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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/11/2021 5:12 PM


The two males strode through the saloon doors, and Teryn looked around in discomfort, wrinkling his nose; quiet saloons weren't really his thing, but if he wanted his share of the pay he had to accompany the older male to turn in their results.

"Is there anything to do in here besides drink?" Teryn muttered, wiping his hand on his coat after accidentally brushing it against a sticky patch on the bar.

Iilanthys snorted out of his nose, and all but ignored the younger male as he strode up to the bar and nodded to the bartender, who began pouring two shots; clearly he recognised the striped male as he did not need to ask what he wanted, merely placing the shots down on the bar in front of him.

"Cheers, mate" Iilanthys murmured, holding out a brown leather notebook, bound by string. "Here's the proof of our latest quarry."

Area: Baian Swamp - Gator Season - 25 Posts
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby amanda784 » 01/15/2021 1:14 AM


Piper was not her normal self. Usually, she would bound in here excitedly spilling details of her latest hunt. Of course her report detailed everything, but usually she would verbalize how it went. Usually Laura would have typed up the report for her. Now, Laura was off looking for her family and Piper was here turning in paperwork.

"I'm fairly certain I have filled out the required information," said Piper, handing over her report. "Do call me if you have any issues with it."

Piper hoped Laura would be home soon. Things were much easier when she was here.

Area: Tengel Rainforest - The Tengal Journey - 30
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/19/2021 5:40 PM

Gloria dumped the tattered folder into the crate, and tugged on the rope for the crew to pull it up. She had no idea if it would be salvageable, but it seemed to be one what they had been looking for, as a shout went up from the crew and the crate was lowered with her payment, and a promise that she would be told when they handed it in.

She swam up to the crate and grabbed the pouch of Keystones in her mouth, and diving back into the depths as the crew turned the ship and raised the anchor, heading for port to hand in their find.

Area: Yuunu Sea - Treasure in the Depths - 31 Posts (Post 15 - Post 45)
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby amanda784 » 01/24/2021 6:33 AM


Sakana was embarrassed by the water dripping off her as she entered the saloon. She supposed she could have waited for the water to dry, but she desperately wanted to get back to it. The salty waves called her name and she didn't dare waste another minute delaying her return.

"Hello," she said. "I have some paperwork I must drop off. I'm told you can sort it out and then contact me? I really must be getting back and I trust it's in good hands."

Sakana dropped the papers off aware that the water had managed to fold the corner of the top page of her report.

Area: Rewhister Ocean - Sakana in the Ocean - 14
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/25/2021 10:56 AM

Alistair strode into the Saloon, scowling at anyone who looked at him and parking himself down on a stool at the empty end of the bar.

"A triple order of 'sinful', in a single glass, please. And leave the bottle." He raised his eyebrow as the bartender snorted, and dumped a cardboard file and a large bag of Keystones on the counter.

"I'm here to turn this in, and to forget about the trouble I've gone through to get it here." He took his drink and swirled it around in the glass, before he raised it to his lips and sipped it, the burn down his throat easing his temper and tension.

Area: Aldrecht, the Holy City - Brothers in Arms - 28 Posts
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/01/2021 9:44 PM

Ratchet stepped into the saloon, ruffling the papers in his hands until they were all in a jumble.

"Oh dear" he muttered to himself, "Now where did I put that... ah! There we go!"

He stepped towards the bar, and waved his hand to get the bartender's attention, flashing a grin when he stepped towards him.

"Hello, and good evening - I trust you'll find all of the necessary paperwork is in order. Or, well, perhaps not quite in order, but it was terribly interesting how the experiment went this time, and I might have gotten a little distracted. It all went well, I assure you, though you might have to ignore a few slight scorch marks."

He grinned, and rubbed his hands on his jacket to remove the worst of the soot which still coated them.

Area: Roraldi Forests - Foolish Machinations - 15 Posts
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby GrayGriffin » 02/03/2021 5:28 AM


Jason stomped dramatically into the saloon, a rose clenched tightly between his teeth. With a growl, he hurled it onto the counter.

"Unlucky once again," he muttered to himself. "No one wants true romance these days, do they?" After a bit more muttering, he realized he might be holding up the line, and gazed up at the saloon owner.

"Heard you were collecting these," he said. "The last guy I wanted to give this didn't work out, so I'm hoping this turns out better."

[Redeeming my Wild Rose]

Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/08/2021 9:37 PM


Hunter looked around him and squinted as he stepped into the Saloon, the dim and dusty interior disorienting him after the brightness he had been used to outside.

