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Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 12:52 PM

A large meadow streches almost to the horizon, bordered by a thin forest. A small creek, filled with clear water, stretches across the grass land, ending in a small, but pretty deep, pond. Wild flowers turn the grass from green to rainbow. Many animals are spread around the plains, under care of a young, eligantly dressed girl. The place is beautiful, but as you look tward what is called ' The Far Side of the Valley', you can see smoke and, from where you are, hear roaring and yelping and growling.  Much beyond that, you see dark and shadowy mountians that look like knives scraping the sky. A shiver runs down your spine as you hear a piercing howl of pain from the Far Side.  You turn around and notice something.  At the edge of the meadow,you see what looks like an enlarged tool shed.  Beside that, you see a small stone cottage with a thin line of smoke rising from the chimney. As you peek inside, you see a small bed in one corner, a table with two chairs in another, a small cozy fire place, and a rocking chair with a young girl with wings, long silver hair, and pitch black eyes sitting upon it with a comon kuhna resting on her lap. At first you are hesitant, but as you step inside, she sees you, smiles, and sweetly says,"Hello there!"  She then stands up, picking up the kuhna and placing it gently back down on the chair. "My name is Fox. I assume you are here for the tour?" She says in a very calm voice that almost sounds musical,"You'll love it! Most of the creatures are very nice... Well, alright! Would you care to see the meadow?"  And with that, you and Fox head outside.

First, she leads you to the shed you saw outside.  It seems to have been edited to where it has an extra floor on top and two more rooms added to the side.  Fox opened the door and said,"This is the Breeding Shed, also known as the S.H.E.D.;  Super Happy Exrta Dorm.  Wierd, I know.  We just call it that because it is where the kuhnas that are up for breeding stay.  We currently have no Lucians or Paragons, but any donations would be very much appreciated   ::3: .  These are the pets you may later want to breed with, but also note that some are out across the Field.  After all, you can't expect them to always be cooped up in here."  You then take a look around a brightly decorated room and see the following creatures:
Cake Kuhna (S)
Loyalty: 8
Toughness: 6
Exploration: 7
Endurance: 4
Intelligence: 6
Righteousness: 3
Darkness: 0
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: Lightfeet, Up the Walls
Battle Traits: None
Loyalty: 3
Toughness: 2
Exploration: 7
Endurance: 4
Intelligence: 5
Righteousness: 1
Darkness: 0
Fame: 6
Passive Traits: Breath Control, Born Flier, Expert Swimmer, Lightfeet
Battle Traits: Whirlwind Attack
Cake Kuhna (S)
Nikki is an odd character.  She exhibits constant mood swings.  When she's excited, she'll run a lap around the field in less than an hour (considering the size of the field, that is quit empressive),  when she's happy, she will do anything you tell her, as well as give you various items.  When sad, she slopes into an empty room in the shed, usually the attic, and cries to her heart's content.  She can be sassy at times, and when she's angry, she is certainly not fun to be around.  With that advice, carry on with whatever you were doing, or approach this Kuhna... if you dare...
Loyalty: 8
Toughness: 6
Exploration: 7
Endurance: 4
Intelligence: 6
Righteousness: 3
Darkness: 0
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: Lightfeet, Up the Walls
Battle Traits: None
Loyalty: 3
Toughness: 2
Exploration: 7
Endurance: 4
Intelligence: 5
Righteousness: 1
Darkness: 0
Fame: 6
Passive Traits: Breath Control, Born Flier, Expert Swimmer, Lightfeet
Battle Traits: Whirlwind Attack

