As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V) Done

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2013 4:47 AM

A soft breeze swept through the almost bare stretch of land between the nests and the eastern border. A few trees held onto the hard volcanic rock but they were so stunted that they offered little relief from the sun. A perfectly circular hole dropped into the ground, it was big and explorers often mistook it for a volcanic cave. It was not, made years ago by paragon it now worked as a midway point for the guards. It was a rest stop and prisoner holding and safety shelter among other things. There was one thing it rarely ever held though; eggs. Two blue eggs being held close to their mother. One was pure sky blue with little red spots all over it. The second was white at the top and faded to blue and then black at the bottom, it had a few blue spots but they were hardly noticeable. Normally the paragon living here had to live in almost complete darkness but they had been able to spare a candle for the new mother. The flickering glow of the room was the only interesting thing the mother had to look at. With no resident nest mother she rarely had a chance to leave the den. Plus she was a new mother and had no idea what to do. Her mate had been helpful though giving her as much information as he could on raising eggs. He also provided her with water and food. Any time she looked at her children her heart swelled with pride.

Have you decided on the names yet?” A soft voice brought her attention to the world around her. “No, I wanted to wait until they were hatched.” She replied. Around the eggs everyone was so quiet like they didn’t want to disturb the developing hatchlings. Kavarys wasn’t sure it was necessary. She doubted they could hear anything outside the dense shell, but who was she to say they could or couldn’t hear. “Do you know their gender?” He asked coming closer to look at the eggs. He had told her that every mother knew the gender of their hatchlings. Maybe it was because she was a new mom but she had no idea what they would be. “Eh, not yet” she replied “Maybe they aren’t developed enough yet.” She added quickly trying to cover up her ignorance. At that moment she felt like she was holding something unfamiliar. She knew nothing about these eggs other than they were hers and she wouldn’t have even believed that but she was there when she had given birth to them.

I’m rather tired, do you mind if I get some sleep?” She asked, Kavarys didn’t want to be rude but she felt uncomfortable with her mate’s critical eye scanning her every movement. “Of course, call if you need anything.” He said rushing out of the den. Kavarys watched the eggs for a while longer. She was starting to go stir crazy soon she’d have to get out but she didn’t have anyone to watch the eggs for her. not only was she hardly allowed to move for more than a few moments being alone gave her way to much time to think. She mostly thought about her small family. The clan had been thrilled by her marriage but she was starting to feel like Ibiz had come to her because he wanted the clans trust towards him to return and that the only reason he had come out with her was because this had been the only truly safe place. Kavarys had offered the outpost to him but she had done it because she thought she had felt something between them. At first it was completely friendly for the both of them. After a while though she began to feel like there should be something more than friendship. The next thing she knew they had gone back to the mesa to announce their coming together and all of the sudden she had his children inside her.

And what if those children weren’t accepted by him? She’d heard about males who only wanted male children or wanted their children to be the same species as them. She wanted her babies to grow up with a father, but that wouldn’t stop her from kicking Ibiz out of their life if he turned out to be a prick. She didn’t even think about species or gender or looks she doubted any mother would. She was still staring at her eggs, they looked like they shared the same colors as their father with some of the colors she had but genes were messy and they could turn out to look like anything.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 12/30/2013 3:06 AM

Two weeks passed and Kavarys had to ask for a few favors. Twice she felt like she was being suffocated by the cave and had to make an escape. The second time she thought about never returning it was abolished very quickly. She couldn’t leave her children. She had just gotten back from a long flight. “Oh thank the gods you’re here.” Ibiz said when she entered the cave. “What?” Kavarys asked suddenly panicked. “Are the eggs ok?” She asked, all her fears coming forth. They could have been eaten by some predator or could have gotten too cold or dropped, the list went on. A smile flashed across Ibiz’s face. “No, they’re fine, hatching actually.” He said waiting for his mate’s reaction. At first Kavarys didn’t know what to think, she felt like she had misheard him. A grin spread across her face she flew past Ibiz racing to get to the nest. She wanted to be the first thing her children saw. She heard a chuckle behind her but didn’t stop to snap at her mate.

