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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby crow » 06/08/2018 5:35 AM

Eleanor bore the measuring with good grace, while Erasmus stood for it stoically, as one might bear a temporary inconvenience--- which, as far as he was concerned, was what it amounted to. It was probably just as well that he finished first.

They listened to Elias without comment, though Eleanor looked up, visibly surprised, at the mention of human blood for herself. She quickly schooled the expression away, though there was something conflicted in her eyes even then. Erasmus, as ever, was impassive, but the significance of it was not lost upon him.

Perhaps it was different for them. Vampires came in different breeds, after all, and he had heard of places where the rules were not as he knew them. But the court that had turned them, and every court thereafter, had kept his sister on pigs' blood and nothing more. To drink human blood was to accumulate power, though the strongest vampires preferred the blood of their own brethren for the sake of efficiency. Erasmus had tasted it too, on occasion. Eleanor's diet had been just as much a tool to hamper her as the removal of her fangs had been.

But to drink human blood was to become one of the monsters. Erasmus knew that this was what his sister had been thinking. How long had they known each other? It was impossible not to know.

But then, what did that make him?

Erasmus broke from his thoughts to arch a brow at Elias as the latter lingered on the word 'intimate', but in the end, said nothing more than a simple, short, "Understood." After Elias made his exit, he checked in with Eleanor, but she told him with a slight motion of her head that he was free to go. Turning to Morgan, she smiled, and if it looked still a little troubled, it was, at least, a valiant effort. "Well then," she said, "we should see to your poor hands..."

The intervening two days had been uneventful. This was, in theory, everything that Erasmus had hoped for when he came here to negotiate with the head of the family. However, Erasmus was finding that he was ill suited to this newfound peace, pacing his rooms with such restlessness that Eleanor pleaded with him to go out hunting if it pleased him, anything to temper his troubled energy.

And hunting he went, though it brought him no joy. Humans were easy prey compared to what he was used to. There was no joy in killing under orders either, but he had come to think of the pursuit as a test of skill, one that he was chagrined to discover that he had come to enjoy.

With blood on his hands and a troubled heart, he returned on the eve of the meeting--- or the dawn, such as it was--- and went to his rest no more calmed than he had been.

Twilight saw him cleaned and sober, having borne under the attendance of the servants with little more grace than he had borne the measurements, walking out of the mansion and into the courtyard. He was dressed immaculately, though he had to resist the urge to tug at his collar, at his sleeves. He was used to a certain degree of freedom of movement, even in his formal wear, but clearly this ensemble was to serve as a leash, and not tasteful decoration for an unobtrusive thug. He had never been a focal point of social gatherings, and thus far into his debut, he found that he did not care for it.

He let himself into the passenger seat of the sleek black car, and though his expression did not change when he discovered Elias in the driver's seat, there was a slight curiosity to his tone that gave him away. "You drive?" he said, not entirely blandly. He had expected a chauffeur, and in truth, had thought to needle Elias slightly by choosing not to join him in the back seat. But he was nothing if not adaptable, and given the current circumstances, it would have looked even more strange if he had been alone in the back instead.
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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby Mousen » 06/28/2018 7:24 PM

Morgan nodded and offered Eleanor her arm, a surprising nod to old fashioned manners from a girl dressed in jeans and a hoodie. "There's a few first aid things for humans in the other wing. I can show you around that side of the house afterwards, if you like?" The property itself faced east, it was the wing on the south side that housed most of the human (or human-ish) Brodnaxes. It was a side that Eleanor was unlikely to end up exploring without Morgan there with her.

That side of the house seemed distinctly better insulated from the cold, and a few concessions had been made to modern living. The undercroft with its vaulted ceiling and dark brickwork housed rugs, sofas and electric lighting as well as casks of wine and beer. It seemed to be the closest thing the estate had to "cosy". A small tv set up on a coffee table flashed silently through the news.

Built into a small gap behind the start of a spiral staircase was a cupboard that she set to riffling through, occasionally handing Eleanor something to hold. "I'm just looking for the antiseptic cream, it's got a numbing... thing in it, you know." She made a vague gesture.