Arkuhna (S)
Species: Arkuhna (S)
Loyalty: 10
Toughness: 6
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 7
Darkness: 0
Fame: 9
Passive Traits: Lightfeet
Battle Traits: None
Arkuhna (S)
Loyalty: 10
Toughness: 6
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 7
Darkness: 0
Fame: 9
Passive Traits: Lightfeet
Battle Traits: None
Common Kuhna
Jhoto is quite a mischiveous one.  He snags as much as he can, whenever he can.  The odd thing is, he is very good at hiding it.  You hardly tell he's there, bu, since the one time he was caught, Fox has been keeping a close eye on him.  He is the older brother of Allie, and they seem to be oppisite in personalities.  of course, Fox trusts her more, though she is accused of stealing if she stayes near her brother.  They were both born on the same day, though,  not in the same year.  As hard as they try, (or as hard as Allie tries), they cannot seem to get along very well.  Be careful, because if you see Jhoto snooping around, it may mean trouble.
Name meaning: ~~~
Name Origin: ~~~
Breedable: Yes
Common Kuhna (S)
Allie has a kind, gentle soul. She loves children and always encourages people to make good choices. She does, however, tend to get in trouble for stealing, but mostly because she tags along with her brother, Jhoto, to try to pursuade him to ask, not take.  She is a year younger than him, and they are nothing alike.  She is loyal to Fox, and, if she is good, Fox may set her up in a breediing room sometime.  She and Cadence are good friends, mostly since they have almost the same personality and the same problem: their brother.  She is a nice Kuhna and will be avalible to breed with, if you like.
Name Meaning: ~~~
Name Origin: ~~~
Breedable: Yes
Level: 1
Loyalty: 10
Toughness: 5
Exploration: 8
Endurance: 2
Intelligence: 5
Righteousness: 8
Darkness: 0
Fame: 9
Passive Traits: Lightfeet
Battle Traits: None
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Joined: 08/11/2009 12:23 PM
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:02 PM

As you follow Fox into the meadow, you see a flicker of movement here and there, and when you ask her about it, she explains that it is just a Concept, which is like an almost outlined creature, pretty much transparent.  "Yes," she says."You will find that there are many of that species here." As you watch the Concept, you notice a doll that it must be carrying, for it seems to be floating in the shadows where the Concept is least visible.  Soon the Concept disappeares around the corner of the cottage, and Fox says,"Oh, I almost forgot!  Some Creatures around here may have a human form, so don't be surprised if you see any."  With that being said, you follow Fox further on.


Jennilee "Jenni"
Concept Duraculi (S)
Some friends and no enemies, Jenni is not known to pick fights. She usually just stays away from others and shows no emotion.  She is, however, considering Connor, because he seems to make it obvious that he likes her. Nobody here in the Fields knows about her past, exept Shelennia, Fox,  and Raekwon, but others do know that she wasn't always emotionless.  She is actually a very fun person, if you you are friends with her long enough and able to dig deep enough to get her to stop blaming herself for her horrible past.  Obviously, no one has been able to do that... yet.  Now, she sticks to the shadows, prefering not to be seen.  She sometimes helps Shelennia, the closest thing she has to her mother, with work at the far side of the valley, and sometimes sulks around Fox on her morning rounds and tours, but most often heads for the ruins of Lambastia's Grand Cathedral, a place she often explored when she was younger, and still explores today.  She always carries around a Siamese Kitty Doll that she calls 'Taffy' and looks like it's been chewed on and overly played with, though not by Jenni. No one questions why she carries it anound, and deffinately no one tries to steal it, for there was an incident with that and it involves Jenni's first fight with Redd and Leo here at the field.  She obviously still hangs on to pieces of the past, though it emotionly destroys her.  She still has nightmares about that horrible day in her past, and Shelennia is the only one she's told.
~No human form~
Name Meaning:  White; fair; smooth
Name Origin:Cornish
Name Pronunciation: (JEN ee)
Element: Dark
Level: 1
Loyalty: 1
Toughness: 5
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 4
Intelligence: 6
Righteousness: 0
Darkness: 6
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: Malevolence
Battle Traits: None
Posts: Lambastia's Grand Cathedral; Hidden Reasons((Me and BlackFox))
                 Pet's Stories; .:Truth or Tale?:.
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:05 PM

As you continue onward, you find yourself walking in tall wildflowers.  The smell of them is wonderful, but very strong.  All of a sudden, something whirrels past you, another right behind it.  They stop only a few feet away, poking their heads up in curiosity.  Then one of them, Raekwon, as Fox calls it, rolls over and rams onto the other, Cadence.  They then go back to chasing each other, so you and Fox continue. Image