He made his way to the bar, wary of the looks he received from the other patrons, and handed over a thin folder to the bartender.

"A summary of what we've been doing this month" he muttered, trying to keep his voice low. "Still no sign of our primary objective, but we have taken care of a series of minor objectives - I hope this meets our quota."

He accepted his drink from the bartender and sat, hunched over at the bar, as he waited for the old male to finish checking his paperwork.

Area: Vast Plains - On Safari - 25 Posts
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby .:Random Event:. » 02/12/2021 10:11 PM

- Hunting Log -

Kitsumi found a Silent Night Tali
Jedi found a Silent Night Shartile
amanda784 found a Unnatural Lunafly, Lost Draculi, Polar Mekkayena, Poinsettia Leplora
Celtic found a Rusty Snicky
ToxxicRenegadeAngel found a Lost Jirbii, Lost Flitterfly, Floe Xing Yun, Heretic Sygriff, Monarch Lunafly, Lost Snowball
GrayGriffin found a Swallowtail Scordrak

Items are in the process of being added to your account, please contact a mod if there's an issue, missing pet or unprocessed hunt.
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/18/2021 5:23 AM


Devere shook his head, and sighed, feeling the sun on his bare back and shoulders as he made his way to the Tavern Entrance with his latest haul. The pearls he had sold to the Jewellers' down the road, but in his bag were other things - bits of salvage, and some stray fish that he had caught which he was sure the Tavern Bartender would enjoy.

"Evening" he called with a gentle smile, as he seated himself at the bar, pleased when the Bartender nodded and reached for his usual drink of choice. He always enjoyed his visits, finding it the perfect way to unwind after his negotiations with the Jewellers.

Area: Dead Coast - Feeling Salty - 16 Posts
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"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/24/2021 7:22 AM


Apollo watched with interest as his sister wrote out their correspondence to the Saloon Owner, hoping that their continued efforts would not be in vain. The Saloon was their last hope to find what they were looking for, having exhausted their suppliers, and it was with a weary look on his face that he scrawled his signature beside that of his Sister's at the bottom of the page.

"Do you think this will work?" he asked her, turning his head to look at hers as best he could.

"I think we're out of options" Althea replied, folding their letter and inserting it into an envelope which she sealed with a blob of wax. "And I think, if this one falls through, we need to seriously consider what we're doing here."

She helped him pull on their coat, and they made their way out into the darkness. Apollo hoped the Postal Service would get their letter to the Saloon as soon as possible; one way or another, they needed to know the outcome of their search.

Area: Medicai City - Medical Mayhem - 17 Posts
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/05/2021 2:22 PM


Bulbiferum strode into the Saloon with a bundle of flowers strapped to his back, and paused to let his eyes adjust to the dimness of the interior compared to the harsh sunlight outside. He caught the bartender's eye, and made his way forward, until he was able to place the envelope he carried onto the bar counter.

"I believe that is for you" he murmured, taking the drink the bartender held out to him and nodding at the letter. He tipped a few Keystones into the outstretched palm in front of him, and then sipped his drink with a thoughtful look on his face as he watched the bartender's expressions change. He wondered what it was that the letter contained.

Area: Nori Volcano - Fields Aflame - 25 Posts
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Kitsumi » 03/06/2021 4:58 PM

The saloon was full of the scent of mortal prey, making focusing on her task all the more difficult. Odile had to stop breathing in order to keep the delectable smell of warm blood from tempting her away from the real reason that she was here.

"I'm currently situated at the cathedral," she announced. "Clearing out the pests. I believe there is some sort of reward for doing so?"

Area: Lya Pointa - Take me to church - 10
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Kitsumi » 03/14/2021 11:29 AM


The vampire had come again, eager to collect a new reward. This time, she did not come empty handed. The file that she carried held the records of her hunt, complete with pictures of each kill.

"I'm back," she stated, slapping the folder down. "I believe I may make this a regular thing. You will make it worth my time, yes?"

Area: Lya Pointa - Take me to church - 10
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/21/2021 8:35 PM

Crawford smiled at the bartender as he made his way to the counter, carefully ignoring and avoiding the gaze of the other patrons. He drew a crisp manila folder from within the briefcase he carried, and laid it on the bar reverently, careful not to disturb the papers inside of it.

"I have to admit, my first excursion didn't quite go as planned, but I am sure the next one will be much better" he murmured, flushing slightly as he remembered the rudeness of his initial customers and the pretty young woman who had encouraged him despite the dismal start.

Area: Terrace Park - Bird Brained - 28 Posts
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