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* Passive Traits

Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:20 PM

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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:21 PM


Altitude Adaptation - This creature can easily survive in high-altitude areas.
Atmospheric Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate the skies with relative safety and ease.

Cave Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate caves and tunnels with relative safety and ease.
City Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate large towns and cities with relative safety and ease.
Cold Adaptation – This creature can easily survive in freezing temperatures.

Deep-Sea Adaptation – This creature can easily survive at crushing depths.
Desert Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate deserts with relative safety and ease.

Forest Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate forests with relative safety and ease.

Heat Adaptation – This creature can easily survive in scorching temperatures.

Jungle Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate jungles with relative safety and ease.

Lake Dweller - This creature can survive in and navigate lakes and rivers with relative safety and ease.

Mantle Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate volcanoes and lava flows with relative safety and ease.
Mountain Dweller – This creature can survive on and navigate mountains with relative safety and ease.

Ocean Dweller - This creature can survive in and navigate oceans with relative safety and ease.

Plains Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate grasslands with relative safety and ease.

Swamp Dweller – This creature can survive in and navigate swamps and marshlands with relative safety and ease.

Terrain Traveler  – This creature has traveled across many lands, and so knows how to survive in and navigate various environments with relative safety and ease.
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:21 PM


Affectivore – This creature gains sustenance from the emotions of others.
Animavore – This creature’s diet consists of the souls of others.
Avivore – This creature's diet consists of birds.

Carnivore – This creature’s diet consists of meat.
Colorivore – This creature gains sustenance by absorbing colors.

Detritivore – This creature's diet consists of decomposing material.

Electrivore – This creature’s diet consists of electrical energy.

Filter Feeder - This creature’s diet consists of plankton, krill, and/or similar microscopic water creatures.
Folivore – This creature's diet consists of leaves.
Frugivore –This creature's diet consists of fruit.
Fungivore – This creature’s diet consists of fungi.

Geophagous – This creature's diet consists of earthy substances such as soil, clay, and/or chalk.
Graminivore – This creature's diet consists of grasses.
Granivore – This creature’s diet consists of plant seeds.

Herbivore – This creature’s diet consists of plant matter.
Hydrovore – This creature's diet consists of water.

Ignivore - This creature’s diet consists of fire and/or lava.
Insectivore – This creature’s diet consists of insects.

Lunar Photosynthesis – This creature uses light reflected from the moon to survive.

Mentivore – This creature’s diet consists of the dreams or thoughts of others.
Myrmecophagous – This creature's diet consists of ants and/or termites.

Nectarivore – This creature’s diet consists of the nectar of flowers.
Ninguivore – This creature’s diet consists of snow and/or ice.

Omnivore – This creature’s diet is widely variable.
Ophiophagous – This creature's diet consists of snakes.
Osteophagous – This creature's diet consists of bones.

Palynivore – This creature's diet consists of pollen.
Photosynthesis – This creature uses light from the sun to survive.
Piscivore – This creature’s diet consists of fish.

Saccharovore – This creature’s diet consists of sugar.
Sanguivore – This creature’s diet consists of the blood of others.
Silicivore – This creature’s diet consists of rocks and/or metals.
Sonusphagous – This creature’s diet consists of sound and/or music.

Thaumatovore – This creature’s diet consists of magical energies.

Umbravore - This creature’s diet consists of shadows.

Venenuvore – This creature's diet consists of poisons or other toxic materials.

Xylophagous – This creature's diet consists of wood.
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:22 PM


Antivenin – This creature can successfully draw the poison out of one so inflicted.

Bone Mender – This creature can heal a patient's fractures quickly and easily.

Cellular Regeneration – This creature seems to be unaffected by any sort of wound inflicted upon it; even things such as broken bones and gaping holes can be healed over time.

Disease Immunity – This creature is immune to disease.

First Aid – This creature knows how to perform basic first aid.

Healer's Vision – This creature can assess the severity of external wounds and find the external signs of internal injuries.
Herbalist – This creature can use herbs and other natural materials to treat injuries.

Life Transfer – This creature, in giving up some of its own energy, may heal others; however this generally tends to be a draining act for the creature.

