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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:18 AM


Within the heart of Medicai, and disguised as a medical research facility, lies one of the most secret and prestigious magical academies in all of Evelon. The school's primary function is to gather talented Evelonians and school them in the ancient arts, while protecting their powers and secrets from the general public. However, the headmaster's methods of what has been called 'forced conscription' have been considered disruptive and inconsiderate to the students learning, and some of them have developed some social problems because of it.

Male Ancient & Dweller Lucain

Occupation: Headmaster
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #fa860b

Art: None
Notes: None

Praxis is the headmaster of an elitist, exclusive academy, that could almost be considered as a secret society in it's own right. He's made it his goal to gather a group of elite students who show promise in the arts of creating magical runes, and teach them from a young age how to use their abilities. This involves seeking rumours of children with strange powers, studying them from a distance, and then personally approaching their parents and offering them a place at the academy.
This usually results in the child being taken away from their parents, sometimes before they even reach 10, and most of the time, against the child's will.

He does not see it as harmful, or even bothers to consider the social implications of what he is doing, and is instead pursuing his true ideals. He's quite a snobbish, stuck up individual who likes to keep people in the dark, and not reveal secrets about himself.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Maybe
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Ancient Lucain

Occupation: Student
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Lucrecio x Xaviera
Colour: #c4bba6

Art: None
- Another Skyrim OC of mine.

Layla is an aspiring mage at the Runic Magic academy in Aldrect. She appears to be smart, outgoing, bubbly and confident almost to a fault. Her specialty lies in using elemental runes to create fire, lightning and ice, though she is also fairly confident in her skills with other runes too. Modern runes, that is. Runes and sigils from days gone by are not something that she can really work with at all, and she would get quite distressed if confronted with a problem involving ancient runes. Luckily for her, those sorts of things only appear in ancient ruins in regions such as Wilt'no and the Tengal.
Layla is quite happy with her life though, she's top of the class, and has a mostly healthy relationship with her girlfriend, Bronwen.

Things aren't entirely all sunshine for Layla though. When she was young, she had a gift for runic magic and was able to create her own runes. She was spotted by someone from the academy and after a lengthy discussion with her parents, she was forcibly taken away from her home. She's been at the academy for as long as she can remember now, and hasn't seen her parents since. When she first arrived, she had to put on an overly cheery facade to get by, but now it seems like her facade had become who she is.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: No

Female Backsplash & Splotched

Occupation: Student
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Lord Baal x Flurrena
Colour: #c185fb

Art: None
Notes: None

Bronwen isn't necessarily the smartest student in the Runic Magic Academy, but she gets by. Like all the other students there, she was enrolled at a very early age, due to her aptitude in the magical field, however she never truly shined and fell behind very quickly. If it wasn't due to her girlfriend being almost the top of the school, she most likely would have been kicked to the curb and she knows it.

Due to this, she's got a tendency to get depressed, doubt herself, and not speak to anyone for weeks at a time. That said, she's a brilliant writer, though she'd never put her books to publishers because she's convinced she can't be good at anything, and she's been locked up at the academy for too long and, she believes she can't stand on her own without Layla and the outside world terrifies her.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: No
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:18 AM


A small, but close band of pirates call the expanse of sea between the two continents home. Their leader is a mysterious woman, with a mysterious curse, but most of the crew just chalk it up to strange behaviour. The crew is infamous for attacking other ships and taking prisoners to sell in slaver markets.

Female Feyline & Belly Lucain

Occupation: Pirate Captain
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Nazuna x Raksis
Colour: #b68a1c

Art: None
- Backstory based on the song 'Alone with the Sea', Hurt.

Raine was never born into the cruel and hard life of a pirate. She once had a home, with a partner and they had been planning a family, when tragedy struck. Her partner and a good part of her family was killed in a horrific road accident. Raine then gave up the life she knew and started travelling around. It was then, the still grieving woman heard the tale of a mysterious man who was able to cross the seas of death to return loved ones. Captured by the tale, Raine attempted to seek him out and eventually found him and bargained with him for the return of her partner.
Unfortunately, the old man had tricked Raine. Instead of returning her partner in the flesh, he gave her a brief glimpse of his ghosts and a handful of his ashes and in return he tricked her to spend an eternity at sea.
Though, he did make it slightly easier for her by providing her with his old war ship, the Adamant.

Although she is a female captain, her crew mates treat her with the utmost respect, only because she's one of the most successful pirates in the sea between Lambastia and Barraka, and also they know she'll flay them alive if they don't. She's hard, but people wouldn't refer to her as a slave driver. She's just a no-nonsense kind of person, although if you catch her at the right time she is capable of showing some human qualities, such as humor and friendliness.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male NightLight Kuhna

Occupation: Pirate Quarter Master
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Serkas x Narills
Colour: #a60100

Art: None

Etony is Raine's right hand man, and is in charge of the general business that goes on aboard the ship. He is an adept fighter, preferring to use a scimitar, but can switch to another blade just as easily. He's fighting style involves a lot of trickery and he is very quick to strike.
He likes to think of himself as the dashing, charming rogue, but sometimes he can be grouchy and aggressive. He spares no love or honour for his rivals and would do practically anything to undercut them or demoralise them.

His one main love in life is jewels. Gold, he could not give a toss for but jewels are his favourite thing in the world. He is also not seen without his pet Ttee, Roanin.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Sauria Battleheart

Occupation: Pirate Gunner
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #2a8b51

Art: None
Notes: None

Tam's one of the Adamant's more louder and rowdier inhabitants. Her job aboard the ship is to watch over the prisoners, guard the ship's hold in the event of a boarding party and to organise the cannons in the event of a nautical fight with another ship.
She's quite efficient in what she does, which is why she has three important jobs. She takes her duties seriously and should anyone try to get in her way, she won't hesitate to throw insults and threats at them. In a fight she handles a large axe quite skillfully and she has the laugh of a berserker.

Aboard the ship, even in company of their captain; true to her species, Tam is loud, arrogant and rude. She doesn't care who hears her talk and she's brutally honest. Again, initially one may find a woman on board odd, but considering their captain and the tomboyish attitude of Tam, this surprise definitely would be short lived.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Gum Teigu

Occupation: Pirate/Cook
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #1d91d4

Art: None
Notes: None

Khamir's the Adamant's resident cook. He's cranky, grumpy and absolutely loathes most of the crew. He's developed an extraordinary skill wielding both a cleaver and a frying pan, as he generally has to chase someone out of his kitchen daily. He's jealously protective of his kitchen and food, and thanks to him, the crew has survived through famines and shortages of food and water.

He's actually an excellent chef; he's able to brew up something delightful from a scarce amount of ingredients and he knows how to make something last for days on end if it has too. Too bad for him he was raised on a ship was a pirate and subsequently was too out of place to get a job at a proper restaurant or cafe.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Cwn Awnn Barghest

Occupation: Pirate Sailing Master
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #d6a739

Art: None
Notes: None

Alphonse, or just Al became the ship's Sailing Master, when he had proved on multiple occasions (usually by yanking the wheel out of the old sailing master's hands) that he had amazing skill at navigating a boat through treacherous waters. They ended up tossing the old sailing master, but soon realised their mistake. While Al was amazing at commanding the ship from the stern and navigating by sight and by the stars, he could not read a map to save his life.
Eventually (and by sheer luck) he was handed an apprentice navigator and since then there haven't been any problems.

