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.:The Vacant Lot:.

Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/04/2007 7:53 PM

Art by Mousen Heath

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.:About the Pen:.

-Pets that are not intended for combat do not have battle stats or traits posted.
-Racial traits that have a strikeout through them are not considered as part of the pet's personality.
-The personalities are somewhat short, I'll admit. Rest assured, any pet with a personality has a fleshed-out character idea behind it.
-On plot posts, listed role-plays with asterisks by their titles are not plot canon, but are included for completeness. Role-plays with other users that are linked consistently represent extra-plot interactions, be it after the plot has taken place, or within the time-frame of the plot, while not interfering with or interacting with plot canon.
-Yes, you may use the "pending" image if you so wish. I made it in about 5 seconds, I don't care who uses it.

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[img][/img][align=]Name: (♀ or ♂)
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Hannah Kerela
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Location: Unobtainable values should not win value debates.

Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/04/2007 7:56 PM

.:Old Souls:.
Non-Plot Breedables

Name: Ariimiya Miiori (♀)
Aliases: Yin, Ari
Species: Custom Lucain (Jacket Fox, StarSpeckled)
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Intellectual, Introvert
Physical Traits: Dash, Human Form, Human Speech,
Social Traits: Independent
Personality: Yin is the sort of woman who doesn't take no for an answer. Strong in her beliefs, she has a short temper but remains down to earth by focusing on others. This can go both ways: while she is quick to attach to people that fit her ideals, and therefore becomes very protective of them, she can also have a remarkably low tolerance for people who don't. Most of her ideals make plenty of sense, thankfully. Her list of good character traits in others includes words such as courage, nobility, kindness, and patience - especially courage. She has a fondness for her son, as well as her grandson, and focuses on the good in her life, rather than the bad. In her quad form, she does have one large vice, however: she bites.

Name: Tokini Aiwa (♀)
Aliases: Toki
Species: Custom Lucain (Celestial, Ringed)
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Charismatic, Chatterbox, Extrovert, Hyper, Innocent, Optimist
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Petite Figure
Social Traits: Independent
Personality: Tokini is a little sparkly ball of happy-happy-joy-joy. She can list all of her interests within five seconds if she's on a sugar high, which is quite an impressive feat when one considers that she has quite a few, many of them simple things like reading, music, and baking. She's the type of person that strives to include everyone, making her one of the few close friends of many of the outcasts around the lot.

Name: Adeyaka (♀)
Aliases: Adey
Species: Custom Lucain (Akita, Ancient)
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Cynic, Focused, Reserved, Sticky Fingers
Physical Traits: Breath Holder, Dash, Evasive, Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Independent, Track Cover
Personality: Adey is commonly very cold. She tends to ignore people that displease her, or that she simply doesn't have an interest in. Which happens to be almost everyone. She's very open about herself to those close to her, however, and will candidly admit to being a thief to those few whom she truly trusts. By virtue of her profession, she shares a kinship with most of the "delinquents" of the lot, while also having a good relationship with her more "upright" roommates. She has a bit of a vendetta against men, too: while she can tolerate them and be nice, she certainly doesn't like them, showing much more personal interest in women.

Name: Takuma (♂)
Aliases: Taku
Species: Bred Lucain (Malamute, StarSpeckled) (Dios x Arimiya)
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Charismatic, Extrovert, Inner Discipline, Optimist
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: None
Personality: Takuma is what one would call goofy. He managed to neither inherit Arimiya's temper or Dios' calmness, turning out to be a silly, but genuinely loving and caring man. He's found his match with Adeyaka's daughter Amy, the two defining much of eachother's lives. He's sincerely eager to please, however nervous trying to deal with other people (especially Amy!) makes him feel. Underneath the naive exterior, however, lies a man who knows what it's like to be broken, having ended up temporarily cursed due to an effort to stop a plot set forth by Nephritos, which succeeded at the cost of his ability to feel joy. That time in his life is behind him, though, and he's determined to move forward.

Name: Amy (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Bred Lucain (Feyline) (Senervel x Adeyaka)
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Extrovert, Innocent, Optimist, Pure Soul
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Keen Hearing, Petite Figure
Social Traits: Independent, Musician
Personality: The first thing most people learn about Amy is that she loves music. She has the impeccable ability to name and match with her voice any pitch she hears, by the simple fact of hearing. She's deeply in love with Takuma, being the typical shy girl about the fact. Amy loves life, enjoying parties and celebrations, as well as simple things like a moonlit swim or lying in the grass with Takuma. Like Takuma, she harbors an inner maturity, having waited for Takuma when he left after being cursed.

Name: Cassandra Young (♀) (Formerly Rosalyn Crane)
Aliases: Cassie (Formerly Alyn)
Species: Bred Lucain (Malamute, Hearts) (Ayaka x Mirage)
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Sanguivore
Healing Traits: First Aid, Life Transfer, Resurrect
Magic Traits: Lifesense, Shadow Shift
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Focused, Inner Discplined, Intellectual, Introvert
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Keen Scent, Night Vision, Undead
Social Traits: Defender, Independent
Personality: Cassandra is a vampire. In the past, as far as she was concerned, that defines her: she is immortal (to an extent), drinks blood, and is a monster. However, now she strives to be more than that, having gone so far as to change her name to cast off her old life and identity, after a life-changing incident where she was shown compassion by someone who knew exactly what she was. To thank Tokini for that event, she has sworn to protect Tokini's daughter, Igrane, constantly staying near her and watching her. Like Adeyaka, she has a bit of a distaste for men, particularly men who resemble the one who turned her into a vampire.

