Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Runes and Reptiles (P)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/17/2016 11:56 AM


Lassiter (Las)


The yellowish light of the heavy duty cave lamps created a weird, unreal mood in the small camp,
deep in the mountain. The campside consisted of three tents, equipment strewn around, a map taped to one wall, and three figures going about their business.
They where only half of the expedition crew, but these three had volunteered to stay at camp while two of the others explored further, and their driver/technican tried to get a better signal further up, should they need to call for backup. Cody, the only creature without a human form, lay close to Lassiter. His Master currently compared some runes he had scribbeled down earlier to a book about ancient languages, and seemed to be deep in thought. Cody blew dust up with his nose, and let out a low, unhappy growl.  The big, usually menacing creature seemed to be both bored out of his mind and nervous abut something.

Yuri, who had checked her supplies, straightened up and walked towards her two teammates, a warm smile on her face. The young woman knelt down beside the Lusicross, carefully running a hand over its scaly head, right behind the big nose horn. Cody closed his many eyes and rumbeled. "whats wrong big guy?" she asked, amusement in her voice.
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Re: Runes and Reptiles (P)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/17/2016 12:11 PM

Las looked up from his studies. The man was middle aged and tall, with a vagually asian appereance.
He usually preferred to wear light colored clothes, but brought a dark grey jacket and dark pants for this expedition. He switched off his head mounted reading light, and pulled of the slightly unconfortable device, before looking at Yuri.

The girl was considerably younger then him, barely twenty if one had to guess. Her bright orange hair and freckles made her seem very young and unassuming, but as sunny as her demenor was, she was very professional at what she did. To Lassiters surprise, she was also the only one except for him who was allowed to touch Cody. The Lusicross was well trained, but it usually ignored the rest of the group, shying away if they wanted to touch him, sometimes even growling. Yuri however was excepted. Curious.

"He Doesnt like the underground" The man said, looking at his companion. "He might see more down here then we do, but he cant move freely" Yuri smirked. "well,that makes two of us". Lassiter looked at her with mild surprise. The woman grinned shaking her head "Dont get me wrong Las, I love expeditions, and I like hanging around with you guys" she winked "but staying underground for an extendet time just gives me the jeebees..."
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Re: Runes and Reptiles (P)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/18/2016 12:42 PM

The girl let her hand rest on the massive reptiles head, turning her attention towards Las fully now.
"you dont seem to mind". she commented, tilting her head slightly. Las simply shrugged and answered vagually "I can imagine worse things. Confined spaces never bothered me much" as if it was more of an afterthought he offered "I can see why it unnerves you though. It will pass someday" Yuri nodded silently. Las had never been
a man of massive compassion, but she knew he was doing his best to make her and Cody feel better. and that was good enough for her.

"Any idea where Octane and Rhys went?" she asked after a short moment of silence. "They claimed to be just around the corner, something about a small crevise they wanted to take a closer look at. I wouldnt worry too much" Jury snorted slightly, knowing fully well that even 'just around the corner' could mean they got lost, or worse. sometimes this team really gave her a run for her money.

Codys eyes, mostly half closed for the last 10 minutes, snapped open. His head rose from the dirty ground, and the muskles tensed in his back. Las and Yury both fixed their attention to the exit of the cave, something made its way toward them, and it was not exactly silent.
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Re: Runes and Reptiles (P)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/19/2016 4:43 PM

The weird acoustic of the came made the sounds even more unnerving, and almost impossible to identify.
Yuri sat still as a statue, only her eyes twitching from the cave entrance to her two teammates.
"Las?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm. Lassiter himself had placed a hand on the now almost shaking
back of Cody, never taking the eyes from the entrance.

He was about to say something, when a woman emerged from the dark. She was carrying what seemed to be a heavy duffel bag, plus a lot of electronic devices, some of them slung around her neck like a limp boa. "Goddamn this cave, whose idea was that anyways? I'm gonna kick their butts so hard that..."
she spat, finally all but throwing down her equipment to the floor in front of her.


Looking up at he teammates, the short haired woman did not waste any thoughts on the now growling Cody, or the shocked faces of the other two.
Okay guys, I've got some good news, and some bad news.
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Re: Runes and Reptiles (P)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/20/2016 1:52 PM

Before even giving her teammates a chance to respond, she already gave an answer herself.
"Well the good news is that we've not yet been eaten by Akkail, or whatever the hell else might lurk here.
In fact, there is almost nothing living here except for us, and maybe a few spiders. It might have to do that we have a even worse reptilian horror with us" she stopped to throw Cody a somewhat not happy look
"Who keeps everything away from us. In short, if we dont act extremely stupid we might not die tonight.
Yay for that."

she stopped as if catching her breath. "now, to the bad news. radio down here is as crap as expected, but a lot of the other electronics are also not working. I could barely get an echo scan of some of the surrounding caves in, and it was very inconclusive. so...I'm not even entirely sure if what I said earlier about being alone here is entirely true. same goes for seismographs, or any link to the world out there."

she plopped down next to Yuri, looking slightly beaten down. "Fact is, just because I am a driver/pilot, am not a mechanic, no matter hom much our dear boss wants to think otherwise. Meaning I am not even good at this, and I can tell there is little use for our mehanical equipment." she sighed "which in turn means that if said horrors are changing their minds and want to snack on us, we cant reach Rhys, or Octane, or anyone for that matter."
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Re: Runes and Reptiles (P)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/22/2016 12:55 AM

Las looked over to Mel, his brow furrowed slightly in concern.
"Those are indeed reasons to be concerned" he agreed in his calm, deliberate tone of voice.
"Do you have any idea how far up you would have to travel for you to get a signal?"
The Mechanic shook her head "No way of telling really, I dont think its solely the distance to the surface either."

Yuri slightly pattet her on her back "Dont worry too much Mel. These are bad news, yes, but we have been through much worse". This, in turn, did draw a small smirk on the other womans face. "Ah yeah, I guess you cant argue that"

The smile faded again. "Still, I just...I dunno." she rubbed the back of her head "You are concerned because of
Rhys and Octance, right?"
Yuri offered quietly. Mel nodded "Yeah. I guess." she stoppe,d before continuing
"I think its just that we have no way of communicating. In or Missions before, even if there was problems with radio interference or whatevere, we still could...I dont know, send distress dignals via light or whatever to eachotherl. Here...." she looked around the barren cave, and left the sentence unfinished.
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Re: Runes and Reptiles (P)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/24/2016 12:47 PM

Time seemed to crawl for the next few hours. The team was not speaking much, and the mood was,understandably, quite sollum. Jury started to worry, and that worry was somewhat founded.
she knew her teammates. and she knew, for a fact, that Octane and Rhys together alone where not exacty a
perfect idea. Both of them where very good at their jobs, but because both of them where...the way they where, they tended to push eachother to limits they should not touch, if no one with a bit more reason was around. so with them being out of radio reach, the medic had all a fairly solid reason to feel worried about their well being.

Lassiter, who had spent the past few moments busying himself with the runes he had written down, suddently looked up. "This...could be interisting" The two women and Cody all looked at him, desperate for something good to happen. "I think the tunnel next to us might not be as boring as we first thought...if I read this correctly." he rose up "If you dont mind, I would like to check it out" Mel also almost jumped up
"care if I join? I need to move around a little..." she looked at Yuri apologetically. they all knew that someone had to stay at camp, and Cody alone would not cut it. Yuri did not like the idea of spltting up, but then again, she understood Las for wanting to go after a lead. "Its okay, no worries. just...dont go too far"
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