her book mentioned, but he seemed pretty happy with what she had to offer. Though his comment about it being unexpected struck her as odd. Did she do the wrong thing, perhaps?

"I learn that I am supposed to give flowers and gems to my Valentin date. Is that right? I am sorry, sometimes I do not always know how people here do things." Kyrx made a soft hissing sound. It was not at all harsh, but actually kind of soothing. It was the sort of sound she made when she was thinking, quite like an 'um' or 'ah'.

"I was not so sure about sho-koh-late, I read about it in book, but I do not know what it is. I am sorry if you wanting that instead." Kyrx clicked her clawed fingers together as she spoke, a sort of nervous habit.

"Yes, thank you," Kyrx's antennae and body seemed to perk up with his compliment, like all of the nervousness washed away from her. She, like all of her people, was proud of her hard work. Nothing was more valued in her society than hard work and accomplishing something. Everyone was taught to be self sufficient and craft things they used each day. Each nymph even built its own home as part of their journey into adulthood.

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/04/2018 1:58 AM

When she seemed concerned about the gifts that she had given him, Leon quickly shook his head. "Oh, no, nothing is wrong with them," he assured. "Your gifts are great! It's just a surprise, that's all. People do exchange gifts, yes, but sometimes, if they aren't too close, they don't give any extravagant gifts, or the men is just supposed to, if anyone. It's kind of different for everyone. And...also different based on cultures. Even different people celebrate different holidays differently." He took the time to explain, under the assumption, based on what she said and what he did know, that she wasn't entirely sure about all these things.

Since she didn't know what chocolate was, he set aside what she had given him in order to pick up the heart shaped box full of chocolates. He then held it out to her. "I... actually got you some chocolates, if you'd like to try it, and these flowers, too," he nodded to the bouquet of uniquely dyed roses.

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby Silver » 03/04/2018 6:43 AM

Kyrx made a soft clicking sound which was not hard to interpret as happiness. It was not unlike the sound a person might make trying to get a cat to walk over to them. She was pleased that he accepted her gifts and was not upset at her lack of chocolate. It also made her happy that he took the time to explain things a bit. Even if she had read in books about the holiday, it was always best to have first hand experience from another person.

"It is no trouble for me to make you gift. I would not like for only you to give gift, that seems not fair." She picked up on what he said about men being the gift givers. Humans were funny in that they cared a lot about their biological sex. This wasn't something she usually took into account, which led her to some awkward situations in a very gender oriented society.

"Chocolate," she repeated slowly. Having only seen the word written, she had no idea how to pronounce it before now. "It is beautiful," she said, hugging the box with her second set of arms. She used her topmost set to stroke the petals of the brightly colored flowers. "These are nice flowers. I do not know them. What can you call them?"

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/04/2018 2:45 PM

Smiling a bit, Leon nodded his head. She was right. In a sense, it was certainly not fair for the man to only give gifts. Especially since not all people meeting for dates, in a relationship and the likes, were strictly made up of one male and one female. "Come to think of it, in some cultures, it's also more common for the girl to give gifts on Valentines Day, than men give return gifts a month later." He said this, and shrugged. That was another tradition he had heard of. All together, humans as a whole, had not settled on one thing. "I just figure it's best for whomever to give a gift to whomever they want, but not to consider it an obligation." Expressing care for someone did not necessarily mean giving them objects.

"Yeah," he confirmed that she was definitely saying it correctly when she repeated him. Although some of the words she spoke came out mispronounced, it was easy enough for Leon to understand. Similarly, at one point, he had trouble with certain words, too, especially since most of early education came from reading.

"Oh, they're actually white roses," he said, in regard to the flowers. "But they have been dyed different colors by the florist at my request. I... thought it'd be nicer than just usual red roses that are more often given." Maybe they could be considered his own unique flare on gift giving?

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby Silver » 03/05/2018 7:15 AM

"I like that some people do things a new way from other people, but it makes it hard to learn all the things that people do." Kyrx thought about what he had to say about the way different cultures celebrated the holiday differently. In the end, she was just glad that she hadn't accidentally done something he considered rude. She did that a lot, and something as personal as a one on one date seemed especially easy to mess up.

"They are so beautiful, I have never see anything like this." Kyrx held one of the roses in her claws and inspected it closely. Bright colors like this were not really seen where she was from. It was far too dark. In fact, she was a little surprised to find out how bright certain gemstones were in sunlight. It certainly took some time to get used to.

