Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:GLV]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/13/2021 10:20 PM


"It's not a date," Dante insisted, although the hint of a smirk on his face spoke otherwise. "The man said that he wanted to test out the crystals in different areas. Well, I figured not many people would have thought to come to this area."

Marceline raised one eyebrow at him, the corner of her mouth quirking upwards ever so slightly. "Oh, so you just figured that a beautiful park would be a good place to charge the crystal?"

"Mhm," the male nodded, eyes closed.

"And while we're waiting for the crystal to charge... what do you propose we do?"

"Well... I did happen to bring a picnic basket."


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/13/2021 10:23 PM

"Oberon would kill you if he knew what you were doing," Marceline warned. "He made it very clear that he doesn't want the two of us 'fraternizing'. He doesn't trust you."

The male shrugged. "So I'll get him to trust me. I'm a patient guy, Marcie, and you're worth waiting for." He took her hand in his, raising it to his lips to press a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "And hey, it's not like I have to worry about running out of time. You know, being a cambion and all."

Although she tried to hide her face, Marceline was too slow. Dante grinned as he saw the flush of pink across her cheeks.


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/13/2021 10:27 PM

"So you admit that you brought me out here in an attempt to woo me," the woman said, once she was sure that she could speak without her voice cracking. "I knew it."

"Oh baby," Dante surprised her by wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. He nuzzled his nose against hers, his warm breath fanning across her face. "I think we're past the 'wooing' stage. I simply thought that my girl would enjoy a nice picnic."

Marceline jerked back, stumbling slightly. "Y-you're using your incubus powers, aren't you!" she accused.

But he simply chuckled. "Nope. If you're affected by me, that's all on you, sweetheart."


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/13/2021 10:30 PM

"C-come on," she winced at the slight stutter in her voice. "Just give me the damn crystal so we can start charging it."

Bowing at the waist, the incubus produced the smoky grey stone with a flourish. "As you wish, my lady."

Snatching it from his hands, Marceline held the crystal up to the sky. "It looks just like any other old rock," she mumbled. "I mean, sure it's pretty with the sun shining through it. But it's hard to imagine that this thing could actually be... what was it the man had said? Oh, that's right: 'the greatest arcane discovery of the century'!"


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/13/2021 10:51 PM

Dante shrugged. "Things aren't always what they seem," he said. Then, a smile on his face, he gently nudged the woman's shoulder with his own. "After all, you look quite adorable. Who would ever guess what a badass you actually are?"

Once again, Marceline found herself trying to hide her blush. "Enough flirting," she demanded. Fumbling with the backpack she had brought, she revealed the device that had been given to them by the man who had sent them on this little mission. "Well, here goes noth-"

"Wait!" Dante interrupted her. Holding out his hand, he asked, "May I? I don't want you getting hurt if that device does anything... strange."


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/16/2021 10:17 PM

Eyes softening, Marcie hesitated for a moment. "I... I don't want you getting hurt either," she admitted.

"I know," Dante said. He raised one hand, slowly enough that she could back away or stop him if she wanted. When she remained still, he reached for her, cradling her cheek gently. When she leaned into his touch, he smiled. "But your safety is far more important to me than my own. Please, let me do this. Besides, I'm much tougher to kill than a human, remember?"

Reluctantly, the woman handed over the crystal and the strange machine. "Fine," she mumbled. "Just... don't get hurt, okay?"


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/16/2021 10:21 PM

"I'll be careful," the cambion promised. Taking a few steps away, he turned away from Marceline and angled his body in such a way that she would be protected should anything go wrong. Once he was sure that she was safe, he fitted the crystal into the allotted space.

Both of them tensed for a moment, prepared for the worst. But when nothing happened, Dante turned back to face his partner with a smile. "Hey, looks like it was safe after all," he said.

"Good," Marceline breathed a sigh of relief. "Now we just need to wait here until the damned thing is charged, right?"


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/16/2021 10:30 PM

Dante nodded. "I'm pretty sure that was the deal." His expression became slightly mischievous as he stepped closer. "So... picnic time?"

"Fine," Marceline replied as she rolled her eyes. "You' know, you're lucky that you're so cute. Otherwise I would have skewered you months ago."