She felt like a child receiving a gift, the biggest gift someone could think of. She had never wanted kids; she remembered growing up thinking they were too much work and that they would only get in the way. The moment she found out she was pregnant however she was attached and eagerly awaiting their arrival. They didn’t seem like a hassle or a burden anymore. Flying into her den Kavarys saw a very confused and excited looking Umber. He had been babysitting and now didn’t look like he knew what to do. She didn’t blame him; she had no idea what to do either. Umber saw Kavarys enter and flashed her a smile before ducking out. The eggs hadn’t opened yet but she could see cracks like broken glass curving around her babies. There was a central point to these cracks and it looked like her babies would be coming out any moment. She refrained from helping though worried she might hurt them. “They’ll get out on their own.” Ibiz had come up behind her. “I know.” Kavarys replied softly, not taking her eyes off the eggs.

Almost an hour passed before her babies entered the world. One was red and white with wide blue eyes, he was the first to hatch and he gazed up at his parents with curious unafraid eyes. Trying out his wobbly legs even as he struggled to get close to his mother. She didn’t give him the chance; instead she curled around him laying her head close to his. She wanted to get a good look at him and it looked as if he would like to do the same. Ibiz came over to, setting his head down for the hatchling to examine. Kavarys hardly had time to look him over thoroughly before the other egg hatched. All three heads snapped towards the bright blue hatchling. His yellow eyes seemed startled but he didn’t shy away. Instead Kavarys lifted him from the egg mess and set him gently next to his sibling. “They’re both males” She said almost breathless. “Do you want to name them? Ibiz asked his eyes sparkled. Kavarys nodded thinking for a moment. “How about Eirawaed and Tozi?” She asked her claw pointing from the red hatchling to the blue hatchling. Ibiz smiled, “those are wonderful names.” for a long time they looked at their children in wonder and their children looked at them as well as the den around them in wonder as well.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/01/2014 12:53 AM

All too soon the moment was broken by a shriek from Eirawaed. “Hungry?” Ibiz asked looking at Kavarys. She smiled and nodded, trying to not laugh at her baby. “Eh, what do they eat?” Kavarys asked catching her mate before he left. “Mushed up meat?” He responded his tone sounding like he was asking her a question. She sighed and picked up the two and held them close to her chest. She would have to find the stores of food and she wasn’t ready to leave them yet. It was midday so the tunnels weren’t completely black. Not that it would have mattered to her, she just didn’t want her hatchlings to grow up in darkness. “Do you think you could get bottled sunshine the next time you’re at the mesa?” Normally Kavarys would ask for something magical like that but she couldn’t let her babies wander out on the volcanic rock until they were older. That didn’t mean that they had to wait years before seeing the sunlight and feel its warmth on their scales. Ibiz nodded, “that should be no problem.” He said smiling. “I have to return to the clan anyway, they will need to know of the hatchlings.” With that Ibiz left, not the outpost, not yet. Kavarys knew he had responsibilities to take care of first. Kavarys also realized that he would be bringing back a nest mother too and Kavarys would be back to hunting and fighting and her old life. After that her children would be taken back to the mesa and she would hardly see them. That thought made her grip the hatchlings tighter to her chest. She wasn’t frightened or anything, she knew that it was the only way they would be able to learn and develop properly but she still didn’t want to be separated from them.

Tozi seemed to be squirming under her arm and she loosened her grip. She couldn’t think about the future, it was far away and she had hatchlings that needed her now. Her mind wouldn’t listen however and she was soon thinking of the nest mother that her mate would be bringing back and was thankful. She had no idea how to raise paragon so she’d be happy to let someone else do it, or at least teach her how. Two boys especially, she had seen male hatchlings before. They seemed much more of a handful than little females. And they got into fights and with some of the male’s mentalities they could turn out to be ruthless and twisted. Little yellow and blue eyes were staring at her and Eirawaed let out another cry. “Right, right, I’m getting you food now.” She promised looking back up at the tunnels. She got to the storage quickly, in the mesa it would have taken her hours but the outpost was small and the storage was only a few moments away from her den. “See, there’s food right here.” She said grabbing what looked to be bird meat. It was fresh of course the meat would rot if it stayed here for more than a day. She took the walk back to mush up the meat with her teeth. It was a paste by the time she got to her den. She set the hatchlings down in her nest and pushed away the broken eggs. She scraped the paste out of her mouth and gagged, it looked disgusting. It was warm in her hand and she quickly lowered it so her boys could eat. They didn’t hesitate and didn’t seem to mind the look or taste of the once plump bird flesh.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/01/2014 5:47 AM

