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.:Contest #Moofius:.

Postby Moofius » 11/30/2007 11:14 PM



Design a back story for the latest (and greatest XP) Custom Baal has created!



Basically. This little guy (or girl) needs a name, gender and back story! You're allowed to type it up as you like, in point form, novel, poem?! It doesn't really matter. Drawings are fine.

What I'd like... A HAPPY back story! >o< -pokes all the pets with sadness- This little guy (or girl) ish happyful! Yeesh! I can't imagine something like this sad anyway.

I LOVE art. You COULD (possibly) win with just fan art... but I doubt it. And you have a BETTER chance of winning if I get fan art in with the story. =3

You can include anybody in the story. Your own pets, my pets, non-existant pets (Evelon species though). (I'll especially love you if you use characters from my pen X3) Whatever! Aslong as I see something to keep me entertained. XP

**** Only one (max) entries per person!

***** There will be one winners!
(Unless of course there's two Super Special Awesome entries that I can't decide between, then I might give out a second prize)

Judgement Day!

December 23rd (No more entries after December 22nd!!)


Seeing as this is not an Evelon run contest, you all might be a bit curious about the prize... Awesome Custom Kuni! Drum roll please!

-hits drum with his tail, cow bell ringing-

FWEE! You're so CUTE! -huggles- ^O^ *ahem* Anyway.

The Prize is...

A $20 Evelon Shopping Spree!

Mmmm-Hmmm... Yup. This is Moofius's prize. So you can spend eet on whatever you want. =3 Be it a custom Lucain, two random Lucain, custom babies, KS etc. etc.

So yah. GET MOVING! IMPRESS ME!!!!! XD -sleeps with cuddly ness-


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Postby Queeny » 12/01/2007 2:05 AM

Name: Korkiri
Gender: Male

Kok. was born a misfit. Due to a skin color disorder. All the other Kuni's looked at him like he was covered in ants. He is also; slightly blind. Although; the bell on his tail helps him get around. Ringing it sends sound waves bouncing back to him, touching a sensitive spot on his horns and side fins.
Although he is very good at welding. " I have no talent,"he would say. " I am only passionately curious."Plus it was almost breeding time, and he had the perfect gift for his crush in mind He had to impress her some how.. Some way. Near the bottom of the large lake, there was a link between the lake and the ocean.
Korkiri needed to make a special figurine. He wanted it to be perfect.
So he had gathered up small metal collections  to make it. Bottle caps, parts of glass bottles, pieces of license plates, nuts, bolts and small chains made for necklaces. Packing it up in a handkerchief, and off   to venture out through a cave that is linked to the ocean. Stalagmites and columns  littered the whole underwater cave. It was vast, and dark. But he had the advantage. Using his bell he could get into places other Kuni's could not. Finally he had gotten to the ocean he was tired, but he still trudged on. Swimming, making his way to deep water, where the lava beds where. Adjacent there he had a small little station he made out of mended metal, plastic and glass. What would act as a working desk was an' old sardine canisters, Stacked up with a whole car license plate. The Sardine canisters would act as the legs and the license would act as the desks surface.

Korkiri's eyes  flickered in excitement. He took some metal wire, shaping it to use it for a gripping tool for the heated things.  Wrapping it around his front stubs and then using them like tongs, with both hands equipped with the wire and took the bottle cap, and went to the lava beds, setting it on the heated rock, the top side down. He  quickly swam back to his little station, and from the handkerchief he gotten a part of a license plate's frame and then carried that to the lava beds. He set it on the heated surface and then with this 'tongs', He lifted the bottle cap up, the top of it was melted orange. He worked to mend the frame and the bottle cap to make it look like a shaft standing on some kind of  pedestal. He had set what he had down away from the lava beds. To let it cool. He swam up to get more supplies. Gathering up all his shards of glass, some of them green, yellow and transparent. He threw them all on the lava bed to make one big glob of melted glass. Now he needed his tweezers-like tongs to shape the glass to make the head of a rose. Any excess glass would be shaped into leaves. After he was done with that, he looked up. It's been hours.. It's almost Daylight, and he was getting sleepy. But he HAD to get this done!
The little Kuni was working' his tail off! When both of the pieces of his flower for his crush where cooled; he then got a lug-nut and plopped it on the heated rock. When that was hot enough He used one of his tail to hold the shaft up right and used his tongs to hold the heated lug-nut and lightly dab the top of the shaft, to add more metal to fan out the tip so it would hold the head of the rose more securely, and to make it hotter. Any excess will be used for some thorns. Now; somewhat 'gluing' the head of the rose onto the tip of the shaft and letting it cool. It was almost done.. It was so pretty. The Rose had some blotches and mixtures of yellow and green. He wanted to impress a female Kuni; Engal or Cally.. Mostly Engal. She seemed the most cutest of the two. How he knows her, is that he's seen her swimming with her sister, Cally.
Although.. He'd only seen her occasionally.. And he's never really talked to her. The reason why she was seen in the ocean was because they where lost or they needed to stretch out their fins.
He has his 'passionate curiosity' and chance in order to hopefully see her again..


http://img412.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 001ea7.jpg
http://img230.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 002ny3.jpg
http://img230.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 003ms9.jpg
http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 004oe3.jpg

Time: about 3minutes. =3
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Postby robopup24 » 12/01/2007 2:52 AM

Yay! This shall be fun...
Name: Reniku (Ren-nee-ku)

Gender: Male

Background (Story Format):

"Hum tee dum..." Reniku happily swam through the clear waters of his little pond home, enjoying the sights. "Hum tee dum..." The strange little Kuni flipped out of the water and cannon-balled back down, singing all the while. "La dee da doo..."

"Reniku!" another Kuni, his friend Alias, swam over and tried to playfully bumped him.

The spotted Kuni giggled and easily dodged his friend. "Alias, what are you doing here?" Usually at this time of the day, his friend would be helping his family explore the uncharted, deep areas of the pond.

"The festival, remember?" Alias backflipped entergeticlly. Reniku easily copied him. "I knew you'd forget, Reniku! The festival's about to start! We'll have to hurry if we want to get a good seat!"