Alphonse is a quite but cheery sort of fellow. He was also taken from another vessel, but to the ships surprise, he was quite happy to be on the new ship. He's better spoken than the rest of the rabble and does tend to spend a lot more time to himself than the rest of them. He's not as quiet as Miron, but it's close.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Dendrolagus Icthysaur

Occupation: Pirate Navigator
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #552718

Art: None
Notes: None

Miron did not join the Adamant's crew as readily as the others, instead he had been the navigator of another vessel, but was captured and forced to work for Raine. Initially he was timid, but soon after became extremely begrudging and occasionally would try to make Alphonse run the ship up against rocks. And truth be told, they only kept him because they killed the other one, Alphonse was terrible when dealing with maps, and it was almost as if Miron had a built in GPS; when he did the job, he was excellent at  it.

Eventually, after some time and (surprisingly) some help from Tamika, he's manage to adjust to the life on the new ship and considers himself one of them. He is curious about their strange captain but has been warned enough about crossing her, that he's put it from his mind.
He's surprising good friends with Khamir, and is the only person to actually be able to talk to the cook without being threatened by a pan or cleaver first.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Dilophoserraptor

Occupation: Pirate
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #5c6a86

Art: None
Notes: None

Tyson is a pirate who works on Raine's ship. He's just a standard member of the crew, with no special role apart from being a little too smart when it comes to strategy and transforms from a laidback guy to a wicked cutthroat in the blink of an eye if necessary.
He was born and raised on the oceans but like the navigator Miron, he originally was a hired sword on cargo vessels, and his job was usually to keep pirates at bay.
Unfortunately, greed was his main motivator and he saw a whole new world that tempted that greed too much. He eventually made off with a substantial amount of cargo and bought his way onto the Adamant.
Life on the ship isn't exactly as he imagined but his enthusiasm and greed get him by.

As a general guy off the ship, he's relaxed and fairly easy going. He enjoys a drink and a chat, and he's got more brains about him than your average pirate, but he's very opinionated and set in his views and occasionally threaten violence if confronted with 'blasphemy'.
On the ship, he's perhaps a little too aggressive, but it's mostly an act he uses to keep people out of the way. He's slightly manipulative, which is born from a fear of people find out what he used to be and he's concerned that if anyone found out, he'd be keelhauled at least, and he's fairly convinced the bravado will stop this from happening. Anyone who he doesn't scare off with his act, he usually changes tact and makes fast friends with them instead.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Bandol

Occupation: Ship Guardian
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #5ea3c1

Art: None
Notes: None

While many ships use boarding parties and gunpowder to engage the enemy, most don't make use of aquatic pets to sabotage the ship from underneath. The Adamant makes use of Muir and Aggron to defend their waters and to perform rescues if member tumble overboard. While they don't communicate with the crew that often, Muir still regards them as his master. However, he truly only answers to Raine, as he is also bound to the boat in the same way she is.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Fighter Werebetta

Occupation: Ship Guardian
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #a50b0a

Art: None
Notes: None

Aggron is the second half of the Adamant's nautical defense. Unlike his smaller friend, Muir, he's tough, aggressive and uses his brute strength to destroy whatever he wants to. He's a fearless predator, who see's the ship as his own and aspires to protect it and it's inhabitants as well as he can.
He is also under the curse and is bound to the boat.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:19 AM


Off the Coast of Lambastia, lies a small cave full of ill-mannered people of all varieties. Their leader Arensis commands these bandits and smugglers with an iron fist, and in addition to buying and selling contraband, the smugglers also have their foot in the door of the slave market. They're not nice people at all.

Male Rabbot MG

Occupation: Smuggler Ringleader
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #691616

Art: None
Notes: None

Both Aren and Kasse ran a small smugglers den together, where they'd trade slaves to pirates for various trinkets that their clients wanted.
Clients contacted their 'ambassadors' in various cities around the country, as to what they wanted in particular, then the Smugglers negotiated a deal with the pirates; X amount of 'slaves' for the particular item.

Aren isn't too keen with dealing with living things but these days, that's all that the 'traditional pirates' want. Slaves made big money around the slums these days.
Aren isn't the best model of Rabbot around, he's a good deal smaller than most and he isn't rust proof and hanging around the Dead Coast isn't exactly beneficial for him either.

Aren is grouchy at the best of times and he's likely to snap at anyone who insults or taunts him, but he's extremely protective of his 'mates'.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Rabbot AC1

Occupation: Smuggler Ringleader
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #fd87b3

Art: None
Notes: None

Kasse is possibly the better half of Aren. She's polite, charming, friendly and in a good mood most of the time.
While Aren is the 'brawn' of the duo, Kasse is the brains. She's smart, logical and her AI is developed to a level to be able to assess plans and logically draw up a battle plan or scheme.

Like Aren, she is deadly protective of the gang, but she shows her devotion to the crew by treating them in a patronising manner, and they treat her back in the same manner. Among the gang, Kasse's the fun, lenient boss, who makes jokes among the group

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Tundragoon

Occupation: Lookout
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #886e57

Art: None
Notes: None

Ardan is a grumpy, battle-loving Tundragoon. He loves to fight, and seriously takes any loss hard. He values his pride and strength over anything else and can be extremely hard to get along with.
He can be civil, but he doesn't take great pains or put any effort into doing so, and thus he is often rude.

However, he is one of the best fighters in the group and will defend the place with his life. He spends most of the time guarding the entrance to the cave system, or getting drunk and most of the others tend to go out of their way to avoid him.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Adler Kuhna

Occupation: Lookout
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Noah x Kossori
Colour: #df230a

Art: None
Notes: None

Damion is the scout and look-out for the Smugglers. He's in charge of keeping a look out for the Authorities while the team are doing their business and he also keeps a look out for potential slaves.
Since he performs these duties, he does not need to actually be involved with that end of the smugglers business, much to his relief.

Damion is generally a quiet Kuhna, who when he does speak generally says something quite insightful.
He's also pretty shy, but his youth makes the rest of the gang feel slightly protective of him.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes
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Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:19 AM


A group of relatively unknown grifters or confidence artists, though despite the name, very few members of the group actually have a way with words. Their jobs generally include breaking, entering, stealing, reselling or selling counterfeits and they have a huge variety of contacts. A few members of their group will do honest work, mostly in the form of information brokering.

Male Lucain

Occupation: Grfiter
Form(s): Quad and Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #ab0449

Art: None
Notes: None

Taniel is a grifter, or a confidence artist. In simple terms, his 'job' is to swindle money out of people by exploiting common human weaknesses such as greed.
Taniel works with one other man, by the name of Logan and occasionally works with another criminal by the name of Logan to pull off impressive things. While his other partners are more skilled in dealing with 'brutish' things, Taniel is the talker of the group and his usual skill is to be able to sell people fake artifacts and trinkets.

He's calm, talkative and somewhat sarcastic, but can be silver-tongued, as per his trade. He can hold out on his own in a brawl, and has had to many times, though he won't stoop so low as to kill and detests getting his hands dirty. He also believes strongly in honour among thieves, though he does realise the sentiment is long outdated.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Lucain

Occupation: Grfiter
Form(s): Quad and Human
Lineage: L x Jon
Colour: #586283

Art: None
Notes: None

Like Taniel, Logan is also a grifter, but his social skills are not something to be desired. Logan is the muscle of the pair, and his skills are better suited to brawling, and (despite his size) breaking and entering. He is certainly not the quietest of the pair and he is quite happy to speak his mind and crack some heads together.
Still, if the man had one weakness - aside from his pride - it would be his superstition and occasionally it makes his work exceedingly hard, as sometimes the pair get it into their heads to occasionally steal artifacts rumoured to be 'cursed'. Though, this superstition can easily be forgotten, at least for a while if he is distracted by a quarrel or a victory over something.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Agile Sygriff

Occupation: Grfiter
Form(s): Quad and Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #c80ed5

Art: None
Notes: None


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Lucain

Occupation: Appraiser
Form(s): Quad and Human
Lineage: Ryuusei x Quarter
Colour: #7776b1

Art: None
Notes: None

Michael, (or Mikey to those who know him) is an appraiser and part of Taniel's grifter gang. He's an expert at knowing the price of rare valuable objects and he knows exactly how to sell them. He's also helps the gang with his knowledge in the creation of 'duplicates'.
As a person, he's generally quite sarcastic and is a 'boy's boy'. He can be a little hard to understand sometimes, due to the presence of a thick British cockney accent. He's doesn't mind a bit of harmless flirting and can sometimes find a large amount of amusement out of riling up others.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: Yes
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:20 AM


A bizarre collection of Kuhna who travel from town to town trying to make ends meet in anyway way they can. They attempt to live off the land, hunting, foraging, gathering and then crafting what they can to sell at their stand when they get to the next town.