The den was becoming darker and Kavarys didn’t need to see the sky to know night was on the horizon. “I’m leaving for the mesa tonight.” Ibiz said, her head snapped to the entrance of the den. Both Tozi and Eirawaed were asleep and Kavarys had been so caught up in her own thoughts she hadn’t heard her mate approach. “Tonight? That’s so soon.” Her words got caught in her throat. She hadn’t expected to be sad but for some reason she was. Ibiz could tell she was upset, and also confused. “It’s best if they find out sooner rather than later and we need supplies here and a nest maid would be really nice for the hatchlings.” He said, his words spilling out quickly. He didn’t want to leave either but his clan knowing about his sons was very important to him. Kavarys could tell he was flustered but had no words of comfort. “Come back soon, and bring someone nice.” Kavarys said looking away into the darkness. She felt Ibiz come closer and she forced herself to face him. “I’ll be back soon.” He promised. “Until then try not to worry, you’ll do fine and there are plenty of paragon around to help.” He reassured her. She sighed softly but didn’t say anything. They sat in the silence and darkness just trying to hold onto the sense of family for a little while longer. Kavarys knew he wouldn’t be gone long but she couldn’t help worrying about anything and everything. The nest was completely dark before Kavarys broke the silence. “Fly safe, and be home soon.” She begged. She could feel Ibiz smile and move away from her. Soon his warmth had left and she could only faintly catch his soothing scent.

It took her until sunrise before she fell asleep. Luckily new born paragon slept a lot, or at least she thought they did. It was the middle of the day by the time Tozi and Eirawaed had her up. They were eager to eat and probably had to dispose of waste. Kavarys was an awkward mom already. She picked the two bundles up and headed down to get some fresh water. This far from the volcano the water was a little cleaner to drink. They did still have a water purifier on hand and he was down at the spring preparing for the night meal. He smiled when he say Kavarys and her hatchlings. It seemed like they would catch everyone’s hearts. “I hope you don’t mind it they drink here, unfortunately I don’t have enough claws for all of them.” She said embarrassed. “It’s no problem at all.” He said setting down a pail while she set down the boys. They were just big enough to reach over the rim of the bucket and lapped cautiously at the water. Apparently they had been thirsty because they drank with a ferocity that made Kavarys laugh silently. She could see an amused light in the purifier’s eye too. “Thanks.” Kavarys said picking up the boys after they finished almost the whole pail.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/02/2014 4:02 AM

She was unsure whether to feed them or take them to the den so they could… ‘potty’ as the humans called it. They didn’t use words so Kavarys wasn’t sure what they wanted. Though they did cry out when they weren’t happy and from there she could usually tell what they wanted; However today was only day two, Kavarys didn’t even know if the boys should speak yet. It had her wishing for Ibiz even more. Sighing she moved towards the food storage. She figured she might as well get their meal ready while they relieved of themselves. She didn’t pick a birds meat this time. Instead she got a hold of a cavallion leg. It was from a late night catch but still looked and smelt fresh.

She didn’t take the time to chew it up before getting to the den. There was too much meat to do that. She returned to her den and set the boys down in an empty spot hoping they could ‘potty’ while she got the meal ready. She just yanked a mouthful of meat off the skinned leg and started chewing. Like the night before she chewed it into a paste and spit it out. Unfortunately the sight of it turned her stomach so instead she went to check on her hatchlings. It looked like they had gone ‘potty’ and she was grateful, she didn’t want to find out her feeding them raw meat would hurt their stomach. They quickly crawled to the meat she had on the floor and began to lap it up. Kavarys observed their eating, they looked like they would be able to mush up meat on their own if given to them in small amount but she was still hesitant. Kavarys decided to give it a few days and hopefully Ibiz would be back by then. In the mean time she tore the rest of the meat from the Cavallion bone and devoured it.