Ah yes, the festival. Reniku had totally forgotten about it. Every year, always at the night before the new year, all the Kuni in the pond would gather and celebrate with great gusto.
It was also a time where all the young Kuni showed their talent off in a ritual. The Elders decided whether or not they would become 'fully-grown' after they have judged all the participants. The Elders were known to be harsh in their decisions and were hard to please. Every year, almost a ridiculous amount were rejected. The few who did pass got a special item that marked their independence. It was Reniku's sole dream to be accepted, to be awknowledged and recognized. The only problem was that he didn't know what his talent was. That was the thing that Reniku would usually, at least try, to ignore.

Reniku found that he was actually nervous. "Alias..."


"Are you sure I've got talent?"

His friend chortled at his nervousness. "Of course Reniku! Oh, you sound so funny when you talk like that!"

The spotted Kuni smiled in reply. "Well, let's go then!"
They arrived at the festival just in time for the ritual. Reniku anxiously swam around, his blue eyes full of worry. What if he got rejected? What if he failed? What if he got on there and found that he couldn't do anything?

Alias seemed to have noticed Reniku's anxiety and tried to comfort him. "You can do it, Reniku! Just go up there and do what you do!"

"What do I do?" Reniku was actually confused. "I mean, all I do all day is..." That's when it hit him. "Sing."

"Exactly!" Alias clapped his little arms in glee. "Now go up there and show 'em what you got!"

His morale now boosted, Reniku swam up to the large, algae covered box that served as a stage. The Elders, so old that their scales were almost white, nodded. "Show us what you've got." One of the Elders said. His parchment-like voice grated horribly against Reniku's ears.

Reniku cleared his gills and began: "This is the clock up on the wall, this is the story of us all, this is the first sound of a new born child before he starts to crawl..." He began to get into the beat as he naturally did, his tiny little tail slapping the wooden stage. He danced as he sang, swimming this way and that, doing neat little tricks here and there. Suddenly, in the middle of the song and dance, he somehow faltered. Maybe it was the cold glances the Elders gave him, or maybe it was the sudden recognization that everyone was watching him, seeing him do something that was never done before. Reniku quickly regained his place and finished. The Elders whispered among each other as the spotted Kuni swam off, his cream colored face bright red.

"How did I do, Alias?" Reniku quickly asked when he returned to his seat.

Alias grinned. "You did great! I mean, I couldn't have done that! Where did you learn that?"

"Stop it." Reniku sunk into the sand, his little heart sinking as he watched the other talented Kuni preform. "I know you're just saying that to be nice. I did horrible..."

Alias kept quiet, offering no more comments. Reniku sunk lower into the sand. He wanted to disappear forever...
At last when all the preformences were over, an elderly Kuni stepped up and cleared his throat. "Attention all. I would like to say that we are impressed by this year's preformences. All of you demonstrated wonderful talent. And now, I would like to single out the most talented of them all who shall become 'full-growns'. When I call your name, please, come up and accept your item." He began to recite a list of names, and, one by one, five Kuni came up onto the stage.

Reniku felt deep disappointment. He wasn't chosen. Perhaps he wasn't meant to be a 'full-grown' yet...

Suddenly another Elder swam up to the Elder on the stage and whispered something to him. The Elder on the stage nodded and turned his attention back to the crowd. "It seems we have one more chosen one. He is..." The Elder paused. "Reniku."

Reniku jumped at the sound of his name. Was...was he actually called?

"Reniku, please come up onto the stage."

Yes, he was chosen! Great joy filled the little Kuni as he eagerly swam up to the stage, his heart beating with excitement. He was finally a 'full-grown'!.

The Elder gave a long speech as Reniku almost impatiently waited for his item, his fins trembling with excitement. At last, when the Elder was finished he turned to the new 'full-growns' and solemly said, "I now present you the items that you shall wear with you at all times. It is a precious thing, one that shall be kept by your side at all times. As the new 'full-growns' of the colony, you will undertake great responsibility. Understood?"

Reniku nodded.

One by one, the Elder handed out the items. Some of them were rings, others were some sort of amulet. When he reached Reniku, he handed him a small bell. Reniku gazed at the small, metal object. This was what he dreamed of, the moment where he was finally recognized as a unique individual. He faced the crowd and was greeted with loud cheers and he smiled.

Reniku's dream had finally come true.

Yeah...crappy ending XD
Does Moofie like?

EDIT: Yes...I got teh art up!

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Postby Kyrit » 12/01/2007 4:46 AM

Name: Rystic
Gender: Female
Personality: Altruist, Chaste, Curious, and Genial. (Definitions can be found here)

An odd little one, this kuni. From birth she disliked the taste of meat, taking on that of being a vegetarian. This meant that she didn't exactly fit in, but she was still happy. One day she met the lady that she now stays with. It seems as though she was just as home on land, provided that she had help getting around some time, as she was in the water. She now has a sweet tooth, after getting into a batch of candy while no one was watching her one day. This one day started the beginning of her life...

Well, her life as a skittle addict you see. Out of all the candy that had been in the house she had taken a liking to skittles. Nowadays, the moment someone so much as steps in the door with a bag of skittles she's at their feet, trying to get their attention as if to say, 'Hey! Look at me! I'm cute, so you should give those to me!' Of course not all of her life is centered around her wonderful rainbow colored delight.

Since a good portion of her body is white, she spends much time inside or in the shade since she easily burns. Rystic loves going out in the rain though, and often times comes back in looking like she is fully brown rather then white with brown spots. Her light blue eyes are sensitive to the light, meaning all the more reason for her to not go out in the middle of the day. Mornings and afternoons aren't too bad though.

All in all, since she had gone to live with a certain cow anthro, this adorable little girl has had a great life and a fun time. If asked, she'd tell you she'd never had a bad day in her life.

~*More art to come most likely.*~
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Postby Freezair » 12/01/2007 6:18 AM

Adorable contest or MOST ADORABLE CONTEST EVA?!

Ahem. So here is my story that attempts to explain your new Kuni, who is a girl that I have decided to name Lachtna! I'll draw some f'nart latter. I'm sorry if I misrepresent any of your pets. XD Here-a-we-go-sa!


"Don't say it."