Name: Smoothie (♂)
Aliases: None
Species: Smoothie Kuhna (Berry Kuhna Genetics)
Racial Traits: Hyper, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Charismatic, Chatterbox, Extrovert, Limelight, Optimist, Smooth Talker
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Independent
Personality: Smoothie was won in a contest. As his description over at Alonia's put it, "This young Kuhna is quite a character, always around the ladies and perhaps maybe a little conceited and vain. Nevertheless, he's quite the charmer and flaunts his bright colors with pride." Since he's come, though, he has matured at least a little bit: while he still has a fondness for women, he's very devoted to his family now, especially his children. That said, he does still enjoy flaunting his colors, and has acquired a fondness for fruity candies.

Name: Cecilia (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Elder Kuhna (Wildcard Kuhna Genetics)
Racial Traits: Celestial Heritage, Extended Life Span, Hover, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Mentivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: Restore Senses
Magic Traits: Lifesense, Spirit Communication, Spirit Sense
Personality Traits: Chaotic Mind, Inner Discipline, Introvert, Pure Soul, Reserved,
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Petite Figure, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Celestial Blood, Grid (Severed)
Personality: Cecilia is a shy girl, who grew up connected to a group of others, both physically and mentally, raised to feed off of the thoughts and memories of others. Her "grid" was designed to help all of the children maintain homeostasis, as their systems were not projected to fully adapt until adulthood. However, one of the researchers severed her connection to the grid, nearly killing her had it not been for a nameless stranger who nursed her back to health and taught her to pull memories and thoughts from those around her without being noticed. As a result of her severed mental connection, however, she has a case of schizophrenia, even as her telepathic abilities allow her to restore the minds of others to health.

Name: Shiori (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Original Common Kuhna
Racial Traits: Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Avaricious, Feigned Innocence, Perfectionist, Smooth Talker
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Petite Figure
Social Traits: None
Personality: Shiori is a conceited woman who is obsessed with being and possessing the very best. She's what one would call a gold digger, going after wealthy and desirable men only long enough to get what she wants out of them, before leaving them coldly. She has a severe inferiority complex to complicate matters, therefore despising anyone that seems like they might be better than her at anything. Because of this, she doesn't have a lot of consistent, stable relationships.

Name: Nomos (♂)
Aliases: None
Species: Original Common Kuhna
Racial Traits: Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Paranoid (Borderline)
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Defender, Independent
Personality: The words that would describe Nomos the best would be "fanatical father." He's hyper-protective of his daughter, Abigail, and works endlessly to ensure her safety, bordering on obsessive. As a result, he knows quite a bit of her life, including things that she really would have rather kept private. However, it's all out of love - he hates to see her upset, and does his best to comfort her when she is. Still, he's a real stickler for the rules, insisting that they be followed to the letter.

Name: Thomas Evans (♂)
Aliases: Tommy
Species: Arkuhna (Spectrakuhna Genetics)
Racial Traits: Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Chaotic Mind, Cynic, Disciplined, Feigned Innocence, Smooth Talker
Physical Traits: Cyborg (Cybernetic Eye), Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Jailbird
Personality: Thomas is the product of a mixed upbringing of high-class politesse and grace and southern-boy rough-and-tumble grit. He's also endured a prison sentence for a crime he didn't do, and it was one in which he was hurt in more ways than one, having been one of the few "innocents" in the prison. As a result of all of this, Thomas is slightly psychopathic, having low inhibitions, as well as a bit of a bend on revenge against certain people. He's very suave and is a good actor, willing to use his skills to manipulate people around him in order to get what he wants. Despite all this, there is a good heart deep down inside him, keeping him from being flat-out malevolent. He's self-conscious about his physical appearance, having a cybernetic eye in his left eye socket as a result of a prison fight that didn't go his way. He actually quite dislikes to be called Tommy, having quite traumatic flashbacks when he hears the name.

Name: Kestra (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Arkuhna (Spectrakuhna Genetics)
Racial Traits: Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Piscivore, Carnivore
Healing Traits: First Aid, Restore Senses
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Extrovert, Innocent, Perceptive, Pure Soul
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Independent, Mechanic
Personality: Kestra is an telepathic and empathic woman that makes the most of her abilities by trying to help others get past their problems. However, her passions lie in mechanics and engineering, and in making things work. She works on cars, mostly, but she would love to work on things such as space shuttles if ever given the chance. She's also handy with children's toys, and is normally happy to even do something as simple as repair a squeaky wheel on a toy car.

Name: Nightlight (♀)
Aliases: Nighter
Species: Generation Kanua (Atrice x Coloro)
Racial Traits: Hyper, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: Dream Weaver
Personality Traits: Chatterbox, Innocent, Optimist, Prankster
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Klutz
Personality: As Nightlight's previous owner put it, "Nighter is always hyper, and always willing to play with the others. She hates standing still and is always on the run. But there are times when she just feels like laying down and nap peacefully. Don't wake her up while she's sleeping, or you're in for it." She's quite popular around the lot, always being a ray of sunshine and, like Tokini, always trying to include others. Recently, she's discovered that she can enter the dreams of others near her, which she enjoys immensely.

Name: Dark (♂)
Aliases: None
Species: Generation Kamo Kuhna (Carbunkle x Nighter)
Racial Traits: Padded Paws, Track Cover
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Brawler, Cynic, Disciplined, Focused, Sticky Fingers
Physical Traits: Dash, Evasive, Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Criminal Mastermind (Former), Independent, Mechanic (Explosives Only), Silent Shadow
Personality: Dark is an former Master Thief, who has committed his life to repenting for his wrongdoings. And to women. He is an extreme player at times, willing to see almost any female as long as they're pretty. He's very stealthy, however, and as such often is sent on dangerous recon missions, resulting in a very damaged and reserved man underneath the playboy exterior. He's also become very close to Emily, and the feelings seem quite reciprocated.