Faintly she wondered if she could get one of the other guards to watch them for a while so she could take a break, but she didn’t want to just shove them off on someone. It wasn’t like they were bad, at the moment they were chasing her tail around. Soon they would be fast asleep and later they’d be up and hungry again. Maybe while they napped she would go out. She decided that would be best and got up to find someone. It was midday so Kavarys wasn’t sure if anyone was around but she might as well look.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/14/2014 5:30 PM

* * *

Ibiz landed on the mesa well past dark. The only paragon left out where the night watch who welcomed him happily, not something that happened to him. He smiled politely but otherwise didn’t say or do anything that would indicate his mood. He was conflicted on the inside. He had so many doubts and worries, not only for his hatchlings but for his mate and for the clan and for himself. There was so much going on and so many factors that he wasn’t sure what the outcome would be. Typically a male ambia left in search of a female ambia to bring back and mate with. Ibiz had left sure, but he hadn’t found another ambia, he had found someone he loved. Now he wasn’t even sure if the hatchlings would be born ambia, he doubted it. Mixing blood with another species rarely resulted in ambia hatchlings, at least not in his experience. He knew his parent would still be up, they tended to sleep the day away and become active at night. They hardly left the tunnels of the mesa and probably couldn’t tell that time was even passing. It wasn’t like they were strangers though, their den was open to most paragon and they made sure to greet new hatchlings when they could, or talk with other paragon on their way down the tunnels. Even after the heartbreak of his brother leaving they kept up their image, more so than ever, they became kinder and more understanding and let the leaders of the groups make the decisions. Sometimes that meant better things became implemented into the clan, other times, when important decisions needed to be made things became worse and it took a lot for the two true leaders to step up and fix it. Ibiz knew there was talk of replacing the true leaders but he thought that his parents just needed some good news in order to restart their reign.

Flowing through the tunnels Ibiz tried to remember the way to their den. In the buttes and in the mesa there would be signs at every fork in the road telling a paragon what was up ahead. There were no such markings for the leaders den. His parent den had been around for about as long as the mesa itself but no one bothers to write down the instructions to get there. No one really knew why, but many just inferred that it was a way to keep the king and queen safe. Ibiz snorted, his parents had so many titles but he would inherit none of them. Realizing he was losing himself in his thoughts he tried to focus on the stone around him. The tunnels were black as tar and the air felt about as thick. Down and down he went, down to the bottom of the mesa, even below the springs of water down into the depths of the earth, but just above the core. At least that was what it felt like, he knew his parents couldn’t be resting on the core of the earth but sometimes it felt like it.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/14/2014 5:31 PM

“Ibiz is that you?” A female’s voice called from the darkness. It was his mother, her blind eyes looked at him and a kind smile crossed her face. “Yes mother, I’m here.” Ibiz answered getting closer to her. “Come, share with us the news you bring.” His mother said leading him to their den. It was surprisingly well lit flickering candles littered the den and caused the room to have a faint warm glow. It was a relief on his eyes now that he could see. “How is the east?” His father asked, his deep rumbling voice made Ibiz feel like a small child again. “Silent.” Ibiz answered barely glancing at his father. He only looked at him long enough to see the accusing eyes. “How are you though?” his mother pressed. “I took a mate, as you know.” Ibiz whispered knowing his father disapproved of his choice in species. “How is your voidbringer?” his father asked, his words dripping with venom. “Fine.” Ibiz shot back angrily. “She has given birth to two eggs, the hatched just yesterday.” He added defiantly. Ibiz heard his father chuckle but didn’t pay him much attention. His mother however broke into a wide smile. “Hatchlings.” She cooed, she may have been mated to a harsh traditionalist but she was a loving mother and caring leader and didn’t hesitate to challenge her old husband. “Tell me all about them.” She said sitting down and Motioning that Ibiz should do the same. “They are both boys, the first is red and white, the same red as his mother but with a gradient opposite of mine.” He started. Even with her unseeing eyes his mother could still invent pictures in her mind. “We named him Eirawaed; he is rather hot headed and prefers things to go his way. He was born first but is smaller than his brother.” He continued, hearing a sharp gasp come from his father. They had named little Eirawaed after his father’s father, Kavarys did it in hopes to gain even the tiniest amount of respect from him though Ibiz knew that would never happen. Not unless they grew up to be ambia, and even then it was doubtful the king would ever accept this ‘outcast’ female. “And the second?” his mother asked, bringing him back from his thoughts. “He is blue, a lighter shade than my blue. He looks like an icy river. He is big and bold and brave.” Ibiz said, he was beginning to miss his family and wished desperately that things would go quickly.

