Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 6:01 PM

Ethan x Declan

Hand in hand, the two men strolled through the rain forest slowly. It was a pleasant change for Ethan, who was often running to and fro between his job as a privately employed doctor and his volunteer work at the free clinic. It had been Roland, a member of the family who employed him, who suggested that he take a break from all of it and invest some time in his blossoming relationship with the younger man. Now, looking at their breathtakingly beautiful surroundings and the even more beautiful smile on his boyfriend's face, Ethan knew that Roland had been absolutely right in his advice.

So far away from all the stress of his everyday life, the only thing that Ethan worried about now was finding a nice, secluded spot for the two to share the picnic lunch he had packed in the basket slung over his arm.

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 6:05 PM

"I can't believe your employers paid for the entire trip," Declan broke the silence. "I've never been to such a beautiful area in all my life. Do you get to see places like this often?"

Ethan chuckled. "Oh, no. I'm normally too busy to take any time off. That's actually why they offered to pay for the trip." Actually, the trip had been funded by Roland, not his father, who was technically Ethan's employer. But Ethan had yet to explain his work dynamics to Declan, and he really didn't want to get into it now. He just wanted to relax, and enjoy the week off.

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 6:08 PM

The younger man tore his gaze from their surroundings in order to focus on his partner. "Let me guess - you're one of those workaholic types, who hasn't taken a break in, what, three years?" He playfully bumped his shoulder against Ethan's. "Am I close?"

"Very close," the doctor replied, nodding. "It's actually been four years since I've really taken an official break. And even then, I didn't stop helping at the clinic. To be honest, I'm not sure that I've ever really stopped working for an entire week before." Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, he confessed, "It's kind of an odd feeling, not having any work to do. A good feeling, to be sure, but unfamiliar."

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 6:14 PM

"Don't worry about it too much." Declan gave the doctor's hand a squeeze, his gaze warm and understanding. "Everyone needs a vacation every now and then. Yours has been a long time coming." Pausing for a moment, his expression became thoughtful.

Picking up on his partner's sudden change of attitude, Ethan stopped walking. "Is everything alright?" he asked. "Oh gods, did I rush this? Should I have waited longer before inviting you on our first vacation together?"

Laughing, Declan was quick to reassure the older man. "No, it's not that. Well, actually, it kind of is. But not in that sense." Realizing that he needed to explain, he continued. "It's not that I think you rushed our first vacation together. I'm honestly quite happy that you invited me to tag along. I'm simply wondering if you wouldn't be more comfortable on your own, without feeling the need to entertain me."

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 6:18 PM

Now it seemed it was Ethan's turn to reassure Declan. "Trust me, I would much rather have you with me than be here alone," he said, without a trace of doubt in his voice. "I've gone through too many years of life alone. I've always wanted someone to share my experiences with. But I always seemed either too busy, or the timing was wrong, or it wasn't the right person."

Leaning his head on Ethan's shoulder, Declan sighed happily. "Well, in that case, I'm glad that I'm able to be here with you." Suddenly standing straighter, he pointed towards the waterfall which was now within their sight. "Look! Oh, that's so beautiful. Could we have our picnic there?"

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 6:22 PM

Once Ethan had nodded his agreement, the two began moving at a slightly faster pace towards the waterfall. As they grew closer, a feeling of excitement seemed to well up within them, and they began jogging. Then, they were running. Soon, they were sprinting forward, fingers still intertwined, laughing as gleefully as children.

Reaching a fairly level spot far enough from the waterfall that the sound of crashing water wasn't too loud for them to talk, the two finally stopped. Declan allowed his legs to collapse underneath them, falling onto the soft grass beneath him. His chest rose and fell quickly as he panted for air, still laughing as much as his empty lungs would allow.

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 7:55 PM

Placing the picnic basket on the ground, Ethan couldn't help but admire Declan's youthful energy. It had taken him a while to feel comfortable dating a younger man - not because of any opposition he had to the age difference, but because he felt like he was holding Declan back as an older man - but now he was glad that he had decided to pursue a relationship anyways. His boyfriend had such a perfect mixture of wisdom, maturity, and youth. He was mature and intelligent enough to keep up with serious conversation, but also spirited enough that being around him made Ethan himself feel a bit younger.

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 7:58 PM

"So, what's for lunch?" Declan had finally caught his breath, and was now slyly scooting towards the basket, hoping to get a peek at its contents. He began to lift the lid, but was stopped when Ethan playfully swatted at his hand.

"Ah-ah-ah. Let me get everything set up first." Ethan always preferred that everything be neat and orderly, and their picnic, while more laid back than his normal meals, was no exception. As the younger man pretended to pout, Ethan spread out the thick grey blanket he had brought for them to sit on. Then, he arranged the plates, napkins and silverware, also placing two thermoses of iced tea out for them to drink. Finally, he sat back, pleased with his work. "Okay, now you can get into the food."

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 8:13 PM

Declan reached into the basket as if his life depended on it. He had expected something simple - sandwiches, chips, maybe some fruit. But instead, he began to pull out several tupperware containers filled with food. His eyes widened as he looked at the spread in front of him. "Geez, Ethan, you didn't tell me we were having a feast!"

Looking slightly embarrassed but mostly proud, the doctor began to count off each type of food he had prepared and brought. "Fried chicken, buttermilk biscuits, broccoli salad, fruit medley, and some chocolate chip cookies." Biting his lip, he surveyed the amount of food, which was far more than what the two of them would be able to eat. "Did I overdo it?"

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Re: A Scenic Picnic (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 8:25 PM

The shocked expression on Declan's face slowly turned into a grin. "This looks great! I mean, you probably did overdo it a bit, but I think you need to overdo it every now and then." Leaning over, he pecked the other man on the cheek. "This is actually perfect, I promise."

Blushing, Ethan cleared his throat, hoping the smile that he was unable to hide didn't look silly or childish. "Ah, well, good then. I just hope it tastes as good as it looks." Taking Declan's plate, he began to put a serving of each type of food onto it, before passing it back.

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