Most of the southern region of Baa'sek is cut off from the rest of the continent by the dense, dangerous Tengel Rainforest. Much of what isn't forest is swamp lands, with the Baian Swamp covering the majority of the coast. Most cities exist along the edges of the rain forests, particularly in a divide just on the eastern limits of Baa'sek. Lamenolai lies to the north while the Slums lie to the south.

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The Stars At Night [M:E]{Private}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/09/2017 8:56 PM

The club was full of stars tonight. Not celebrities, but actual stars. Lights on the floor and ceiling gave the entire place the ambiance of a deep-space party. Even the current dress-code for the club [metallics and tight-fitting clothing] did nothing to detract from that. The music was electronika, the lights were in hues of blue, and the place was jam-packed with people that looked to have jumped right out of an old eighties sci-fi flick. In the middle of it all was Judas, or as clubbers knew him, "Beat". Right now, he was wearing a tight-fitting silver shirt, tight black pants with sequins all over, and metallic silver shoes the glittered and reflected the light every time he moved. Over that all was a silver-metallic 'doctor's' coat, and his ever-present stethoscope - this time silver to match the current club decor.
This dork in human form is Beat/Judas.

Judas moved in-between patrons, looking at everyone who had shown up to HIS 'space-party' theme, and beaming. This was the first time he had been allowed to dictate everything from the music to the attire, and it was a huge hit. Before this, he'd been allowed to choose music, or dress-code, or decor for certain events - but this time, everything in this place was his idea and his method. To be honest, he had been frankly a little nervous when Kat brought up the idea that he could do such a thing, and the whole process had been a bit on the nervewracking side... But looking at the people all around, and how much fun they were having - it was clear that Judas at least had SOME designing talent.

Of course, the cardiophile was taking every opportunity to ply that stethoscope and dance among complete strangers, and he'd been having the time of his life. However, he was starting to wind-down in the energy department, and wanted to find Kat - see how he was liking this. It wasn't hard to catch the club-owner leaning over the newly refurbished upper floors, crossed arms on the new railing, and watching the goings-on below. Judas climbed the corkscrew staircase as fast as he could go and wound up beside his boss, his lover, and his best friend, leaning against him. Thankfully, the railing was strong enough to support the weight of several elephants.

"Hey you." he said, looking to the side, and watching Kat's eyes. "So, did I do a good job?"
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Re: The Stars At Night [M:E]{Private}

Postby Kyrit » 10/14/2017 4:01 PM

He had to admit as he looked out over the club, the decision to let Judas fully orchestrate the night's then had been a good one. Admittedly, it had been his sister that had continued to nag him when they were alone and say that Judas was ready, but Kat had been a bit worried she was just saying that to get out of having to help herself. Either way, he was happy to have decided to ask if Judas wanted to try.

His attention was eventually pulled from the wonderfully lit dance floor as he felt the touch of another and then heard his lover's voice. He looked down at the slightly smaller fellow with a smile. "I'd say more than that, you did a wonderful job. Everyone seems to be enjoying it."

His violet eyes turned toward the dance floor once again, though only briefly, to a certain lady out on the floor. "I'm sure Kyest will thank you later too. She seems to be having a blast."
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Re: The Stars At Night [M:E]{Private}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 11/04/2017 9:33 AM

Judas smiled at the thought, and sandwiched himself in-between Kat's arm and his chest, snuggling there as though the spot were made for him. "Ah, yeah - she is. But you know she only let me take over because she was tired of doing it herself. And bored. Bored could have something to do with it." He laughed, and leaned his head back against Kat's shoulder, closing his eyes and sighing.

"I'm not going to have very much energy left, pretty soon. I've been milling about between patrons all night, and I'm just about bushed. Between that, the catering, the decorations, and keeping the DJ on track I can honestly see why Kyest gets so tired. And she's not even chronic."
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