"Don't ever pretend. I know you want to say it."

"I don't even know what you're talking about."

The Kuni turned her back on the Blood Garudor, giving her tail a perfect, impetuous flick. The little bell tied around her fin clinked and swung across the floor.

She put all her effort in to climbing up the specially-placed set of stairs. Why oh why did her kind have to be so short? Her arms--or feet--or whatever they were--suited her quite well for most purposes. She could hold a bowl and a scoop, reach down into the freezer, operate the machines, and, on good days, mix custom flavors on the chilled marble tabletop. She could even wipe it down afterwards! But getting to these places, oh--her boss kept a couple different kinds of stepstools and stairs, just for her shorter employees, but it was a hassle.

"Are you just going to ignore me now?" Shoukyaku asked, peering around the cash register. "I can report you for bad customer service, you know!"

"This is difficult!" Lachtna fired back. The laconic Garudor had never really bothered her. Since day one, she'd been able to understand--albeit in a twisted way--the raptor's unique terms of affection.

"Well, hurry it up! I'm parched!"

Mumbling and grumbling and making a lot of noise that sounded grumpier than it was, the Kuni grabbed a handful of cookie bits and tossed them in the icy metal container. She pressed the cup into the unusual metal mixing device, pressed the button, and let the shaking metal rod do the rest.

Claws clacked on tile as Shoukyaku tapped her foot on the tile impatiently.

Rolling her pale blue eyes, Lachtna wrapped a thick cloth around the metal tumbler before picking it up. (Her moist body would become stuck fast if she'd dared to touch it with her bare hands.) She upended the viscous contents into a paper cup bearing the shop's mascot, a scarf-wearing Ursice carrying a blue-melon split in his berry-black paws.

Snapping a translucent lid on the cup, she picked up an extra straw and spoon from a black plastic bin. She brought the whole package back to the countertop. "That'll be 5 Keystones and 32 Keypebbles, please."

The Garudor probed a tiny pouch around her neck with the tip of her beak. She rolled several small stones out of its innards and placed them by the cash register. Unable to leave well enough alone, she snapped her beak and said, "Thanks for the spoon I can't use, by the way."

"Just take your milkshake and go," Lachtna replied in a faux-bitter voice. "You're insufferable."

"And you still haven't told me." Shoukyaku pulled her drink towards her with the tip of one giant wing. "What was I supposed to say to you?"

Lachtna sighed. "Well, every time you come in here, either you or one of Wataame or Recipe or someone just has to go and comment on how ironic it is that me, a Kuni covered in cow spots of all things, has to go and work in an ice cream shop..."

"Shoppe," Shoukyaku said, putting emphasis into the different pronunciation. The way she said it, it sounded like a kind of fancy French desert.

"Don't be pretentious," Lachtna sighed exasperatedly. "Didn't I tell you to go already?" Her tail swished in agitation, tinkling like the "shoppe" door on a busy day.

"I'm waiting for Brush," Shoukyaku said. She swept her drink up towards her mouth and drew a heavy gulp up in her straw. She slurped emphatically.

"Since when do you two hang out?"

"Since I took an interest in Joker Gallizar Romance is when."

"What, you mean those cheap, 4-Keystone paperbacks they sell next to the cheesy self-help books in Ceil-Mart? You can't be serious."

"...Says the girl with an addiction to comic books."

"Hey!" Riled, the Kuni leaned over the desk. Her mouth was screwed into a scowl. "You don't even know..."

"And neither do you," Shoukyaku said spryly. Chuckling smugly, she minced over to a table and knelt before it. Her tail was too wide for her to sit down in the chairs--and her legs were not built for it, anyway--but she made herself comfortable while waiting for the Arkuhna.

A happy jingle came from the door as the paint-splotched Kuhna entered. "Hey, Shoukyaku," she greeted cheerfully. "Hey, Lachtna. How's the Rattegan race?"

"Not bad," Lachtna answered. "I don't mind working, you know. Really, I don't."

"Hey, I believe you," Brush said sweetly. Lachtna's nose twitched at the smell of oil that clung to her fur.

"Well, I mean, you know. It wouldn't be very nice of me just to mooch of Moofius all the time," Lachtna tried to explain herself. Shoukyaku tilted her head in a way that suggested she'd heard it all far too many times before. "I've got to support myself, you know? How else am I going to learn responsibility if I don't?"  

"Who are you, your mother?" the Garudor teased. "I'm pretty into this free ride thing myself. But whatever, man."

Perfectly changing the topic, without a segue to be had, Brush said, "So, Lacht, did I tell you what I picked up while I was out shopping today? Some cherry-dipped vanilla softserve, please."

"Oh, no, does it HAVE to be the dipped stuff? I always feel like I'm going to fall into the topping vat..."

"Pllleeeaaaaase?" Brush begged. Her white incisors showed. "You haven't even heard what I found at the supermarket yet! You'll wanna be my best friend foreverrrr if I tell you?"

"Oh, what?" Lachtna sighed.

Her tails swishing springily, the Kuhna pounced her paws down on the countertop. "Pagapa! 11 Keystones a round! I got one for you, just for you!"

The Kuni's bell clanged as her tail whipped around. "Pagapa? Seriously? Real pagapa?"There was a tangible droplet of saliva clinging to the side of her lips.

"Seriously. One-hundred-percent pure, delicious, runny, mold-encrusted..."Brush's eyes crinkled, and she smacked her tongue around in a way that suggested something on it tasted funny. "Well, I know you like it."

"Brush, you are fantastic!"If there hadn't been a countertop between then, the Kuni would have bowled over the Arkuhna and begun to kiss her face. As it was, she swept the cone of white softserve through the cherry topping with especial zeal. She managed not to fall in.

Pouncing over like a Kuhna herself, Lachtna threw herself up on the countertop and passed Brush her order. The Kuhna never seemed to buy anything else, and she knew the price for a medium cone with cherry topping by heart. She put a passel of Keystones down by the cash register and took her ice cream. "I knew that would make you happy. Just tell me, though. Are you going to eat it, or dissect it?"The Arkuhna gave her a knowing wink.