Occupation: Travelling Merchant
Form(s):  Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #d0ab75

Art: None
- Azrael and his group was inspired by my Skyrim playstyle. Ie walk between towns, gather, hunt, craft, sell.

The unofficial leader of the travelling merchants. Azrael was just a small store owner before a small cart came into town and disrupted his entire world. He accidentally became messed up in the business of a couple, who had tried to sell counterfeit goods to another customer. Eventually, Azrael and his wife helped the other couple out of town, but because of their actions, they were wanted by the local authorities, so they had no choice but to join the wandering caravan.

Azrael has a commanding aura about him, and isn't afraid to do what he has to do to make ends meet. This ends up with him coming across as intense and scary to the rest of the caravan. The fact that he's the group's hunter and often leaves the caravan for several days to hunt big predators doesn't help reinforce this image.
Despite his intensity, he is respected and would do anything to make sure that his extended family doesn't come into and harm and to make sure everyone can eat every night.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Maybe

Male Grasis Kuhna

Occupation: Travelling Merchant
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Paulo x Sasha
Colour: #ffb051

Art: None
Notes: None

Reyes is the the founder of the wandering caravans, and with his wife, he travels the trade routes of Evelon, sometimes leaving the paths for more adventurous pursuits. Initially they had more people in their crew, Reyes was the business man, they had other people to gather the materials and Tiffany would create clothes and armor to sell. Eventually the others left for more settled pursuits.

Eventually Reyes managed to get a skilled hunter and a jeweler into the group, and they've been travelling for quite a while now. Reyes used to be the leader, but he's happily surrendered that title to Azrael, since he does consider Azrael to be worthy of the title.
Reyes himself is a bit of a coward and a bit of a push over. He's good with words and he's good at telling people what they want to hear. He has an eye for valuable things and he's an excellent trader because of it.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Maybe

Female Ailur Kuhna

Occupation: Travelling Merchant
Form(s): Human
Lineage: None
Colour: #d6722a

Art: None
Notes: None

Tiffany is the mother of the group, and appropriately has an exceptional skill at cooking, textiles and looking after other people. Tiffany prides herself on being able to create something out of nothing, and her husband swears her breakfasts are to die for. In addition to this, she has a vast knowledge of medicinal herbs and first aid, and with 2 hunters it is definitely needed.

Her role in the group is to support the family, by providing food and crafting clothing and armour from whatever the hunters bring in.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Maybe

Female Smilokuhna

Occupation: Travelling Merchant
Form(s): Human
Lineage: None
Colour: #a6886b

Art: None
Notes: None

Taken into the group, due to her affinity for crafting jewelry and small trinket items, and for her fine eye with materials. Devyn is a passive but important part of the group. Usually she swaps between making trinkets and selling items and stopping Reyes from scamming customers at the market.
She's quiet, soft spoken and reclusive but will easily come out of her shell for work related purposes and it's easy for her for to put on a face for social purposes.

She's still relatively new to the whole business and she didn't really support Azrael's dream before they were forced out of their comfortable city life. Even with Tiffany and Reyes' support, she still dreams of home and sometimes resents their ever moving lifestyle.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Maybe
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:21 AM


In an attempt to fuel business for both bounty hunters, and those individuals with unique tastes, a small entrepreneur developed what he calls 'The Dead Run'. This creation is a small remote island, with a fortress, designed to hold all sorts of prisoners. He pays bounty hunters to hunt down criminals, and then charges visitors a fee to hunt down the prisoners and execute them for their crimes.

Male Nonaga

Occupation: Entrepreneur
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #b300d3

Art: None
- Concept of his game inspired by a quest in TES: Oblivion

Arristo is a tricky character to read, sometimes casual and calm, other times aggressive and quite rude. He's a Money Lender of sorts, though not one most people would want to deal with. He's certainly got the money to loan, and is no where near becoming broke, rather it's the fact that generally the people he loans money to go... missing if they can't repay the bill.

See, Arristo had another form of income. The 'Dead Run' was a little game the Nonaga made up, to provide entertainment for bounty hunters, murderers and the like. He'd trick hapless petty criminals and people who owed money to go to an unexplored fort to hunt down treasure in return for their freedom. Bounty Hunters would then pay Arristo to go in and hunt down the defenseless people.

Arristo only has two people he truly trusts, those being Raphael and Thanatos who he met through the business. The two protected him from an unruly bounty hunter when they came back from a 'game'. From there on, Arristo has been in debt of the two, even going so far to grant them free access to the fort and pointing out good targets for them.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Celestial & Starspeckled Lucain

Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #6454c4

Art: None
Notes: None

Rough, tough, quiet and slightly badass are a few ways to describe Thanatos. He's a bounty hunter of sorts, who only chases the most dangerous kinds of criminals down and kills them; his philosophy is that no killer deserves to live and he's determined to make sure that happens. He's good at his job and he knows it all too well.
He works in conjunction with Arristo, the Nonaga and Raphael the Solorex in hunting down killers, and always enjoys a good game of hunting in Arristo's 'Dead Run'.

Thanatos generally wears a chesty tank top, cargo pants, thick boots and a piece of fabric tied around his upper arm. He's also never seen without a knife or a pistol. He's generally a scrawny kind of guy, compared to his Solorex friend, but his cunning makes up for that.

He's also a reserved kind of guy, not really speaking unless spoken to and ignoring contact unless absolutely necessary. It's supposed to be because of an event in his past that went horribly wrong, but he's never divulged the information.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Striped Solorex

Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #450c07

Art: None
- The first Solorex to be created.
- Based off a Hoatzin

Raphael is one of the top Bounty Hunters out there, relying on brute strength and sheer force in order to out muscle the criminals of Evelon. Though, he doesn't do it for justice or fame, rather just for blood. He's a blood thirsty monster at times and loves to kill, and it doesn't weigh on his mind at all, being the species that he is. He's also very quick tempered and very loud.

He's been working with Thanatos in the business for as long as he can remember - a few days after he was set loose from Einsor's Medical Facility. He had eyes set on Thanatos as his first 'prey', not that the Solorex could eat rather... he wanted to test his skills.

However, Thanatos outwitted him, won over Raphael as an ally and trained him to be a bounty hunter and from there, the two have always looked out for each other, despite the arguments that they get into.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:22 AM


With every city, comes crime and in Aldrect a strong squad of police have been established. Each one officer has their strengths, weaknesses and of course, their own demons.

Male Voidbringer Paragon

Occupation: Police Officer
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Cecilia x Torasi
Colour: #25553f

Art: None
Notes: None

Temellin used to be a respectable business man. He used to own the big fancy mansion, with the large fancy cars; used to go to work every day, then come home to his loving family every night.
In a day, that all changed. He came home one night to find blood everywhere, and his whole family murdered.