Name: Áine (♀)
Aliases: Awn
Species: Generation Preluhna (Sahira x Brevia)
Racial Traits: Padded Paws, Pure Soul
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Affectivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: Herbalist
Magic Traits: Create Illusion, Elemental Manipulation, Spirit Sense, Witchlight
Personality Traits: Charismatic, Fashionista, Focused, Intellectual, Optimist, Perfectionist
Physical Traits: Dash, Human Form, Human Speech, Keen Hearing, Undetectable
Social Traits: Fae Heritage, Lost Secrets, Musician, Protected
Personality: Aine is a bit of a mystery; she has really large issues with the dark or coldness, much preferring the warm daylight. She's very temperamental, and her emotions change at the drop of a hat, but she's also very passionate - she loves or hates things with all of her heart. While she and Koysi aren't the best of friends due to their conflicting personalities and elements, they still spend a lot of time together due to a sort of camaraderie from their shared fae blood.

Name: Köysi (♀)
Aliases: Koy, Si-Si
Species: Heartless Kuhna (Demaster x Kier) (Sulkuhna x Sulkuhna)
Racial Traits: Chaotic Mind, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Affectivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: Herbalist
Magic Traits: Create Illusion, Elemental Manipulation, Shadow Shift, Spirit Sense
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Intellectual, Introvert, Pessimist, Reserved
Physical Traits: Dash, Human Form, Human Speech, Night Vision, Undetectable
Social Traits: Fae Heritage, Independent, Lost Secrets, Musician
Personality: Koysi comes off as "off-the-beaten-path" and a little bit intimidating, but that's not really her - really, she's quite nice and sweet, though a bit shy. However, not many people get to see her up close, because she has a rather large secret - she's a faerie, and of the type straight out of the Celtic tradition - and she'd be terrified if anyone found out, so she keeps people at a distance. Rest assured, it's certainly only out of necessity: for every other subject, she's always willing to chat. As a courtesy of her fae blood, she obtains most of her sustenance by absorbing the emotions of those around her.

Name: Alleria (♀)
Aliases: Ally
Species: Sullied Kuhna (Laurent Wolfe x Rogue Anne) (Preluhna x Sulkuhna)
Racial Traits: Chaotic Mind, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Innocent, Introvert, Paranoid, Phobic
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Petite Figure
Social Traits: Protected
Personality: Alleria is an odd little girl - not little as in young, but as in almost dangerously thin. However, it's not from a lack of nutrition - Ally merely wears a corset almost all the time, underneath her otherwise normal clothing. She's very submissive and gentle, and almost never speaks up for herself, merely letting the wills of others decide what she does. She's also deathly afraid of large crowds, and can't venture out into busy public areas without an escort to cling to and to make sure she doesn't run into anyone while her eyes are clenched shut.

Name: Alexis (♀)
Aliases: Alexander, Alex
Species: Spirit Kuhna (Celso x Nouvreim) (Preluhna x Preluhna)
Racial Traits: Padded Paws, Spirit Sense
Acclimation Traits: Terrain Traveler
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: First Aid, War Medic
Magic Traits: Time Warp
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Disciplined, Focused, Intellectual, Perfectionist, Reserved
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Keen Hearing, Night Vision
Social Traits: Soldier, Track Cover
Personality: Alexis grew up always wanting to be a war doctor - in her mind, a "real" way to use her ability to slow time around her - but unfortunately, in her war-torn country, that was considered "men's work," and women were meant and required to do "women's work." As a result, she faked her own death and assumed a masculine persona, Alexander, and enrolled in medical school, having forged a secondary school transcript. "He" then joined the military, joining the war effort. She's since moved to Evelon, but, as her medical degree lists her as a male, and as she knows that others from her community may come to Evelon as well - and what she did is a felony to them - she has continued to keep up her two parallel lives.

Name: Abigail (♀)
Aliases: Abby
Species: Patriot Kuhna (Nomos x Sketchpaint) (Common Kuhna x Spectrakuhna)
Racial Traits: Defender, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Charismatic, Extrovet, Optimist
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Independent
Personality: Abigail is a strong-willed, loyal girl that loves to show off her colors. She's very affectionate, and, like her father, she obeys the rules to the letter. She is Nomos's pride and joy - his first daughter - and he watches over her vigilantly. Aside from her seemingly omniprescent father, though, Abigail is very amiable and perky, always eager to meet new people.

Name: Beatrice (♀)
Aliases: Bice
Species: Bubblegum Kuhna (Aslan x Nighter) (Common Kuhna x Kanua)
Racial Traits: Hyper, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: Restore Senses
Magic Traits: Aftersight, Foresight
Personality Traits: Focused, Inner Discipline, Intellectual, Pure Soul, Reserved
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Ascetic, Independent
Personality: Bice is an interesting woman, always happy to help out a lost traveler or a lost soul. She's very loyal, speaking of her friends and idols in the highest regard. She is very motherlike in a sense, as she is stern and will not hesitate to scold for misbehavior. Like her namesake, she's focused on the "higher planes" of existence and often doesn't bother to focus much on "earthly" matters.

