In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/15/2017 2:04 AM

Diego . human form

The man standing before the restaurant briefly examined his phone to make sure he was at the right place. Sa'fir Coast was as beautiful as he'd been told it would be, and the place was situated directly above the beach. It was late afternoon and some of the diners were enjoying the sea breeze on the patio while they dined. The surf provided a soothing sussuration in the background complimented by the calls of wild birds and reggae music playing at a low enough volume that it wouldn't overpower conversation.

The man was young, early to mid-twenties, standing at six foot tall. His asymetrical cut hair was a tawny color with black streaks, and paired with his lightly tanned complexion, his brilliantly mismatched eyes seemed to glow. He sighed, raking a masculine yet slim hand through his hair, the bracelets he wore clinking softly against each other. He was dressed in what could easily be described as 'rocker' ensemble.

He took a deep breath as if to steady himself and straightened his clothes self-consciously. He had reluctantly agreed to come here, at the insistence of his best friend Cal. Diego hadn't even realized that he'd been signed up for a blind date, and had tried to weasel out of it. But Cal had sided with the woman responsible for this mess and thus here he was.

He entered the restaurant and gave his name for the reservations that had been made for himself and some woman named Korinne. Or was it Hawke? He couldn't remember, but reassured himself that actual introductions was something the two of them could handle between themselves. Diego was just relieved he'd been paired with a woman instead of a man, especially after his meeting with Amp. Nothing like the company of a woman to distract himself from the attentions of a certain rock star who was insistent that Diego climb in bed with him.
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/15/2017 5:57 AM


Korinne didn’t want to be here.

Well rephrase that. She was being forced to be here. Apparently she was getting into too much drama back at home, and this was some form of passive-aggressive ‘punishment’. She wasn’t complaining per say. She definitely didn’t mind going out and meeting new people, especially cute people on dates. Just the whole arranged thing? Eeeh, it was too pushy to really be her thing. What she liked something low key, casual, like a visit to a bar. Some place where there was a few options, or maybe a nicer bar, where she could find someone to buy her a few things. She liked the more natural feel of that. But maybe this wouldn't be so bad. It was definitely an experience though, that was for sure.

The woman at the table was easily in her mid to late twenties, wearing a burgundy leather jacket over a white shirt and black pants, because she apparently didn’t give a damn about the theme of the establishment. She was sliding an aqua eye over the menu, one hand teasing through her faded red-dyed hair in thought. Of course she was thinking about everything but the food options.

She’d got here too early, probably. She’d had time to ask for a glass of water, scope the place out, plot a quick exit...

Was she paranoid? Yeah, just a tiny bit. She'd seen these things go south too damn fast.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/15/2017 2:58 PM

He was surprised to find her already seated. He'd arrived fifteen minutes early with the intention of scoping the place out, maybe arranging something with the waiter in case the 'date' went south. He wished he'd thought ahead and arranged an escape method with Cal when he'd given into the inevitable. Now, it was too late and he was flying solo.

He gave a silent prayer, to whatever god was watching over him, that if they didn't hit it off they parted amicably. Thankfully, she was perusing the menu and hadn't noticed his arrival- or so it seemed at least. He quickly schooled his facial features into a small flirtatious smile before following the hostess the last few steps up to the table.

"Well, hello." He said, easily slipping into his habitual greeting. That is to say he came on strong, oozing cofidence and what he considered sex appeal. This approach worked at bars and had seen him into plenty of sexcapades before.

Belatedly he realized this might not be the best approach in a blind date. Afterall, he wasn't here for a casual hookup. In fact, sex was the last thing (not literally) on his mind. "I'm Diego." He introduced himself in a more reasonable tone, offering her his hand and inclining his head.
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/15/2017 7:48 PM

She made a little humming noise in acknowledgement when the man greeted her, flicking her eyes up and taking in what exactly she had to deal with. Well at least her date didn’t look boring. She probably would have legged it if some quiet, bookish sort had walked in. Not that she really discriminated (much), it was just… well, the aforementioned desire to not be here. Korinne flicked an eye over to the clock on the wall. Early too, huh? Nervous? Or just had the same idea as her?

The woman casually flicked a few strands of red out of her eyes, put the menu down and stood up to properly greet Deigo. “Hey there, I’m Korinne.” Korinne stated, mouth twitching into something of a smirk. She didn’t usually introduce herself on a first name basis, but she knew if he only remembered her first name, it would be a fair lot harder to track her down later.