Medical MacGuyver – This creature can heal others using only the materials at hand and its own ingenuity.
Medical Psychometry – This creature can discern what is wrong with a patient simply by touching him or her.

Regenerate Limbs – This creature can grow back limbs that it has lost.
Restore Senses – This creature can heal blindness, deafness, dumbness, and other similar maladies in one so inflicted.
Resurrect – This creature has the incredible power to restore life to the dead; however this power is usually limited in some way or has an immense cost.

Speedy Healer – This creature seems to be unaffected by cuts and other such small wounds, as they heal at an accelerated rate.

War Medic – This creature is unfazed by the chaos around it as it tends to wounded soldiers on the battlefield.
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:22 PM


Aftersight – This creature can see into the past.
Artifact User – This creature uses magical objects in order to use magic, either to increase its own magical power or because it can't use magic on its own.
Artificier - This creature can imbue inanimate objects with magical spells.

Create Illusion – This creature can create illusions.

Dispel Illusion – This creature can recognize and dispel illusions.
Dream Weaver – This creature can enter and influence the dreams of others.

Elemental Manipulation - This creature can manipulate the elements for non-offensive purposes, such as creating fire to boil water or moving rocks to create stairs in a mountain.
Empath – This creature can sense the emotions of those around it, and may even be able to project its own emotions onto others.

Foresight – This creature can see into the future.

Hexed – This creature is under the influence of a curse cast upon it by a witch or similar source.

Lifesense – This creature can see the auras that others give off.
Light Shift – This creature can use light to move itself from one place to another.

Marionette – This creature is an empty shell, controlled by another being.
Medium – This creature can channel the departed spirits of others into its body and/or send spirits (including its own) through different planes.

Naturally Magical – This creature has an innate talent for using magic; no studying required.

Phylactery – This creature’s soul is contained in a vessel other than its own body.
Planar Travel – This creature can travel between the planes (human plane, spirit plane, different dimensions, etc.).
Possessed – This creature's actions are not its own, as it is possessed by another.
Possessor – This creature can possess another's body and control its actions.
Potion Brewer - Magic - This creature is skilled at making magical potions and brews.
Puppeteer – This creature can control the actions of living puppets or those with weak minds.

Spellcaster – This creature has studied the ways of magic and is considered to be skilled in its use, having the title of wizard, witch, warlock, mage, etc.
Shadow Shift – This creature can use shadows to move itself from one place to another.
Shape-Shifter – This creature has more than one significant form.
Size Modifier - This creature can change its size to whatever category it wishes.
Spiritbond – This creature’s soul is bound to that of another, creating a mystical relationship between the two.
Spirit Communication – This creature can commune with spirits.
Spirit Sense –This creature can tell when a spirit is nearby.
Summoner – This creature can use magic to summon other beings (like elementals or other-planar creatures).

Teleportation – This creature can instantly teleport to anywhere it wishes, providing the place it wants to travel to is on the same plane.
Time Traveler – This creature can travel through time at will.
Time Warp – This creature can alter time in a small radius for a short amount of time.

Weather Warper - This creature can influence the weather within a small radius, calling rain, creating gusts of wind, gathering clouds, etc.
Witchlight – This creature can create a harmless fire appear from thin air.
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:23 PM


Adaptable - This creature can adapt easily to almost any situation it finds itself in.
Animal Lover – This creature loves animals and enjoys taking care of them.
Animalistic Nature – This creature relies heavily on its instincts and acts like a feral animal.
Avaricious – This creature only cares for one thing – money, and lots of it.

Blunt – This creature always speaks its mind and offers its true opinion when asked, which might cause a few hurt feelings.
Brawler – This creature is an expert at using its brute strength to overcome its foes – which is good, as it tends to get into a lot of fights.

Change of Heart – This creature used to follow a certain lifestyle, but has since changed its ways.
Chaotic Mind – This creature’s thoughts are a jumbled mess, which tends to lead to irrational and random actions.
Charismatic – This creature has a commanding aura, and most people can’t help but listen when it speaks.
Chatterbox – This creature just loves to talk, even if its conversation partner isn't so willing to listen.
Creative Mind – This creature has a vast imagination, which either helps it in artistic endeavors or simply enriches its daydreams.
Cynic – This creature is not necessarily a pessimist, but does have a difficult time believing that the actions of others can be pure in intent, and is generally scornful or sardonic towards others.