"Both!"she replied happily. "Real pagapa cheese is too good not to eat. But I'm gonna put it under the microscope, too. Just a little bit. But I want to know what kinds of mold and bacteria they're using in that stuff. I'm gonna reverse-engineer that. Maybe I can ask the Dashalls down the way if they can give me some Gyrophant milk, and..."

"Give it a rest,"Shoukyaku said, cutting through their conversation with one last heavy slurp. "You don't even have proper cheese-making equipment. As far as lifelong dreams go, you're not very far on your way to fulfilling yours. And on a different note, can we talk about the music they're piping in here? I hate sappy love ballads."

Sticking her chest out defensively, Lachtna replied, "Moopheus said he was gonna buy me some cheesecloths and my own little fridge and stuff for my birthday. And I'm savin' up for some stuff anyway. I'm gonna order some starter cultures online, from CheeseLovers.eve, and then I'll be all set!"

Shoukyaku's laughter was disbelieving, but beneath it there ran a rare current of good, friendly fun. "You have got the weirdest lifelong dream of anyone I've ever met."

"What's so weird about it?"Brush asked. She bit into her soft serve, cracking the creamy cherry shell. "I love cheese. Somebody has to make it. Why not a Kuni?"

"I just think it's weird that somebody's lifelong dream would be to make cheese, is all,"Shoukyaku said plainly.

A bell rang. It wasn't Lachtna's. "Oh, wait, hold on, guys,"she said. "End of my shift. I'll be with you after I punch out."

The black-and-white splotched Kuni disappeared into the mysterious gray backroom that all shops seemed to have. Clangs and rustles came as she moved around within it. Shoukyaku and Brush watched the wall expectantly.

Turning in her apron and plastic gloves, Lachtna came out from a white door marked "EMPLOYEES ONLY."A tinkling rhythm filled the air as she walked. She joined Shoukyaku and Brush at their table, her entire body making noise as she hoisted herself into a seat.

Continuing right where they'd left off, Lachtna said, "Making cheese is no walk in the park, you know. You have to know chemistry, biology, gastronomy—it's hard stuff. I mean, you can't make pagapa cheese with Tuskow milk!"A fearful shudder passed through her body at the very sacrilegious thought. "No, no, its fat content is all wrong, and the chemical composition—there's no sucrose at all in it, it's mostly lactose. The signature caramel-like taste of pagapa comes from the bacteria breaking down all that sucrose into simpler sugars, like what happens when you make caramel."

Curiously, Brush cut in and asked, "That stuff tastes like caramel? Really?"

"Pretty much,"Lachtna replied. "It's a little different, but it's still really good. And Gyrophant milk is pretty unique in that it contains sucrose and not glucose, which is a more common sugar. Their bodies can store it from the plants that they eat, see..."

Continuing her musings, and cutting of Lachtna's, Brush rambled, "Really? Caramel? But it looks so nasty and runny...I mean, can it actually be that good? Seriously?"

"I'll give you some to taste when we get home,"Lachtna said. "I think you'll like it. You want to try some, Shoukyaku?"

"Thanks but no thanks,"she replied. "But I'd rather not put anything it my mouth that's still alive."

"Well, if it means anything, I think your dream is pretty cool,"Brush complimented her. "It's really unique and creative. And you're really smart. I know you can do it. Did your parents make cheese? Is it some kind of upholding-the-family-tradition thing?"

"Naww, they're lawyers,"Lachtna giggled. "But my uncle's a nutritional anthropologist. For my birthday, he would always take me on a tour of different food production places. Chocolate-makers, bakeries, wineries...one day he took me to a place that made cheese, and that was that. I fell in love. My uncle thinks it's funny, but he's glad I found something I really love."

"That is so cool,"Brush said. "I guess it's destiny. Didn't you tell me once your name had something to do with milk?"

"It means 'milk-colored,' yeah,"Lachtna said. "But that has more to do with my pattern than anything. Technically, it's a boy's name, but I like it. And when people just call me 'Lacht,' it sounds all German."

"What is it really?"


"And where are your parents from?"

"Lambastia. Pretty normal stuff."

"And what do they think of your chosen profession?"

Tail swirling in laughter, bell ringing, Lachtna replied, "They say—and I hit them for it, every time—that I should have chosen something less cheesy."

Shoukyaku groaned vocally. "That's horrible. You're horrible. I don't even know why I hang out with you people."

"Because I have ice cream?"Lachtna tried.

Sighing heavily, Shoukyaku admitted, "Yeah, good point."

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby Shaetani » 12/01/2007 8:50 AM

Ooo oo I shall have to enter this. -drools over cute icke kuni- I'll probably end up throwing my custom Kuni into the story as well, just for the fun of it. :P
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Postby SirMax » 12/01/2007 9:11 AM

Name: Cowfish
Gender: Female.
Backstory: I just like the name cowfish. xD;
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Postby SirMax » 12/01/2007 9:12 AM

Freezair wrote:Adorable contest or MOST ADORABLE CONTEST EVA?!

who shamelessly stole it from the Colbert Report.

Name: Cowfish
Gender: Female.
Backstory: I just like the name cowfish. xD;
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Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/01/2007 11:29 AM

Name: Beefing (This means when a young cow is fit for slaughter. Read the story, it should explain XD)
Gender: Male
Story: *I have an idea but will fill in later*

Good luck to everyone :P
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Postby Redd » 12/01/2007 4:07 PM

Name: Nandi (name's meaning will be explained in the story)
Gender: Male

There was a flicker of movement of the floor of the river. An unusually coloured Kuni swam along, the bell on his tail jingling. The Kuni did what he wanted, when he wanted, but he felt like there was just something missing from his life. He had never known what, or why, but he had always had that feeling. Maybe it was because he lived in a stream where there was no fish-like life larger than his bell attached to his tail, maybe it was because he had never spoken to anyone in his life. But he would have never known it. He had been all on his own as long as he could remember, and he did not mind being alone, although, he wouldn't have minded some company.

Engal and Cally swum around in their pond. Fang was off elswhere's. "Sis, do you wanna explore?" Cally asked Engal.
"I thought we had explored everywhere." Engal said
"I found a river we have not yet been in, and its close by." Cally said proudly.
Engal looked at her in amazement. A river that they had not explored, and close by. They had thourghly explored all the other rivers in the area, there surely couldn't be another one.
"I will tell Fang that we are gonna explore for a bit." Engal said, swimming off.

