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☼Guardians☼ {Open}

Postby Kitsumi » 06/03/2011 7:02 PM

There was a time when the northern and southern kingdom's fought over every drop of water, every grain of wheat, every blade of grass. Skirmishes turned into battles, battles into wars. Much blood was shed, and for a time, it seemed as if the whole population would be wiped out. An aged king, who had lost all seven sons in battle, declared that there should be peace; the two kingdoms would unite, and the wars would never again ravage the land. As an extra precaution, the king decided that all male heirs to the throne would be protected by guardians. The guardians would be female, and would be raised normally in the villages and tribes throughout the kingdom. But if ever the need for them arrived, they would be brought to the castle and trained to serve as a personal guard to one of the princes. For many centuries, the guardians never learned of their destiny, for they were never needed.

But now a new king from a distant land comes and declares war upon the king and his people. He brings thousands of men to lay seige to the land. He sends a message to the king declaring that in six months' time, he will personally march into the castle and kill the king and all five of his sons.

Now, the guardians are called back to their duties. Young women and teenagers are plucked from their homes in order to learn the way of the guardians. Each one has a special power that the gods have gifted them with in order to protect the five princes as they try to learn how to defeat the new king. Each one has a different color hair: purple, pink, blue, orange, and white. Each girl, on the day of her birth, was given a necklace in a special symbol that represented her power, and was the same color as her hair.

Together, five princes and five guardians must unite to conquer the evil that threatens to destroy their kingdom. And perhaps they will find not only companionship...but also love.

1) Please don't make your power too strong, and you may only have one.
2) You can fall for any prince, not just the one you're guarding.
3) All sight rules apply
4) I would like you to provide an anime picture for your character. If you can't find one, I have a few that I could let you use for your character.
5) Use proper spelling, grammer, and punctuation, please.
6) Put "Nighty-night" in blue somewhere in your post to show that you read through the rules.
7) Keep your posts to a minimum of 3 sentances. They can be as long as you like, of course, but I'd like them to each be at least 3 sentences.
8) Please be fairly active. I understand that you can't be on 24/7; I don't expect you to. But I do expect a post every day or two. If you can't get on, please message me so I'll know. Otherwise, if you haven't posted in seven days, I'll either delete  your character or give them away. This is just to keep the flow of the rp...erm, flowing.
9) Do not just abandon this! I hate it when people join and then never finish. So if you're going to sign up for this roleplay, be willing and ready to follow through.
10) Keep it appropriate, people!

~Character Forms~
Code: Select all
((Insert Picture Here))
[b]Age:[/b] (13-18)
[b]Role:[/b] (pink girl, orange girl, etc.)

Code: Select all
((Insert Picture Here))
[b]Age:[/b] (15-20)
[b]Role:[/b] (oldest prince, youngest prince, etc.)

like sunlight shining through the leaves
we are beautiful

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Re: ☼Guardians☼ {Open} {WIP}

Postby Kitsumi » 06/03/2011 7:03 PM

.::Character Slots::.

Purple Girl - Reserved by me
Pink Girl - Open
Blue Girl - Open
Orange Girl - Open
White Girl - Open

Eldest Prince - Open
Second Eldest - Open
Middle Prince - Reserved by me
Second Youngest - Open
Youngest - Open

like sunlight shining through the leaves
we are beautiful

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Re: ☼Guardians☼ {Open} {WIP}

Postby Kitsumi » 06/03/2011 7:04 PM

Name: Laelana "Laela" Pureblood
Age: 17
Role: Purple Girl
Personality: For the most part, she's shy and reserved. She enjoys music, and knows how to play the guitar, piano, harp, flute, and a wide variaty of percussion instruments. She's never seen without her ipod, and her headphones are almost always in her ears, even when the music is off. She listens to every kind of music, from screamo to classical.
While kind, gentle, and sweet, she's too shy to have ever made any lasting friendships. The closest to friends she's ever had are her three brothers, Mahki, Sahki, and Ti. She's very close to them, and has learned much from them.
From the twins, Mahki and Sahki, she developed a great skill in battle techniques. They taught her how to fight with sword, bow and arrow, spear, mace...pretty much every weapon imaginable. She knows how to use a gun, too, but she never uses it. She thinks that they're a cheater's way out.
From Ti, she gained a love of books and poetry. She used to sit and watch as he placed a few words together to make a beautiful poem that would bring tears to your eyes. After Ti taught her to read and write, she began keeping a journal, which is filled with her life's story as well as the odd poem or song.
If you can get her to open up to you, she'll be a great friend and ally. She'll never tell your secrets to a soul, even under torture, and is the type to sit up with you all night as you cry. She's a sensitive person, though, and easily hurt. So try to be nice to her, ok?
History: She was the last child born to her parents, their 'miricle baby'. After having the twins and Ti, her parents wanted a daughter quite desperately. But try as they might, they couldn't have another child. Finally, Airaella Pureblood became pregnant again. Her husband, Jeid Pureblood, said that he could just tell it was going to be a girl. And indeed, it was.
Because she was her parents only daughter, Laelana was rather sheltered. She knows nothing of the darker side of this world. Drugs, murder, theft - none of that exists to her. She only knows the love and protection of her family.
Powers: Mind Wanderer - she can read thoughts, communicate with others using telepathy, see people's dreams/memories, and even journey into their mind. If she does the last one, however, there is the risk of her becomming stuck inside their mind forever, so she never does this.
Necklace: Image
Weapon: She excells at any weapon, but she uses mainly this: Image
Other: Her necklace, which is a dreamcatcher, symbolizes her ability to travel into the mind.

Name: Medanile "Meda" Kingspur
Age: 17
Role: Middle Prince
Personality: Meda is sort of an outcast among his brothers. He takes no part in all of the "manly" activities that most knights and princes look forward to. Instead, he is content to spend time with his animals.
He's got a way with animals. Anytime he comes near, the animals seem to calm down. His favorite is a bird named Techie, who is nearly always on his master's shoulders or flying overhead. Meda's life is his animals, and his artwork.
He's quite adept with the paintbrush. He can make any scene or picture come to life vividly on the easil. He's also quite good when it comes to sculpting and drawing.
When it comes to ladies, Meda becomes a bit awkward. He doesn't know how to behave. So he sits silently, saying hardly a word, simply nodding or shaking his head in response to questions asked of him. Inside, he's a sweet, passionate, romantic guy. He just doesn't know how to show it.
History: He was born the third son of King Alderath, ruler of the Harmony Kingdom. His older brothers were being taught to be king, the eldest because it was his right, the second eldest in case the eldest came upon complications. And then when his younger brothers were born, they were spoiled with all sorts of fineries.
While Meda was given all the fineries of a prince as well, as the middle child, he was oft forgotten, alone in the stables or with the birds. So, eventually, he just began spending all of his time, when not training, with them. He's a better rider than most, thanks to this.
Weapon: As a prince, he knows how to use a multitude of weapons. But his main is this: Image
Other: On his 16th birthday, as is custom, he was given a tattoo that symbolizes who he is:Image  

like sunlight shining through the leaves
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Re: ☼Guardians☼ {Open} {WIP}

Postby MoralChaos » 06/04/2011 8:49 AM

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