“We will have to make an announcement to the clan.” His mother said suddenly. Ending Ibiz’s story and turning the attention to his father. “Maybe if he had an ambia mate, but no mix breed scum will be getting the throne.” His father growled. “Sazha, with our eldest son gone, we need to find another to take the throne. You know as well as I do that I will not be bringing more children into the world.” While her voice was firm at first Ibiz could tell she had a hard time saying the last part aloud. “I will not have tainted blood rule this clan.” Sazha roared, standing up and blowing smoke from his nostrils. His mother shrank back but Ibiz held his ground. He was not about to let his father rule over him anymore.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/14/2014 5:32 PM

“And I will not leave this clan to fight amongst itself after you pass.” Ibiz roared back stepping up against his father. “No? When has the clan ever been an interest to you?” His father shot back. Ibiz held back a laugh. “Since I was born,” He snarled. “I was raised with expectations, and I intent to uphold them.” Sazha didn’t hold back his laughter though. “Your brother had expectations, you were never – are never going to lead this clan. Not while I’m alive.” His father was challenging him, always trying to get him to break. Ibiz was grown up, and it was time he learned to defend himself. “Your right, I won’t lead the clan while you’re alive, but it won’t be long until your dead.” Ibiz said his voice deadly calm and his eyes filled with an inextinguishable rage. Maybe he was over reacting, but his father had been a menace since before he was born. Ibiz sometimes wondered what made paragon want to follow under his leadership. It didn’t take him long to figure out that his mother was the reason they all stayed together and later his brother had done the same. Now however his mother was the only glue sticking the clan together and soon she would pass on and either someone would rise from bloodshed or the clan would split completely.

Sahza didn’t back down nor did he say anything. Ibiz took this as a sign that he should leave. He spoke to him mother but he didn’t turn his back on his father. “I’m going to get Symani and return to my family.” He said, then addressing his father. “When I return I will be king, and I won’t come back a moment before.” He warned. His father let out one last hiss before Ibiz turned and went out to find his nest mother.

Symani was a gentle and kind placid, and Ibiz had once felt a strong connection to her. She may not have been able to return those feelings but they had still become close friends. He hoped she would help him if he asked. The moon was slowly falling and the stars grew fainter. Ibiz was tired but knew he would sleep the day away if he wandered to a den. He decided instead to sit and watch the stars. Not the best way to pass time but there wasn’t much else to do. He sat atop the butte where he and Kavarys had first talked and looked down on the empty training ground. He settled into the sparse grass and turned his head to the sky. He must have been tired though because then he opened his eyes it was almost midday. “Figures” He said chuckling to himself. He got up and stretched the stiffness from his body. Blinking away the sleep he flew down to the training ground. It was still uninhabited but soon the teachers would be out and so would the younger members of the clan. Sometime soon his own sons would be training on the rocky butte. He didn’t bother to check inside the butte, he knew Symani wasn’t watching a nest at the moment and would most likely be in her den.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/14/2014 5:33 PM