Dominant – This creature seeks to ensure that it is always at the top of the hierarchy and enjoys lording over those it deems 'below' itself.
Defensive – This creature seems to think that everyone is a potential threat to its physical and/or emotional well-being, and so it tends to physically and/or emotionally lash out at others.
Dependent – This creature relies on the existence of another heavily, to the point where it likely wouldn't be able to (or desire to) function without them.

Explorer – This creature loves to explore places both modern and antique in the hopes of discovering something new.
Expressive – This creature displays its emotions in a spectacular way – it's impossible for someone to not know how it's feeling at a given moment.
Extrovert – This creature thrives in the company of others and enjoys social interaction.

Fashionista – This creature understands the intricacies of fashion and style.
Fearless – This creature does not know the meaning of fear, and will always hold its ground.
Feigned Innocence - This creature is an expert at acting sweet and adorable in order to get others to act in accordance with its whims.
Focused – This creature is calm and collected, even in the toughest of situations.
For the Cause – This creature's extreme dedication to a cause (science, the law, etc.) makes it care little for such things as ethics and morality – they only get in the way of furthering that cause.
Forest for the Trees – This creature always pays too much attention to tiny details, hampering its ability to actually get things done.

Glutton - This creature enjoys things in the excess, whether it be food, expensive jewelry, physical pleasures, etc.
Gold-Hearted Jerk – This creature might appear to be mean and antisocial, but it actually isn't that bad a person once you get to know it.

Hard-Headed – This creature is stubborn to a fault; nothing can change its mind once it's made up.
Honorable – This creature holds honor above all else, and thus always seeks to act in an honorable manner.
Hyper – This creature appears to have a boundless amount of energy.

Inner Discipline – This creature has trained its mind well and cannot be mentally controlled.
Innocent – This creature's mind is free from prejudices and knowledge of the harsh realities of the world.
Intellectual – This creature is highly intelligent and loves increasing its knowledge through reading and other mental exercises.
Introvert – This creature prefers solitude and doesn't do well in social situations.

Jittery – This creature is constantly jumpy or nervous, and the smallest noise or action can make it shriek in terror.
Justice for All – This creature does its utmost to ensure that all wrongs are righted; it can't stand the thought of justice remaining unserved.

Limelight – This creature loves to be the center of attention and has one favorite topic of conversation – “me!”
Look It Up – This creature enjoys discovering new facts just for the sake of learning.
Loyal – This creature would never dream of betraying those it holds dear, sticking by their sides through thick and thin.
Luddite – This creature rejects modern technologies and conveniences, preferring instead to keep to its 'natural roots'.

Malevolent – This creature enjoys attacking and/or harming others.
Masochistic – This creature enjoys the feeling of pain.
Mean Ol' Jerk – This creature isn't evil, but it does tend to disregard the physical or emotional well-being of others in favor of its own.
Mischievous – This creature has quite the impish streak, and enjoys pulling pranks on others or teasing them (or even both).
Mother Hen – This creature loves all children as if they were its own, and enjoys spending time with and taking care of them.
Multiple Personalities – This creature has several different personalities living within the same body.

Obsessive-Compulsive – This creature must have everything in a particular order or has peculiar 'rituals' that it must perform, or else it becomes extremely distressed and uncomfortable.
Old-Fashioned – This creature dresses and/or acts as if it belongs to a bygone era.
One-Track Mind – This creature can only focus on one thought at a time and has difficulty with multitasking.
Opinionated – This creature believes strongly in its own ideas and morals, so if those are ever questioned, prepare to hear a passionate defense!
Optimist – This creature always strives to see the positive in events and people.