Since then, he's gone almost insane. Personality-wise, he's done a compete 360. He's happy to lie, cheat, steal or kill to get what he wants, all under the guise of a police officer. As a police officer, he uses the resources he has to try and hunt down the man or woman who killed his family, and generally while under the eye of his supervisors, he's on his best behaviour, but once left alone, he'll happily kill those who get in his way to solving his mystery.
Surprisingly, he doesn't hate those who kill, instead he probably gets along with them better than those who don't. That's because he uses those people to get as close to his quarry as possible. And in reality, that's how he treats all living beings. They're just tools to be used and thrown aside once you've had a little fun.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Ambia Paragon

Occupation: Police Officer
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Loki x Jorrmundde
Colour: #526f54

Art: None
Notes: None

Julian is one of those 'I joined the force to help people' kind of guys. He's always believed that he needs to dedicate his life to helping the little guy's out, help uphold the law in one of the worst districts in Aldrect. That's what he thought anyway.
He'd had a pretty easy life, until he had been on the receiving end of a robbery and after a short stay in hospital, he on a whim decided that he wasn't going to tolerate this sort of crap if he wanted to someday settle down and raise a family. So he joined up on the force in order to try and make his town a better place, so that one day he would feel comfortable raising a family.

Unfortunately, life as an officer wasn't all it was cracked up to be. He was allocated to the worst district in Aldrect and constantly had to deal with corruption, violent crimes and the frustration of known criminals walking free. Despite all this, he still managed to do his job well and climb through the ranks, until he was renowned enough to take up the Kaurna case. Led by one of the most rogue officers in the force, Julian found his 'by the books' method constantly challenged, as Temellin definitely did not play by the books. This causes Julian an incredible amount of stress, as Temellin forces Julian to do things that go against his moral code, and he's always trying to find a moral middle ground between Temellin's wants and the force's rules.

Julian's a simple but intelligent guy, just trying his hardest to do what is right. He's always up for helping anyone and all in all is a sweet guy, just incredibly stressed and overworked by his job.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Placid Paragon

Occupation: Criminal
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #8e1a3e

Art: None
Notes: None

Kaurna is one two-faced villain, that's for sure. Generally by day she's tempered, civil, pleasant, and really doesn't care. Her coworkers would say she's very good at reading people, and she does manipulate people, but not in a malicious manner. She's just a woman who sits down, does her work like a good girl, then goes home. She has a desk job as an accountant, but it's just to pull in the cash so she can go about her 'evil deeds' at night. Every villain needs an income, right?

This said, by night Kaurna is a trained assassin and marksmen. There isn't that much of a similarity between her victims, in a way, her victims aren't the people she actually kills either. She likes to study the lives of others, almost to the point of stalking them, then she decides what they hold most dear to them. Then she takes it away, leaving them to live the rest of their lives in pain and misery She even keeps tabs on her victims, should they ever again find something worth living for in their lives.
She's the woman who killed off Temellin's family and sent the police officer spiraling out of control and made him insane. At the moment, he's her favorite victim, if only due to the fact that he's actively trying to hunt her down and kill her. To her, it's a cold game. She'll deliberately lead him on somewhere, only for it to come to a dead end.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Lucain

Occupation: Police
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Laurel/Jinhai Yue
Colour: #bb8d6d

Art: None
- Modern AU of Ashe, forms can be swapped for breeding purposes


Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Carapace Paragon

Occupation: Police Officer
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Effie x Phantom
Colour: #e91350

Art: None
- Loosely based off a gender-bent Vi from League of Legends.

Brother to Xuan and more sensible out of the two. Van is a police officer, who plays mechanic in his free time. He spends most of his time at work trying to track down criminals and vandals, and likes to try to modify weapons and machines in his spare time, to help the cause. He's not so confident in his skills to modify equipment, but he's stubborn to a fault and won't give up on it.

While Van is slightly more sensible than Xuan, he's also quite prone to not following rules and gets quite violent when confronted with a problem. When he's angered, he thinks with his fists and he is quite cocky about his fighting prowess. He's quite brash, has a rather crude and abrasive sense of humour and is stubborn to a fault. He considers criminals to be punching bags and his job as a police officer as suggestions rather than guidelines.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Carapace Paragon

Occupation: Criminal
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Effie x Phantom
Colour: #0796d2

Art: None
- Loosely based off a gender-bent Vi from League of Legends.

Brother to Van and is quite childish, reckless and has a complete disregard for anyone's life but his own. He's an outlaw, with a gun obsession, and the ones that make the biggest, loudest bangs are his favourite. He is currently taking shelter from the local authorities in his brother's tool shed, and occasionally stealing his projects to turn against the town.
Van is none the wiser about Xuan's completely manic and destructive attitude, and has no idea he's chasing his own brother down. Xuan makes a special effort to hide his identity, and not actually let Van see him.

He's got no real intent to harm Van, he just faces the unique problem of Van being part of a group tasked to stop his warpath, and really just loves his brother dearly. He does all that he can to not hurt him too much, but he accepts the fact that he might accidentally kill Van one day.

Xuan is manic, and always has a wild spark in his eyes. He's a little childish in attitude, and things such as destruction and arson never fail to get him excited.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:22 AM


The dirty alleyways and slums of Lamenolai crawl with those poor, homeless and unfortunate, but among them is a Chaos who looks out for them, and they do the same in return. Human visitors to Lamenolai know the Chaos as the shirtless juggler, Chaos visitors know the Chaos to be trouble, and Dweller visitors don't last long enough to know.

Male Street Lusikross

Occupation: Street Performer
Form(s): Human, Paragon and Chaos
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #d5790c

Art: None
- A DnD character of mine.
- Character Sheet

Harutte is an odd Chaos, small for his species, covered in glowing sigils and for the most part considers himself a human. He also has a habit for accidentally getting either himself or anyone he hangs around in a large amount of trouble or killed (for the latter), which was how he earned the suffix on his name. These 'sigils', 'markings' or 'tattoos' (on his human form), he is able to use to manipulate the minds of others. By flashing or making specific symbols pulse, he is able to either hypnotise, frenzy, calm or attract others.

Harutte was born into a small, but secure tribe of Outcast Chaos where he grew up and lived among them for 4 years, before deliberately giving them away to someone working in the Rebellion in exchange for a Dweller. Unfortunately for him the arrangement was a lie and he had to flee so he wouldn't be killed. The Chaos ended up fleeing to the human realm, and hiding in the closest city, which happened to be Lamenolai.
There in Lamenolai he took up the name Hart Langren, and hid with other homeless humans in the sewers and slums, and through the use of his abilities, made friends and set up a 'watchdog' system. This system allowed him to use the human homeless to keep an eye out for predators (other Chaos) or prey (Dweller), while he made a quiet and not so honest living by charming the money out of people's hands by picking up a trade in street performance.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Lab Rattegan

Occupation: Pet Rat
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #221b18

Art: None
Notes: None

Dog is Dog. Pet of Harutte. Yes Harutte is aware that Dog is a rat, and yes Harutte is aware of what a dog is. He's been on the human plane long enough, and he'll knock you out of it if you continue to ask questions.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Sabbit

Occupation: Street Rat Chaos
Form(s): Human and Chaos
Lineage: None
Colour: #d50d08

Art: None
Notes: None

Quirky, perky and likes to cause trouble. Sticks to Haru's gang and is pretty much a thorn in his side as well as another Chaos belly to feed.
However, he does keep Rahmundde (Or Munday, as the humans call her) around for her abilities. She's able to summon invisible shields or barriers, which is excellent for catching Dwellers. She's also got an acute sense for other Chaos, which makes her good for detecting competition.
As a Chaos, she's a giant, scaly hare. Stands at the same size as Haru, though she's still growing. Possesses 4 ears, and first set of paws have opposable thumbs

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Terra Hydrolisk

Occupation: Street Rat
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #664d12

Art: None
Notes: None

Kirsten was born on the streets and has lived there her entire life. She's one of the wiliest, smartest homeless people around and for years she's evaded authorities for her petty crimes and thefts in order for her and her partner to get by. And when word started to spread that a new guy was trying to organise the homeless in order to increase survival and make living conditions for them better, Kirsten was the first to check it out and subsequently became one of the first permanent members in Harutte's gang.