Name: Emily (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Sugarberry Kuhna (Smoothie x Frosting) (Berry Kuhna x Kanua)
Racial Traits: Hyper, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller, Desert Dweller
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Focused, Intellectual, Optimist
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Independent, Lost Secrets
Personality: Emily is a headstrong girl who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She is very interested in ancient legends, particularly their deities, and in paleontology. She adores her friends dearly, and would give her life for them, especially Dark. While she doesn't quite know how, she wants to help Dark repent for his crimes, willing to go to almost any length for him, resulting in a deep friendship. Her kindness extends to more than her friends, though, and she's been known to reach out to perfect strangers who seem to need her help.

Name: A'riv'ne(♀)
Aliases: Ne
Species: Citrus Kuhna (Marble x Arabella) (Berry Kuhna x Preluhna)
Racial Traits: Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Omnivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: Lifesense
Personality Traits: Charismatic, Extrovert, Innocent, Optimist, Phobic
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Independent
Personality: A'riv'ne is a quiet sort of girl with an idealistic nature, constantly trying to make new friends and expand her social circle, not out of ambition but out of fear - A'riv'ne has a deathly fear of being alone, and so she strives to have a friend near her at every turn. Oddly enough, she and Alleria make great friends, even though Alleria is scared of crowds, and A'riv'ne is scared to be without them. The two are often found running about together during their spare time.

Name: Reah (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Brick Kuhna (Aiden x Evangeline) (Sulkuhna x Sulkuhna)
Racial Traits: Chaotic Mind, Independent, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Aftersight, Dream Weaver, Foresight, Spellcaster
Personality Traits: Focused, Innocent, Introvert, Perceptive, Pure Soul, Reserved
Physical Traits: Extended Life Span, Human Form, Human Speech, Petite Figure, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Lost Secrets, Musician, Spiritual Blood
Personality: Born a mixed-race child, Reah gains a love of focus on serenity and calmness from her mother, while also gaining a chaotic, wild magic from her father that she can only partially control. Reah's ability to see into the past and future is beyond her control, combining with her love of music to show her the past and strands of possible futures (though, she cannot see her own future) whenever she listens to anything even remotely resembling music. She can, however, control her ability to dreamwalk and cast spells, having trained relentlessly to do so. Given that she often sees all the horrible things that can happen to the people she knows, she is rather withdrawn, preferring not to get attached: however, whenever she can change a bad future, she does her utmost best to do so, in order to help others.

Name: (♀)
Species: Generation Sulkuhna (Aiden x Evangeline)
Racial Traits:
Acclimation Traits:
Healing Traits:
Magic Traits:
Personality Traits:
Physical Traits:
Social Traits:

Name: (♀)
Species: Translucent Kuhna (Laurent Wolfe x Rogue Anne)
Racial Traits:
Acclimation Traits:
Healing Traits:
Magic Traits:
Personality Traits:
Physical Traits:
Social Traits:
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Hannah Kerela
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Joined: 09/04/2007 7:50 PM
Location: Unobtainable values should not win value debates.

Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/04/2007 7:57 PM

.:New Souls:.
Non-Plot Regular Pets

Name: Rennan (♂)
Aliases: Ren
Species: Clockwork Yonyuu
Racial Traits: Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Cyborg, Night Vision
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Omnivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: Artificier, Spellcaster
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Focused, Inner Discipline, Intellectual, Reserved
Physical Traits: Corrective Vision, Human Form, Human Speech, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Independent, Mechanic, Technician
Personality: Ren spends his time glued to books and other forms of information. He keeps quiet about himself, keeping most of his past wrapped up behind his glasses, but prides himself on having the technical answers at a moment's notice. He grew up in foster homes, acutely aware that "mom and dad" weren't his parents, and hasn't yet forgiven the Powers That Be for his life. He's usually fairly loyal, though, to his friends - nobody but NOBODY touches them, as far as he's concerned, without getting their butts soundly beaten. Ren has to physically touch with his hands anything he wants to dissect or manipulate with magic, and can't control what he gleams from objects that he does touch. His abilities lead him to avoid physical contact with both other people and objects whenever possible, except when his hands are covered adequately, making him come off as a bit distant. His biggest weakness, though, is definitely his past - picking at that wound is a one-way ticket to dismantling him, and as such he responds to questions about his past with annoyance and anger. His separation from others, too, makes him rather dense when it comes to things like why a girl would get upset about the Big Bad kissing her. At the same time, the why's of emotion rarely matter to him - all he needs to know is that his friend is upset, and that the Big Bad is the cause, and he'll gladly pitch in to remove the threat.

Name: Ebony (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Doom Kitty
Racial Traits: Chaotic Mind
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller, Terrain Traveler
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: Aftersight (Latent)
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Intellectual, Introvert, Perceptive, Perfectionist
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Apprentice, Independent, Lost Secrets, Teacher
Personality: Ebony is a brainiac, in short. Left alone at a young age, she was taken in by a kindly professor who introduced her to mythology and prophetic history. She was quickly enamored with the subject, and specializes in it, but is also generally knowledgeable in history, mathematics (up to moderate trigonometry, with a lot of knowledge in statistics), and science, specifically psychology, chemistry and physics, and, by virtue of her specialty, is generally good with literature. However, she's bad with anatomy, physiology, and biology, much preferring the more "innovative" realms.

Name: Gabriel (♀)
Aliases: Gabi
Species: Symona
Racial Traits: Pure Soul
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller, Cave Dweller
Diet: Mentivore
Healing Traits: Life Transfer, Restore Senses
Magic Traits: Dream Weaver, Lifesense, Spirit Sense,
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Inner Discipline, Introvert, Reserved
Physical Traits: Extended Life Span, Human Form, Human Speech, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Celestial Blood, Independent, Infernal Blood, Lost Secrets
Personality: Lucifer's sister and Cecilia's lover, Gabriel walks the line between good and evil. While she strives to do good and longs to be free of her darker relatives, she can't truly escape her lineage. As such, she is often very reserved and quiet, prowling the shadows until she sees someone who she feels might sympathize. She has developed to be able to feed off of the thoughts and emotions of others from a distance, allowing her to remain isolated from large crowds. Gabriel has trained extensively to escape her past and her family, and all of that training has resulted in a capable, calm woman.