" I know all of this must be a lot for you and maybe you're not up for much, but Linette and I-- that's Brennus' daughter, were going to go and have a picnic by the beach in a couple of days. You could come, if you wanted?"


Elias turned in his seat as Erasmus came from the house to meet him. He should have really gotten out of the car to open the door for him, but he wasn't sure how much these displays of manners mattered when no one else was there to see them. The surprise in Erasmus' reaction was not unwelcome, though. It reminded Elias that there was something more to his fiance than the mask he was affecting. "I learned in the 30's. I enjoyed the thrill of it then, even thought about racing. I'm much more sensible about it these days." You manage to rearrange enough bones in one sitting and suddenly speed wasn't as favourable as maintaining personal structural integrity. Pulling a piece of what he was could only assume was his shinbone out of his jugular was not an experience Elias had any desire to repeat.

"You clean up well," he commented idly. "Just as well considering the lie we're selling." Elias himself had his dark hair tied back from his face, it fell in soft curls to his shoulders. His suit jacket was in the Victorian style, a longer cut, and in a green so deep it was almost indistinguishable from black. Round his neck he wore a silk cravat. He did not even have the decency to look out of place behind the wheel of the car. It was probably his self-assured expression.

"I warn you, these old friends of mine are perfectly respectable and decent in every way, despite taking pleasure in my company. Just stay by me, look as lovestruck as you can muster and I'll do most of the talking. Its not dear Titus and Augustine I'm worried about, so much as their guests." For a moment, something almost like hesitancy passed over his face as he put the car into gear and pulled out of the drive, heading along the country road that would eventually lead them back to civilisation. "I don't know how much you researched us before throwing your sister and yourself into our path. But the family, as you well know are... a miss-matched bunch. Humans and vampires are only the start of it. Faeries, werewolves, the undead, you name it, I'm related to one of them somewhere."

He glanced out of the window, for once not watching Erasmus for a reaction. His driving seemed to be particularly careful as he pulled onto a main road and continued speaking. "It makes my position among the wider community... very vulnerable. In truth, we don't belong. I suffer a lot of abuse for it, and I assume you'll see some of that tonight. I find that ignoring it works best. That, and being smarter, more efficient, and more blood thirsty." Elias allowed himself a smile, his eyes flicking briefly towards Erasmus. "Perhaps you understand now how much you and your sister may help me to consolidate my position."

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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby crow » 08/31/2018 7:21 PM

Erasmus arched a brow at Elias's explanation of his driving history. The image of Elias sporting a jumpsuit was even more outlandish than it usually was, set against his current state of formal dress. And as for the idea of Elias and any concept of sensibility... Well.

He said nothing, however, in the face of the offhand compliment. To acknowledge it seemed too much, and it would certainly be above his station to give one in return. He listened with his usual impassive silence as Elias gave his explanation of the party to come, but Elias's moment of hesitation drew Erasmus's gaze to him. Elias had never struck him as the hesitant type. Erasmus thought that perhaps he had an inkling, now, of what was really at stake here.

Still, there was no counsel of his that he could have offered someone like Elias; nor did he think Elias would have wanted it from him. A corner of his mouth tugged upwards. "I must confess I find it difficult to picture you suffering anything in silence," he said. "But very well; I am yours to command, after all." If Elias was concerned about attempted sabotage from Erasmus, he need not have worried. Erasmus knew where his sister's safety lay, and so long as that balance did not shift, then neither would his loyalties.

As for whether he would be able to put on the performance this required, even with his best efforts... Well, that would remain to be seen.
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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby Mousen » 08/31/2018 8:27 PM

"I've been known to suffer many an injustice for the good of the family, I'll have you know." Elias sniffed, giving Erasmus a quick glance as he changed gears. "But I'm glad you know what you're getting yourself in for."

It wasn't a long drive, just under an hour or so. In the silence, Elias would occasionally mutter some historical tidbit about either the Brodnaxes or the Chapmans, that or he'd vaguely gesture over to an empty patch of land they were driving past and offer something up about its history. Mostly, though, he kept his eyes on the road and drove.