Since then, she's been one of his best spies, able to spot a Dweller in a crowd and is always part of his more extravagant heists and operations. However, due to her increased exposure to his powers (purely accidental for the most part), she's become rather infatuated with the Chaos and is starting to get frustrated that he just ignores her. She spends a lot of her time plotting dangerous heists and doing dangerous jobs just to get his attention, but it hasn't got his attention so far. Also due to her infatuation, she also does not question his need to gather information on the Dwellers.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Shinzo

Occupation: Street Rat
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #928eaa

Art: None
Notes: None

Quiet, another top 'Dweller-Spotter', if only due to a unique gift of being able to read minds to a degree. He had a long term relationship with Kirsten going before Harutte came. Recognises Haru is not human, is suspicious but doesn't say anything because he realises the Chaos has mind manipulating powers.
Plays along with his game out of curiousity and food.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Chaos Likuta

Occupation: Chaos Outcast
Form(s): Human and Chaos
Lineage: None
Colour: #d52f14

Art: None
- Also goes by the name Otter Bitch

Agrenekke came from Harutte's original tribe, and was the only one to survive the ambush. Agren is lithe, quick and uses speed in order to outfox her enemies. She recognises Harutte as the betrayer, and after she escaped, she vowed to track him down and kill him.
She has little, to no regard for humans and does not care if a few humans get killed along the way to her goal.

As a Chaos, she stands at about 14" high and 22"5' long, and roughly resembles an Likuta crossed with a Kamee. Possesses an Likuta head and body, but claws are splayed and possess the ability to crawl on most surfaces and on most inclines, also possess a long whip-like tail. Flat Likuta spines line legs, hindquarters and tail. Has 6 legs and 4 eyes, though lacks use of back left eye and left forelimb. Coloured black and red, suggesting blood is more pure than the rest of her tribe.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: N/A
Public Breeding: N/A


Occupation: Chaos Outcast
Form(s): Human and Chaos
Lineage: Paulo x Sasha
Colour: #821803

Art: None
Notes: None

Agren's mate/partner. Isn't too keen about spending the rest of his existence chasing down a Chaos but he puts up with it for her. He's a nasty piece of work, vicious, stubborn, and not something you'd want to meet in a dark alleyway.

As a Chaos, he stands at about 18" high and 20" long, and roughly resembles a large, spiny panther.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:29 AM


Around the shores of Barakka and Lambastia, it's whispered that a ghost ship lead by the infamous Captain Killean haunts the sea, and the skies. It's told that it's savage crew of monsters tears apart every ship it encounters, regardless of purpose. Captain Killean of course thinks this is all a hysterical joke, but likes to keep up the front. He does indeed captain a ghost ship that can turn invisible, fly through the skies and seas, and return to an amulet form.

Male Ambia Paragon

Occupation: Pirate Captain
Form(s): Human, Chaos and Shadow Chaos
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #ea001f/ #30273A

Art: Sleepy times with Ciku, Derp, Shadow form head, Booty Game
- Based off a DnD character of mine

Jorrmundde, or better known as John Killian in the human realm, is a downright, lying, nasty, cheating piece of work. He’s a nasty sea dwelling Chaos, who would sooner murder an entire town in cold blood, then take a bullet for a crew mate or friend. While he’s not outright malicious, he has very strong survival instincts and will do whatever he can in order to ensure he survives, while his enemies die, even if it means outright betraying someone because the tides turned in a battle.
He was not always this way though. Before turning to piracy, Jorrmundde was just an ordinary outcast Chaos, living with his tribe. His father was the leader of the tribe, but the tribe did not make their home on land, but rather on the seas. His father, Sio, was in possession of a strange necklace, that had been passed down their family line for centuries. The necklace, on it’s own was ordinary. To the common eye, it boring sphere of what appeared to be just common stone, gripped in a metal talon and attached to a rope. However, this necklace had the ability to summon a mighty ship, in which the tribe made their home.
Jorrmundde never keeps a crew for any length of time, in fear of a mutiny and often will only take humans and Outcasts who have been wronged by their superiors.

As a human, he dresses in a rather odd way. His upper attire consists of a plain off-white shirt, under a fancy black vest adorned with filigree-like impressions and lined with silver. Over that, he wears a thick, full body black trenchcoat. His pants are simple black leggings and he wears worn boots. His hair is a dark orange, that has been artificially dyed to have blond highlights. He has a neat, well kept short boxed beard.
He's a rather odd looking Chaos, with a fox-like canine head, two small ears, left covered in piercings, the right completely in tatters. Two large gold eyes, and two smaller eyes sitting above and more central. Several scars on face.
Possesses a long Wyvern-like bipedal body, with two large bat wings. Hind legs also function as secondary wings as they possess webbing that runs from his ankle to his belly. Also has a long tail which is used like a rudder. Often Mistaken for a Dragon/Wyvern Chaos.
Covered in thick leathery skin, with coarse thick fur running down his spine and a mane around his neck.
Colored maroon-black with purple-red markings and cyan accents. Mane is same as hair color, dark orange with bright orange highlights. Markings include ‘spectacle-like’ markings over his four eyes, belly markings and stripes along his sides and long stripe markings along wings.

During his travels, he's come across some strange magical objects that have augmented his Chaos Powers. A notable one is a suit he's picked up that somehow melded into his very being and he can call it to cover his body at will. In human form, it manifests as a sleek, tight fitting black leather set of armour, decorated with black feathers. In his Chaos form, it alters his body to look more like a black Gyrraptor. It covers his once bare neck with a thick mane of feathers, adds facial markings and a Gyrraptor-like mask and covers his bat-like wings with feathers.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Pipe Paragon

Occupation: Pirate Chaos
Form(s): Human and Chaos
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #006aff

Art: None
- Also known as Dragon Bitch/Fire Bitch

Ignatte, or Ignatus (to humans) is the second in command of Jormundde's ship and is the only one game enough to hassle the Captain on a day to day basis. In fact, John's probably more afraid of telling her to stop, than she is of undermining his authority.
She's a wily Chaos, who enjoys giving other people trouble and will not stop her sassy attitude for anyone. She's naturally got no respect for authority and likes to go out of her way to torment others. However, on the other foot, she's a ruthless First Mate, and will not tolerate tardiness or attitude from anyone else. This combined with the fact that she can turn into a giant firebreathing Chaos, whose's body temperature is so high it can instantly evaporate water, has earned her the title of 'Dragon-Lady' aboard the ship.

Her Chaos form resembles a paragon in structure. She possesses 3 sets of limbs, all armed with deadly claws that can turn white hot, a long neck lined with spines and a head with many eyes and crowned by a mane of tendrils. She is able to fly with a set of delicate looking insect-like wings which in addition to being aerodynamic, also produce an incredible amount of fire forced through jets which increase speed of flight. When angered, she also can force super heated magma out through vents in her spine and her ordinarily dark black skin will light up blue.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Sailfin Paragon

Occupation: Chaos/Pirate
Form(s): Human and Chaos
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #af0000

Art: Human Form
- Character belongs to Baal, he's being permanently loaned to me for John's sake.

He's a Fish Chaos, came from a clan of other Fish Chaos who were a bit crazy, worshipped a Fallen Seraphim and were bossed about by Her other Seraphim Generals. He's a skittish guy, capable of running very fast, and he often uses this whenever there is trouble. He was assigned to watch over the Chaos Jorrmundde for Her, but was quickly won over by his natural confident aura and appears to have a small crush on the captain. Unfortunately for Ciku, he's just treated like a pet dog.