Raekwon "Ray"
Venom Rollaby (S)
~In human form, Raekwon is very short and lanky, he is so skinny that it seems as if he's never so much as heard of food, or, for that matter, deoterant.  He has short, greasy, tangled black hair and green eyes that tell his entire personality if you look at them.  He always wears a green T-shirt and black shorts, revealing his skinny pale legs.  He dosen't like being in his human form much, because he thinks of it as too large and noticable, too clumsy, and too slow.  In his mind, stealing is much easier when you have a body pouch, are small, and can simply roll away quite fast.  Though he's only about nine years old, he has what seem to be green tattoos on his arms in swirily designs.  Dosen't surprise me.~
He tends to be very mischivious and he likes to pull pranks or tease others. He has dyslexia, he always gets in trouble and no matter what punishment, he always does it again. His worst punishment was set on him by Shelennia, and for once, he didn't do it again.  What he did though, was completely terrible.  He didn't hurt anyone.  Physically.  He teased Jenni, throwing crude comments at her about how she destroyed her family, which, first of all, isn't true, for only Jenni herself believes it.  Second, he found out while commiting a crime, so when Shelennia asked him how he came to think that, he really confessed to two crimes by accident.  He found out about when he was looting the cottage, overhearing Fox and Shelennia talking about how Jenni is blaming herself more and more for what happened.  The reason Shelennia was so mad at him is because Jenni is like a daughter to her, and he almost drove her over the edge.  His 'horribe' punishment was what he, Redd, Leo, and Static fear the most; one month (or more) of community service.  Anyway, he tends to annoy his sister, Cadence, horribly. His sister is sligtly older, by only minutes as the two are twins.
Name Meaning: N/A
Name Origin: American English
Name Pronunciation: (ray KWON)
Level: 1
Loyalty: 3
Toughness: 5
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 3
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 1
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: Body Pouch
Battle Traits: None
Posts: None


Cadence "Cady"
Chaos Rollaby (S)
~Cadense, unlike her brother, loves being in her human form.  She is a very beautiful 'young lady' with deep red hair, and, though bloodred, her eyes are beautiful and trusting.  She wears a white T-shirt that has some sloggan on it, though no one has really looked at it long enough to read it.  Her shoes are white and grey with red laces, and are barely visible under her long grey swetpants.  her skin is pale, though a couple shades darker than Ray's, as she has been in human form in the sun more.  Also, she's the about same age as her brother, nine.~
She seems to stay with her brother, as annoying as he is too her, to try and keep him from doing too much and getting himself into truble. She is very kind and calm, and looks for the good in people. She sometimes helps at the far side of the valley, not to stop them, but more of helping fix damages.  She enjoys community service, though she never got it as a punishment, just volenteer work.  She never insists on working for pay, though she was given five KS by Fox for all her generous helping, and with it, did a very smart thing; hid it from her brother to save up and invest in the future.  Some people call her a goody-goody-two-shoes, but she just calls herself smart.  Her brother is Raekwon, and the two are twins, but Cadence is the oldest.
Name meaning: beat; tempo; time; rhythm
Name Origin: English
Name Pronunciation: (KAY dens)
Level: 1
Loyalty: 3
Toughness: 5
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 3
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 1
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: Body Pouch
Battle Traits: None
Posts: None
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Joined: 08/11/2009 12:23 PM
Location: Home, eating chips, ignoring everything else

Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:07 PM

As you head further out, you see another Concept.  Well, not exactly see, more like hear.  You hear ruffeling, like someting moving through the flowers, and when you look in that direction, you see only a ripple, almost a shape, or atleast most of a shape, as it is in the sun, but not quite. This one seemed braver than the other; it came right up to you and spoke.  "Hello," it said, adressing its 'master' first, then you.  This surprised you, since none of the creatures had spoken to you yet.  Then you hear a crash and growling on the far side of the valley, and the Concept quickly says goodbye, and, as far as you can tell, headed in that direction.