She found Fang, frolicking around under the waterfall.
"Me and Cally are gonna do a little more exploring, this time, in a new river!" She said. Fang nodded and said shyly, "Could I come too?"
Engal nodded.
"Of course!" She replied.
The two swam back to where Cally was waiting nervously.
"Your back!" Cally exclaimed, relieved.
"Yep ,Lets go." Engal said.

The three swam along the river, following the directions received off Seran, the sun learf, who had previously been to that stream, before he came to Moofius' pen.
As they swam along, they all begun to notice a change in the river. The fish started to get smaller, soon there were hardly any.
As they turned a bend in the river, all life was gone, except for tiny crabs, fish and vegetation.
"Wow..." Fang said, amazed.
In the distance, there was an unusual tinkling sound. Engal swam towards the source of the noise, humming quietly to herself.
The noise led her to a Kuni, quite different from ordinary Kuni. He was a mottled cream coloured, with bright blue eyes. He had a soft gold-orange light around him, and on his tail, there was a cowbell and on his head, two horns.
The other Kuni, spun around when he heard Engal approach. Cally and Fang swum up behind her.
"Hey there! Whats your name?" Engal asked.
The other Kuni pondered the question before replying. "I have none. I have lived here all my life, by myself. I needed, not, a name. But you can give me a name."
Engal looked at the Kuni, and he sort of reminded her of a cow. Perhaps she had been around Moofie too long, but she said, "Do you like the name Nandi? Its the name of a white bull out of Hindu mythology, that Shiva rides."
"Nandi...Yeah, I like that name. Whats your name?" He replied.
"Well I am Engal."
"I am Cally, Engal's sister."
"And I am Fang."
Cally looked at Nandi and asked, "Would you like to come to our pen? You would be welcome there, and Moofie would be pleased to have you stay there, with all of us."
Nandi nodded, "That would be nice. Just one thing...Why do I look different?"
"You just are...unique." Cally said reassuringly. "Don't worry, thats a good thing."
Nandi nodded, reassured

The group, now four of them swum back. On the way, Engal started singing in tune with the jingling of Nandi's bell. Cally and Fang joined in. Nandi noticed this, and started shaking the bell in more of a rhythm and after a while, started to join in.

When they arrived back at the pond, the four Kuni stuck their heads out of the water. Cally introduced Nandi to Pine, the wood penticorn who watched over the pond. Pine nodded, "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Nandi, I am Pine, I watch over this place." Nandi nodded and ducked back under the water.

And from now on, every night, with out fail, if you visit Moofius' pen, you will hear the sound of not three, but four Kuni's singing and the sound of a jingling cow bell.

(I am not too good with typing up endings, so 'cuse my bad ending EDIT: Actually, yes I will try and draw something and try and work my moms scanner)

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Kittyms » 12/01/2007 5:47 PM


Name: Ariella
Gender: Female
Pictures: See above ^^


Sitting under the shade of a large oak tree, a single Kuni beat her tail to an unheard rhythm, the bell on it jingling every time it hit the grass. Her eyes were distant, but there was a faint smile on her lips, which widened as another Kuni walked into view.

"Ariella, there you are! I thought I'd find you here," the Kuni said, coming over to rest next to her. Her fins fluttered nervously, and her eyes kept roving around restlessly. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the show tonight?"

"Oh, I nearly forgot!" Ariella cried, starting, and darting forward. She narrowed her light blue eyes, trying to protect their sensitive lenses from the sunlight. "Come on, Racha, let's go!" Together the two Kuni hurried as fast as they could toward the Concert Hall, where their band, the Sea Creatures, was going to perform.

Pausing for a second at the large doors, Ariella and Racha entered the auditorium. Quietly as they could, they shuffled over to the stage and slipped behind the curtain, nearly bumping into a large portly female Kuni as they did.

"There you are, you two! You're just in time! We were just about to start rehearsal without you. Now go and get in your places. PLACES PEOPLE!" she yelled, and instantly, all of the Evelonians hopped to it, grabbing their instruments and hurrying onto the stage. Taking her place in the back row on the stage with an electric guitar, she gave the signal, and the music started.

With slow deliberate steps, Ariella moved toward the mike, waiting for the music to change. Then, she heard it - a faint change of the rhythm. In one instant, she grabbed the mike, did a twirl, and began singing, pouring her heart into it, and keeping time with the bell on her tail.

And then, in what seemed like too little time, the rehearsal was over, and it was time for the real performance. "That's all we've got time for," Beaulevard, who was their leader said. "Don't worry, we've been practicing for this for a long time. Now let's go out there and ROCK THEM!" She yelled, pointing toward the curtain that separated them from the crowd. With a united cry, the band struck up as the curtain parted, revealing the concert hall packed full of ecstatic fans.

"I'm not sure I can do this," Ariella side whispered to Racha who was playing a guitar nearby. Her ear fins fluttered nervously, and she did her best not to look at the crowd, for fear that she would seize up with nerves.

"Ariella, you've been making music since you were little. You were singing when you were born, remember? You can do it," she said, giving her best friend a big smile as she increased the tempo of the music.

Giving Racha a quick grin in reply, she turned her attention back to the crowd, grabbed the mike, and poured her heart and soul into it. Instinctively, she began to move her tail to the beat, the bell jingling merrily as she sang.

It grew darker, and still the band kept playing. Song after song was played, until finally, they came to the grand finale. The music started quietly, but quickly picked up in volume. It was their most famous song, called "Leftovers". Boldly, the cow patterned Kuni grabbed the mike, and yelled, "Come on everybody, stand up and sing! This isn't jazz or classical music, people! It's ROCK! I wanna see those hands and paws in the air!!" Then, she began to sway her body and wave her tail to the beat while singing with everything she had in her. The crowd was going wild, everyone on their feet and singing as loud as they could.

"And I'm still here, picking up the leftovers.
Saving some hope that it isn't over.
Maybe someday, when we're older, we can take them out of the freezer, and pick up where we left off before.
Oh, and we can pick up where we left off before."

