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Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 1:39 PM


"Come along, Kit! We must hurry if we are to test this out before dawn!"

Ratchet's steady voice echoed loudly through the forest, as he made his way to the pond, twigs snapping underfoot. His excitement was great, for his latest invention was ready for it's initial test, and he hoped it would revolutionise the way they grew food in small spaces. He paused, as the pond came into view, and turned to peer over his shoulder to see if his assistant had managed to catch up.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 1:45 PM


Kit hurried through the forest, tripping over roots and stumbling over stones. His legs were much shorter than Ratchett's, and unfortunately this meant he often got left behind when Ratchett was over-excited, though his good nature meant he would never have complained about it.

At last, he caught sight of his mentor standing by the pond, waiting for him, and excitement pooled in his stomach as he slowed to a stop beside the pond, panting heavily and trying to catch his breath.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 1:48 PM

"Now, my boy, you really must try to keep up when we're out here - no telling what mischief you could accidentally get into." The cheerful tone made it clear Ratchett had no idea it was his fault the small kuhna was being left behind, and his general aloof attitude as he set up his invention caused Kit to roll his eyes before he stepped forward to help the kindly (if forgetful) inventor before he hurt himself or broke something in his excitement.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 1:50 PM

As the first rays of dawn filtered down to the water, Ratchett and Kit stepped back into the shadows, allowing their invention to catch the dim sunlight. The device whirred and vibrated, a flashing light blinking green, and Ratchett thrummed with nervous energy until suddenly, the light turned red.

"Oh dear, it isn't supposed to do that" he mumbled, and Kit shrank back behind a large tree as the device began to jump around and emit smoke from multiple ports on its sides.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 1:52 PM

A few moments later, there was nothing but a small crater of scorched earth where the device had been, and a few bits of twisted metal were scattered around, some embedded in trees. Most of the fragments had fallen into the pond and were lost, and Ratchett stepped forward to survey the damage and scratched his head, mumbling to himself.

"The intensity of the pre-dawn light shouldn't have been enough to overheat the coil cluster inside - I wonder if it was the charging of the transistor that did it?" he mused.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:04 PM

He wandered foward and squatted down beside the small crater, mumbling about calculations as he reached over and fished a twisted lump of metal out of the pond beside him.

Kit poked his head around the tree cautiously, and jumped as small lump of metal landed beside Ratchett with a loud 'thump', though the inventor ignored it as he turned over the piece he had fished out in his hands. "Come on over, Kit, this is absolutely fascinating" he called out.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:07 PM

Kit took a moment to look up, in case any other pieces of debris would fall, before he stepped forward cautiously to join Ratchett, who was muttering excitedly though his words didn't quite make sense to Kit.

"Look, Kit, the burn marks here indicate that the parabolic growth mechanism ignited first - we must find a way to cool it, so that the next build doesn't explode in quite the same manner!" Ratchett grinned happily, and pointed at what Kit assumed were the scorch marks on the metal.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:10 PM

Kit leaned forward, and sniffed the metal cautiously as it was held out towards him. For the most part, it smelled like smoke and pondwater, but there was some slight hint of something which made him frown.

Ratchett hadn't stopped talking, and Kit shook his head as he forced himself to pay attention. "So obviously, making the filaments out of organic matter, in this case bamboo, was too flammable for the energy conducted in such a small space - we should consider inorganic matter as our next step."
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:14 PM

Kit glanced towards the rock beside them, and Ratchett followed his view and laughed.

"No, my dear boy, not quite rocks just yet - unless, actually, you might have a point!" he muttered excitedly, picking up a stone from beside the pond and examining it closely.

"These rocks are saturated with pondwater, but that may help them stay cool when they overcharge, and they feel slightly magnetised - they may have a core which can be refined into a filament!"
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:24 PM

Kit tilted his head in confusion, but he could tell Ratchett was happy so he wagged his tails in happiness as well. Evidently he had helped somehow, though he wasn't sure how, and he smiled as Ratchett stood and carried on wittering to himself as he began to collect fragments of the device and scattered stones from around the pond.

Kit ran around, searching for any bits Ratchett had missed, and pulling bits out of the tree-trunks around them until he couldn't see any more.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:46 PM

Ratchett strode off, back through the forests, and once again Kit did his best to keep up. Thankfully, he was precoccupied with picking up any spare rocks he found that looked interesting and so, by the time they reached the workshop, Ratchett's arms were full of debris and bits of stone, piled so high he could hardly see over them.

"Kit, get the door would you?" he asked with a smile, waiting oblivious to the fact that Kit wasn't quite there yet.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:48 PM

Kit emerged from the forest, tangled in vines and limping, having tripped over a tree root in his desperate attempt to keep up. He hobbled over to where Ratchett was standing, and his tails drooped as he realised that the absent-minded professor hadn't quite realised how far behind he was, and was now clearly waiting for him to do something, though he hadn't heard whatever instructions must have been said. He sighed, and peered at the inventor to see if a clue would pop up, or if he would repeat what it was he wanted.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:50 PM

Ratchett was clearly lost in his thoughts, and although no words came forth Kit could practically see the whirring calculations being made in his head. He realised then, however, that the inventor's hands were full and he probably couldn't open the door, and it dawned on him that was very likely what Ratchett had been waiting for.

He hobbled over to the door, and turned the handle, pushing it open; unfortunately it seemed that Ratchett was too busy with his thoughts to notice.
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:52 PM

He sighed again, and hobbled over to the inventor, tugging at his trouser leg to get his attention.

"Yes, yes, the formula would be - oh, Kit, thank you my boy! We really must get inside and begin the re-calculations quickly, if we hope to have a new model ready by this evening. I do believe the morning sun may have been a little too intense for a first test, but trying again at dusk may prove to be much better!"
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Re: Foolish Machinations (Self) [HUNT]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/23/2021 2:54 PM

Ratchett paused a moment to look down at the little kuhna with brambles caught in his fur. "Oh, Kit, whatever did you do to yourself? You're filthy - you must have a bath straight away. Here, go hop in the auto-shower and come find me in the workshop once you've been cleaned up."

Kit nodded gratefully, and hobbled into the house, turning away from the workshop door and heading up to the bathroom, hoping that Ratchett wouldn't cause any explosions in the meantime.

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