Name: Lucifer (♂)
Aliases: None
Species: Ssendrek
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller, Cave Dweller
Diet: Mentivore
Healing Traits: Disease Immunity
Magic Traits: Create Illusion, Lifesense, Shadow Shift, Spirit Sense
Personality Traits: Brawler, Chaotic Mind, Inner Discipline, Malevolent
Physical Traits: Extended Life Span, Human Form, Human Speech, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Celestial Blood, Independent, Infernal Blood, Lost Secrets
Personality: Gabriel's brother, Lucifer is a product of the other side of the siblings' lineage. A cruel, angry man, Lucifer delights in the pain of others and in inflicting mass destruction, particularly when the results hurt his sister. While Gabriel is able to feed off of the those around her without harming them, Lucifer is less graceful and less caring, often tearing apart the minds of his victims and leaving them either dead or insane. He's a force to be reckoned with, seeming almost normal on the outside on a regular basis, luring his victims into a deadly sense of false security.

Name: Nephritos (♂)
Aliases: None
Species: Dreiden
Racial Traits: Hydrodynamic
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller, Ocean Dweller
Diet: Mentivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Elemental Manipulation, Possessor, Shadow Shift, Spellcaster
Personality Traits: Chaotic Mind, Malevolent, Perceptive
Physical Traits: Extended Life Span, Human Form, Human Speech, Osmosis
Social Traits: Elemental Blood, Independent, Infernal Blood, Lost Secrets
Personality: Lucifer's best "friend" (if either of them are capable of having such things), Nephritos is another cruel man and a common ally in Lucifer's plots to destroy his sister. In addition, Nephritos is adept at possessing and cursing others, driving them to do things they would never otherwise do, in the name of evil and cruelty. Nephritos is often found manipulating people into doing things such as killing their loved ones, delighting in destroying their mental balance and sending them to insane asylums, which is where he gains most of his sustenance. Failing that, however, many of Nephritos's victims are found drowned in their homes.

Name: Adelle(♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Wilt Florana
Racial Traits: Tree Climber
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Nectarivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Disciplined, Focused, Intellectual, Perceptive
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Independent
Personality: A fighter to the end, Adelle is one of those girls that doesn't take no for an answer. Feisty enough to force Holmes to take a look at her, she's been one of his closest friends since the case that took his Watson away. She herself is fairly capable, both as a detective and as a fighter. She has a crush on his brother, even though she's never met him, and admires the Holmes family's commanding aura. She's a bit mischievous, though, especially as concerns Sherlock.
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Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/04/2007 7:58 PM

.:Festive Souls:.
Non-Plot Event Pets

Name: Remiel (♀)
Aliases: Remy, Remi
Species: Verdure Yonyuu
Racial Traits: Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Night Vision
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Mentivore
Healing Traits: First Aid, Life Transfer, Restore Senses
Magic Traits: Elemental Manipulation
Personality Traits: Chaotic Mind, Green Thumb, Innocent, Introvert, Pure Soul, Weak Mind
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Petite Figure, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Elemental Blood, Grid (Severed), Protected, Sisigwad
Personality: Remiel was cut off from her "grid," similar to Cecilia, when she was very young, so not much about her original life is known. Gabriel and Cecilia clicked tightly with her and became joint surrogate mothers to her, which is how she got her angelic name. She has a gift for healing and helping things grow, but struggles to learn to control her wild telepathic abilities, making her vulnerable to injury inflicted by trying to feed off of too many minds.

Name: Renata (♀)
Aliases: Renee
Species: Decayed Fenling
Racial Traits: Desert Dweller, Foresight, Prehensile Tail, Undead
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore
Healing Traits: Disease Immunity, Regenerate Limbs
Magic Traits: Dream Weaver, Lifesense, Spirit Sense
Personality Traits: Chaotic Mind, Introvert, Paranoid, Pessimist, Phobic
Physical Traits: Dulled Senses, Human Form, Human Speech, Photosensitivity
Social Traits: None
Personality: Renee is a quiet, withdrawn girl, who has a tendency to feel out of place, and who has an intense fear of large social gatherings. She sticks close to Cassandra, usually, as Cassandra's the only one she's really close at all to. In her quad form, she often curls up by the fire - not too close - and lies there, aching to be warmer than she is. In her human form, she sunbathes constantly. Despite her unfortunate lot, she really is a sweet girl, and she does her best to make those around her more comfortable with her.
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Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/04/2007 7:59 PM

.:Eternus Elementum:.

Physical Elements

Eternal Flame

Name: (♀ or ♂)
Racial Traits:
Acclimation Traits:
Healing Traits:
Magic Traits:
Personality Traits:
Physical Traits:
Social Traits:

Eternal Rain

Name: (♀ or ♂)
Racial Traits:
Acclimation Traits:
Healing Traits:
Magic Traits:
Personality Traits:
Physical Traits:
Social Traits:

Eternal Earth: Age 14

Name: Avani (♀)
Aliases: Ani
Species: Florana
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: Forest Dweller
Diet: Thaumatavore (Earth)
Healing Traits: Herbalist
Magic Traits: Elemental Manipulation
Personality Traits: Charismatic, Disciplined, Fashionista, Green Thumb, Inner Discipline, Pure Soul
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Elemental Blood, Independent, Sisigwad
Personality: Perhaps the girliest of the children, Avani grew up with the ability to manipulate plant life and subsist off of the energies that the earth releases. Her deep connection to the earth drives her to be quite the environmentalist, as well as keeping her from ever feeling too alone: Avani feels at home among plant life, and considers the earth itself to be a friend. As connected to the earth as she is, though, Avani has a love for physical, "typical" beauty, as well, enjoying fashion and make-up as much as any average high school cheerleader would.