Chaos form resembles a small four legged fish-like lizard with sharp teeth and only about the size of a large dog.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Sure

Male Lavamancer Paragon

Occupation: Pirate
Form(s): Human and Chaos
Lineage: Jorrmundde x Loki
Colour: #d42805

Art: None
Notes: None

John's biological son, though his mother is unknown. It is well known that John likes to get around, and Joki's the unfortunate result of John's easy going lifestyle. The Chaos boy was born to a human parent, who quickly abandoned him due to his strange eyes, which meant Joki as forced to take care of himself from a very young age. A group of homeless people brought him in and treated him like he was one of their own, but Joki couldn't stay due to the Hunger and the need to hunt Dweller meat. Joki had no idea who or what he was, but he knew he needed to kill and eat the weird purple haired things to stay alive.

Eventually, John pulled into the port and recognised the boy for what he was and invited him onto the ship. Joki still has no idea of his parentage, but is happy he found a community of Chaos who can teach him how to be a Chaos.
Jokisankke is generally quiet, timid and sensitive, despite his rough upbringing and generally tried to be thankful for every small thing. He helps out with the general labor around the ship.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Frost Paragon

Occupation: Chaos/Pirate
Form(s): Human and Chaos
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #4c5453

Art: None
- Convict is my late pet Crowntail Fighter brought to Evelon

One of John's crew and a Chaos though his real name is unknown. He's currently inseparable from his friend Jailbait, and the two get into all sorts of trouble together. They initially just got caught up in crime and gangs and made enemies on both sides of town, before they stumbled across John who was hiring Chaos to be his pirate crew. The two immediately joined up.

Convict takes the form of a Werebetta-like Chaos when angered and has the power to phase through objects, which is why jails have never been able to hold him. He's a trouble maker, and likes to get a kick out of annoying people. And he hates stating in one place for too long.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Sparkdrake Paragon

Occupation: Pirate
Form(s): Human and Chaos
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #34371f

Art: None
- Based off my late Bristlenosed Catfish.

The other half of Convict's tag team, and the more laid back one. He happily follows Convict into any sort of trouble, and only realises what a bad idea it is when he's stuck in a jail cell with no way out. He is a Chaos, who takes the form of a large fish, and really has no powers to speak of, save for an exceptional swimming skill.
He's part of John's grunt and is quite happy to do heavy labour or kill, depending on what the captain has asked him to do.
He's morally blind, and so long as he's following orders, he is happy. He doesn't really have any qualms about doing any work. He's laid back, doesn't go out of his way to make trouble and is considered to be Convict's voice of reason from time to time.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes
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Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:29 AM


Once again, war has struck the land and the Imperials have banded together to invade Barakka. The army has no qualms about who it recruits, and as a result, the forces are made up of all types and all species. If these guys aren't on the front lines, odds are they'll be in the Mess Hall.

Female Frost Paragon

Occupation: Imperial Major
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #b4020c

Art: None
- A notable figure in the current Purine/Imperial War

Major Katharine Duporth, or simply Major to her subordinates, is a high ranking officer in the Imperial Army, and is one of the sole officers in charge of organising reconnaissance efforts and then in turn, studying gathered information to present to Taima.

She originally had been conscripted into the Imperial Army and sent off to the front lines during the first war. However, she did not quite make it that far. Katharine had made a habit of sneaking past the guards to find comfort in the war animal's company. Eventually she was discovered, but the higher rank soldiers were so surprised that she had slunk past unnoticed and got along extremely well with all the animals, and was given a job tending the animals to get her off the front lines. Eventually she received more training in stealth, and was sent out into the field to recover intel on the Purines. It was during this time, she was attacked by another assassin and had her life saved by an unusually small, oddly colored juvenile Magistrey.
She then taught this Magistrey how to be her second eyes and ears and the two are now very close friends and completely rely on each other out in the field.

She's very laid back and very easy going, despite her rank and gets along with most of the generals and foot soldiers. She's prone to trying to be witty, and is well aware of the attention that her gender attracts, and for the most part, she acts dumb to the attention. She may have a secret crush on a specific general, but she'd never tell.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Royal Magistrey

Occupation: Spy
Form(s): Bird
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #920600

Art: None
Notes: None


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Placid Paragon

Occupation: Demon Hunter
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Katharine x Katrina
Colour: #b5020c

Art: None
- My OC from the game known as the secret world. For now, she fights for the Imperial army for her own reasons. Liaisons with DUTY though.

Ianthe's a demon hunter, working under the cover of a secret society that had evolved from the original Templars, in order to combat evil creatures behind the scenes, without ordinary society finding out. The Templars, as they are called, are ruthless and unforgiving to a fault, and have been known to destroy entire towns to get to demons. She is considered special by the Templars, due to her ability focus a special kind of magic into whatever kind of weapon she picks up. She works with 1 other member of the Illuminati and 2 members of a strange terrorist faction called the Dragon, to take down powerful demons.

Her personal kind of preference in weapons are the long range, fast fire weapons, with assault rifles being her favourite. Despite this she knows more in general about weapons than anyone else in her group.
Ianthe is the most serious member of the group, and is quite straight forward, blunt and to the point. She always needs to have her mind on the job, and disapproves of anyone straying off or getting distracted. Despite this no nonsense attitude, when she's relaxing and not off a mission, she can be quite carefree and quite tomboyish, enjoying spending a lot of time in local pubs. She also possesses a sense of humour, off the job, believe it or not.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Orca & Reaper Lucain

Occupation: Spy/Assassin
Form(s): Human & Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #13005d

Art: None
Notes: None

Bastian at first glance appears to be a man wrapped in mystery and enigma. He's quiet, reclusive and doesn't let himself become close to both - friends, colleagues and enemies. And he does have quite a few enemies, as per his profession.

Bastian, is simply put a spy, or an assassin. He is hired on occasion to steal valuable information from rich clients, or occasionally put a bullet in the skull of a client's enemy, and through these escapades he's been marked as a dead man by various people. Due to this, his taken to hiding his true identity, referring to himself as 'Azur'.

He's generally a quiet man, equipped with a dry sense of humour and a butchered half American, half French accent, due to his mixed upbringing. He enjoys reading, and mulling over things alone and possesses a quiet politeness, most of the time.
This fear of death is also the reason why he does not make close friends, and keeps everyone else at arms length. If he can kill with stealth, it would make sense that another could do the same, and if one took a particular client under consideration, another could definitely do the same.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Darkflame Kuhna

Occupation: Aviator
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Lineless
Colour: #a6502a

Art: None
Notes: None

Lorey seems slightly young for a war veteran, at only being just past his adolescent years. He's a young Kuhna, with a gift for flying air crafts, which made him an ideal choice for the aerial front lines when he was conscripted at age 14 to join the Imperial Army during the Imperial/Purine Wars.
He's had to grow up quickly and luckily, despite being on the front lines he made it out alive, with few injuries and nothing too permanent. However his mount and partner, Ashford the Garudor wasn't so lucky - taking a mortal wound during the war and dying shortly after. After that, Lorey decided to move away from living mounts and onto air crafts made of steel and electricity.

Lorey still blames himself for the Garudor's death and rather harshly judges himself on it. He's slightly reclusive, hiding away from contact in fear that he might loose someone else if he becomes to close. He's friendly, no doubt about that. It's just he won't stick for anything long term. When spoken to, he's got a somewhat naive outlook though what he says can have some dark undertones. It's kind of a bit muddled up - a post war side affect or something along those lines.
He's got a bad habit of smoking, something he won't give up so readily.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Sailfin Paragon

Occupation: Commander
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Jormundde x Ignatte
Colour: #3a71c8

Art: None
Notes:Based off my in game renegade, ruthless background Commander Shepard, who I unintentionally named Miranda before I knew there was one in the next game. Renamed to Alex.