Maker, this was just a stupid date, he wasn’t going to kill her or something.

Well, don’t keep standing on my account, take a seat. They tell me the special is to die for, but I’m not entirely sold on it.” she offered, smiling at the man and doing so herself. Yeah, this would be fine. Probably. He was definitely easy on the eyes, she was getting a free meal (Ashe was paying, just for the sheer purpose of getting the rogue out of her hair) and she’d never seen a beach, let alone a beach like Sa’fir before in her life. All she had to do was survive a few hours. It was a fair trade, right?

So, tell me. How did you get roped into this? You don’t seem like the type for this thing, if you’ll pardon my forwardness.” And there it was, typical Hawke bluntness. That took all of five minutes.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/15/2017 9:52 PM

He was relieved that she hadn't been instantly offended by his initial approach. Perhaps she recognized that he had realized it was inappropriate? Or, better still, maybe she hadn't noticed. He prayed this was the case.

Once he was certain they weren't getting off on the wrong foot, he took a moment to examine her. He liked what he saw, and if they had met at a bar, he would have approached her in his usual manner, drink in hand and ready for seduction.

"Nice to meet you." He said with an easy smile. He instantly followed her example and sat across from her. "Really? I've never been here myself, but I'll definitely give it a glance." So saying, he followed by doing. It was pretty cliche of a restaurant on the beach, and didn't feature anything unique or rememberable to him. He gave a small chuckle, more a sighing laugh, and shrugged as he looked up at her. "Yeah, I'm not sold either."

At her question, he could feel his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. He wasn't here willingly, but she didn't seem to be here against her will. She'd hit the nail on the head, this wasn't his sort of thing. So would she be offended if he admitted that was the case?

Unsure of how she would react, he decided honesty was the best policy. If she was here to find a romantic relationship, better to let her down early rather than later, right? "No need to apologize, you're actually right." He paused. "Eh, a friend of mine signed me up, and then my bestie convinced me to show." He smiled awkwardly, unsure what else to say, and obviously expecting a negative reaction.
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/15/2017 11:14 PM

Well, that makes two of us. I wasn’t told what was going on until a, uh ‘concerned friend’ brought me here and then ditched me.” Korinne chuckled, mildly amused at how he was getting flustered. Clearly he was worried at upsetting her or something but really, she was just finding this whole interaction entertaining. She was not easily upset, and definitely had no intention of getting anything long term. Not out of this, not ever. “Not that I’m complaining, I think I got lucky enough.” She couldn’t help but make a small pass at him, if only to see his reaction.

That did clear a few things up for her though. She sort of had an understanding of the situation now. Of course, things could change as the night went on obviously, but it did explain the sudden change of tune from earlier before.

So no pressure here then, right?” Korinne stated, coming to the obvious conclusion here. It would be no fun if they were both too caught up with trying to impress the other or something like that. Not that she particularly cared if people liked her or not (and she knew she could be a particularly difficult person to swallow sometimes as well), so she wasn’t bothered. But this was all coming back around to the ‘forced’ aspect of the blind dating that she hated.

Just… two strangers having dinner on Valentines. Actually... that sounds pretty damn clichéd if you ask me.” She snorted, trying to work out the situation in her head. Well, in all truthfulness it would have either been this or the bar. Ashe was pretty desperate to push her out of the house, probably just in case Korinne tried to crack onto her or something.

Due to the weird nature of the ‘date’ she wasn’t going to start playing twenty questions with Diego, unless he instigated it. She was a little intrigued about him, purely due to his physical appearance and dress sense, but she was pretty determined not to make this awkward (for once).

So instead, she picked back up the menu and started casually flicking over it, trying to work out what would be the safest thing to pick.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/15/2017 11:44 PM

Diego laughed now, a mix of amusement and relief. Not only was she as reluctant as him about a serious relationship from a blind date, but she seemed laid back. Of course, he also loved it when women made passes at him, so it was well received. He smirked at her indirect compliment.

"I think we both lucked out then. Not only do we get to spend an evening running up Mojave's credit card bill, but we agree the other is attractive and we're here due to meddling friends."

He was sitting in the chair in a more relaxed manner now, and nodded at her. "Not unless you want some pressure later." He said in a casual but flirtatious tone. However, while he certainly didn't want a relationship, he also wasn't interested in propositioning her like a sleazeball either so left the suggestion at that.