The scenery went from fields and moors to the edge of a quaint-looking town. There were modern traces, electric streetlamps and modern cars parked on the roads but it seemed as if every effort had been made to maintain the picturesque nature of the place. Elias pulled into gated driveway.

The house was large, but my no means a mansion, with a white exterior and black-painted beams. Elias got out of the car, and went round to open Erasmus' door for him before heading up to the door of the house.

He flashed Erasmus a wide smile, and then, a softer, more genuine glance. "I'm trusting you," it said.

They were ushered into the home by some hired help that Elias couldn't immediately place, but were quickly shown into the main hall.

"Lord Elias Brodnax and his fiance," The butler boomed as everyone turned to look at them. A small gust of whispers went round the room, petering out into surprised silence. The height of vampire society, lords, ladies, the oldest and most powerful among them were watching the two men with interest. No one blinked.

Then, bursting through the crowd, a short man, his dark hair around his shoulders and his tanned, olive skin pocked with scars. "Elias! Congratulations!" he called.

He clasped Elias on the shoulder. "Salve, amice."

Elias grinned. The silence had fallen into idle chatter again. "Good to see you too, old friend. Let me introduce my fiancee. Titus, this is Erasmus. Erasmus, meet Titus Chapman. A rare gentleman among our kind."

Titus rolled his eyes, and offered Erasmus a handshake. "Has anyone warned you he's sodding bastard?" The man chuckled, his dark eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'm glad of the chance to meet you. I did not think I'd live to see the day when Elias was in love again. I wish you all the best, and you must come over when I haven't had to let the riff raff in."

"Where's that husband of yours?"

"Upstairs, for the moment. But I'm sure the news of your arrival will coax him down. Anyway, I'm keeping the peace between the Blacks and the Grimshaws, so I'll leave you to mingle." He paused near Elias. "I'm proud of you," he said, and turned back into the crowd.

Elias let out a small, almost imperceptible sigh. He turned to Erasmus, holding out his arm. "Shall we, darling?"

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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby crow » 09/01/2018 6:32 AM

Erasmus remained silent and virtually unmoving through most of the ride. Truthfully, being in a car at all was still something of a novelty to him, and not one that he... particularly enjoyed. It wasn't to the extent that he was averse to it, but there was something strange about the sensation of the motion that didn't yet sit well with him. The landscape offered little distraction, and though Elias offered sporadic commentary, Erasmus was no conversationalist either.

The sight of the town was some relief, though as they approached, Erasmus found his thoughts taking a sardonic turn. Such a mundane, peaceful place--- who would think to suspect it played host to monsters? And even if they were as civil as Elias claimed, these friends of his were still vampires. Like Elias. Like Erasmus himself.

Erasmus had been about to let himself out when he found that Elias had beat him to it. A momentary check in his movement was all that betrayed his surprise, and he exited the vehicle smoothly for one not quite used to such modern amenities, but he was brought up short yet again when Elias smiled at him.

A soft--- one would say an unguarded expression--- conveying... what? He couldn't have said. This gentler language was not one he knew. Was this the look someone directed a lover? Surely not. A comrade, then?

But whatever halting speculation Erasmus could muster would have to wait. Erasmus walked when Elias did, just a pace behind. This, at least, was familiar. If he flinched slightly at the word 'fiance', well, at least it might reasonably be attributed to his being startled by the volume of the butler's voice.

On past occasions, Erasmus had always had the benefit of knowing himself to be invisible, even as he stood behind the lord or lady that he had been tasked to guard. Not so tonight. He had never thought himself as self-conscious, but even he felt his skin crawl as the entire crowd turned to fix its gaze upon them. His expression was carefully neutral, for all that he had been instructed to be charming. He found that he lacked the presence of mind to affect anything else.

Fortunately another man broke through the crowd to greet Elias, and Erasmus could occupy himself with the real diversion of being interested in what they were saying. At Elias's introduction, Erasmus recovered enough to smile as he reached out to shake Titus's hand. "Charmed," he said, in a smooth voice that carried just the hint of a drawl.

He was not entirely a stranger to intrigue. He could do this, surely.