Eternal Ice: Age 10

Name: Anaia (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Winter Kitrell
Racial Traits: Aerodynamic, Cold Adaptation, Forest Dweller
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Ninguivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Elemental Manipulation
Personality Traits: Chatterbox, Innocent, Pure Soul
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Snow Camouflage
Social Traits: Elemental Blood
Personality: Anaia is the youngest of the Eternal children, having escaped the monks at age ten. She's the most naive of the group, by far, and depends on the others - especially Riddler - to protect her from getting tricked. However, that doesn't make her weak in a fight; she's actually a very capable magician, having been born with the ability to create and manipulate ice, and to survive off of the energy stored within ice. When she's in danger, she'll fight tooth and nail to ensure her survival, or to protect her friends. She's a bit of a baby, though, by virtue of her age, and so she gets her feelings hurt much more easily than the other Eternal kids, but she also is the most outgoing.

Eternal Spark: Age 16

Name: Riddler (♂)
Aliases: None
Species: Clockwork Yonyuu
Racial Traits: Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Cyborg, Night Vision
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Electrivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Elemental Manipulation
Personality Traits: Chaotic Mind, Disciplined, Focused, Pure Soul
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Elemental Blood, Independent, Public Leader
Personality: Riddler's a bit of an enigma. He's one of the Eternal kids, and, like the others, he escaped from the monks. He's older than the rest, having escaped at age 16, so he takes on the role of de-facto guardian. The powers he was born with include the ability to manipulate static charges into the air into currents (thus making it much more dangerous), as well as the ability to survive off of those charges. As such, if he's trapped in an unnaturally humid area for long periods of time, he'll go into panic mode. Despite his affinity for electricity, he's as baffled by technology and civilization as the others. However, unlike the others, he's not as peaceable, and will readily fight to protect the younger Eternal kids if the need arises. He's very independent, and only takes orders from two people: Michael and Sherlock. By virtue of his powers, he's much more chaotic than many of the others, but he's learned to keep his actions, if not his mind, in check.

Ethereal Elements

Eternal Sound: Age 13

Name: Asara (♀)
Aliases: None
Species: Purine Lucain (Ancient, Split)
Racial Traits: None
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Sonusphagous
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Elemental Manipulation
Personality Traits: Discipline, Focused, Inner Discipline, Introvert, Pure Soul, Reserved
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Elemental Blood, Independent
Personality: Asara grew up very sheltered; she was raised by monks, cloistered from civilzation until she was thirteen. She was born with a couple strange traits: the power to weave spells with her voice, and the ability to survive on sound alone. Locking her in a quiet room is the one surefire way to terrify her, as she cannot find any source of energy, and therefore panics, wasting the energy she does have, making her panic more, ad infinitum. By virtue of her upbringing, Asara is usually very calm and docile, and capable of controlling her emotions very well. She is very gentle and nurturing when given the chance, and loves to care for young children. After she turned thirteen, she and a group of other children in the monastery escaped, running to civilization, to experience the world. Asara is often astounded by the feats of the modern world, having been totally ignorant of many of them for the first years of her life.

Eternal Mind: Age 13

Name: Contemplation (♀)
Aliases: Tempie
Species: Cake Kuhna
Racial Traits: Hyper, Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Mentivore
Healing Traits: Restore Senses
Magic Traits: Elemental Manipulation, Lifesense
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Inner Discipline, Innocent, Pure Soul
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Elemental Blood
Personality: Contemplation is a quiet girl with a lot of thoughts running through her head. She observes more than she interacts, and often gets lost in thought. Similar to Asara, she was raised by monks and fled at the age of thirteen. And, also like Asara, she was born with special gifts, those of telepathy, as well as the ability to subsist on thoughts. Like Asara panics at a quiet room, Contemplation panics at being without human contact. She has grown up, like the other Eternal children, to be very disciplined inwardly, especially by virtue of her gifts. She and Asara are close, having found an affinity for one another. Like the other Eternal kids, she doesn't quite get technology yet, often amazed and awed by the works that modern civilization can perform.

Eternal Light

Name: (♀ or ♂)
Racial Traits:
Acclimation Traits:
Healing Traits:
Magic Traits:
Personality Traits:
Physical Traits:
Social Traits:

Eternal Dark

Name: (♀ or ♂)
Racial Traits:
Acclimation Traits:
Healing Traits:
Magic Traits:
Personality Traits:
Physical Traits:
Social Traits:

Eternal Soul: Age 15

Name: Aslan (♂)
Aliases: None
Species: Original Common Kuhna
Racial Traits: Padded Paws
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Animavore, Carnivore
Healing Traits: Life Transfer
Magic Traits: Lifesense, Spirit Communication, Spirit Sense
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Inner Discipline, Pure Soul
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Elemental Blood
Personality: Aslan is only a year younger than Riddler. He's far more mature than many of the Eternal kids, by virtue of his powers. Aslan, see, can survive off of the souls of the dead that drift around the world, and in doing so absorbs their memories. He can also sense other auras around him, and transfer parts of his soul into those around him. Due to this, he has a lot of wisdom and pain. However, it's also made him severely desirous to protect the people around him, to protect them from having the kinds of memories he's seen. Next to Riddler, he's probably the most protective of the children, and as such he often helps Riddler keep an eye on the others.