Concept Albie (S)
~No Human Form~
Connor is brave, outgoing, and funny. He's a great person to be around exept when he's in a bad mood. Then he seems to have a dark, gloomy aura around himself. He shows a slight bit of affection for Jenni, which is weird, since they practicly have oposite personalities. Anything of his or that he feels a connection to, he tends to be protective and territorial of it.  He often helps Shelennia with work at the far side of the valley.  Work there is very hard, but it is also quite important, because if the group of volenteers didn't stop the fights between the Imperials and Purines, who knows, the whole valley could be on fire!
Name Meaning: Lover of hounds; hound nobleman
Name Origin: Gealic
Name Pronunciation: (KAH ner)
Level: 1
Element: Earth
Loyalty: 7
Toughness: 8
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 6
Intelligence: 5
Righteousness: 0
Darkness: 0
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: Mountaineer
Battle Traits: Mountain Warrior, Snowflake Wardance
Posts: None
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Joined: 08/11/2009 12:23 PM
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:09 PM

You continue on, then stop abruptly.  "Hello..." you hear.  It sounds like a wisper in the wind, like a ghost, like a Spirit...  "Why hello Chelsea!"  Fox says happily.  Apparently she heard it, too. She stuck her hand out, as if to pet something, even though there was nothing there.  Then her hand stopped in midair, like a mime, and you realize she is petting a Concept. " I'm sorry Fox, but I believe i must go..." you hear again.  You watch as the flowers part where the concept is running, then, one again, continue on the tour.  

Chelsea  "Spirit"
Concept Penticorn (L)
~Chelsea is about seventeen, and she has long, white hair.  It is always silky and brushed, and it never makes her look old.  Her skin is pale, though her lips are blood red with lipstick and stand out.  Her eyes are a stunning blue, and She always wears a short white dress of silk.  Her nails are well manicured and painted to match her lips and eyes; in a pattern of red and blue.  Just by looking at her, you think of her as one to stay away from, just because on the first look she looks like one of those immature teens, but on the second look, you see more closely the expression on her face, proud and trustworthy, smart and fearless, and you know she'll be a great leader some day.  Funny, since you never hear her talk...~
Pretty, brave, honest, but shy around many others.She is usually very active, and seems perfectly fine after her and Kyro's breakup. She dosen't talk too much, but a lot of others come up to her to tell their secrets, because they know she won't blab.  She talks with her friends, but never gossips.  When she speaks, it sounds like a whisper in the wind; a beautiful sound, though it makes the fact that you can hardly see her all the more creepy.  It is because of this that she got her nickname "Spirit".
Name Meaning: Chalk landing place
Name Origin: English
Nam Pronunciation: (CHEL SEE)
Level: 1
Loyalty: 8
Toughness: 11
Exploration: 6
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 7
Righteousness: 7
Darkness: 0
Fame: 6
Passive Traits: Grass Trekker
Battle Traits: None
Posts: None
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Joined: 08/11/2009 12:23 PM
Location: Home, eating chips, ignoring everything else

Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:09 PM

You continue on, and pass a penticorn.  Fox stoppes for a second, shifts uncomftorbly, nods in that direction, and says,"Hello Kyro. Sentter."  She continues walking, the realizes that you are still there, locked in a gaze with the Bleached Bleeder, Sentter.  As you stare into his eyes, you remember every horrible memory you've ever had, every horror movie you've ever seen... "Hey! Snap out of it!" You are shaken awake by Fox, who then says,"Sorry, I forgot to tell you not to make eye contact.  Here, let's go..."

Wood Penticorn (L)
Kyro is mostly depressed or sad because of his most recent breakup with Chelsea. Therefore, he is now stuck with Sentter, a Bleeched Bleeder,on either his back or shoulder. He used to be happy and peppy, always excited, until, well, you know.  He always stays away from others, that, or they stay away from him.  He does have one best friend, the only one who stayed by him after he became depressing, and that's Stirogh, the Voltage Fellox.   He seemes to be a little happier however, than he was before.  No one quite knows why, but the way Sentter has been acting, we're pretty sure Kyro is about to fall in love again.  Better for him, but what will happen to poor little Sentter?  He will return to fill the gap in the broken heart.  Now, as majical as that seemes, neither Kyro nor Sentter want it to happen.  Kyro thinks it will hurt, and Sentter likes fresh air.  Honestly, shouldn't they be a little bumped up about these things?  Apparently not...
Level: 1
Loyalty: 0
Toughness: 7
Exploration: 6
Endurance: 2
Intelligence: 7
Righteousness: 3
Darkness: 0
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: Grass Trekker
Battle Traits: None