"I don't know about your 'concerned friend', but Cal is pretty cliché when he tries to set me up with someone. I'm honestly surprised he didn't have the table groaning under roses, champagne, and surrounded by pink balloons in the shapes of hearts. I'm glad he didn't, just surprised."

He too examined his menu until he found something he liked. Once decided, he set it aside, though kept it open to the bottles of spirits available. He'd let her decide what she wanted to eat before asking what she wanted to drink.
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/16/2017 12:52 AM

“Correct that to two credit cards, and I think we’re set.” The woman countered, flashing Diego a mischievous grin. “Sounds like a good mix to me, what could go wrong?” She almost regretted asking that, but that was just her paranoia talking. Just… tempting fate was never a good idea.

I might keep that in mind. Depends if I think you can handle it.” Korinne teased back, poking the tip of her tongue out at him. Hey, she had a bit of a dominant personality, and some people struggled that. But also she wasn’t exactly shy of signalling that she might be down for that later. No pressure though, of course. She was happy that he seemed to be easing up a little bit. She liked to consider herself a laidback person anyway. Well, outside of her work.

Korinne actually pulled a small face of mock disgust at the mention of his friend’s… tendency to go overboard. “Wow, uh. You serious? Is your friend… old-fashioned or… just that desperate to find you someone? Mine just wanted the house to herself I think.” She snickered, imagining both of their shock if they’d walked up to a table decorated in such a way. Pink and hearts? God no. The champagne, on the other hand, she couldn’t fault. Nothing wrong with extra alcohol, right?

Hrrrm. The flop of a special aside, I did hear a few people stating that the fish cakes were supposed to be good, so I might give that a go. Plus, may as well entertain the theme of this place.” she decided, folding the menu and placing it on top of Diego’s. So she may have been creeping on other customers, she wasn’t afraid to admit that. “What did you end up deciding on?"

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/16/2017 1:19 AM

His eyes sparked when she revealed the second card. "With two credit cards, probably being arrested." He laughed, positive that was the worst that could happen to them.

He winked at her when she poked her tongue out, giving her his own mischeivous grin. He had been content to leave the subject of sex at a vague suggestion, but had to stop himself from replying when she teased back. The conversation had already moved past it as he had originally intended.

"Cal..." He paused to consider how to answer. His friend was by no means in the closet, but he still hesitated to put the other man's laundry in the street. "Cal tends to be a bit flamboyant. I don't think he's old fashioned, but.. he is insistent that I find someone. Of course," He huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes, "if you'd been a guy, there probably would have been all I mentioned before and the place would have been rented out so some sappy music would have been playing for us. So I wish my friend had simply wanted me out of his hair." He finished with a small rueful laugh.

He hadn't expected her ask what he was getting, but it was a normal question. He himself asked Cal what he was getting every time they ate out together. "Oh, my bad. I'm getting the grilled sampler platter. Did you want something to drink, or a bottle? I'm starting with a pina colada myself so don't hold back on my account." He couldn't help but wish again that they could have met at a bar. The drinks here, like at most restaurants, were likely to be watered down.
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/17/2017 6:27 PM

Aaah. I gotcha.” Korinne replied, nodding her head a little, understanding a little. Hey, she wasn’t one to judge either, especially when it came down to preferences. Ashe would probably be especially happy this date was with a man, considering that the rogue had attempted to tempt the other woman into her bed once or twice. To her, it didn’t really matter who or what, due to her preferences and her extremely relaxed views on sex.

He sounds well meaning. Personally I don’t get the fuss to settle down. Believe me, if my friend thought all those bells and whistles would actually work for me, I’m sure she would have tried it.” She gave a light shrug, pausing to take a small sip of water. Was it socially acceptable to outright state that she wasn’t exactly the norm in regards to relationships to a stranger? Well, it wasn’t… a date right? So it probably didn’t even matter. "Maybe one day I'll warm up to it." she added with a small laugh.

She nodded her head a little at his choice, trying to recall what that one was. At his question, her eyes lit up a little. “Naaaahh, leave the bottle for the actual couples.” She joked, picking up the drink menu and quickly flicking through it. Hmm, what did she want… something with spirits in it preferably. “The pina colada does sound tempting but… I think I might start with a margarita.

Watered down or not, tequila was always something that got her to loosen up very quickly.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/18/2017 8:36 PM

He quirked an eyebrow at her easy acceptance. Did she, too, think he was gay? Seriously, what the hell was going on that everyone thought that? Yes, his best friend was gay but that didn't mean he was. He quickly reigned his temper in, reminding himself that they had only just met. What was she supposed to think after he said that? Still, it was a recent affront to his machoism and it rankled.