Sweating profusely under the heavy spotlights, but beaming with happiness, Ariella took a bow as they finished the last round of chorus. Every last person in the audience was clapping and screaming her name at the top of their lungs.

"Thank you, thank you very much!" she said, fighting back tears in her eyes. As the curtains closed, Ariella caught a glimpse of one person in the crowd trying to catch her eye. It was a human with strange, floppy cow ears. Before the Kuni could see what she wanted, the curtain fell.

"That was great, Ariella," Racha cried, slapping her friend on the shoulder. Even Beaulevard, the imposing leader of the band high-fived her. The drummer nodded at her, his earrings flashing. She felt a soaring feeling somewhere in her stomach as she made her way backstage. Where the strange cow-human was waiting for her.

"Hey, you," the floppy cow-eared person said excitedly, poking Ariella's sleeve insistently. "What's your name? I'm Moofius. Would you like to come and live with me?" she said, all in the same breath.

For a few seconds, Ariella was silent, trying to understand what this person called Moofius had just asked her. "I'm Ariella," she said slowly, her tail twitching nervously as she pondered the second question. She looked Moofius over curiously and for some reason felt an instant kinship. "Yes.. I would love to," she found herself saying.

"Yes, thank you, thank you!!" Moofie cried, pouncing on Ariella and giving her a huge hug, with she tried vainly to squirm out of. "You're going to love it at my place! Pack up your stuff and meet me outside the concert hall in 15 minutes," she said, skipping away happily.

Feeling as if she was in a trance, the splotched Kuni began to gather her things. It wasn't long before her friend, Racha noticed, though. "Ariella, what are you doing? We still have another five days before we move on to the next location," she said, a faint smile on her face.

"Oh.. uh.. nothing," the Kuni said, futilely trying to hide the suitcase she had been packing by sitting on it. Racha gave her a skeptical look, and she cracked. "All right, I'm leaving," Ariella confessed. "Please don't tell Beaulevard, or she'll skin me alive! I'm going to live with this awesome new owner I found. Her name is Moofius, and she is just.. amazing. I really want to live with her. I mean, I could still come back and see you guys sometimes. Help you with the band and stuff," she finished lamely, feeling miserable.

To her surprise, Racha didn't cry or whine or try to talk her out of leaving. Instead, she simply gave Ariella a big hug, and said, "I'll miss you. Come back to visit often. Now go on, your new owner is waiting."

With a last grin at her best friend, Ariella turned and left, carrying her bag. She was headed off to a new life, a new adventure. But she would always remember her friends and visit them often. Even as she walked, her tail moved, causing the bell to jingle in rhythm to the tune of "Leftovers". She caught sight of Moofius waving excitedly at her, and her foot steps sped up, but she never missed a beat on the song. Already, she was thinking about how she was going to do her first musical performance for Moofie and her other pets. She might be leaving the band, but music would never leave her life.


Kitty's Breedables------The Menagerie
"Control yourself; take only what you need from it." ~Kids by MGMT
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Postby Fallen_Snow » 12/01/2007 8:33 PM

[center]Name: Vaquero Pescados(But everyone just calls him Pescados(Means in Spanish 'Cowboy Fish')
Gender: Male
Picture: Finally got it in! X3

"Mama, mama! Come quick! Kiki's birthing 'er babies!"

A little girl, about 7, called towards the ranch style home, her little voice echoing through the farm. Her mother, a stout 46 year old woman, ran out of the house, a "Kiss the Cook" apron hanging from her neck, her hands wringing a towel around them. "Ah'll be right thur, sweetie!" the woman yelled through cupped hands around her mouth. She ran back inside and grabbed towels and hot water bottles and a large tub. She burst through the doorway, almost making the swinging screen door fall off its hinges. "Ah'm cumin' Missy! Ah'm cumin'!" Missy's mother called. She was running as fast as her long legs could take her, and as she neared the barn, she ran faster, running right into it.
" 'urry, mama!" Missy called. Her mother ran in and threw the tub to the ground. "Get the hose and fill t'is tub up!" mama said, and Missy was out of the barn in a flash, and you could hear her Chucks pounding the dirt and gravel outside. She ran towards the water house, and grabbed the coiled up grass green hose outside of it. She turned the water valve for the hose and ran back to the barn. The hose uncoiled behind her, leaving a trail of hollow rubber wiggling behind her.
By the time she got back to the barn, her mama was yelling, " 'urry and fill it up! She's ahlready birthed two babies!" she called. Missy could see them, sitting on the soft terry towel. One was a greenish yellow color with purple blue eyes, and the other was pale pink with black eyes. She squeezed the hose nozzle and the water came bursting out, filling the tub fast. As soon as it was filled to the brim, her mama said, "Put the babies in!" and handed her a towel that was now holding 3 babies. The newest addition looked like an Apaloosa horse, a big black spot near its tail and little specks of black coming up its back. It's back fin was black too, and it had big brown-green eyes. "Is dere any mur, mama?!" the little girl called, letting the babies slide into the cool water. They squealed with delight and swam like they've been doing it since the beginning of time. Missy smiled at the sight. Suddenly her mama's voice cut through their squeals of delight. "Dere's one more, Missy!"
Missy hurried forward and stuck out the towel for the baby to lay on. Her mother put the last one on the towel, and Missy almost hugged the thing. It was off white with big brown spots, and biggest most perfectly blue eyes she ever saw. "Awwww!" she squealed, her eyes dancing with delight. The baby Kuni gave a small gurgle, Missy took that as a happy gurgle. She took him over to the tub, letting him slide in with his brothers and sisters.