Perhaps it was because he was so focused on remembering how to perform the steps to this more subtle dance that he didn't catch himself in time--- his gaze slid to Elias for a moment. 'I did not think I'd live to see the day when Elias was in love again.' A dozen questions flitted through Erasmus's mind---

--- and just as quickly, were quelled. It was not the time, and his was hardly the station. He did not like the feeling of relief that accompanied Titus's exit. He did not like that he had anything to be relieved about.

Erasmus smiled at Elias, taking his arm and trying to remember what it felt like to be lovestruck. It was probably just as well that Elias wouldn't be expecting him to speak much tonight.
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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby Mousen » 09/01/2018 1:06 PM

Elias was almost surprised by Erasmus' smile, despite the fact that he knew Erasmus had an act to keep up. It made him look younger, as opposed to the carefully guarded blank expression Elias had become used to and despite being false, it was almost heartening. He couldn't help but wonder who the young man had been, all those years ago, whole and terribly mortal. Did Erasmus even remember himself? It was no matter, who ever he had been, he was dead now.

The crowd wasn't too large, maybe forty all told. The heads of all the oldest and most distinguished families were there, the Ilescus, the Dubois, the Tangs and the Koskinens had all sent either the heads of their families or some representative. Titus remained by Lord Grimshaw, entertaining him and passing him tall, thin glasses of lambs blood. Elias noticed Lacritus Alcmaeonidae, one of the oldest among them, paused by Lady Black. It made sense that Titus had talked his old friend round into helping keep the two of them apart. The waiters made slow circles with their glasses, each glass a different shape. The lambs blood in the thin crystal champagne glasses, the pigs blood in the heavier goblets, the quail's blood in cocktail glasses no larger than Elias' finger.

The lamps were turned low, and the room with its heavy beams, flagstone floor and large fireplaces seemed especially intimate. It was a large, but nothing in proportion to Elias' own estate. Evening air stirred through the room from the propped open windows.

Elias took a tiny glass of quails blood, tapping it against the glass of someone who wished to toast them.  There were a few small greetings, looks that trailed after them, a few whispers of the name "Brodnax" but there was plenty of other business to discuss and plenty of other scandals.

He leaned in towards Erasmus, only a few inches from his ear. "Managing?" he asked. "How does it feel to have gone up in the world?"

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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby crow » 12/16/2018 1:21 AM

When Elias's attention wasn't upon him, Erasmus let his own eyes wander. He regained some measure of calm as he took inventory of the other attendees, a few of whom he recognized in the vague sort of way that one recognized the associates of one's former employer, if indeed the dealings of a master vampire could be likened to such a mundane thing. No one who might have trifled with him, however, which was just as well. Perhaps they knew him by reputation, but it was just as likely that they did not; Eleanor had always been the more intriguing prospect, out of the two of them.

His gaze swept the hall, this time looking for where spies or guards might be hidden. None caught his eye, but nevertheless he took note of a few places where a clever one might have tucked themselves away. It was too early in his tenure with Elias for Erasmus to know whether to expect to need that knowledge, but there was no harm in being cautious. And this, at least, was familiar, a small ritual to settle himself in so much uncharted territory.

It was habit for him to know where his master was relative to himself in a room at any given time, so if Elias hoped to catch him off guard by speaking into his ear, he would have to be disappointed. It did bring Erasmus back to the reality of the situation somewhat, however, and to the necessity of keeping up appearances.

To that end, he affected an indulgent grin, as though Elias had said something funny. "For a given value of 'up'..." he said, his voice pitched low. He relieved a waiter of a much heavier goblet than the one Elias was holding, and took a long drink, licking the corner of his mouth as he finished. "Nauseating."
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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby Mousen » 12/16/2018 1:47 AM

Elias felt a smile tug at his features. "Nauseating, I feel, is the right word for all of this," he settled his tiny crystal glass on the tray of a passing waiter, and turned back to Erasmus. "That's not to say they don't come with their own set of amusements. Notice Friedrich Koskinen. Greying hair, big ruby rings? On your left," he was leaning very close to Erasmus now, his voice little more than a breath in the other man's ear. "Don't make it obvious. But he's favouring one leg pretty badly when he walks. Trying not to limp. He's got blood under his rings. Looks like there's trouble in the ranks. Or a new vampire hunter."