Alex is one of the most brutal, ruthless forces in the army, known for her expertise, her unique 'diplomatic' skills and her ability to get the job done, no matter the cost. In the fight, she is fearless, known to pulling crazy stunts that either put her life, or her crew's in danger. Before the military, she was an orphan growing up on the streets of Aldrect, but eventually enlisted as a way of pulling herself out of poverty. From there, she quickly climbed the ranks. She gained real notice when she was ordered to wipe out a research facility, and did so, killing everyone, civilians included at cost to her entire squad. After this, she was nominated to be in a special task force, operating outside of the law, which she accepted. However the cost of the battle still weighs heavily on Alex's mind and every subsequent loss of close friends in battle can upset her.
She's still extremely good at forging peace between warring factions, preferring to find ways to force them to cooperate, and earning them as allies, rather than wiping one side out. She's also very good at intimidation and aggressive speeches. If no other option is available then brute force will be employed.

Though, outside of the battle, she's a completely different person. Usually, she is very confident in her own abilities, and possesses a quick wit and is very sarcastic. Alex, despite her reputation as a strict captain, is very aware of her crew's needs and has a caring side, and will pull rank if she has to, to get her crew to take breaks. She's very fond of going out for drinks with her crew and likes dancing, even if the entire army knows she's terrible at it. Her list of dislikes include politicians and reporters.
In addition, Alex is not good at opening up to people on how she feels and uses various tactics to deflect questions, avoid people and pretend everything is okay.

In addition to being handy with precision weapons, she also possesses some telepathic powers to help her gain an edge on the battlefield.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Carapace Paragon

Occupation: Major
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #018265

Art: None
Notes: Based off Kaidan Alenko, from the Mass Effect Series and adapted to Evelon.

Kaydan is one of the more reasonable, and arguably one of the most sane members of Alex's task force. He's a softly spoken guy, who possesses a kind heart, a stubborn attitude and a strong moral compass, which can sometimes get him in trouble, and staring down the end of a barrel with his Commander.

Before the army, he grew up in a small training facility designed to help kids develop telepathic abilities under the mentor of a ruthless, cruel trainer. Kayden eventually ended up killing the tutor for stepping out of line and hurting a close friend, but as a result the other kids became scared of him. While he is exceptional at performing his abilities, he is quite susceptible to bad migraines and headaches if there is prolonged use of them.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Maybe, for a new form
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Lucain

Occupation: Infiltrator
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Emery/Miranda
Colour: #348be8

Art: None
Notes: Loosely based on the concept of an Asari Commando


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Lucain

Occupation: Mercenary
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #ff411b

Art: None
Notes: Based off a Krogan. Not necessarily Wrex, Wreav or Grunt. Just embodies a basic Krogan.

Aralakh, while possesses some ability to think outside of killing things, rarely ever does it. His favourite place to be is in the middle of gunfire, and his favourite thing to do is to belt some poor sod's face in with his fist, while the rest of their friends try to stop him. To the regular person, Aralakh just seems like a mindless thug, always looking for the next contract and the next person's face to bash in, or the next building to explode, and generally they think that for a very good reason. However, Aralakh is probably one of the most loyal men on the team, actually is quite good at thinking if he actually ever stops to do it and fights primarily so his family back at home can live another day.

Alex keeps Aralakh around mostly for appearances, as having a headstrong warrior who forcibly needs to be stopped is more of a liability than a help, or so she thinks. Aralakh disagrees with her reasoning and believes he's the only reason why missions go so well, and he's got quite the ego to match this view point.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Soveris

Occupation: Jet Pilot
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #8d5020

Art: None
Notes: Takes inspiration from both Joker (ME) and Wash (Firefly)

A smartass pilot of the Horizon who unfortunately has the skills to match his ego. Jack is one of the most experienced and gifted fighter pilots in the forces, and his special skills were assigned to Alex's squad because she had need of an aircraft that could both serve as a transport and as a fighter if the situation called for it.
For this reason, they needed a pilot who could both fly the jet offensively, defensively and keep the crew safe at all costs.
Jack, aside from knowing he's one of the best pilots out there, has a very dry sense of humour and often uses it to deflect sensitive topics and as a coping mechanism, though it can sometimes draw him some heat from the rest of the crew. Despite the attitude, he sincerely cares about the state of the crew and if there's any disagreements or arguments between members, he's right there with Alex, attempting to calm it down.

Unfortunately Jack suffers from Lobstein syndrome, though it's not so bad that he can't walk. He however can't participate in fights without serious risk of being hospitalised and he can't walk without braces.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Soveris

Occupation: Artificial Intelligence
Form(s): Human & Software
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #a4938c

Art: None
Notes: Takes inspiration from both EDI (ME), Cortana (Halo) & Soma.

In an attempt to make a fully sentient AI with the same mental and emotional needs of an organic individual, a small project arose with the goal of taking a brainscan of a human and using it as a template for a fully functional AI. The project went bust shortly after it started, and the Imperial army salvaged the work and continued it in private. Eve eventually came to be a prototype of the work, and was given a body, grown out of a tube, and made out both living tissue and electronics but there were fears she could be come rogue, so they placed constraints on her programming and instead re-purposed her to be a virtual intelligence. The body was also stored in an offsite facility.

Eventually, she was released of her constraints and her body was recovered. Eve is now a fully functioning member of Alex's crew, known for her sarcastic humor, skepticism and bad jokes. She's programmed with the desire to collect knowledge, have priorities (or 'wants') and remains true to her function of wanting to protect her crew.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:30 AM


A small group of creatures trying to make something out of themselves out in the lonely wilderness of the Vast Plains. They're led by a slightly crazy Rabbot by the name of Skippy, but they all answer to a trickster spirit. They generally have little purpose in life, but to enjoy the sun's warm rays and avoid predators, though some of the group answer to another calling or come from painful pasts.

Male Dreamwalker Kuhna

Occupation: Spirit
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #5e3f2a

Art: None
- Patterns and markings are based off indigenous Australian Art

Durrin is an ancient spirit who haunts the Vast Plains and protects the animals that live there. He's considered to be something of a Trickster Spirit and he's whimsical and not as malicious as Murgin sometimes is, but does tend to make it difficult for  trespassers to make their way through his territory. He's close friends with the native animals and does consider them to be his charges. However, his interactions with some animals have caused them to take up a more... extremist viewpoint, with Skippy being one of them.

He's an easily amused spirit and rarely angered and enjoys a good banter, he's also a bit of a smart mouth and enjoys harmlessly pranking people. When angered, he can raise the very earth in order to defend himself and his territory.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Dreamtime Tavil

Occupation: Spirit
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #e85700

Art: None
Notes: None

Another trickster spirit that inhabits the same land as Durrin and his darker half. Murgin is also very protective of his lands but lacks the patience and benevolence of Durrin and often chatters to the animals, convincing them of their duty and Skippy is the direct result of Murgin's string-pulling and the Rabbot reveres the spirit like a god, which is just what he likes to hear.