Bleeched Bleeder (T)
Sentter is not much of a talker.  He NEVER says a word to anyone exept Kyro, but even that is just a wisper and almost never happens.  He always seems tense, as if waiting for something terrible to happen.  He sometimes makes people feel uncomftorble by staring at them with a look that is so pained that it makes you want to jump of a cliff.  He is obviously not a people person.  If you ever do hear him speak, though, the most commmon thing he does is port and say,"Air."  Rumor says he will be leaving them soon, and, if this one sticks, he won't be back for a long time.  But, why is everyone looking forward to this...?
Level: 1
Element: Dark
Loyalty: 8
Toughness: 5
Exploration: 0
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 9
Righteousness: 0
Darkness: 11
Fame: 0
Passive Traits: Lifesense, Shadow
Battle Traits: Freezing Touch, Spectral Strike, Spiked Body
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Joined: 08/11/2009 12:23 PM
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:11 PM

You head on, still shaken by your experience with Sentter.  You see two small creatures among the flowers.  They are hard to see at first, mostly because of their size and also because of their color.  They pay no attention to you, too absorbed in what they are doing, which is picking certian wildflowers and carring them away, then coming back for more. You take one last look at them and head on.

Langerine (T)
Always seems bright and peppy, and sometimes gets overly excited.  He never picks fights, though has been in a few.  Is overly protective about his mate, Lexxi. He nobody knows where he came from. He is a mystery to everyone, exept, of course, Lexxi.  He sometimes has to help Lexxi decorate their home, though he dosen't enjoy it as much as she does.  His best friend is Ioe, even though they are not at all alike.
Level: 1  
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 1
Exploration: 10
Endurance: 1
Intelligence: 4
Righteousness: 3
Darkness: 0
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: None


Ragerine (T)
Usually very calm, but don't let that fool you.  Even though she's small, you do NOT want to get on her bad side. She loves children and has lots of friends, and she tends to sleep in. She's great people person.  She enjoys decorating her home with wildflowers and often getting Frenn to help.  Her home is a hallowed out log that is half buried, with a large leaf at the open end by the upturned roots, which spread out and curl around the opening, making a perfect doorway. the top of the log has cracks in it, which allow light to filter through, and when it rains, she and Frenn head to the burrowed under ground area at the other side of the log.
Level: 1
Loyalty: 1
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 8
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 3
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 2
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Confound the Big Folk
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Joined: 08/11/2009 12:23 PM
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:12 PM

You see another Concept, just barely outlined, coming from the far side of the valley, where the other had just gone.  "Oh! Fox, there you are! Don't worry, no one was hurt, but this time there was more, so I fear it might get worse, so we'll keep watch to try to calm them down..." Just then it appeares to notice you, for it lookes at you, quickly changes it's tone,and says,"Well hello! Welcome to Fox Feilds! My name is Shelennia, the Alpha Female of the far side of the valley. I hope you are enjoying yourself, yes?"  Then she mutteres something to Fox, says good-bye, and leaves. "Good to know, good to know... Come on, let's continue,"says Fox.              
Concept Fellox (M)
Shelennia is very protective and territorial, and usually  is the one to break up fights.  I guess you could call her the Alpha Female.  She is normally not one to pick favorites, but she really likes Stirogh and is too shy to admit it.  She often has to head to the far side of the valley with some others to stop all the Imperials and Purines from killing each other.  It's a full time job.  She does enjoy Swimming in her free time, and she dosen't have a nickname, due to her belief that nicknames make leaders lose respect. Of course, everyone with one argues with this, but it always turnes out the same; they have their nicknames, and still look up to her.  Stirogh has a nickname, though only one person calls him that, and he continuously tries to get him to stop, not wanting to be embarrased by Shelennia, who giggles every time he freaks out like that.
Level: 1
Loyalty: 8
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 8
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 9
Darkness: 2
Fame: 7
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike
Appears in: Pet stories, .:Truth or Tale?:.
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Joined: 08/11/2009 12:23 PM
Location: Home, eating chips, ignoring everything else

Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:12 PM

You continue, only to stop a few feet away because of a Voltage Sahound running around your legs, almost tripping you. "Static!" yelled Fox in a very annoyed voice.  Hearing the sound, a Voltage Fellox ran over and picked up the Sahound by the scruff of his neck. The Sahound yelped, but not in pain.  More like surprise.  "Srawry 'bowt dat,"the Fellox said through his teeth. It was obviously hard to talk while carrying the Sahound."Itz weally hard to contwol dis won. Now Statik, say srawry." The sahound pouted and mumbled,"Sorry..."  Then it squirmed and said,"Stio, put me down!"
"Stop cwaling me dat," said Stirogh.
"I'll tell Shelennia!"
Stirogh put him down, once again apologized, and made Static apologize.  Afterward, you and Fox continue.
Stirogh  "Stio"
Voltage Fellox (M)
Stirogh is very strong, but also caring. He basicly adopted Static, but about five minutes later, he regretted it. He likes Shelennia and she likes him, but both of them are too shy to admit it [Static knows, and often teases him about it]. He likes to run, and does get in alot of fights, mostly by trying to defend Static when he gets into fights.  He has a nickname, Stio, but no one calls him that except Static, who made it up[Stirogh never likes being called that anyway].
Level: 1
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike
Voltage Sahound (S)
Static is extremely energetic and peppy, but also very annoying.  Adopted by Stirogh, he feels a certian bond and won't leave him alone. Bad luck for Stirogh. He tends to get in many fights, some with adults and some with children. Most with Redd and Leo.
Loyalty: 8
Toughness: 8
Exploration: 7
Endurance: 4
Intelligence: 6
Righteousness: 4
Darkness: 3
Fame: 10
Passive Traits: Grass Trekker, Keen-Eared Scout
Battle Traits: Hear the Unseen
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Joined: 08/11/2009 12:23 PM
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:15 PM

As you continue, you see that Fox is leading you along a small creek that is so clear and unpolluted that you can see your perfect reflection as well as everything in the water.  As you come along, you meet a Wood Rexxel whom Fox intoduces as Catrina, and a Saffron Yonyuu named Layia.  You notice that Catrina is continuously looking at her own reflection in the water. When she notices you, she giggles and hides her face behind her tail.  Layia, who was resting nearby, gets up, rolles her eyes, and pushes Catrina into the water, which, on her part, was a very childish thing to do.  By the look in Catrina's eyes, you and Fox decide to head on before things get bad.
Wood Rexxel (S)
Catrina can be stubborn, and holds grudges if she dosen't get her way.She's pretty much a priss, and tends to stare at her own reflection. She tends too flurt too much, and it always takes a great deal of effort for Layia to calm her down.  Be careful, because being a girl dosen't change anything. She can still kick butt when she's angry. She was adopted by Layia, who tries very hard to get along with her.
Level: 1
Loyalty: 1
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 3
Intelligence: 7
Righteousness: 3
Darkness: 3
Fame: 10
Passive Traits: Mighty Leaping, Up the Walls
Battle Traits: None
Saffron Yonyuu (M)
Layia is very calm and peaceful. She loves children, but has a hard time handling Catrina, who she adopted. She does not like to be alone.  Her best friend is Lily, a Noel Tali who is the Alpha Female of the Tali Pack.  Everyone likes her, and she is known throughout the feild for saving two certian tali's from a terrible situation with a Void hallowheart.
Level: 1
Loyalty: 6
Toughness: 11
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 9
Righteousness: 5
Darkness: 1
Fame: 8
Passive Traits: Caver, Deep Vision, Born Flier
Battle Traits: Flyby Attack, Wingstorm
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:16 PM