He took Eramus' goblet from his hand, making a small gesture that that indicated he was asking for permission before taking a small sip. He handed it back to him and shuddered. "Good grief. I can't tell if its worse when they chill it or warm it back up again. Drinking at these things always makes me feel ill. Still, got to look like I'm enjoying the hospitality."

He smiled at a couple who looked at them as they passed, strolling about the room. "There's not going to be much happening for the next half hour or so. Just latecomers and introductions. Shall we head upstairs? I think I'd rather find Augustine than pointlessly mill."

Not that there was much happening tonight at all, really. Titus might sit down and have a chat with the guests, but there'd be no elaborate politics tonight. Not under this roof. It was a good start for them, and helped get the vampires used to the news. It'd be another matter when he started getting Eleanor involved, of course, but that could wait. Displays of power tended to be their own downfall and Elias needed to be more secure in his position before he could throw his weight around like that. It would help to have Erasmus and Eleanor better mixed within the family before he started relying on them so heavily, too. They'd managed for centuries on their own, a few more years shouldn't change anything.

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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby crow » 07/28/2019 5:17 PM

Erasmus noted how Elias took his comment, and arched a brow at him, still smiling. Obligingly, he followed Elias's direction and angled his gaze to the left, sidelong. True to Elias's words, there was a man whose hands were practically dripping with rubies. He wasn't moving at the moment, so Erasmus couldn't confirm the limp, but the blood was clear enough when one was looking for it.

"Is there now," said Erasmus. "You wouldn't happen to have any suspects for his recent misfortunes?" Something in his blood quickened at the prospect of trouble, whatever the source, though he reined it in; now was hardly the time or the place. But if there was unrest on the horizon, it may not be long before his real skills saw some use, and though he knew his sister would chastise him for it, Erasmus found that he was rather spoiling for a fight.

He tucked away that piece of information as Elias complained about the drinks. At Elias's suggestion, he inclined his head, a sort of 'as you wish' gesture. He reminded himself that it was better to get this over with sooner rather than later, lest his acting skills decline as the night went on.
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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby Mousen » 07/28/2019 7:22 PM

"Could be any of them," Elias muttered, making a show of leaning in as they walked away from the others to head upstairs. "Lady Black is a frequent trouble-causer, but a lone wolf. Her main dispute is with her ex-husband, Grimshaw. There was some talk of a marriage into the Duboirs, which could have since soured. The Illescus are the traditional rivals, but." He shrugged. There was bad blood between all the big families, enough reasons to pick fights. It just depended who was up to something, something more than usual, anyway. "The Koskinen are the youngest of the influential families, at one time my father was allied with Friedrich, but I rather spoiled their plans." Elias' expression was difficult to read, caught somewhere between distaste and defiance.

It was quiet upstairs, and the house old and idiosyncratic. The ceiling and walls sloped at strange angles, and the beams were visible. "Friedrich is... well, I purposely cut ties with him when I became head of the family." The Koskinen were less hemmed in by tradition, as a rule, which really feed Friedrich up to be as both inventive and sadistic as he liked. Quite frankly, it made Elias nervous.

Reaching the end of the corridor, Elias knocked on the door of Augustine's study, paused, and then knocked again. "Augustine?" he called. "It's just me." Still nothing. He was obviously elsewhere. Elias considered going looking for him, but Augustine liked these gatherings even less than Titus did and he suspected he'd purposefully put himself out of the way. Instead, Elias opted to push open the doors to one of the guest rooms. "I'm in no hurry to return to... all of that. I suspect it'll be twenty minutes at least before anyone notices our absence.  Shall we just skive?"

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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby crow » 08/16/2019 12:10 AM

Erasmus smiled what he hoped was an indulgent smile as Elias leaned in, which turned into a quiet laugh at Elias's conjecture. Some things remained unchanged about vampire society--- or perhaps vampire high society, in particular--- no matter where he went. "There will be no shortage of entertainment then," he said.