"Ah'm back from the barn, pa!" she called to her father. She burst into the ranch house, a beaming smile on her face. She noticed her mama sitting with her pa. "Hi, mama." she said. Her mama and pa were discussing at the dining table, their heads close and their whispers intense. "Missy," her pa rasped, and rubbed his eyes with the balls of his palms. Missy's smile slowly faded, she didn't like the sound of that. "Yes, pa?" she questioned, her eyes searching her parents faces. He couldn't do it. Not now. He smiled. "How's the babies doin' ?" he asked. She grinned. "Well, Piggly's been piggin' out, as usual." she said smiling, referring to the pale pink Kuni she favored. "And Lumi's been going deeper an' deeper inta dat pond, and her body glows brighter everyday." she said, referring to the yellow-green one with the purple blue eyes. "An' Hoffer, 'e's been getting faster and faster! He can beat Riklo by 6 full seconds!" she said, reffering to the Apaloosa colored one and another Kuni they had bred from the same mother. "An' then dere's Pescados." she said. She tried to keep a stern face, but she ended up breaking out laughing anyways. "He's the funniest Kuni ah've eva seen! He's also a fast 'un, but he uses it to do flips and tricks in the air. He's also been moving behtween ponds, so ah'm gonna give 'im t'is." she said, and held up a small silver bell. She shook it, and it tinkled a loud bell sound. Her mama smiled. "Fur a small bell like that 'un, it makes one 'eck of a ring!" she laughed, and her pa couldn't help but laugh too. "Can I go put it on now?" she asked. Her pa nodded, and she squealed and sped out, calling, "Pescados! Pescados! They're lettin' me do it!" she called to the small Kuni. You could here a bell ringing as Missy ran down toward the pond, and you could hear splashes of delight from Pescados. Missy's mama looked at pa. "Ya know, yur goin' to half ta tell 'er that we have to sell the babies, including Pescados." she said, sighing. Missy's pa sighed. "I know, I know." he said. Suddenly he had an idea. "I think she'll like who he's going to though." he said excitedly, and ran to the phone, dialing a long phone phone number. The other line picked up. "Hello?" said a welcoming voice through the phone.

The conversation went on for about an hour, and finally the phone reciever clicked back into place, Missy's pa smiling. "So...?" his wife questioned, cleaning her hands on a towel. She'd just made dinner. "She's taking him." he said happily. Mama looked confused. "But... huh?" she questioned. Pa shook his head. "Don't worry about it, it'll all be clear tomorrow." he said. Just then, Missy came running through the door holding Pescados, his little fin wagging making the bell's jingling ring loud in the kitchen. Her parents smiled. "Okay, go put Pescados back into the ponds, and wash up for dinner."

The next morning, Missy woke up early to a knocking at their flimsy screen door. She came down the stairs in her flannel cow printed PJ's, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Huh... hello?" she said, yawning. "It's me!" a happy voice called. Missy sudden brightened, and she sped down the stairs and flung open the door. "Moofie!" she squealed, and jumped into the antro cow's arms. Moofius giggled and twirled the little girl. "Hey! I'm here for... it's Pescados, right?" she said. Suddenly Missy let go. "They didn't." she said, her eyes slitting into an angry glare. Her parents could be heard clunking down the steps. "Who's 'ere... ah, Moofius." Missy's father said, and reached to shake hands with her, when Missy jumped in front of him. "You SOLD Pescados!" she yelled, her voice full of anger. Her father looked down at her. "I... I was going to tell you..."
"But you didn't!" she said. She turned from her dad, folding her arms in front of her in a huff. Moofius put a hand on her shoulder. "Mind if I talk to her?" she asked. Missy's parents nodded. Moofius picked up Missy, swinging her around. Missy tried to keep a straight face, to look angry, but she couldn't when Moofius went and tickled her. They finally came to the barn, and they both sat down on a haybale. "Now, why don't you want me to have Pescados?" she asked. "Because I t'ought t'at we were gonna keep 'um. But apparently not." Missy huffed. Moofius patted her back in sympathy. "It's alright. I think your father sold him to me for a reason." she said. Missy nodded. "I know dat. It's becuz he knows ah kin trust ya the most." she huffed. "But I don't want 'im to leave." she said. Moofius laughed. "But he's not going to leave!" she said. Missy looked at her, confused. "Well, when your father called me last night, he told me that it was your birthday tomorrow." she said. Missy started to smile. "And I have no place to keep a Kuni yet, and your father told me how close you have become to him... I figured that he could stay here, but I'd pay for his things, like food and sleeping place. But then your father said no, he'd rather have me move in." Missy smiled widered and squealed, tackling Moofius with a hug. "So you're moving in?!" she said excitedly. The anthro cow laughed. "Yes, I'm moving in!" she said. They giggled, and then Missy dragged the cow girl down to the ponds to meet Vaquero Pescados.


Hope you like it! X3
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

I did not make my avatar.
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Postby Kelica » 12/02/2007 3:49 PM

Name: Spotty
Gender: Male
Back Story:

Spotty was a kuni who lived on a farm. Ironic, a cow kuni on a farm, isn't it? Well, as much as the people joked about him, irony wouldn't save him. He was a genetic oddity, and the farm he was born to had strange superstitions about genetic oddities. They supposedly brought bad luck. They had to be gone by seven years, or else. Spotty didn't know that and lived life normally. Until it became time.


Where was he? Was it the pond? Spotty swam eagerly and hit some..... Glass? He was in a tank? Was he going to the.... Market? He didn't want to be sold!! Suddenly a comforting voice came to him. "Don't worry. We're going to be just fine." Oh, it was Clara, the seven year old girl who tended to his needs. She was the family's daughter, and only her mother seemed to like her.

Spotty couldn't see through the tank, but they were driving in the car, from what he could deduct from what he'd heard about it. They stopped, and the girl stepped out in front of a building with her suitcase. Back in the car, Spotty could hear the parents arguing. "We can't let her go! She's our daughter!" The mother cried desperately. "She's albino! That aint normal! She's gonna be a miserable failure on our farm, and then we're gonna be miserable failures!" "It's just a stupid superstition!" And then the father drove off. Clara sighed. "Time to go."

Inside, they discovered it was an orphanage. They went to a huge room with many other children and their pets. Clara sat on the closest bed and put Spotty's tank on the bedside table beside her. She sighed, evidently sad. Spotty was evidently oblivious to what was going on, and was frustrated by the lack of space.

Then the maid who tended the room came  in. Well, she was a Lucain in human form, and she noticed Clara's sadness. She came over to her, while the other children continued playing, and began to sing a small song to her.

"Stay on the sunny side,
Always on the sunny side!
Stay on the sunny side of liiiiiife.
You feel no pain as we sing this song again,
if you stay on
the sunny side of life!"