Fox continues to lead you down the creek, where you see a Common Tuskow taking a drink.  When she is done, she beams at you(if cows can beam) and says,"Well hello dearie! I hope you are enjoying yourself!  Now Fox, I hope you're being nice to this one, right?" Fox sighs and says,"Hera, you sound like my mother, and yet I take care of you!" Hera pretended to pout,"Oh honey, why do you have to be that way?" Then she smiled and said,"Just kidding! Now, as much as I'd like you to, don't spend all your time with me! Go see the rest of the Field!" Then she lowered her voice, changed her tone, and said,"Now.. be careful when you lead them to the far side, Fox, and, mind you, try not to go further than that... if you know what I mean." Then she cheered up and said," Well, you be of then, dearie!" And so you left.
Common Tuskow
Hera isn't one to laugh and play, and she mostly stands aroud grazing all day. She can get overprotective, and in that case, you'd wanna stay far away. If you are on her good side, she is kind and loving. She is also motherly, though she has no children.  She can get very annoyed, so be careful!  She enjoys watching the sunset and sunrise.
Name Meaning: Greek Goddess of Heaven
Name Origin:  Greek
Level: 1  
Loyalty: 5
Toughness: 7
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 4
Righteousness: 5
Darkness: 0
Fame: 9
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Boar's Ferocity
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:16 PM

As you head still further, you see another tuskow.  This time you see that this one is angrier, mostly because Static, the voltage Sahound you saw before, is provoking him.  Static is crouched in a nearby (red) flower patch next to you calling ,"Hey Ioe!  Gain some weight?  You're slower than I remember.  Come on, ya big fat steak, pump it!"  The Tuskow roared in rage, pawed the ground, got ready to charge, and... WHACK!!! Stirogh appeares out of no where, jumps onto Ioe's back, and pretty much goes bull riding.  This gatheres a crowd, and pretty soon you have Shelennia, Jenni, Connor, and Fox, your tour guide, trying to calm Ioe down enough so Stirough, who is handing on for dear life, can get off.  About half the Field is watching, and Static is roaring with laughter.   You look down at him, and then he tries to make a break for it, so you call to Layia who comes over, soaking wet with ruffeled up fur(most likely from Catrina), and scoops him up.  She holds him in her mouth the way Stirough had; by the scruff of his neck.  She then bows to you, apologizes, and takes Static over to Hera to heep an eye on. Soon this is all over, Stirough thrown in the creek, Ioe calmed down, the crowd cleared away, and Fox back beside you saying,"I'm sorry, so sorry!  I just needed to help with that, come on, let's go... sorry."Image
Foliage "Ioe"
Battlefield Tuskow  (M)
Ioe is very kind to you if you are kind to him, but make him mad and he'll headbutt you to mars.  His best friend is Frenn, a Langerine.  Ioe is very kind, despite his bad temper.  He has a crush in Hera, and so far, according to her, I'll never happen.  Frenn continuously tries to get him to talk to her, but it usually just ends up as Ioe following her around and her calling him a stalker.  Pretty dumb on his part.  Ioe is easily provoked, as shown above, so, if you are going to provoke an angry bull, make sure you have a backup plan, like having someone save you by risking their life.  Okay maybe nit the bast advice, but hey- it's somethin'!  (Also, surprisingly, Frenn is actually the one telling everyone this.)
Loyalty: 8
Toughness: 11
Exploration: 7
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 4
Righteousness: 3
Darkness: 0
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Boar's Ferocity
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:18 PM

You continue and then Fox stoppes you and says,"Here, put these on. I'll explain later." She then hands you two little white things that lookes alot like marshmellows, but are obviously ear plugs. You obey, and then, as you continue, a Noel Fenling runs up to you and bounces around and, from the look of her mouth, was blabbing stuff so fast that all you could see was a blur. It took a good twenty-five minutes for Fox to convince her that you really didn't have much time and you need to continue with the tour, and finally, with a hop in her step, the ADHD Fenling went to find Catrina. You take the earplugs out and continue with the tour.

