Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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[Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/22/2020 12:02 AM

The holidays were coming up and Piper was determined to bring something good home to his new family. In fact, it was the only family she had ever known. Farley had taken Piper in and showed her a new way of life. Laura had encouraged change within her and the results were surprising. It's true that they were more coworkers than family, but it was the closest to family that Piper had ever known.

Piper had chosen the Cathedral for two reasons. First, there were rumors of tunnels with strange creatures within underneath it. Secondly, Laura, the research expert, had always wanted to come here to photograph it. Piper was thankful for the company.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/22/2020 12:06 AM

"Thank you for bringing me along," said Laura to Piper. "It's absolutely beautiful."

Laura knew they were here for work, but she couldn't help feeling like they were on vacation. Perhaps, it could be a bit of both. She was too busy taking in the view that she almost forgot the camera hanging from around her neck. She carefully raised it up to her face and took a few shots.

Laura put a hand on Piper's back and pushed her in front of the cathedral.

"Stay right there Piper. I'm going to take a picture of you. It will make a lovely Christmas Card."
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 1:10 AM

Piper let Laura take a picture of her, although it was new to her.

Was she smiling correctly? Did she look creepy or awkward?

Piper wasn't even sure what that she knew what her own smile looked like. Sure, she had smiled plenty in her lifetime, but not so much in mirrors nor had she ever taken a selfie.

"Does it look okay?" asked Piper quietly.

Laura lifted up the camera to show the picture she had taken.

"Not bad," commented Piper.

It wasn't a true smile photographed, but it wasn't award or creepy so Piper was happy about it.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 1:13 AM

"Now dear," said Laura, "I know we aren't here to see the sights, but I'm afraid I won't be much help in the actual hunting bit. However, I have done extensive research on the supposed tunnels running underneath the cathedral and I think I may be able to help you locate them if there is anything to locate that is."

"I can handle a catch," said Piper confidently. "Finding the tunnels is half the battle and I'm happy you're here to help with that."

"I must admit it is nice to get out of the office," said Laura. "Still, I must warn you that the articles I did read about the tunnels aren't pretty."
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 1:16 AM

"I know the tales and it's why I want to go," said Piper. "Unknown dangerous creatures. I can handle that."

"Not those," said Laura. "Some believe that the tunnels shift. You don't come out the same way you got in, if you get out at all Some tunnels are even rumored to lead to different worlds."

"Stories to keep others out," said Piper. "Those are common with hunters who have found prime hunting ground they don't want to share. Maverick has told me as much."

"Has Mav ever seen these tunnels?" asked Laura, relieved the older hunter had talked with Piper about the journey.

"No," replied Piper.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 1:19 AM

Laura led Piper into a room with a large statue. In front of it was a large marble alter meant for leaving gifts. Each side was well lit by burning lanterns. The Cathedral had electricity so this room was odd compared to the others. Laura felt nervous, but Piper was excited.

"Slide the alter?" asked Piper.

"That's what I'm told," said Laura. "I wonder if we could get in trouble for this."

"No trouble we can't slip out of," replied Piper.

"I'm not a runner," said Laura.

"Then be a talker," replied Piper. "You can learn to talk your way out of just about anything."
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 1:23 AM

"I don't feel comfortable..." but Laura was cut off by the sound of Marble scraping against the floor.

When the moved alter revealed a large hole both of them gasped.

"It's real!" shouted Piper.

"Shhhhh," hissed Laura.

Footsteps were heard outside the room.

"Hurry," said Piper.

"Is it far down?" asked Laura.

"There's a ladder," said Piper, already disappearing into the hole.

Laura wasn't in a position to argue and followed Piper into the darkness. A hand reached out to her as she reached the bottom and she held tight onto it.

"Run," whispered Piper to Laura and they ran blindly into the darkness.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 7:19 PM

The pair ran for what felt like forever and when they finally stopped they were both out of breath.

"Do- you- have- a flashlight?" asked Laura between gasping inhales.

"Yeah, somewhere in here," said Piper rummaging in her bag, but before she could find it she spotted a yellow glowing light up on their left. "That way!"

Piper didn't wait for Laura to respond, but grabbed her hand and pulled her along. It looked closer than it actually was, but with every step the light grew brighter. It didn't take long for them to see it was a way out of the tunnels all together.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 7:22 PM

Stepping out of the tunnel and into the light they realized they were in the middle of a beautiful garden the likes of which Laura had never seen. That was really saying something because Laura often used gardens to photograph her best pictures. It wasn't a food garden either, but instead a flower garden.

