Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/16/2010 6:38 PM

After a bit of walking, Adey began to question whether Acedia actually knew where he was going or not.

"Hey, are you SURE you know where we are?" she demanded, stepping up to his side.

"Of course I do!" The reply was followed by a large yawn and Acedia stretching out his limbs. "We're just moving kinda slowly... We'll get home, don't worry!"

"Could you move a little faster?" Adey grumbled. "I mean, I know you're the lord of Sloth and all...but seriously, I don't want another rabid turkey to jump on me." And then, as if she had hexed herself, Adey heard a rather threatening gobble behind her.


The Christmas-colored bird had returned. It leaped out of the bushes, going for Acedia. Which resulted in Acedia screaming like a little girl and zipping off into the jungle, running faster than he ever had before. Adey facepalmed.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/19/2010 3:06 AM

X had paddled quite a way out, and it was starting to get dark. Most of his party had probably found their way home by now, and with some sadness X realised that he was alone. Pushing the thought to the back of his mind and paddling a little further, he realised that it was probably an excellent time to go hunting for treasure and Turkezilla. He considered himself to be more than a match for two Turkezilla and the only thing that truly scared him was a Solorex, since they were their primary pray.

He pulled himself up out of the water and onto a cliff face slick with water spray as it was right beside the waterfall.  He dug his claws into the rock and began to climb, using his sails to balance himself and hoping he wouldn’t fall.

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/19/2010 5:56 AM

With a sigh of relief, the Frost Paragon heaved his heavy body up onto the plateau and rolled away from the edge. It had been an intense and strenuous climb for the heavy (and tundra-going) dragon and whether his body was slick with water or sweat, he couldn’t tell.

“Oh~!”  With a grunt of effort, the Frost Paragon pulled himself up onto all fours to investigate a tiny Scordrake buzzing around his nose. “This place doesn’t seem so dangerous... does it?”

X queried the insect, not really expecting it to give too much of an answer. At it didn’t, but it suddenly turned around and took off into the forest at a leisurely pace. X excitedly crawled after it – maybe it would lead him to some treasure! Dragons, like himself loved treasure and the Scordrake must have had some dragon-blood in it. Either way, it was an amusing way to pass the time and explore these forests.


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26 (Exit Post)

Postby Shieba » 12/19/2010 6:10 AM

Stella and Chaotic finally reached the edge of the forest, hearing the falls thundering down in the distance. Even Chaotic was quiet for a moment, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. Stella sighed. "Seems like mother won't pick us up and we have to walk home", she commented.

"Nuh-uh! Nuh-uh! Mommy is mean!" Chaotic bounced up and down. "But we can do mooooore chaotic things on our way back home! Like being here! And jumping! Being here and jumping! Jumping and being here and throwing socks at people!"

"Throwing...ah yes." Stella shook her head in disbelief. "Of course. That's totally chaotic indeed."

"I knooooow! Come on! Let's find soooocks!" Chaotic started to jump down the path. "Sooocks! Soooocks!"

Stella sighed, inwardly mourned her fate and followed quickly.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/23/2010 12:40 AM

After following the Scordrake for a little while, deeper and deeper into the Jungle, X began to feel the humidity and heat sink in again. It was especially irritating for a tundra-dwelling dragon and soon he became dizzy with the heat. Just when he was about to give up following the creature and head back to the water, it darted off into the treetops, leaving the Paragon alone.

X drooped his spines sadly, not quite sure what to do with himself now. Going back to the water seemed like a good idea right about now, but sadly X was somewhat lost.
The jungle right now just seemed all the same, but maybe if he used his nose, he'd be able to seek out another Turkezilla nest or something.

That seemed pretty exciting~! So he dipped his nose to the ground and started to pull apart each scent one by one.

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Soriana » 12/23/2010 6:42 AM

"Valence?" he repeated. "There's one you don't hear very often." The Turkezilla laughed again. "I could say the same about you, Triskelion Nephthys." The Khimera rolled his eyes, amused. "It's why I encourage most people to call me 'Risk.'" Valence shook her head. "How much irony do you usually bring upon yourself in one day?" He shrugged. "Who's counting?"