Pacifist – This creature abhors fighting of any kind.
Paranoid – This creature feels as if the world is out to get it.
Perceptive – This creature notices small details that others would miss.
Perfectionist – This creature strives for perfection in everything.
Persuasive – This creature is very good at convincing people into giving it what it wants, either through the use of words or other, more physical means.
Pessimist – This creature only manages to see the negative side of events and people.
Phobic – This creature has a crippling fear of something, such as snakes, spiders, clowns, germs, etc.
Polygraph – This creature can detect when others are lying.
Pure Soul – This creature will never consciously commit an evil act, and if somehow forced to do so, will attempt to atone for what was done.

Recognize Impostor – This creature can identify mimics and pretenders.
Reserved – This creature tends to be quiet and keeps mostly to itself.
Romantic – This creature is infatuated with romantic ideas such as 'true love' and 'love at first sight'.
Rude – This creature couldn't give a flying fuzzball about things like 'manners' or 'decency'.

Smooth Talker – This creature uses its quick wit and soft words to get out of dangerous social situations.
Snooty – This creature acts arrogantly towards all those it considers to be 'below' itself – which seems to be just about everyone.
Socially Adept – This creature completely understands the intricacies of social interaction and can seamlessly insert itself into any sort of situation involving other people.
Socially Inept – This creature has a difficult time understanding basic social concepts, making it difficult for it to interact with others.
Sticky Fingers – This creature is a thief, but the reason may vary; it may be a kleptomaniac, a thrill-seeker, simply trying to survive, etc.
Stoic – This creature rarely, if ever, shows emotion, making it extremely difficult to tell what it's feeling.
Structured Life – This creature loves rules, stability, order, and/or all the little intricacies of bureaucratic workings that tend to drive others crazy.

Traumatized – This creature had something so physically, mentally, and/or emotionally distressing happen to it that it's still affected by the event to this day.
Truant - This creature seems to have little to no energy and is hardly ever active.
True Fan – This creature is a great fan of something, be it a club, an activity, or a certain type of thing which it collects; this may lead to a lot of time and money spent on its obsession.

Wanderlust – This creature loves to travel and experience new places and things, which means it never tends to stay in one spot for long.
Weak Mind – This creature is easily influenced by the words or actions of others.
Well-Mannered – This creature does its best to be civil and polite to all others at all times in all situations.
Workaholic – This creature throws its all into its job, to the point where it might actually harm its own health.

Yes-Man – This creature always bows to the whims of authority, regardless of what those whims are.
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:23 PM


Addict – This creature is addicted to something, such as drugs, sex, medication, etc.
Aerodynamic – This creature possesses wings and therefore has the ability to fly.
Ageusia – This creature does not have the use of its sense of taste.
Allergic – This creature has some sort of allergy that can be potentially fatal.
Amnesiac – This creature either can't recall memories from its past or has difficulty forming new memories.
Ancient One – This creature has lived for an incredibly long time, perhaps even being as old as the world itself.
Anosmia – This creature does not have the use of its sense of smell.
Antennal Tapping – This creature can touch its antennae with those of another and communicate through the contact.
Assisted Flight – This creature flies without the use of natural wings; it could have mechanical wings, a jetpack, special magic, etc.
Automaton – This creature is completely mechanical.

Blind – This creature does not have the use of its vision.
Body Pouch – This creature has a small pouch in its body that it may use to store and carry objects.
Brachiation – This creature has the ability to move through the trees by swinging from branch to branch using its arms.
Breath Holder – This creature can hold its breath for long periods of time.

Classification Nightmare – This creature is actually a combination of taxonomic kingdoms, such as a plant/animal hybrid, an animal/fungus hybrid, etc.
Climber – This creature is adept at climbing, whether it be trees, buildings, mountains, etc.
Contortionist - This creature is capable of twisting its body in ways that most people would squirm to think about.
Corrective Vision – This creature uses some sort of device in order to compensate for or correct its poor vision.
Chromosome Anomaly – This creature has a chromosomal anomaly such as Turner Syndrome, Klinefelter Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Cri du Chat, etc.
Chronostasis – This creature is metabolically stuck in time and can not evolve or be devolved. - Mod Use
Cyborg – This creature’s biological body is supplemented with mechanical parts, and can be considered part computer.