“Hello?” he called the tunnels were still dark and his eyes hadn’t yet adjusted. “Ibiz?” A shocked voice questioned him. “Yes, may I come in?” he asked turning his head from side to side trying to look into the den. “Of course!” a soft voice replied. Ibiz stepped into the den, it was small and cozy. He saw Symani was still in her nest, her dark head looking up at him. “what’re you doing here?” she asked standing up to greet him. “Well, I wanted to ask a favor.” He started a bit shyly. “What up?” she asked her voice becoming worried. “Well, Kavarys gave birth to two boys, but we don’t have the time or knowledge to teach them and look after them.” He said pausing to see how Symani would react. A large grin spread across her face. “Good for you!” she congratulated playfully shoving his shoulder with her nose. “I suppose that mean you want me to come help, or maybe find someone who can?” she said tilting her head slightly. “I hate to take you away from the mesa, but you’ll be fed and taken care of while your with us.” He promised. “I’d better be.” She replied shaking herself out and spreading her wings. It was a small space, and with her wings stretched out Ibiz began to feel suffocated. He stepped back a bit hoping to let the wave of claustrophobia pass. Symani’s colorful scales glistened even without the sunlight and Ibiz doubted he’d ever get bored of the way she looked. So elegant and graceful and fragile. “We should be leaving then?” she asked as he backed out into the tunnel. “Yes I suppose so, unless you want something to eat before we go?” he said leading the way to the top of the butte. “No, I’ll be fine.” She said sliding past him as they came to the surface. Her wings extended again and her scales glittered even more brilliantly in the sunlight.

They flew fast and straight and didn’t stop for anything. Symani had made it clear she wanted to get to the midway point as fast as possible. Ibiz assumed it was because she didn’t want to face the awkwardness of their past and felt a little hurt but let it go. There was nothing he could do about his feelings towards her and hoped that over the years she hadn’t come to share his feelings. If she did he knew that he would have a hard time staying with Kavarys. He would of course always stay with his mate, but Symani would tempt him until the day they died. The sun wasn’t even setting when they landed at the midway point. He got many friendly nods and smiled but no one came to talk to him. The paragon there had a hard time trusting newcomers and Symani despite her small and frightened look was intimidating to them. “Do I have to watch out for anyone?” she squeaked her eyes taking in the landscape, her mind making a mental map, and escape route. Ibiz wrinkled his eyebrows. “No.” he said incredulous. She almost glared at him but didn’t say anything more. Ibiz had to remind himself that the midway point was something to fear at the mesa. Only paragon who broke the rules went there.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/14/2014 5:33 PM

“You’ll be fine, just be kind, and be yourself.” He warned leading her down towards the den. Kavarys wasn’t watching the hatchlings when Ibiz entered the den. His boys were sleeping soundly under the watchful eye of Llewaur, who nodded and left when Ibiz showed up. “They’re lovely.” Symani gasped giving Ibiz a look that made him very nervous. “Thanks,” he said softly. “You’ll stay with them then?” he asked he hardly had to wait for her answer because her head was bobbing a yes before his question was even finished. “Of course.” She said as he turned to find his mate, a pit of worry growing in his stomach. Something bad was coming. He didn’t know what, or even how he knew but there was a feeling of badness that surged through him. He wondered if anyone else felt it, Ibiz decided to ask Kavarys about it once he caught up to her and told her how his trip home was.

He didn’t have to fly far, he saw Kavarys flying home with a Carpetfang in between her shoulders and neck. The forests of the east sometimes held Carpetfang but Ibiz had learned that it was pretty rare to actually catch one. It looked to be cobalt colored. he wondered if Kavarys knew that carpetfang’s venom was needed at the mesa. “What are you doing here?” she called to him, flying fast right at him. “I came back as soon as I found a nest mother.” He said racing to meet her. In the air there was little embracing that could be done but just seeing each other was enough. “I was so worried.” Kavarys admitted turning to fly back to the den. “I know, I was worried too.” Ibiz said flying as close to her as he could. “I brought the nest mother Symani to raise them while we are away. She wasn’t well received I’m afraid. I’m also afraid she is going to take them away from us, and send them to the mesa.” He said almost too quietly for her to hear. “We can’t let them be raised there, they need to learn the lessons of the midway point. They can’t fall into the mesa’s ignorance.” Kavarys hissed her eyes glaring at the ground because she had nothing else to glare at. She wasn’t mad at him, Ibiz knew that for sure, but she was mad at the mesa and all its rules. Before he would have never thought about it, but after all the years of being away and the one night he stayed there he knew that there was so much wrong with it. And he hadn’t even interacted with the paragon like he had wanted to.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/14/2014 5:34 PM