He was of a mind to ask Elias where he stood in all this--- if there was to be violence, even under the table, then Erasmus could be of much better service to Elias than purely living out their current farce. But he held his tongue. That sort of conversation was best reserved for the relative safety and privacy of Elias's own home ground, where there was less likelihood of being overheard by someone who might use the information against them. Here, even if Elias answered him, that answer would likely be more lies than truth.

Erasmus had to stop himself from disentangling from Elias as they reached the door. He seized up for perhaps a moment, not from apprehension but from habit; even when he had been an explicit part of his master's entourage, Erasmus had never been placed beside them, and certainly not in any intimate manner. Somehow, all of this felt like a strange invasion of that strange privacy that nobility commanded.

Or perhaps he was merely feeling, once more, how unsuited he was for the role.

But after all that anticipation, there was no answer. Watching Elias open the guest room door, he felt that same disconcerting sense of relief. The notion that he was being spared of some sort of ordeal did not feel any more welcome the second time around.

Slipping into the room, he took up by the window, staring out of it and into the darkness below. "I've no objections," he said, folding his arms as he leaned against a wall. His gaze wandered sidelong back to Elias. "But what of you? You didn't come to a party merely to hide from it, did you?"
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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby Mousen » 09/11/2019 5:34 PM

Elias tried to look past reflection in the glass, it was the hazy image of something long dead. Outside Augustine's neat herb garden could just be made out in the dark. Neither view seemed to please him much, and he leaned back against the window, half perched on the sill. "Not entirely, but I also know when I'm not wanted." For a moment, he could almost imagine his father, face curled up into his usual sneer. Out of allies? Out of ideas? Out of touch? He shook his head, twisting a dark lock of hair round his fingers. "They'll come round the table to speak properly in a few minutes, then I can argue my point. with the demise of your old master, my position is strengthened. Whether or not I socialise is rather by-the-by."

He cast a glance about the room, he vaguely remembered it from having stayed with Augustine and Titus at one point or another. There was a door by one side of the room that lead to a small closet space, although its original use had been hiding members of the clergy. How times change. "Besides, even I get tired of putting on a face."

He turned to the other vampire suddenly. "There is method to the madness, you realise? All of this isn't just a joke at your expense, I mean, not to say I haven't had some fun, but... I still don't think you quite realise how valuable you and your sister are as Brodnaxes." Elias' expression was inscrutable, his blue eyes fixed on Erasmus.

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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby crow » 09/12/2019 11:19 PM

The corner of Erasmus's mouth quirked at the mention of his old master, but it was not a fond expression. If anything, he looked wry. Lord Rafe... had been a strange man; much of his mind had been consumed with obsession by the time Eleanor and Erasmus came into his hands. What remained of the rest of it had been focused on smothering his opposition with an intensity and focus that had at times frightened Erasmus, even after all these years of living among monsters.

"I dare say that is the general sentiment about his demise," Erasmus said. There had been no love lost between Rafe and any of his fellow masters, to be sure. No love, indeed, left to lose between Rafe and anyone, by that point.

Turning his thoughts away from the ghost of his old master, Erasmus turned his gaze upon Elias, searching for hints of that professed exhaustion. He was still in the process of doing so when Elias suddenly turned to him. Erasmus blinked, then smiled again. "Well, yes, that is to be preferred," he said, "but I am not in the practice of arguing with madmen." A small joke at Elias's expense, which in his short tenure here, Erasmus had discovered he was allowed. The smile did not disappear when Elias mentioned his value, but its quality changed.

Value. A thing, weighed and measured; and himself, now a deft hand at the measure of it, this knife's edge upon which he wagered the lives of himself and his sister both. Irrationally, some part of him took brief and livid insult with the idea that he was not... intimately acquainted with precisely how valuable either of them were.