Dash – This creature is capable of producing quick bursts of speed.
Deaf – This creature does not have the use of its hearing.
Diseased Touch – This creature can poison or disease others just by touching them.
Dulled Senses – This creature has a number of sensory impairments.

Evasive – This creature is quick on its feet and can slip away from sticky situations easily.
Extended Life Span – This creature has a longer lifespan than most.

Graceful – This creature moves with an agile beauty, making even a simple gait or gesture seem like part of an exquisite dance.
Grounded – This creature’s wings are clipped or tattered in such a way that it has lost the ability to fly.

Half-Mortal – This creature is immune to the effects of old age and/or disease, but is able to be killed.
Hearing Aid – This creature uses some sort of device in order to compensate for or correct its poor hearing.
Hover – This creature can’t truly fly, but it can hover a few feet above the ground.
Hulking Figure – This creature is much larger than others of its species. (+1 Size Category)
Human Form – This creature is capable of taking a human form.
Human Speech – This creature can, as an animal, speak the human tongue.
Hydrodynamic – This creature has the ability to swim for long distances and to great depths.

Immortal – This creature is immune to the effects of old age and/or disease, and is unable to be killed.
Impaired Smell – This creature cannot discern aromas very well.
Impaired Taste – This creature cannot discern flavors very well.
Iron Reminder – This creature has chains, shackles, or some other sort of binding item on its body, which acts as a reminder of past imprisonment or sins.

Keen Hearing – This creature has incredibly sharp hearing.
Keen Scent – This creature has an incredibly sharp sense of smell.
Keen Vision – This creature has incredibly sharp vision.

Leaper – This creature can make impressive jumps that most other creatures can’t.
Luminescent – This creature can glow in some manner, whether through bioluminescence, chemiluminescence, etc.

Masked – This creature covers up a certain portion of its body for a specific reason; the pet might be some sort of superhero/villain that wants its identity hidden, have a disfiguring scar it doesn't want others to see, have a mark that might instantly make it recognizable to those hunting it, etc.
Missing Limb – This creature has lost an arm or leg, or a portion of one.
Mute – This creature does not have the use of its voice.

Night Blindness – This creature cannot see very well in the dark, if at all.
Night Vision – This creature can see exceptionally well in the dark.

Osmosis – The creature can meld with water, making it invisible when submerged.

Padded Paws – This creature has padding on its feet, making its footsteps light and quiet.
Pain Resistant – This creature has a high tolerance for pain.
Pain Sensitivity – This creature is unusually sensitive to pain.
Partial Blindness – This creature is only partially blind.
Patchwork – This creature is made of mismatched parts, or incorporates parts of something other than itself on its body.
Petite Figure – This creature is much smaller than others of its species. (-1 Size Category)
Photoresistant – This creature’s vision is not hampered by bright light.
Photosensitivity – This creature is unusually sensitive to light.
Poor Hearing – This creature can't hear very well.
Poor Vision – This creature can’t see very well, regardless of the lighting conditions.
Prehensile Tail – This creature ‘s tail can grasp and hold on to objects.

Reincarnated – This creature used to have a completely different form, but when it died, its spirit was put into a new body.
Restricted Mobility – This creature requires a wheelchair or other related device in order to get around.
Resurrected – This creature died, but was revived in some manner and is now fully alive once more.

Sand Camouflage – This creature can camouflage itself in sand.
Sensory Compensation – This creature has compensated for the loss of one or more of its senses through the improvement of another/others.
Sex Spectrum Slider – This creature is capable of changing its sexual characteristics at will.
Silk-Producer – This creature produces some sort of silk or similar material from its body, like a spider or silkworm.
Snow Camouflage – This creature can camouflage itself in snow.
Spider Climb – This creature can climb nearly any surface.
Synesthesia – This creature has an unusual condition in which the stimulation of one sense leads to a reaction in another sense; for example, perceiving different sounds as having different tastes, or seeing certain colors when hearing certain sounds.

Tactile Anesthesia – This creature does not have the use of its sense of touch.
Telekinesis - This creature can move objects through mental will alone.
Therianthropic - This creature transforms into a different animal, but not by will.
Thought-Speech – This creature can communicate telepathically.
Toxic – This creature is toxic to others in some way, whether it be through poisonous skin, venomous fangs or spines, noxious vapors, radioactivity, etc.