And the pair forgot all worries.

(You could expand it if you like, my muse was kinda dead there ^^;)
Just returned and getting back in the swing of things! 8D; Expect this space to be filled by something interesting soon. o3o;
Though I kinda picked a bad time to come back, 'cause I'm still really busy, but oh well. x3;
In the meantime, would you mind clicking them? x3;
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Postby GrayGriffin » 12/03/2007 4:07 AM

Name: Ferdinald
Gender: Male

A strange girl sat on a rock, gazing up at the night sky. Her white, mottled ears twitched slowly back and forth. Obviously, she was waiting for something, but what? Finally, the shooting star streaked across the sky, cutting a white blaze in the night.

"I wish...for a pet that is colored like a cow. I mean a normal cow, not a Tuskow! A pet...that looks like me." Slowly, she stood up. "Please, hear my wish and fulfill it."

She walked from the plains, not even noticing the small silver bell that fell from her pocket. It landed in the grass, and tinkled once. As the girl faded into the forest, a white shape materialized. A Mekkayena. But this one was different, not possessing the usual violent glare and slavering jaws of his kind. Instead, his eyes were kind and benevolent, and he walked with the air of one that was a messenger of the Holy Triumviate. In his eyes, the bell had a brown aura, a touch of the girl's "life energy," if you would.

He picked it up delicately with one claw, as if fearing it would crumble before his eyes. Indeed, he had been sent to fetch this bell, for it merely had to be worn by a creature and they would take on its aura. In this case, it would make the creature white, with caramel spots. He did not know what else it would do, but it did not matter. All he had to do was find a wearer...but then he noticed how small the hoop was. No pet could wear it like that!

He took a string from...well, somewhere. He was a Favored One, after all. It was perfectly fine for him to defy the laws of physics. It was a bright red, and had one special property. Once you wrapped it around a living thing, it would hang tight and never let go. Perfect for making sure the pet didn't lose the bell while it was traveling to its new master. He tied it delicately around the small loop on top of the bell, then started off. As he passed by a pond, he leaned down to take a small drink, but forgot to secure the bell. It slipped from his grasp and fell into the pond. He made a grab at it, but missed and could only watch it sink deeper into the inky depths. With a sigh, he watched it go. He was Favored, but still, he dared not swim. At least no creature would take it and wrap it around themselves, he hoped. Later, when the sun rose, he would seek out someone and ask them to retrieve it.

He curled up and slept.


The little Kuni, Bubble, swam through the pond, his tail flicking back and forth. Most of the other Kunis still slept, but he was already up and about. He was, obviously, much more energetic than them. As he swam, he noticed a strange bell lying on the bottom of the pond. He approached it slowly, and perhaps even fearfully. However, his fear soon gave way to curiousity, and he scooped it up and began playing with it. Swimming to the surface, he tossed it into the air and caught it with his tail. Suddenly, the string whipped around, almost by itself, and bound his tail tightly. A pain shot through his entire body, and he fell downwards. Thrashing around, churning up mud, he finally lay still. Already, the change had happened.


The Mekkayena opened his eyes and yawned. Suddenly, a small creature broke the surface of the water. A Kuni...with the bell tied on its tail! He jerked straight up.

"I'm sorry...oh I'm so sorry."

"About what?" asked the Kuni, curious as to what this creature was.

"That bell...it's what did it."

"So? I can take it off!"

"No...you can't. That's the enchantment of the string. Now...I guess you must seek out Moofius, the cow anthro."

"Yay! I've always wanted to explore!" And with a flick of his tail, the Kuni vanished. Suddenly, he popped up again, much to the mechanical beast's surprise.

"What's your name?"

"I don't have one...I'm just the Favored Mekkayena. Well, what's your name?"

"Bubbles," muttered the Kuni. "My mother gave all of us names that had to do with water. I got stuck with the cutest."

"From now on, your name is Ferdinald. It's a much nicer name..."

"Yay! Thanks, Favored!"

"Eh..." the Mekkayena muttered as Ferdinald swam off. He was a hyper little thing, that was sure. Still, he had an endearing aura around him. With a sigh, he set off to find Anonomastos. The spirit had to be notified...


Ferdinald did not know how long he swam. Yet wherever he went, he could feel something urging him on in a certain direction. He always obeyed the feeling, since it would persist if he failed to follow it. So it went, until one day, when he awoke, he saw a strange Fellox standing over him.

His fur was every color of the rainbow, outshining even the beautiful Prismatic pets. White stripes the color of the clouds decorated his legs, and the clouds that gathered around him were the color of the sky. Even his shackles were beautiful, the same color as his stripes, and shining with a faint light. The mask over his face was the color of fresh earth, and the small stripes on it were the color of green grass. The insides of his ears, and the ribbon on his head, were the blue of a sparkling stream.

Somehow, Ferdinald knew this was the physical form of the whisper that had directed his actions.

"What are you?" he demanded.

"The Spirit of Nature. Or call me Anonomastos. It's Greek-nameless." The Fellox's answers were short and to the point. "I have come to tell you that Moofius waits around the bend. But I tell you not to go to her. Once you go to her, you will be bound to her forever, her pet until she decides to release you.

"I, myself, am puzzling over a problem. Long ago, in a dream, a mortal Polly stumbled into the lair of my enemies, those who would destroy what I protect. She did not know it, but if they attacked, she would never awaken in the morning. What else could I do? I came, and fought them, but was badly wounded. I had to leave this form... I would not be showing it to you if the Polly had not made a wish that I come to life, and come to her. I have not answered nor declined her call.

"So, will you return? If you will, then I will become the wind and send a message to Moofius, telling her that you will not come."

Ferdinald splashed back and forth, thinking, before finally speaking. "I will go to her-and you should go too." With that, he dove underwater and continued swimming. The Fellox watched for a long time, then leapt into the air and faded away, leaving a whisper on the wind.



Moofius sat by the stream, where a whisper had told her to. She dabbled her hand in it, and was suddenly surprised by a splash. A white Kuni with caramel spots popped out of the water's surface.

"Hi! My name is Ferdinald!"

-The End-
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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