by MillietheWarrior » 01/14/2012 10:46 PM
So…many…pages…Just throwing out some things. They may have been suggested before but…again, so many pages. XD
Righteous Advocate - Personality - This pet will defend and uphold justice and make sure that no creature is found guilty of a crime they did not commit.
Implemented - Justice for All
Preach to the Choir - Social - This pet believes strongly in the Holy Triumvirate and will preach to others about them.
Triumvirate Believer (Preacher) could be used for this.
Aimless Prophet - Social - This pet travels the lands and tries to convert it’s beliefs to anyone who will accept it.
Religious Believer (Wandering Prophet) could be used for this.
Holy Quest - Personality- This pet is on a lifelong quest for it’s own gain, beliefs, or for others and cannot be turned away no matter what.
Implemented - The Quest
Check Mate - Personality/Magic - This pet will use others as pawns in their own schemes and as a means to an end, whether they are evil or not, but cannot physically interfere with their pawn. They must use other means to get what they want.
Will of the Defender - Personality/Magic - This pet will do all in it’s power to stop any pet with a ‘Check Mate’ trait from using others by saving them from their fate any way possible. They also cannot physically interefere with their pawns and must use other means to stop Check Mate.
Before I touch these two: is the Defender using pawns, as well? I'm a bit confused.
Natural Talent - Magic - This pet is naturally gifted in the use of magic.
Implemented - Naturally Magical
Apprentice of the Mage - Magic - This pet is amazingly gifted in magic and growing stronger in it’s use every day.
Spellcaster (Apprentice) can be used for this.
Magic of the Ages - Magic - This pet is a master of magic use and can be rivaled by few.
Spellcaster (Master) can be used for this.
Bonded faithful - Personality- This pet will never betray a life mate and will remain bonded to them even in death. This pet will also be granted special abilities where their bonded are concerned, such as telepathy and the ability to feel distance and emotions.
I won't make this a Trait, but I will make another one that you could pair with Spiritbond for the 'magical' effect.
Spirit of Nature - Magic - This pet is magically bonded with nature, and thus, will be very in tune to the world around it, including all flora and fauna in their area or home. They can feel emotions, feelings, and other thigns from their surroundings and can mentally or physically communicate with whatever they so choose, if they so choose.
Implemented - Friend of Nature
Ancient Blood - Magic - This pet has been around since the time of the ancients and has seen the world’s beginning. (I still think this one could be restricted)
Implemented - Ancient One
Restless Soul - Personality - This pet is unable to stay still, and cannot easily be tied down by relationships, and is unable to form close bonds with others.
I'm not quite sure what to do with this. Being unable to form relationships could be due to something like the Wanderlust Trait, or it could be from having some sort of personality disorder (autism, sociopathy)...
Malady Maker - Magic- This pet makes others around it sick in some way, shape or form, whether by sight, smell, scent, or some type of magic or chemical ability. The diseases can be controlled by the user, including type, intensity, infection, and fatality.
Still thinking about this 8|;
Frozen Fingers - Physical - This pet cannot physically touch others without freezing their skin/fur/etc.
Freezing Touch could be used for this.
Hard-headed - Personality - This pet is unnaturally stubborn.
Implemented - Hard-Headed
Dog Soldier - Personality- This pet is the ideal soldier in every way and will never disobey orders.
I'm not going to make this a Trait, but I will make something for this that could be used in conjunction with Soldier to get the effect you want.
I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!
A great adventure! +Imp. Documents+ +Menagerie+ +Wishlist+ +Journal+