The male simply laughed. "Nah, you like me too much to do that." As if to prove his point, he reached out to take her hand. She stiffened for a moment, before interlocking her fingers with his. "I know that this... us... is complicated. But I'm trying to show you how much I care. That I'm willing to put in the effort to properly court you."


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/16/2021 10:41 PM

"I know," she sighed, giving his hand a soft squeeze. "And I hope you know that... I do want this. You, I mean. I want you." Her cheeks flushed slightly pink at the confession. "It's just that Oberon-"

"Oberon hates anything with even a single drop of supernatural blood," Dante interrupted. "I know. It was difficult enough to convince him to let me live, so that I could help the two of you. Then again," he looked at her, a hopeful smile on his face. "He did let us come here. Together. Without him. Maybe he's starting to trust me a bit more?"


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/16/2021 10:55 PM

Marceline didn't look convinced. "Maybe," she said, dragging out the word hesitantly. "I wouldn't bet on it, though. Oberon is very set in his beliefs. I think it'll take a lot longer for him to see you as anything but an enemy. He's just waiting for an excuse to get rid of you."

"Oof, that doesn't sound good." Dante chuckled nervously. Coming to a stop near a large tree, he gestured to the spot. "What do you think? Should we set up here?"

"Looks good," the woman agreed. "It has plenty of shade at least. Did you happen to bring a blanket or something to sit on?"


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/16/2021 11:36 PM

"Oh, you mean a blanket... like this?" For a moment, Dante disappeared behind the tree, only to reappear a moment later holding a large blanket in one hand and a basket in the other. "Of course I came prepared."

Marceline stared at him in shock. "You planned all of this beforehand? Impressive." She paused, chuckling. "Are you sure that nobody messed with the basket, though? What if someone slipped something into the food, hm? What will we do about that?"

"Marcie, baby, please," the male began spreading out the blanket as he spoke. "You've gotta be more trusting. Not everyone is out to get you."


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/17/2021 12:20 AM

With the blanket now spread out on the ground, Marceline sat down. "Hmph. It's kind of hard to trust people after you've seen the worst of monsters masquerading as normal humans."

Dante sat beside her, studying her with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Monsters masquerading as humans, huh? You uh... you wouldn't happen to consider me one of those, would you?"

Immediately the woman began to shake her head. "No, no!" She stumbled over her words slightly in her haste to reassure him. "I didn't mean 'monster' in terms of species. I only meant that there are people who do deplorable things. They are the monsters."


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/17/2021 12:26 AM

"If you follow that line of thinking, even some humans could be considered monsters," Dante mused. "Just as not every supernatural is evil, not every human is innocent." As he says the words, his expression darkens slightly, memories of the past clouding his thoughts.

Marceline takes his hands in hers. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I know that what those humans did to you was horrible. And you're absolutely right. Sometimes the humans are the real monsters."

There was a moment of awkward silence as the two of them became lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Dante spoke, "Well, are you hungry? Let me show you what food I packed for us."


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/17/2021 12:39 AM

"Yeah, let's eat." Marceline was quick to go along with the change of subject. She didn't want either of them to continue lingering on the bad thoughts. Setting the charging crystal to the side, but still within eyesight just in case, she leaned a bit closer to the cambion. "Show me what you prepared, handsome."

Dante flashed her a grin at the compliment. "Mm, I could get used to you calling me that," he said. Opening the basket, he began to unpack the food. "I made us some spicy italian subs, a cucumber salad, some watermelon, and for desert - chocolate covered strawberries!" He watched her face, hoping to see a pleased reaction.


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Re: Definitely not a date [Self][Event][M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/17/2021 12:44 AM

The woman seemed impressed. "You remembered my favorite kind of sub, huh?" Taking the offered sandwich, she checked it and grinned. "And you managed to make it just the way I like it. Damn, Dante, you really did go all out on this."

"Ah, I'm so glad you like it!" Dante was practically glowing at the praise. "I uh, I tried to keep track of foods that you like and dislike. I wanted to be able to cook for you sometimes."

Marceline ducked her head, trying to hide the wide smile on her face. "That's... that's very sweet of you," she said. "I really appreciate the effort you've put into this, Dante."


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