In the Service of Eternity

Eternal Mount

Name: Abraxas (♂)
Aliases: Brax
Species: Crops Nyghtmare
Racial Traits: Dash, Green Thumb, Hover, Night Vision
Acclimation Traits: Terrain Traveler
Diet: Animavore/Carnivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Dream Weaver, Planar Travel, Shadow Shift
Personality Traits: Chaotic Mind, Disciplined, Focused, Inner Discipline, Reserved
Physical Traits: Extended Life Span, Mute, Thought-Speech Undetectable
Social Traits: Defender, Elemental Heritage, Independent, Legendary Tracker, Teacher
Personality: Abraxas is a steed in service of the children. While, on the outside, he appears to be a normal mount, the children know better: through his telepathy, Abraxas is both a servant and a guide to the children, advising them and reassuring them. He is one of the few that know precisely who and what Sherlock's brother, M, is, and is completely devoted to his duty of protecting his charges. He serves both as an escape method and a method of transportation for them; however, when he is not with them, it is unknown where he resides.

Eternal Wings

Name: Anila (♀)
Aliases: La
Species: Morning Kitrell
Racial Traits: Aerodynamic, Forest Dweller
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Insectivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Planar Travel
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Inner Discipline, Innocent
Physical Traits: Dash
Social Traits: Defender, Elemental Heritage, Independent, Legendary Tracker
Personality: The sister of Anira, Anila's duty to the children is a voluntary service: she was saved by Abraxas from Najwa's hunting, and as such has joined his cause to protect and serve the children. In that capacity, she serves to gather intelligence, being capable of flying great distances without tiring, though she is slower than her sister. Anira's goal is always to fulfill her mission quickly, firmly believing that a single second can make a difference. She is almost always seen with Anira when not working, and the two take up residence in Whisper Forest when they are not needed by the children.

Eternal Wings

Name: Anira (♀)
Aliases: Ra
Species: Winter Kitrell
Racial Traits: Aerodynamic, Cold Adaptation, Forest Dweller
Acclimation Traits: None
Diet: Insectivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Planar Travel
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Inner Discipline, Innocent
Physical Traits: Dash
Personality: The sister of Anila, Anira's duty to the children is voluntary: when Anila was saved by Abraxas, Anira too joined his cause out of gratitude for her sister's life. In that capacity, she gathers intelligence like Anila, often taking on the colder climates as well as the darker ones. She can fly great distances, though it tires her more than it does her sister, however she benefits from an increased speed. She is almost always with Anila when not working, and the two take up residence in Whisper Forest when they are not needed by the children.

Eternal Memory

Name: Nimue (♀)
Species: Custom Whispwing
Racial Traits: Night Vision
Acclimation Traits: Forest Dweller
Diet: Nectarivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: Aftersight, Foresight
Personality Traits: Disciplined, Focused, Inner Discipline, Introvert, Pure Soul, Reserved
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Defender, Elemental Heritage, Independent, Legendary Tracker, Lost Secrets
Personality: Similar to Abraxas, Nimue is in the service of the children for unknown reasons. What is known, however, is that she has lived for a very long time. Her main role in serving the children is that of a mentor, often meeting up with them to try and direct them toward important discoveries or milestones. Like Abraxas, she knows the whole truth about Sherlock's brother, though she keeps conspicuously quiet about it.

The Grip of Evil

Big Bad

Name: (♀ or ♂)
Racial Traits:
Acclimation Traits:
Healing Traits:
Magic Traits:
Personality Traits:
Physical Traits:
Social Traits:

The Secretary

Name: Najwa (♀)
Species: Generation Trikuhna (Orpheus x Blue Moon)
Racial Traits: Evasive, Padded Paws, Smooth Talker
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore, Herbivore
Healing Traits: None
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Disciplined, Focused, Intellectual, Reserved, Perceptive
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech, Thought-Speech
Social Traits: Independent
Personality: Constantly veiled in secrecy, Najwa - and, no, that's not her real name - works alongside Michael for Sherlock's older brother. She acts sort of like a secretary to the men, in some respects - she takes down memos and other important information - but in others, she seems quite indispensable as a pair of legs where Michael's won't do. She also seems to be a supervisor of sorts to Michael, since she usually is the one to deliver his orders, as well as to oversee Michael's progress. She's usually not very interactive, constantly checking things on her cell phone. She seems perfectly aware of what's going on around her, though, making her a dangerous character when she needs to be. She's very formal, and doesn't place a lot of value in the people around her, often forgetting about people she's met entirely.

The Right Arm

Name: Michael (♂)
Aliases: Mickey
Species: Ashen Kuhna (Fallanar x Sylde) (Preluhna & Calamikuhna)
Racial Traits: Padded Paws, Silent Shadow
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore, Piscivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Avaricious, Chaotic Mind, Charismatic, Smooth Talker, Weak Mind
Physical Traits: Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Independent
Personality: Michael is a lot like Amy in that he loves music. However, when it comes to favorite songs, the two tend to get into a petty argument over whether "Ease on Down the Road"(The Wiz) or "Proud Mary" (Ike & Tina Turner) is the better song. Most of their roommates avoid getting involved. Michael enjoys singing while in his human form, and will often sing at random times, which causes sleepless nights while he's practicing sometimes. He's recently gotten close with the "Eternal" kids, having taken to showing them around and trying to acquaint them with civilization, though some of them show a marked distrust of him. Additionally, he's also one of the only ones in contact with Sherlock's mysterious older brother. He seems rather well-connected, for such a laid-back person...