They continued their trek through the forest, and after a time, Triskelion picked up a fresh Turkezilla scent. "So how do we know your buddies aren't going rip our heads off if they incapacitate us?" Valence looked down at her talons. "There is no guarantee, I'm afraid. I will try to negotiate, but they might choose to view me as in league with you and therefore an aggressor just the same." Risk groaned. "But I'm not... ugh. Fair enough. It's not like we've got any other favorable options."


The King beneath the mountains,
The King of carven stone,
The lord of silver fountains
Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,
His harp shall be restrung,
His halls shall echo golden
To songs of yore re-sung.

The streams shall run in gladness,
The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness
At the Mountain-king's return!

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/23/2010 8:54 PM

Now Adey was in a bit of a situation. Her guide was running away from a giant, man-eating (and demon-eating, it seemed) turkey and she would have to be the one to fight it. Rolling her eyes, Adey ran through the jungle, pursuing the turkey and Acedia. The flora here was a bit too dense for flight and would restrict her Garudor form. As she ran, she passed by another big stick that would make a fair turkey-basher. Adey grabbed the club and kept on running.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/23/2010 9:15 PM

Adey had lost the two for a moment, but as she kept running, she started to hear the mad gobbles of the Turkezilla and Acedia's still-really-girly screams. She took in a deep breath and charged forth, bursting through the plants and almost running into the Turkezilla. It gobbled in surprise, and in that moment of hesitation, Adey gave it a nice thwack to the side of the head. It gurgled and dropped to the floor, tongue hanging out of its beak.

Acedia walked over slowly, out of breath. "Adey!" he cried. "I'm never going to eat turkey again!"

"You're a wuss," Adey snorted, dropping the stick. She kneeled down to the Turkezilla and examined it more closely. It was only knocked out. "We should leave. This thing is just fainted. It will wake up soon." She rose and glared at Acedia. "Why are you so wimpy? God."

"I-I'm sorry," Acedia stammered, ducking his head and looking like the exact opposite of a mighty demon lord. "I'll help you get out, I promise!"

"Then let's go already!"


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/23/2010 9:33 PM

If not a few minutes later - X had only traveled a few metres - when a shrieking roar ripped throughout the jungle, scaring flocks of Polly out of trees and sent smaller animals skittering for cover. X pricked up his spines and cocked his head, noting what direction the noise came from, still it was some way off. It was interesting to see how far their cry could carry.
A thought struck X, if it were still at it's nests he could try and find it and see if there were any treasure still there! Excellent, excellent~ What a wonderful idea!

X reared up onto his hindlegs and peered out over the treetops, trying to see where the Turkezilla could be. A disturbance in the trees a few kilometres off told him exactly what he needed. Roaring a challenge back, X dropped back down onto four legs and set off after the disturbance. Then, he'd kill the Turkezilla. Then it might stop killing other things too. So that couldn't be a bad thing.


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Postby Redd » 12/24/2010 1:59 AM

X broke out of the forest to what appeared to be a small clearing. Well... this was were the disturbance was and looking around, he could tell that the area hadn't been a clearing until a few minutes ago.
So where was the monster hiding...?

Suddenly, there was a swooping noise and a low screech; X spun around, and upon seeing a great Common Turkezilla his face dropping into a startled 'o' before ducking out of the way. In his surprise he didn't move fast enough out of the way, and the enraged avian scored three groves down the side of the Frost Paragon's cheekbone.

X reeled back in shock, raising a claw to touch the cut and jerking his paw away in pain. X's eyes glazed over red, the bloodlust and rage taking over his body once more. That monster wanted to play did it? X would just have to show the bird just how well he could fight.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/24/2010 2:15 AM

X lunged at the smaller bird, his teeth coming down on one leg and ripping through flesh as the Turkezilla gave a startled 'swark' and attempted to reel back and fly away. X would have hung on longer, but the head of the Turkezilla snaked forward clamped down on the closest thing to it - X's tail.