"Oh!" Kyrx said suddenly. She had almost forgotten that they were sitting at a table meant for eating on. "We are supposed to getting food, yes? Are you happy to do this?"

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/09/2018 12:54 AM

"It certainly can make things difficult, huh?" Leon agreed easily. "Some do this, some do that. Everyone thinks differently or does different things." Some were easily offended by certain things, others were not, too, which really was one of the hardest things to deal with when he was child. He'd been there.

As she closely inspected one of the roses he'd gotten her, the corner of his mouth turned up in a small smile. "I'm glad you like them! I hadn't been too sure what to get, actually, but a family member of mine especially loves dyed roses, so I thought it was a good idea."

Then, she brought up food. "Oh, yeah," he answered, nodding his head. He then picked up one of the menus that had been left on the table and offered it to her. "I can say with confidence that the food here is pretty good." Most of the dishes offered were pretty simple things, typical of a small cafe, but for what it was, it was done well enough.

"I hope you didn't mind meeting bookstore cafe, of all places, though."

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby Silver » 03/10/2018 7:52 AM

Kyrx liked how different one group of surface dwellers could be from the next. It meant that she never had to stop learning about them. Where she was from, the very idea of different cultures was foreign. Every hive was exactly the same, and traveling from one to another would result in nothing being different at all. Looking at the surface world, the perfectly structured environment she grew up in was incredibly strange by comparison.

She gently set the brightly colored box of chocolates and rose down on her half of the table. She placed them very gently like they were extremely precious. Taking his lead, she also picked up a menu and started to look it over. Generally when it came to ordering food, she just looked for something that sounded familiar. If that wasn't possible, then she would pick a fun sounding surprise. Kyrx wasn't picky about what she ate, so both options worked for her.

When he started speaking, she peeked over the top of the menu to listen to him since she wasn't skilled enough in the language to read and listen at the same time. "Do not worry. I love bookstore! I read many books. I very much like to read books, so bookstore is actually perfect place! I am lucky we meet here in such a good place. If you say food is good too, then it is even better." Well, she certainly seemed happy, anyway.

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/13/2018 7:41 PM

Leon was visibly a bit relieved to hear that Kyrx loved bookstores, and it had him smiling to hear that their feelings about books were same, as well. "I'm glad that I chose this place then! To tell you the truth, my family owns this bookstore, and I've always loved reading, since I was young. Maybe we can look around later, if you want?"

He'd lowered the menu to speak, but began scanning it over once again, although he knew just about everything available. They hadn't added or removed anything from the menu recently. "Just let me know once you've decided what to eat, and I'll wave someone over so we can order."

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby Silver » 03/13/2018 7:59 PM

Kyrx clicked softly, that same strange but happy noise she had made before. It was kind of nice in its own weird little way. He would probably get used to it by the end of the date, if he was keen on sticking around. "This is perfect," she said, hearing that his family owned the bookstore. "Where I lived, before I came here, I run the book place! I let people see and borrow books, and I read many while I was there." Her vocabulary seemed to lack the word, but what she was describing was a library, and her former job was as the librarian.

She looked back down to the menu and tried to decide which thing she would eat. It felt like a lot of pressure, especially since he seemed to have already chosen. "I am not sure, do you have suggestion? What is best thing to eat?" She had seen someone do this once, and it was well received. She only hoped she would be as successful.

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Re: Aliens in a Bookstore [Toxic/Silver]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/14/2018 5:27 PM

Although he'd only heard her make the odd clicking noise a few times, Leon seemed to understand what it actually meant. Or, at least, he had a good idea of it. It wasn't that difficult to pick up and understand unique behavior, if one was paying attention. "Oh, so you ran a library?" That sounded like what she was describing, anyway. "That's awesome!"

As for their food. "Hm, well, it depends on what sort of things you like to eat? Since I feel like something sweet and sugary, I'm getting the chocolate and banana crepes. If you like sweet things, maybe you should try it, too." As Leon said this, he turned his own menu so that Kyrx could see it, and he was pointing to the list of different crepes. "Or, they have savory ones, too. They have meat, cheese, and veggies in them, usually." He wasn't sure how familiar she actually was with the sorts of foods they served here, though. "If you tell me if you want sweet or not, though, I can pick something for you, too?"

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