Would-Be Hero

Name: Sherlock Holmes (♂)
Aliases: S.H., Sherry
Species: Clockwork Yonyuu
Racial Traits: Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Cyborg, Night Vision
Acclimation Traits: City Dweller
Diet: Carnivore
Healing Traits: First Aid
Magic Traits: None
Personality Traits: Adaptable, Disciplined, Focused, Intellectual, Perceptive, Pessimist
Physical Traits: Evasive, Human Form, Human Speech
Social Traits: Independent, Legendary Tracker, Track Cover, Trap Master
Personality: Sherlock doesn't guess, he knows, he deduces. Though antisocial and indeed socially challenged, Sherlock is incredibly intelligent, basing his logic in deduction and reasoning. However, even though he appears to be cold and detached, he has a great heart to go with his great mind, and values his few friends highly. His older brother is conspicuously mysterious, and only Michael ever seems to have contact with him. He's close to Adelle, the two having grown close especially after the death of Sherlock's closest friend, Watson. Recently, though, Sherlock's been becoming quite entangled with the Eternal kids, seemingly at the whim of his brother.
Note: There are two "facets" to Sherlock's character - the "Modern" Sherlock, who is the one entangled with the Eternal children, and then "Victorian/Edwardian" Sherlock, who is basically more gentlemanly and graceful and less misanthropic. Basically, go compare BBC's Sherlock to the Granada television version - those are my basis.

The Story

Do You Believe In What You Feel?: Asara, Anaia, and Michael
The Art Of Deduction: Sherlock, Contemplation, and Michael*
A Girl And Her Knight: Aslan (With Atoli)
Danger in more ways than one: Sherlock (With Atoli)

Plot Notes

-Early on in the plot, Michael is portrayed by a bred male lucain. Later on, his pet form changes due to trades made for pretty two-tailed pixel kittens. He is still the same man.
-ONLY Modern!Sherlock is associated with this plot. Edwardian!Sherlock is his own character with his own interactions.
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Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/04/2007 8:00 PM

.:Nameless Souls:.
Holding Pen (Pets Without Personalities)

Image Image Image
Bleached Beetanke | Bleached Bleeder | Bleached Leebra
Bleached Penticorn

Image Image Image
Biolune Albie | Biolune Ferrikoon x3 | Biolune Rexxel
Image Image
Biolune Rollaby | Biolune Serraptor x3

Image Image
Clockwork Bleeder | Clockwork Hollowheart

Image Image Image
Dreamsnare Battleheart | Dreamsnare Beetanke | Dreamsnare Bleeder
Image Image Image
Dreamsnare Garudor | Dreamsnare Gorgeel | Dreamsnare Hollowheart
Image Image
Dreamsnare Roosken | Dreamsnare Yonyuu

Image Image
Sky Slynx | Sky Yonyuu x3

Image Image Image
Treasure Fenling | Treasure Magistrey | Treasure Roosken
Treasure Serraptor

Image Image Image Image
Mountain Garagnir x2 | Quarry Garagnir x2 | Tarnished Garagnir x2 | Translucent Garagnir x2
Image Image
Kuni | Sun Leawolf x2
Wilt Florana x2

Image Image
Evercold | Evren Discovery
Image Image Image Image
Myu Reaper | Inverted Myu Reaper | Ominous Myu Reaper | Fortune Myu Reaper
Image Image
Festive Quicksylph | Candle Shinzo x2
Image Image Image
Cider Teigu | Pumpkin Teigu | Chocomallow Teigu
Cupid Tricky
Image Image Image
Neowockee | Palowockee | Emowockee

Image Image
Cake Kuhna | Hydrokuhna x3
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Hannah Kerela
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Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/04/2007 8:01 PM

.:Kuhna Breeding Records:.
Total Breedings: 6
Total Kits: 20

1. Nomos (Common Male) x Sketchpaint (Arkuhna Female)
Kits: 3
Albino/Patriot/Hannah Kerela (Abigail)

2. Aslan (Male Common) x Nighter (Female Kanua)
Kits: 4
Normal/Bubblegum/Me (Beatrice)
Normal/Cottoncandy/Me (Given to Shrewd)

3. Carbunkle (Male Kamo) x Nighter (Female Kanua)
Kits: 4
Tan/Kamo/Me (Dark Mousy)
Tan/Kamo/Me (Given to Meganstaek?)

4. Smoothie (Male Prize) x Estelle (Female Ancient)
Kits: 4
Arcane/Pyurin/Me (Given to Shrewd)
Arcane/Ooputu/Me (Given to Meganstaek)

5. Smoothie (Male Prize) x Frosting (Female Cake)
Kits: 2
Muddled/Sugarberry/Me (Emily)

6. Smoothie (Male Prize) x Erica (Female Common)
Kits: 3
Muddled/Razberry/Me (Crystal)

.:Lucain Breeding Records:.
Total Breedings: 4
Total Pups: 10

1. Dios (Lucain Male) x Arimiya (Lucain Female)
Pups: 3
Male/Me (Takuma)
Female/Me (Given to FireHeart)

2. Senervel (Lucain Male) x Adeyaka (Lucain Female)
Pups: 2
Female/Me (Amy)

3. Takuma (Lucain Male) x Nationvoice (Lucain Female)
Pups: 3
Male/Me (Given to Shrewd)

4. Crymser (Lucain Male) x Tokini (Lucain Female)
Pups: 2
Female/Me (Igrane)

.:Paragon Breeding Records:.
Total Breedings: 0
Total Eggs: 0
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Hannah Kerela
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