The Paragon howled in pain and thrashed about, dislodging the Turkezilla and tossing it away. The beast caught itself in midair by beating it's wings a few times. It then gave an annoyed growl before turning skyward and up a sheer cliff.

X bared his teeth in disgust and spat a bit of blood out. There was no way he was going to be able to scale that - with the trouble the last one caused him. No, he'd have to prowl around and try to find another way up.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/24/2010 2:22 AM

Or he wouldn't have to move it seemed, now that the first Turkezilla dove down, closely followed by a second larger Venom Turkezilla, probably a mate of some description.

With a warning hiss, X backed up a bit flaring out his spines and sail in an intimidating fashion. But the birds were going to have none of it, swooping down and aggressively setting on the Paragon, one clamping it's fangs down on his sail, the other going for his neck.

Not too impressed X screeched out a battlecry and batted the one going for his neck out of the air and in one swift move pinned him down on the ground with two claws. The Common struggled valiantly and snapped at X, every time he tried to bite her and the Venom put up a huge fight, using fangs and claws to leave huge gashes in his sails. Growling in anger, X tossed away the Common and batted the Venom away. Looks like he'd have to think of a new plan of attack.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/24/2010 2:30 AM

Getting a new idea, X threw up his tattered sails to catch the Turkezilla's attention. The good thing about the sails was that they repaired themselves quickly and were designed to distract foes from their main target and their size compared to his body helped achieve that.

Once again the Turkezilla's turned on X, however they were a bit more cautious and wily than before, dodging and ducking never touching the Paragon, merely running circles around him. Carefully watching them, X waited for the Common one to come into his field of vision. Then he pounced.

Rather than using his claws as a primary weapon he switched to using his teeth, coming down on the Turkezilla with jaws agape. The Common shrieked and attempted to maneuver out of the way but was too slow. X bore down on her sinking his teeth in, sending blood and feathers in all directions. The pair crashed and rolled, knocking down more trees and knocking the wind out of the Paragon.

X heaved himself out from underneath the now dead Turkezilla with some satisfaction before turning his eyes to the larger male, who was now in a frenzy over his mate's death.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/24/2010 2:43 AM

The Venom Turkezilla threw himself at X, with no holding back - scratching, clawing and biting if his life depended on it. X hissed in surprise as the flurry of black and green feathers beat relentlessly on his blue hide. X quickly threw himself away from the body of the monster and trying to put some distance between himself and the other monster, but the latter he ended up failing to do.

In desperation to stop the torture, X whipped his tail around knocking the bird off its course. It succeeded, sending the bird tumbling away and into a nearby tree, which gave the Paragon a moments breather to check over his injuries. Despite being covered in nicks and cuts, the Paragons hide had maintained its reputation for being one of the best kinds of armour out there.

As the bird shook itself out and darted back at X, the Paragon reared up ready to parry whatever the Turkezilla threw at him.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 12/24/2010 2:58 AM

As the Turkezilla slammed into the Paragon's chest, with talons outstretched X fell back onto all fours, forcefully pinning the Venom Turkezilla under his immense bulk and firm grip. He darted down, jaws agape but the creature snapped at his eyes making X pull his head back with an irritated hiss. The Turkezilla then snaked its head down, clamping down on X's arm. The Paragon howled in pain and reared up in anger, jerking his arm out of the beast's maw.

With little patience the Paragon stamped down heavily on the Turkezilla, knocking the air out of it and before it could further react, X sunk his fangs into its neck. The Turkezilla jerked a little, before becoming limp and lifeless. X then stepped away from the carcass, panting heavily with exhaustion. Scavengers had already started appearing over by the Common's body and X decided to slink away before they started making a mess of the corpses.

But where to now? X flicked his head up to the cliff. There could be something up there. Or maybe he'd even be able to find out what the way home was.


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