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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 7:08 PM

Thus the coin decided for them. They were going to the right.

Faolán wasn't too pleased about that, but relented. He gestured for them to go ahead. "Lead the way." He was going to keep his distance at the back, in case Psyche decided to become a handful again for any reason.

Luckily for him, the path didn't plan on making things difficult for him, and he managed to get through it okay.

The bad news was what was hiding in the next room. Shining their lights inside, the place was just covered with more rocks, but in a crazier formation than before. Stalagmites of all sizes, and with some fully formed pillars added to the mix, were just everywhere. Both dragon and dog had to take care not to step on any really pointy ones, or break any of them with their bodies. (The professor wouldn't really like them going around destroying parts of the cave, now would he?) Faolán even smacked his face into a stalactite that was hanging low from the ceiling. "...Okay, no. I'm not going any further."

Eliza had stopped right then and there, turning on him. "What?! No! You have to come!" She reached a hand out to grab at his much larger hand, to try and tug him onward.

"Yeah... That's gonna be a problem."
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 7:25 PM

Oh boy, that didn't sound good. Not one bit. "Why, what's wrong?" Leaving him for a second, Eliza hurried forward to find out what the issue was. Psyche moved around some of the larger pillars, and stuck her head wherever she could to get a better look around. "He's not gonna fit through here." Psyche wasn't so sure that she would either, as a lot of these stalagmites were packed close together. And holy cow there were so many in here.

That was all Faolán needed to hear to convince him. "There, see? I'm gonna stay right here." He was not going to risk getting himself stuck down here. "We could always turn around and go back. Or we can destroy some of the rocks. I think I can see more of the cave beyond all this." With their power, it would be pretty easy to break stuff. But Eliza didn't seem to like either plan. "What!? No! We can't turn back. We were given an important task to map out the cave! That means we need to explore all that we can. And... no. We're not going to destroy anything in here."

That was the reason she chose not to let a certain someone else tag along for this, because he wouldn't be able to resist that kind of a plan.
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 8:18 PM

"Well, what else can we do then?" Psyche asked curiously. Her golden eyes watching as Eliza grabbed the lantern, then walked over to a cluster of stalagmites. "Well, not much at this point, except for you two to stay while I go check it out." She waited a little bit before saying the last bit, so she had a chance to squeeze her way through between a gap in the rocks. It engaged Psyche's protective nature, and she dashed right over to where Eliza was starting to disappear through. "What?! No, you can't! What if there's something dangerous down there?" It took all her willpower to not start scratching away at the barrier standing between them.

Eliza thought about it for a moment, and looked back. "Tell you what, when I start screaming, and I mean really screaming. Then you can destroy the stalagmites. But until then, stay. I'll be fine, promise!"
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 8:31 PM

"But... but...!" Psyche started to whine, unable to come up with anything else to say. Instead she just started hurrying back and forth, trying to find some way through. One that she could have missed. Her head was going into any opening she could find, but there wasn't anything that was even remotely close to fitting something her size.

Her little squishy human was soon out of sight. Then after that, the light illuminating the space beyond became dimmer and dimmer. It left her feeling so anxious that she started pacing around. Faolán tried to reach out to her. "Easy now. Everything's going to be fine." Which didn't do much to alleviate her worries, she just snorted out air in his direction and kept pacing. Faolán sighed and sat down.
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 8:46 PM

It was tough getting through all those stalagmites. Every move she made had to be done carefully, so she wouldn't slip on the wet ground. Making sure she didn't get poked by the smaller ones was also tricky. It was exhausting getting through to the other side. She needed a minute to recover.

"Whew... Okay, made it through." She took that moment to scribble down what could be seen, now that she was on the other side. Now it was time to see what was beyond. With her trusty lantern held up ahead of her, she began moving forward.

This room was smaller than the others. From what she could tell, there were no other tunnels connecting to this one. It was a dead end.

"Aw, man..." She sighed a little in exasperation. That meant when she was done taking notes, she was going to have to go back through the stalagmites again to get out... Placing the lantern on the ground for a bit, she sat herself down in the middle of the room to get started.
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 9:01 PM

Eliza was kind of starting to dawdle as she was drawing, twirling the feather pen between her fingers. She wasn't exactly looking forward to making the trip back through the stalagmites. So she wanted to take as much time as she could to just relax. Though based on the few echoes of clattering and stomping back there, she might not get very long before Psyche lost it.

While staring at the feather that she still had her suspicions about, her attention shifted outward to something else that was at the back of the room. Her brow furrowed, as she squinted at a rock over there. That color looked out of place. Was it... a gemstone? Her eyes then widened, and she set aside her things to go check it out right away.
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 9:22 PM

She was thoroughly intrigued by this little potential discovery, and walked right up to the rock to get a close look at it. Once she was close, she crouched. The light reflecting off its surface as she moved made the sight even better. But it was only after she got right up close to it that she realized something wasn't quite right about it.

It moved.

That thing was alive! She froze right then and there. Now scared that it might have been something dangerous, and she made the dumb mistake of getting too close to it.

With each worrisome second - her breath held the whole time - she watched as the thing uncurled itself. It's beautiful orange body, that she had no time to admire right now, shifted. The lights were catching off every jagged surface, that the room started to glow with a hint of that rich color. It opened it's round eyes, meeting hers.