"I've never seen flowers like this before," said Laura. "The look to be in the Lily family, but I have never seen one that lit up like that before."

"They are like little light bulbs!" said Piper, cheerfully prancing among them. Laura took the opportunity and snapped a picture of Piper.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 7:26 PM

The garden was divided into four sections. Laura and Piper stood on a path that cut the garden from North to South while a small stream divided it from East to West. In the middle at the crossing point was a beautiful stone bridge.

"Onto the bridge!" shouted Laura, breaking Piper from her trance. "It will be lovely!"

Piper followed direction and hopped happily onto the bridge shining a real smile. Laura took the picture, laughing happily.

"Wait," said Piper, "wasn't it snowing outside? It's the middle of winter."

Laura felt an odd chill run up her spine as she stared down at the photo she had just taken. Above Piper she saw two suns burning in the sky.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 7:29 PM

"Piper," said Laura cautiously, "I do believe we have stepped through a portal."

Piper looked around stunned.

"I didn't think that was possible," said Piper.

"I didn't either," said Laura, pointing towards the suns burning in the sky.

Piper looked and her mouth dropped open.

"So when they say this is the place to hunt for creatures never seen before, they mean the hunters are taking creatures from an entirely different world," said Piper. "I don't think we should hunt here."

Laura nodded, "It doesn't feel right. Perhaps we could still find something in the tunnels?"

Piper agreed and they headed back into the tunnel that they had come from.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 7:34 PM

Laura desperately wanted to take one of the bright shining lilies into the tunnel, but decided against taking anything from a different world. Instead, they lit their way with Piper's flashlight.

"It was a nice world," stated Piper.

"Beautiful," agreed Laura. "Still, I'm happy we didn't take anything. It would have been wrong. It felt so odd visiting another world. I couldn't imagine catching a creature and forcing them to live in a world they don't know."

"Agreed," said Piper nodding. "I think we should keep the photo evidence to ourselves. I don't want other hunters coming here."

"It may be safer to just delete them," said Laura.

"Could we show Farley first?" asked Piper. "I'm afraid he won't believe us if we don't."

"Alright, but I won't send or print them," said Laura.

"That's for the best," agreed Piper.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 7:39 PM

Once entering the tunnel Piper and Laura headed back in the direction in which they had come from. They were surprised to see a room filled with blue light on their right.

"I don't remember seeing that on our way here," commented Laura.

"Neither do I," said Piper.

The blue light stopped exactly at the doorway of the room. It was as if the doorway itself was made of glass containing the blue light inside. Piper stuck her hand into the doorway and was surprised to realize it was entirely filled with water.

"It's water!" shouted Piper.

"Then why isn't it rushing into the tunnel," asked Laura, moving to feel the water for herself.

"I imagine it's another portal," said Piper. "This one must contain a world underwater."

"I don't suppose we should visit that one," said Laura.

"Not unless you can breathe under water," said Piper chuckling.

They both walked on laughing at the absurdity of it all.
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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 12/27/2020 7:48 PM

The next room they come up on contained a forest filled with different types of evergreen trees. Inside this one it was also winter.

"Do you suppose this is within our world?" asked Piper. "Is that possible? A portal from one part of this world to another?"

"If portals to other worlds are possible, then I suppose that would be too," said Laura.

They stopped in the woods to eat a quick lunch. It was cold in the snow, but it was nice to be somewhere that resembled home.

"If this is somewhere in our world do you suppose we should take this exit and try to find our way home outside of the tunnel?" asked Piper.

"It seems to be," said Laura. "I am afraid if it's not and we wander too far we will never find the entrance back to the tunnel and we will be stuck here. I may not have minded being stuck in the world with the beautiful lilies, but what if in this one it is always winter?"

"Okay," said Piper. She didn't really want to return to the darkness nor uncertainty of the tunnels, but she did agree it was there best chance of getting home.

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Re: [Hunt] Piper's Holiday

Postby amanda784 » 01/03/2021 3:14 AM

There was no telling time within the tunnel and Piper cursed herself for not bringing a watch. Had it been hours? Days perhaps?

"You look...tired," said Laura to Piper. She meant to say that Piper looked frustrated, but the word tired came out instead.

"I just want to go home now," said Piper.

"We will be home before you know it," said Laura, surprisingly cheerful.

"What if we don't make it home?" asked Piper.

"Then I vote for garden," said Laura. "Look, I know this isn't ideal, but there are countless new places. We could easily settle into a new life if we have to and explore the tunnels in our free time. We will get back someday."
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