On the flight back they stayed silent stopping only once so that Ibiz could carry the Carpetfang the rest of the way. It was heavier than he remembered but had no trouble keeping it balanced or keeping himself in the air. Only one paragon was above ground when they got back and he greeted them both happily, taking the Carpetfang from Ibiz’s back and turning down to go into the storage. “We should see how she is handling things.” Kavarys said slipping down into the tunnels. Ibiz was right behind her and at this stage in their growth wasn’t too worried about her putting in some propaganda about how the mesa was the one and only way of life or whatever. Symani was resting peacefully in a shallow nest in the back, her eyes locked onto the two boys who were wrestling over a stick. Ibiz snorted amused by his sons and he could tell that Kavarys was relieved but still pretty stressed. “They have grown since I was gone.” Ibiz told Kavarys smiling. “It won’t take long until their bodies are completely mature. Then their minds will have to catch up.” Symani said from her corner, standing up and bowing her head respectfully. “There isn’t any of that here.” Kavarys said to her going over to her hatchlings in order to say hello. “Is it true that we have to leave mom?” Tozi asked his little voice caused the whole den to go silent. Ibiz and Kavarys both tensed but Symani didn’t seem to notice. “Yes, you’ll come back with me for training at the mesa.” Symani answered smiling. “He asked his mother.” Kavarys hissed standing over her children protectively. “Of course I only meant-“ Symani was just off by a low snarl. At first Ibiz thought it was Kavarys but when all eyes were on him that though was gone. “Maybe you need to watch yourself more than you need to watch my sons. The next time you even suggest something like that, or talk in place of my mate I will make sure you cannot talk anymore.” Ibiz warned his voice low. Symani looked surprised but only for a moment, and then she bowed her head and left the den. “You made a mistake bringing her here.” Kavarys whispered as the hatchlings went back to playing. “No, she may be as twisted as the rest of them but we do need her. We’ll just have to make sure to teach them right from wrong, and she can teach them the other things.” He said annoyed that Symani would do this to him. “We’ll have to teach them a lot more than that if we want to counter balance all the shit she is going to stuff in their brains.” Kavarys growled. Ibiz just nodded, maybe bringing her here was a mistake, but he knew Symani, and he hoped that bringing her here would help her see everything that was wrong with the mesa.
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Re: Chapter 2 (Self ; L , V)

Postby Sarah » 01/19/2014 7:50 PM

There was a long moment of silence and by the look on his face Kavarys knew that Ibiz didn’t want to keep talking about the mesa. Unfortunately kavarys was ever curious and rarely got to see the mesa. “How was the mesa anyway? What did your parents have to say.” A huff of smoke came from Ibiz and Kavarys was sure she could see a blood thirst in his eyes.  “My mother was supportive as always, she had planned calling the clan together but I left before dawn. My father was bitter and enraged as ever and we had a small quarrel.” Kavarys wasn’t surprised. His father hated her and their union, and Ibiz having hatchlings with her would twist his mind even more. “It’s time he retired.” Ibiz growled darkly. Kavarys shot him a glare. “Not yet,” she snapped “we aren’t strong enough, the clan isn’t ready yet.” She added a little more calmly, but there was venom behind her words. She would have to crack down on any of these thoughts. Striking now would not be good for anyone and too many paragon would die for nothing.

Ibiz bowed his head slightly. “Very well.” He hissed not looking at her. Kavarys rolled her eyes and moved on. “You have to go back. I won’t like it, you won’t like it, but the clan needs to know.” She started getting another glare from her mate. “They need to hear it from you. You can’t hide behind your parents and allow them to say things for you. Your mother may be on your side, or maybe she is just appearing to be. You need to be there so that they cannot create a false image of you for the clan.” She said her eyes not moving from his, forcing him to actually hear the words she was saying. He sighed and nodded. “You’re right, I’ll head out tonight again… this time I’ll be away for longer but Symani will help you.” He said. Kavarys nodded too but didn’t say anything more. Ibiz left after giving his hatchlings a look of longing and kavarys felt heartbroken. She hated splitting them all up and wished that she had a normal job at the mesa so they could be happy and together all the time. Then she remembered that life at the mesa was not good and she was lucky to be away from the chaos.
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