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a zoo except all of the animals are in walmart carts

Postby ShoppingCartEngineer » 12/01/2016 2:25 AM

SCE's Zoo

Marquise WIP
Drakonus WIP
Ko'rassa WIP
Gordon (Nikolai)
Arralfydol WIP
Athena (Rhoda)
Reldnae WIP
Rufus WIP

Clay Valverde
[clay val-vair-day]

Nickname: Clay
Species: Magistrey
Gender: Male
Text Color: meme
Human Form description: Clay is relatively normal in stature, 5'11, but he's fit and well toned. He is of Argentinian descent, and has dark skin. Due to a genetic mutation having to do with how the body's chemicals work in low-gravity environments all of Clay's hair is a deep, royal purple. His jawline is chiseled, and his eyebrows are usually well kept. He's a handsome guy for the most part. Clay keeps his hair in a fading undercut, usually accompanied by stubble on his chin. His standard outfit is a coffee cafe racer, a navy undershirt, dark leather boots, and synthetic gray pants. His silver watch is always on his wrist, a handy tool.

Personality/Bio: Clay is a very outspoken person. At the bar, he is that one guy who won't stop yelling. He will speak his mind and face most situations with great courage, not batting an eye if he steps through dangerous territory. Clay also doesn't think much of superstition or tradition. However, coming from the very multi-cultural galactic empire, filled with many alien species, he will not be picky in terms of friends or allies. As long as you have redeeming qualities, or are a genuinely nice person, Clay will find a way to warm up to you. Clay might seem selfish on the outside, wanting to do things for his own good, you could call him an anti-hero. Under the cover of greed and selfishness, (or perhaps genuine greed and self-determination) Clay will always try to do what is right in his mind. Although this isn’t always the right thing to do. His outspokenness often leads to cockiness and overestimation of himself. Often, he is more or less a complete asshole.

Clay was born on January 7th, 2543 (Terran Calender) to a middle-class family in the Martian city of 赤红, or Chihong. To clarify, the city was settled by settlers of the PRC during the Martian immigration kick-off. Clay was sent to a public school at first. But things seemed off with this kid. He excelled in academics, from English and foreign languages, to math and science. The Terran government takes notice of potential prodigies- specifically, they test and hand pick the top of the top. Ages range from 10-14, each being handed the adjusted test for their level in education. Clay was 10, and passed the 14-year test with flying colors. Number one out of the thousands of other candidates. His parents decided that it was in their best interests to send Clay off, to let him excel beyond an average existence. After his 5th year at Chihong Primary School #13. With a teary wave and a pat on the back, he waved his parents and peers goodbye.

The Terran government has a system in place where they take the children within the upper echelons of intelligence, and try to cultivate these great minds into the inventors of tomorrow. Military leaders, too. The program wasn’t publicized, for the most part. Families were given compensation, and would be assured that their children would come back safe and sound. It was known for its grueling and strenuous curriculum. It wasn’t extremely rare to have a few rebellious streaks. Once in awhile, people would catch word that one of these subjects had escaped. The Terrans always tried their hardest to suppress this news escaping, but word spreads fast.

The purpose of these facilities, you might ask? Periodically, the combined government of Earth picked up undecipherable radio waves coming from nearby star systems. Many of these are unlike any kind of frequencies that come from stars and background radiation. Many suspected this was from extraterrestrial sources. Unilaterally, scientists thought this was the only plausible answer. Either they would come and destroy us, or come and threaten the human way of life. These facilities were founded for the purpose of the advancement of the human species. FTL travel was specifically in mind. We needed to be the ones to make first contact, be the ones in control.

What was expected from the place was an accelerated course of study that would propel the children to the elite of society. What wasn't expected was an outright authoritarian way of controlling the students. Strict schedule, strict rules, limited recreation, all ingredients to a troubled child. Previously a quiet and obedient kid, anger and resentment started to boil inside him. What kind of school was this? Why was he being punished for being intelligent? That's what he thought, at least. This frustration with his current situation manifested itself as a developing snarky side of his personality. The child often quipped at the wrong time, or insulted the teacher. Sometimes his fellow classmates laughed at them. All the affirmation he needed. Over time it became somewhat of a game to the young Clay. How much of a douche could he be without being reprimanded? Eventually, this nonchalant attitude of the academy’s authority gave way to laziness and dissatisfaction.

Six grueling years of militaristic application of knowledge was endured. By the time Clay was 16, he was about to snap. It didn't take much, either. Earlier that year, his mother had passed due to a new virus from the frontier planets. They had informed him in a very formal manner. He wasn’t allowed to leave the premises, as they said it would distract from his studies. As if he was trying, anyway.