Noel Fenling  (S)
Kali is an energetic
ball of energy who 'appeared out of nowhere' one day and started blabing on and on about,"Oh, how pretty ths place is!  Oh, look at that!  Hey who are you?  Oh, how cute that i- oh, look at that funny lil' thing!  Oh!  Oh!  Oh!"  And so on and so on.  She tends to annoy people, which is why earplugs have become the most popular possetion in the field.  You try to strike up a conversation with her, you better have some handy.  She and Catrina are the best of friends.  She has a crush on Redd; they are the same age.Species: Fenling Element: Earth
Loyalty: 9
Toughness: 5
Exploration: 6
Endurance: 4
Intelligence: 4
Righteousness: 6
Darkness: 4
Fame: 12
Passive Traits: Desert Dweller, Foresight, Prehensile Tail
Battle Traits: Sandskimmer
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:18 PM

As you walk further, legs tired from standing so long because of Kali, you meet a Voltage Ferrikoon.  She beams at you and says,"Hello!  Nice to meet you.  I'm Cake, and I'm one of the reasons that this place is so clean (giggle)!  I do most of the charity work.  Are you enjoying yourself at this beeeaauutiful field?"  She said this with a cheery hop in her step and a lovely smile.  
"In quite a good mood today, now aren't you?"  Asked Fox.
Cake giggled and said,"Aren't I always?"  Then looked up at the sun and said,"Fox... it's getting late.  Don't make the tour go on to late.  Are you going to do that overnight tour thing again?  If you do, make sure you aren't to the Far Side yet.  I hear they fight most at night.  Oh! And, if you get to the Mountains, tell Slii I said hi."  With that, she whisked around and bounded away tward the Cottage, which was now completely out of sight.  Fox waved bye to her and said,She's right... it is getting late.  let's go a little further, and then set up camp for the night."  So you steadily follow Fox through the tall grass further along the creek.
Cackel  'Cake'
Voltage Ferrikoon
Cake is sweet, kind, forgiving, and loving.  She never holds grudges and was born and raised in Fox Fields.  She has a crush on Slii, a close 'family friend'  who everyone would expect her to dislike, for they have opposite personalities.  Nevertheless, they both sharethe same affection for each other.  She is not able to see Slii due to his recent banishment from the main section of the field and the fact that he continuously disappeares.  She is the only one besides Slii who sometimes is seen with Slii's Angst-Ball-Body-Guard, Taka,  hovering around her, sent to protect her by ever-so-caring Slii.  Her best friend is Rage, who lives in the Mountains to which Slii is banished.  Rage, of course, is not, so she comes to visit Cake often, but always followed by Bandit, who passes time by racing with Taka.  Every week, Cake volenteers to help pick-up around the Field as well as other charities and fundraisers to help the Field.  She usually works twice as hard and is much more succsessful than any other voulenteers.  Her favorite saying is,"I will work harder, charity."  To some people, the ',charity.' part dosen't make sense, but to most it does.  On rare occaisions, she helps out with the Far Side, but most of the time she does not help with that because of her strong will against war.  She sleeps behind the cottage in a burrowed hole beneath the wood pile.  Rage constantly bunks with her whenever things in her own home get bad, like the Hallowhearts fighting or the War drifting across the border.  Much of which Cake is used to, so she is never surprised if she finds Rage curled up next to Bandit in her Burrow.
Name Meaning: To make a crackaling sound
Name Origin: English
Name Pronunciation: (CA kel)
Loyalty: 1
Toughness: 6
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 3
Intelligence: 7
Righteousness: 1
Darkness: 3
Fame: 0
Passive Traits: Born Flier, Lightfeet
Battle Traits: Cloak Dance
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Re: Fox Feilds

Postby BlackFox4498 » 08/11/2009 1:20 PM

Glacial Matches
Creama is sweet and kind, but also hyper.  She dosen't really like the heat, but the pond is so brisk and cool that whenever she feels too warm, she takes a dip.  She likes to swim, though it is odd to see her do so, since she is a bird.  She hangs out with Carden, a Cobalt Matches.  She tends to get territorial, and is obsessive over young children.  She just thinks they are so cute!!!  Well, who can blame her?
Cobalt Matches

((will complete later))
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