Undead – This creature died and was somehow brought back to the world of the living, rendering it neither truly dead nor fully alive.
Undetectable - This creature can become invisible at will and conceal its presence from others.
Uneven Gait – This creature has an abnormality in or injury to one or all of its legs that makes walking difficult (but not impossible).

Voice Box – This creature has a mechanical voice box which it uses to speak, thus leaving its mouth free for other actions.

Wilting Touch – This creature manages to kill any plant it comes in contact with, whether it intends to or not.
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Postby Kyrit » 06/27/2015 4:31 PM


Able Airman – This creature has all the training necessary for a life in the air, whether as a pilot, copilot, flight attendant, balloonist, etc.
Able Seaman – This creature has spent its entire life on the open seas and works on a ship as a captain, deckhand, boatswain, etc.
Adopted – This creature is considered to be a part of a family, even though they aren't related by blood.
Alchemist – This creature studies the art of alchemy, either in the physical or spiritual sense.
Apprentice – This creature is working under another in order to learn a trade.
Artist – This creature takes pleasure in creating works of art, whether they be paintings, sculptures, video, multimedia, etc.
Ascended Heritage - This creature is considered to be a God or Goddess on its plane of origin.
Ascetic – This creature has decided to renounce the pleasures of the world in order to improve itself spiritually.

Blessed – This creature has gained the favor of a deity, and thus has been blessed.

Call of the Wild - This creature can communicate through bird calls or other natural sounds, which is useful for relaying secret messages.
Celebrity – This creature, whether for good or ill, is known by almost everyone and thus is instantly recognized.
Celestial Blood – This creature’s lineage includes at least one heavenly being.
Celestial Heritage – This creature is a heavenly being, such as an angel, and is not considered to be of this plane.
Chef – This creature enjoys preparing and cooking meals, and may work at a restaurant or catering service.
Chosen One – This creature has been chosen for a specific task through mystical means such as a prophesy or by the conditions of their birth.
Code Sworn - This creature has sworn to follow a specific creed.
Corporate Casual – This creature works for some sort of corporate entity, which can encompass a wide range of jobs and titles from the lowliest trainee to the head CEO.
Cursed – This creature has drawn the ire of a deity, and thus has been cursed.
Criminal – This creature is some sort of criminal, whether a thief, drug-pusher, arsonist, bank robber, drug lord, mafia don, etc.
Cryptic Speech – This creature has an unusual manner of speaking, which makes it incredibly difficult to figure out just what it's saying.

Defender – This creature has a sworn duty to protect a specific area or being.
Doctor – This creature is a certified doctor, whether it is a physician, dentist, optometrist, pharmacist, etc.

Elemental Blood – This creature's lineage includes at least one elemental.
Elemental Heritage – This creature was created from the elements (or from a specific element) and thus is considered an elemental.
Eye of the Beholder – This creature always seems to strike others as appearing to be the epitome of a particular word – 'beautiful', 'ugly', 'cute', 'rugged', etc.

Fae Blood – This creature’s lineage includes at least one fae creature.
Fae Heritage – This creature is a being of the fairy world, such as a brownie, pixie, or sprite, and is thus considered a fae creature.
Fisherman – This creature enjoys fishing, either as a hobby or as a livelihood.
Friend of Nature – This creature has a strong bond with the natural world, having the ability to glean information about an area from the local plants and animals.

GPS – This creature always seems to know exactly where it is and never gets lost.
Green Thumb – This creature enjoys working with plants, whether as a gardener, botanist, horticulturist, etc.
Grid – This creature is mentally linked to others, either via an electronic device or magically.

Heretic – This creature has strayed from the path set before it, earning the scorn of others of its faith.
Hoarder – This creature compulsively hoards something (gold, trash, cats, etc.), littering its dwelling place with said items.
Homeless – This creature, for one reason or another, has no real place to call 'home'.
Hunted – This creature always needs to keep an eye out, because someone or something always seems to be trying to track it down.
Hunter – This creature always seems to be on the trail, having devoted its life to tracking something or someone down.