And then it just gently bumped its nose curiously onto hers, making a soft tiny confused growl.
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 9:46 PM

It then tilted its head, blinking a few times.

She couldn't hold her breath any longer, so she let it go and started breathing again, hard. Then just rolled onto her side to lie on the floor. The sudden movement startled the creature, that it opened its wings and jumped away. But she didn't care about that much, she was just relieved. "Thank heavens, you're just a Stargoyle." That meant she wasn't in any immediate danger. If it had been something else, that happened to think of her as food, then that would've been a huge problem. This little guy should remain docile, as long as she didn't do anything to make it mad. From somewhere behind her it barked, almost like as if it was talking back.

...Maybe she could keep it?
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 9:58 PM

It was just a random harmless thought really. And honestly it's not like she would force it to do anything, or even could for that matter. These guys could get pretty heavy, so she had no chance of being able to pick this one up ever. The most she could do is try to befriend it, and see where things went from there.

Finally she shifted to push herself up off the ground. Dusting off anything that may have gotten on her clothes. Some water that pooled into a puddle even got soaked into her coat sleeve a bit, but aside from wringing it out, not much else could be done about that aside from waiting until it dried.

The Stargoyle was up to something in the meantime, as she could hear his stony body clicking against the ground. When she turned around to see what it was doing, it was scuffling about near her stuff.
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 10:11 PM

"Hey buddy, whatcha doing over there?" She spoke softly to it, as she walked slowly towards it and her stuff. But now that the initial fuss was over, and it was more curious about these new things, it payed her no mind. The map was the first thing to be examined. The Stargoyle started sniffing it, pawing at the piece of parchment to see what it would do, and even got his nose under it.

Worried that it might damage the important item, she reached forward to grab it. It had wriggled the map so far up its head that when it stood up straight, the map was just dangling there, blocking its vision. "Rrrr?" Eliza managed to snatch it away before the Stargoyle got any ideas of scratching at it to remove it.
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 10:25 PM

Once she had retrieved the map, she rolled it up and stuffed it into a pocket in her backpack to make sure the little guy didn't get to it again. The only thing missing was the feather pen.

But she didn't get to it in time. The curious creature had turned its sights to the soft thing, and chomped on it. So when she finally noticed, she gasped. "H-hey! Spit that out! It isn't food."

The Stargoyle had to have agreed, because it was now trying to get rid of it. It wasn't having much luck with that though, as it must have gotten stuck between its teeth or something. It tried to use its paws to reach for it. Because she needed that pen, and didn't need the Stargoyle ruining it more, she tried to help get it out.

There was no saving that pen though, as after the two struggled with it - because the little guy didn't want to cooperate with her - it was all mangled. So she was sitting there, scowling at the chewed up feather then at it. The Stargoyle was sitting in front of her, staring. "...You're such a troublemaker."

[Processed up to here]
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 10:52 PM

The Stargoyle simply tilted its head, looking pretty innocent. But she knew better now, that innocent look was nothing more than a trap. "Alright, that's enough of that." She said as she lifted up her backpack to get ready to go back. The lantern was picked up too.

This time the Stargoyle remained quiet, and just watched. It must have had enough fun for one day, she supposed. She didn't really feel like she accomplished much with befriending it, so she figured that it might just stay here in its home. Not much to do about that, so she shrugged and turned to leave.

"See you later then."
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 11:02 PM

Making her way back to the room filled with stalagmites, Eliza let out yet another sigh. "Gotta do this again..." She still didn't feel ready for round two with those things. Behind her, she heard another bark-like sound. Surprisingly the Stargoyle decided to tag along, and dashed right into the the mess of stalagmites.

It had it much easier, being protected by that rock-like skin... What took Eliza several minutes to climb around and squeeze past, only took seconds for it to get through.

Psyche had tired herself out with all that pacing, and finally calmed down enough to sit still. She was trying to be as patient as possible, standing far enough away from the stalagmites to keep an eye out for Eliza wherever she might show up. When she started to hear something, she turned her head to lock right on it. She assumed it was her. "You're baaack!"
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 11:10 PM

Psyche was only half right.

As she walked right up to where the sounds were loudest, something else popped out from between those rocks. It made a bark-like sound, and slipped away right underneath her. "AAAAH!" She stumbled about, trying to locate the weird orange thing that most definitely was not Eliza. But despite its size, it was surprisingly quick.

"Now that wasn't a bad scream." Eliza commented as she slipped out from between some stalagmites. Seems like Psyche's already met the trouble-making Stargoyle... "What is that thing?!" Even Faolán had joined in, trying to reach out and catch it whenever it got close to him.
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Re: Discovering the Unknown [Caving] [H by C]

Postby FrostWynd » 09/30/2017 11:19 PM

It took a lot of effort for Eliza to get that situation under control. She had to practically scream at Psyche and Faolán to calm down. "It's harmless! I swear!" By the end of it, all three were sitting in a line, looking quite ruffled. Eliza stood before them, looking at them with a frown.

Psyche had stepped on the Stargoyle a few times, and learned then that it was made of some sort of rock or mineral. Hard to say if she could've actually crushed it, but Eliza was thankful that she hadn't hurt it. Faolán had gotten bitten by it a few times, but wasn't harmed either. It only latched onto his glove when that happened.

As for the Stargoyle? Its rocky orange hide was a little scuffed and dirty, but Eliza could swear that she saw an amused glint in its eyes.
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