But the moment passed, and the hot clenched sensation in his chest subsided. "Elucidate me," he said, and found that he was, a little, genuinely curious. It was true enough that his arrangement here was... different from what he was used to. "Admittedly, I don't feel particularly useful as of late. I have been in your service some days already without so much as a single kill."
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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby Mousen » 09/13/2019 9:49 PM

Elias rolled his eyes at the madman comment, a smile creeping on to his features. He realised suddenly that there might, not necessarily be a friendship, but certainly a salvageable working relationship in all of this. Of course, he couldn't pretend that wasn't how most things went as far as the Brodnaxes were concerned. They were a family in the habit of collecting strays.

If Elias noticed that he'd almost touched a nerve, it didn't show in his face as he replied. "Firstly, you must understand that marrying for love is out of the question for me, so I had nothing to lose in that regard. Secondly, it was my father that pushed for a seat with the Lords. They have never taken us seriously, despite us being one of the oldest families present. what we need is legitimacy, specifically, vampiric legitimacy." He paused to look over at Erasmus again. "To play their game properly, I'd have to marry into them. But how could I let one of them under the same roof as my human family members?

You and your sister, meanwhile, aren't likely to bite the hand that feeds you. You might think you have no real... standing, and that's true, but you've both been around a long time. The fact you were both servants will fade in the wash."
Certainly most of the Lords in there had points in their history they wished to forget. "Not only are both your skillsets useful us, but there's the satisfaction of reminding all the Lords that I play on my own terms. The sudden engagement is a farce, proving that I'm eccentric, over-emotional and have absolutely no regard for tradition. That, and I'm the raging homosexual they've always suspected." Elias snorted. "I want them to underestimate me. After all, who do you think's been souring things between the Duboirs and the Kosniken for months? I don't--"

Elias had heard someone on the stairs whilst he'd been speaking, but he'd assumed it was only Titus come to check on Augustine. The footsteps were closer now, and sounded like they were heading for the room they were in. The vampire sprung to his feet, gesturing across the room to the old closet. without waiting for an answer he dragged Erasmus inside. There wasn't much space for them, just enough that they could stand without touching each other.

Elias heard the door swing open. "Has the mutt finally gone mad?" A voice asked, striding into the room. Elias recognised it immediately as that of Friedrich Koskinen.  

"Gone mad?" The other voice in the room was Lady Ilescu. "You're suggesting he had anywhere to go."

"Please. Marrying the brother? what good does it do?"

"Perhaps he's bored."

"Surely he could keep himself entertained. A mirror perhaps? Some feathers on the end of a bit of string?" The lady laughed, and Friedrich continued. "You know I heard from his father that there's werewolves in the family?"

"By blood?"


"Good grief! It seems the Brodnaxes really will fuck anything that moves."

"Apparently there's gargoyles too. Not even the stone's safe!"

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Desperate Measures [P]

Postby crow » 09/30/2019 12:39 AM

Erasmus listened to Elias's explanation in silence. Bizarrely, his opening comment seemed as though it were meant to reassure Erasmus, though Erasmus would not have thought that he had done anything to warrant it. Or perhaps Elias was merely reassuring himself, in which case there might be some occasion for pity... But Elias wasn't asking for it, and Erasmus had little enough of it to give.

The rest of it was as illuminating as it was baffling. The idea that a marriage to himself could do anything to elevate someone's status was laughable. Fortunately, Erasmus had been out of the habit of laughing aloud for some centuries now, and Elias was moving on too quickly for him to dwell upon it.

Unfortunately, they were interrupted just as Elias touched upon the most interesting point.

Erasmus had heard them coming, but he was still taking cues from Elias. It was not until Elias jumped to his feet that Erasmus shifted his stance, readying himself to... But no, that wasn't their game today. Obligingly, he allowed Elias to drag him into the closet. With a perfectly bland expression, he pressed himself along the wall, taking up a position that left as much of the space to Elias as possible in the cramped quarters. It was uncomfortable, but he had endured worse.

Besides, there were more interesting things to focus on than the small complaints of his own body.

One could learn a great deal about one's betters from petty gossip. He didn't recognize the voices, but their musings were certainly doing credit to some of what Elias had said. As for the rest... Erasmus's eyes wandered in the darkened space to Elias's face.

One could learn a great deal about a man from how he reacted to the petty gossip around him too.
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