Independent – This creature can survive without the help of others.
Infernal Blood – This creature’s lineage includes at least one fiendish being.
Infernal Heritage - This creature is a fiendish being, such as a demon, and is not considered to be of this plane.

Jailbird – This creature has spent a large portion of its life in prison or as a captive.

Klutz – This creature is very awkward, either always tripping over its own feet or never managing to find the right thing to say or do.

Leader – This creature is a figure of either local or national importance, being the head of a religious group, gang, movement, club, organization, etc.
Lost Secrets – This creature knows of people, places, and/or events long forgotten by most others.

Master of Disguise – This creature is highly skilled at masking its appearance, and can even use its talents to disguise others.
Mechanic - This creature has an affinity for machines and enjoys creating and maintaining them.
Military Man – [This creature serves in a local or national militia or army, being in any rank from Private to General.
Mimic – This creature can mime the actions or voice of others perfectly.
Multi-Racial Blood – This creature's lineage includes individuals from a number of different races or species.
Multi-Racial Heritage – This creature is the first-generation offspring of two very different races or species – for example, the child of an angel and a demon, or a Fellox and a Mekkayena.
Musician – This creature loves making music, whether with a classical instrument, its voice, unusual objects, etc.

Nemesis – This creature is the bane of another’s existence and possesses a vigorous rivalry with that other being.
Noble Authority – This creature is descended from a noble bloodline.

Orphan – This creature either never knew its parents or was abandoned at an early age, forcing it to either live at an orphanage or try to survive on its own.

Parasitic – This creature feeds off of others, either literally or figuratively.
Poker Face – This creature uses its skill (and possibly just a bit of deception) to win at certain types of games, such as poker, blackjack, billiards, etc.
Police – This creature is a member of a police force.
Professor – This creature is extremely learned and, because of its great knowledge and/or love of teaching, is on staff at a university or college.
Protected – This creature is guarded or watched over by another being.

Religious Believer – This creature believes in a faith other than the Holy Triumvirate.
Royal Authority – This creature is descended from a royal bloodline.

Scavenger – This creature is adept at finding leftovers for food.
Scientist – This creature is a certified scientist, whether it is a biologist, chemist, geologist, anthropologist, etc.
Secret Keeper – This creature has been entrusted with or is otherwise forced to hold an important secret, which weighs heavily on its mind.
Silent Shadow – This creature can follow others and remain unnoticed.
Sisigwad – This creature can communicate with plant life.
Spiritual Blood – This creature's lineage includes at least one spirit.
Spiritual Heritage – This creature is the life-force of something, such as a tree or rock, and thus is considered to be a spirit.
Strategist – This creature puts its intelligence to work by making elaborate plans, whether they're battlefield strategies, complicated bank heists, etc.
Surgeon – This creature is a certified surgeon, whether its specialty is cardiac, dental, orthopedic, neurological, etc.

Teacher – This creature enjoys passing on the knowledge it has gained to others, and may be a schoolteacher, a mystical hermit, a master artisan in charge of a guild, etc.
Technician - This creature has an affinity for technology and can create and maintain technological devices.
Textile Worker – This creature enjoys working with fabrics and other such materials, and may be a weaver, knitter, seamstress, etc.
The Quest – This creature is on some sort of important quest (for love, for the Grail, for the sock missing from its dryer), which it focuses on above all else.
To Boldly Go – This creature has received all the training necessary to serve aboard a space-faring craft, whether as captain, commander, officer, etc.
Track Cover – This creature knows how to cover its tracks and thus is nearly impossible to find.
Tracker – This creature is an expert at tracking and locating others.
Tradesman – This creature works at some sort of trade – butcher, blacksmith, baker, brewer, etc.
Trap Master – This creature can detect and disarm physical traps.
Triumvirate Believer – This creature is a believer in the Holy Triumvirate religion.

Weapon Expert – This creature is either a master of a wide variety of weapons or highly skilled in the use of one particular weapon.
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Elie's Trashcan
Elie's Trashcan
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Joined: 09/04/2007 12:33 AM

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