Later that week, he was caught sleeping in class. The teacher made a comment correlating to 'his mother's disappointment in him'. This was unacceptable. His mother would've given less than two shits that he's fallen asleep in class. Who does this fascist think he is to disrespect him?

Clay tensed up, jaw clenching, before outright vaulting over his seat and drop kicking the damn guy. With a thud, the man lay unconscious on the floor, bleeding. Panting and flustered, the rest of the class stood flabbergasted. With one final curse, Clay spit on the instructor and walked out... And of course the sirens go off. HOSTILE IN THE BUILDING- they wailed. No way he was getting out of this safely, Clay needed to act fast. Sprinting down the hallway, the student makes his way towards the test-flyers they are able to pilot. Launchers at 100 percent, takeoff, and hyperdrive... He was out. Clay had escaped Luna, and was on his way back home.

Clay expected to meet opposition at the space-tether in Skyline. Skyline was the main spaceport for the entire Martian planet. Most ships had to pass clearance through the tether. Surprisingly, the authorities didn’t arrest him immediately upon identification. He was only greeted with a message on his comms that read “Go to the old ‘Green Mars’ era building at the crossroads of 5th Avenue and Hammond Street”. Oddly specific.

The young escapee did as his comms said, and descended onto his home planet. He arrived at the building and knocked. He was met by, from a superficial standpoint, a lazy deadbeat. Nonchalant in every mannerism, and kept his living space a mess. However , the man was an excellent hacker. He showed how he was able to manipulate data in weak points in the government’s data. The space-tether security points, for one. Wallace Rusnak was his name. He was one of the minds cultivated by the Terran academies. Being in the circles of ‘former academy member’ allowed him to hear of rumors of a new dissident. From Mars. Wallace thought that this was an opportunity for some easy cash. Clay would get turned in if he didn’t comply with Wallace’s demands. The teen didn’t care too much, frankly. Wallace had saved his ass from life in prison. What Wallace wanted was for Clay to take up a mundane blue-collar job in an industrial factory, and give him the cash. Wallace wanted Clay to replace him, specifically. The lazy hacker wanted to work on nothing more than his software, to sell to the highest bidder.
He complied and satisfied Mr. Rusnak’s demands. Wallace was able to switch out names in the official Volkswagen records and give him the job. Off to the factory with the purple-haired boy. In his spare time, he would work on theories and equations for a more efficient FTL (faster than light) drive. He was improving on the already existing foundations he gathered in the academy, and wanted to use them for his own personal gain. His motivation was to bring himself back up from ashes. Like a phoenix. The teenager liked to romanticize his shallow desires of wealth. With this extreme wealth, Clay wished for a more satisfying life. The academy had drained him of all enjoyment, and he wanted to feel the spark of being free again. Clay thought that wealth would bring him freedom, and with freedom, contentment.

Choosing the method he thought most fit, Clay theorized of an Alcubierre warp drive which monopolized on the fact that a minuscule amount of antimatter neutralized most negative and harmful effects of a neutron star, allowing for better gravity manipulation. This manipulation and control of gravity around a ship could mold space-time in a mortal being's favor. Easy access to Volkswagen allowed him to skip hassle and get in contact with some engineers quickly. There were complications with this theory, being that of lack of resources. Synthetic materials were needed, to simulate both elements of this theory needed. After much effort, both elements were synthesized and tested. Surely enough, it worked.

The invention elevated the 18 year old deadbeat into a somewhat of a new mogul. Dividing the time it takes to travel through space by 8 is a big deal. Volkswagen offered him cash for his invention, and Clay gratefully accepted. Although they had many disagreements in terms of his new position. Volkswagen wanted him to be their head engineer, which already paid quite well. The smell of money was a strong one, and Clay asked for more. More money, more income, more authority. Clay’s aggressive mentality caused things to splinter, and he was resented in the company for being a whiny nagger. It wasn’t unjustified in the slightest.

The engineer grew sick of Volkswagen, and decided to pursue his more ambitious goals. He would start his own company, and the new immense amount of wealth allowed for him to purchase facilities for his own research and his own enterprise. Clay quit Volkswagen and severed all ties. With enough finesse, Clay was able to create the same kind of drive with slightly different materials. Practically the same thing as what Volkswagen had, but enough to bypass a lawsuit. He hired his own legion of inventors and employees to found his own budding company. Valverde Enterprises. He wanted his own name to be the brand to bask in that extra glory. Wallace was the Head of Software Development.

But restless Clay didn't stop inventing. Now in his luxury apartment, that sits atop of one of the highest structures on Mars, he creates trinkets for himself. Some of these include a light blaster, rocket boots, and a trusty supercomputer watch. Bounty hunting in his spare time, the guy likes to take risks to have fun. His cocky attitude gets the better of him sometimes, and he often has one of his inventions destroyed, along with a couple of bullet holes.