"I guess." He shrugged non-commitally. "I don't know why he keeps trying to set me up with guys. I've never even kissed another man so I don't know why he insists I'd be happier with one." It was obvious that Diego didn't really care about social norms and was more than willing to just talk to her without reservation.

"Maybe you will. 'Til then, play ball while the grass is green, right?" Honestly, he didn't get why people felt their friends had to be in relationships of any kind. But, at least he wasn't alone and the knowledge that Korinne was, at the very least, a sympathetic spirit made him feel better about the past week.

"Psh. Screw the actual couples." Just then, the waiter appeared. Diego waited until Korinne had placed her order before giving his own. "So, what kinds of things do you like talking about?"
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/19/2017 12:23 AM

She had, admittedly, meant she’d understood what he’d meant about the ‘flamboyant’ comment but due to her work, she was pretty good at reading people. So she gave a little nod of the head and drained her glass of water, before the waiter came back and was taking their orders. She almost snickered a bit at the fact the waiter had caught Diego making that comment. She was easily amused, so what.

You mean… aside from talking about myself? Because I could definitely do that all day.” she attempted to backpedal with a joke and a coy smile. “But you know, outside of the whole media, politics and the war, but I actually like talking about other people. Maybe it’s got to do with my work, I couldn’t tell you.

She wasn't going to admit it, not upfront, but her work was almost her entire life at this point. Running in very small, elite social circles, trying to keep them all under her thumb, as she spied, blackmailed and occasionally helped them. It was a very hard job to explain, but that was that. She was generally paid very well to keep quiet. She did also enjoy talking about weapons, especially archaic ones, due to her job as well (no surprises there), but that generally wasn't socially acceptable for women to talk about, right?

He was… very direct with his questioning, she could appreciate that.  She could probably afford to be as direct in her response as well. “See, you interest me.” She said, waving a hand at him and his entire outfit. “The look you’re going for, the haircut. Excuse me for pointing it out, but it’s not what I expected. It’s not a bad thing at all, I just… finding myself wanting to ask questions. Of course this is hardly the correct social setting for it, so you’ll have to excuse me for being so forward.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/20/2017 3:53 AM

Diego's expression quickly changed to one of skepticism. "What's so interesting about my appearance? And if it's so unexpected, what were you expecting?" He managed to keep any hositlity out of his tone. Instead it came out as a friendly challenge. "Ask away. And in case it wasn't obvious, I don't care about social norms so just talk to me. Ask questions, make comments. Piss me off, challenge me. Just talk, woman." His lips quirked in a small smile. If she was going to start the whole "are you sure you're not gay" speil, he didn't want to dance around with metaphors and sugar coating words.

(Sorry this is so short~)
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/21/2017 3:02 AM

"Well," she started, casually shrugging and leaning back into the chair. "We admittedly already covered the topic of why we don't exactly want to be here, but what you're wearing is kinda atypical of date clothing. Especially to a fancy restaurant." She thought this was fancy anyway. It was more upmarket than most places she'd personally been too anyway. And looking around, he kinda stood out.

She admittedly wasn't in a dress like most of the women here either, but she wouldn't be caught dead in one. They were impractical, so were heels. So sue her.

"I was almost about to ask if you were lost and tell you that the bars and nightclubs were a little further down." Korinne followed up with a smug smile. She wasn't sure where the challenge had come from, but she wasn't exactly the type to turn down such an offer. Trouble-making was a hobby of hers, for sure. It had to have been a comment she made though.

((same with mine xD also sorry I've been kinda slow))

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/22/2017 1:08 AM

Their waiter had returned with their drinks and a complimentary basket of bread as an appetizer. Once he was gone again, Diego armed himself with the pina colada and leaned back. All he'd said about coming was that he hadn't signed himself up and his friend Cal would have gone overboard if his date had been with a man. In his mind, his attitude about it should have told her that he was, in fact, not gay. But, she hadn't come right out and accused him of such, so maybe it was simply about his appearance and he was preparing himself for a fight he dealt with nearly on a daily basis. For nothing.

"In my defense, this is how I always dress. Plus, I didn't know until an hour ago that this is where I was coming." He seemed to relax a little bit. For now, at least until she blatantly accused him, he'd assume she didn't think him homosexual.

"So you're familiar with the area enough to know where the bars are?" He asked, interested to know which bars she frequented, where the best music was played, and which ones to avoid.
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