It also gives him some neat combat experience. One of his most ambitious projects is being tested and improved. It uses the same space-time warping as his FTL drive, but on a much grander and more intricate scale. This project is time travel.

Age: 24

Nickname: Arralfydol
Species: Battleheart
Gender: Female
Dragon Form description:

Rhoda Tumanggor
[ro-da too-mahng -or]

Nickname: Athena
Species: Symona
Gender: Female
Text Color: meme
Human Form description: Rhoda keeps her black hair in a ponytail. Her skin is a tone typical of an Indonesian native. Her face is slim and somewhat delicate, and her eyes are a dark brown. She's slim, yet very toned with defined muscles. Her casual wear is a black sweatshirt with gray denim pants and red canvas shoes. Her combat wear contains a gray-blue synthetic undershirt, a black combat vest strapped with grenades and explosives, matching gray-blue cargo pants, and black combat boots.
Rhoda is a calm and collected person. She stands her ground and is hard to push over. She tries to treat most people with respect, but people who she deems malicious are given none. She regrets many of the things she's done, and her overwhelming guilt can even be described as mild post traumatic stress. But alas, she continues to fight for justice and what she thinks is right. Athena is grateful for who she holds close.

Born to an impoverished family of four, she was always a busy child. Work, work, work. No time for schooling. It was tough for them, but they always made by. She was born into the slums of Jakarta, a densely populated and dirty place. It wasn’t pleasant. But things started to get worse. The government started to distrust the populace. The fragile republic that arose after the Dutch left was falling apart. A disease had been spreading throughout the Indonesian islands, killing most of the rice crop. In this modern day and age, this wouldn't be a problem for the wealthy. But the poor were hit the hardest. Too broke to buy imported food staples, people started to starve. The Indonesian government was still too corrupt and conflicted to do anything. It was only a matter of time until riots started going down. It was a mess.

However, this is there Rhoda got her start as a pyrotechnic. It was a standard day, for the most part. But there had been talk of a revolt circulating throughout the Jakarta slums. She didn’t give it much attention. But unfortunately for her, the rumors were true. And her parents were going to be in that crowd. It was around 9PM. The sun had set an hour earlier. And the people were gathering. The noise could already be heard loudly. The police force was gathering with riot shields and heavy weaponry. The people were getting restless. It was only a matter of time until they became violent. The police force retaliated. Almost everybody was gunned down… Including her family members. The Jakarta police force wasn't done just yet. They wanted to make an example of these protesters. What better way to do that than to destroy their homes?

Armored cars and task force members stormed the slums. The 13 year old Rhoda was terrified. Her parents hadn’t come back the previous night, and her brother was nowhere to be see either. The country had truly become a police state. They were burning down villages and destroying property. Truly an awful sight. Rhoda was in tears as she watched her home be burned to the ground. Not only her family, but everything had been taken away from her. An ultimatum stirred in her mind. They were going to pay. These despicable actions wouldn’t go unpunished. A drug-smuggling gang had a base of operations near the slums. She needed explosives. She was going to blow up the local barracks. They made an example of the rioters, so Rhoda was going to make an example of the murderers. The local gang members had always liked Rhoda. She wasn’t a snitch and would sometimes do simple errands for the members. They hooked her up with some crude remote explosives and let her have at it.

It was done. The building had been blown up. She heard screams and cries for help. She felt remorse, but not enough to feel guilty. These men had destroyed everything she had ever known. They killed civilians and had violated the natural rights of every human being. It was necessary. If anyone were to observe the scene, they would see a stoic young girl looking upon the sight of a building-sized tinderbox. But the explosives. They felt… oddly satisfying. The fireball of destruction felt great to detonate. Perhaps not in a sadistic way. But the appreciation was there. With nowhere else to go, she returned to the gang as their assistant pyrotechnic. She became skilled in the manufacturing and execution of explosives. Although she was part of a drug-smuggling organization, she became a strong believer in vigilante justice.

She eventually left Jakarta at age 16 for brighter prospects. And by that, I mean other war-torn places of the world. She terrorized the war-lords in Africa. She caused disruption in ISIS territory. Anywhere where an oppressive group was trying to take control, she was actively trying to halt their progress. Now labeled a terrorist herself, she continues to carry out vigilante justice under her new alias, Athena.
Age: 20
[align=center]Reldnae Thornheart

Nickname: Reldnae
Species: Tengumi
Gender: Female
Elf Form description:

Rufus Dixon
[roo-fis dix-on]

Nickname: Rufus
Species: Itchysaur
Gender: Male
Anthro Form description:

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