Murgin is very egotistical, self-important and struggles to listen to anyone but himself. He'd rather rule through chaos and likes extremely elaborate tricks and pranks that usually involve tricking humans and leading them to their doom. He's considered a risk by the other spirits in the area, but he's also quite powerful so no one does much about it. Some spirits consider him to be a benefit, as the area has seen no human impact in many years. Durrin is the only one who stands up to him, and if only because their powers are on par with each other.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Rufus Rabbot

Occupation: Wild Animal
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #b77c50

Art: None
- Colloquial name for a Kangaroo

Quite easily said, Skippy isn't your most friendliest Rabbot on Evelon and needless to say if you're the human kind the word friendly doesn't even exist in his vocabulary.
Skippy detests anything to do with humans, and any creature aligned with humans and has made it his personal goal to make humankind miserable. It's a daunting task but he believes that if he works little by little, he can do something and hay, if he gets some supporters on the way all the better right?
His ideas are a little scatterbrained, but they get the job done, he's also pretty erratic and can come across as a bit manic.
In that respect, Skippy is also pretty handy when it comes to fire and he likes nothing better than to burn man-made objects down.

The reason for Skippy's hatred goes back into his life as a joey and is quite clichéd and simple. Humans came through and destroyed his home, killed off his family and skinned them, right in front of Skippy, who was hiding in the nearby bushes. And from then on, he vowed to cause chaos and disruption.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Perevi Drakel

Occupation: Wild Animal
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #938a7c

Art: None
Notes: None

Peta is Skippy's longest friend and has always stuck by the Rabbot, despite better judgement. He's smart, cunning and a strategist - a fact that Skippy usually disregards - and he has a natural ability to formulate achievable plans.
Again, Skippy usually ignores his friend's idea and just uses the Drakel to scout out an area before charging it.

Peta is always up for a heated argument, a trait he developed through being friends with the Rabbot and will constantly try to bait the Rabbot for an argument. He follows the group because he believes in their cause to some degree, but mostly out of loyalty to his friend. He, like Kyeema realises it's a lost cause, but entertains the idea because it's an amusing way to spend the time.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Bilby Rollaby

Occupation: Wild Animal
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #7b716c

Art: None
Notes: None

Meenah is an easily impressed, easily mislead, and extremely dangerous member of Skippy's gang. The little Bilby was the first member of the group, closely followed by Rayé, and was roped into the gang after watching Skippy burn down a lone abandoned house.

A one-off conversation may mislead someone to believe that he's perfectly sane, but after a length of time, it will be obvious that he seems to have a little more than just a screw loose. Meenah enjoys explosions, just a little too much and spends most of his time trying to concoct more effective gunpowder solutions. He's not too bright with technology, so if Kyeema is not around, he'll just throw explosive powder everywhere and wait for Skippy to ignite it.

His affinity for explosions hasn't left him unscathed though. His fur is thin around his front (but it isn't noticeable until he turns around) and he has quiet a bit of trouble hearing people, and talks rather loudly.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Numbat Diosol

Occupation: Wild Animal
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #855a3f

Art: None
- Coat pattern is based off an Australian marsupial, the Numbat.

Rayé is the healer or medic of the group, and due to the manic nature of the members of the group, she gets pretty close to overworked on occasion. Rayé has a broad understanding of natural cures, health, anatomy and first aid, due to the fact that she was kept by a doctor as a pet, until she got it into her head that she should escape.

When she did escape, she bumped into Delgyte who had been injured in a raptor attack. Eventually she won his trust and he allowed her to patch up his injuries and ever since then, the pair has been inseparable. Rayé usually acts as Delgyte's mental support and stability, usually calming the excitable Bilby down, but ever since joining Skippy's group, that's been a little more difficult than usual.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes


Occupation: Wild Animal
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: None
Colour: #8c6d58

Art: None
- Name is taken from an unnamed Aboriginal Tribe Name for 'Of the Dawn' or 'Kangaroo'

Kyeema is the newest and most recently recruited member of Skippy's gang, and is the odd one out of the mad Rufus Rabbot's group. Kyeema is quiet, soft spoken and rarely raises her voice, unless things get out of hand. Most of the other group respect her, as she has more of a mature outlook and is the most mentally sane out of the group.

As a small joey, she was taken away from her family and experimented on by humans. They did all sorts of things to her, injected various substances, some beneficial, some toxic and near fatal, as well as cutting her open and performing various surgeries or putting her through extensive shock 'treatment'. During this time she held on to life determined to not let the pain and torture consume her and in the end she outlived almost all the other patients. However, all her senses were dulled by the treatment and possesses no sense of taste, and very little sense of touch is left. She also suffers from occasional fits and cannot see at all at night.

Thankfully, her time locked up in a laboratory was cut short and she was freed by a mad pyromaniac Rabbot, who was obsessed with destroying such establishments, and quickly signed up to his mad crusade against animal cruelty and just general environmental stupidity. She quickly caught onto the fact that the Rabbot was, A. Insane, and B. His cause was a futile and majorly blown out of proportion one. However, at that point, she was ready to sign up anything to take back her life and throw her pain back at the kind of people who had done this to her. The Rufus Rabbot is also quite smitten with the Shinzo, though she passes off his charming advances as him just being friendly.

While Skippy is a master in wielding fire, and Meenah, the Bilby Rollaby is the expert in using explosives to undermine buildings, Kyeema trained herself in the ways of electronics, as one of the most often types of pain tolerance (or to her torture) tests was involving the use of electricity and she became familiar with how such a thing worked. She's now fairly decent at blowing the power in large areas. Though, these abilities are rarely called upon, as Skippy tends to plan guerrilla attacks that involve burning first, thinking later.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes
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Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:31 AM


A small ragtag group of adventurers who were thrown into the thick of war. They've made it their goal to rid the world of evil, one way or another, and each has their own set of reasons. These characters are either based off my Dragon Age OC's or their respective partners.

Female Desertrunner Lucain

Occupation: Mage
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #3AA2B8

Art: None
- Based off my OC from Dragon Age:Origins. She's an Ice/Entropy Mage from the human origins, which nicely makes her related to Hawke.

She's an adept mage, possessing powers over ice elemental magic and death magic. She can freeze her enemies solid, or at least slow them down with her ice magic, and then can sap away at their life force with hexes, and curses.
While she initially comes off as cold and distant, she has a big heart and is willing to help those in need. Her outward coldness comes from her upbringing, as she was sealed off from the rest of the world because her parents were ignorant and knew little of magic. When she opens up to someone, she's warm, friendly and sometimes not afraid to crack a witty comment at someone else's expense, so long as it won't upset their feelings.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Maybe

Male Hyaena & Warrior Lucain

Occupation: Warrior
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Zachery x Blondie
Colour: #98764a

Art: None
- Loosely based of Alistair from Dragon Age: Origins

Alistair is a man of no important origin, but was born an orphan and taken into the church at a very young age. He was trained to be a knight of the church, and to crush out evil, but was terribly unhappy with his life. As a result, he fled before he was officially sworn in, and instead pledged to destroy evil in his own way.
Alistair met Selena in his travels, and the pair have been inseparable ever since.

Alistair is a little sheltered and has been so used to being bossed around, he's rarely able to stand up for himself, despite having such a straight moral compass. His sheltered attitude has prompted other members of his party to joke about his intelligence. He deflects his self esteem issues by using humour, and generally can come up with an inappropriate witty remark at the best of times. He's also quite shy in regards to his feelings and can come across as a bit awkward.
When he does have a goal or an aspiration though, he can follow it with a fierce, stubborn conviction, if motivated enough.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Mabari Diosol

Occupation: Dog
Form(s): Dog
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #791716

Art: None
- Based on a Mabari hound (need to google what Kaddis it's using)


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Rogue Kuhna

Occupation: Rogue/Assassin
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #a61e22

Art: None
- Based off my Dragon Age 2 Hawke.
- Related to my Warden.

Korinne grew up in chaotic circumstances. Born while her parents were on the run, she had to grow up quickly, learning how to steal, hide and pickpocket from a very young age. When one of her siblings started to show signs of being a mage, Korinne picked up a pair of daggers and began to learn how to use them in order to protect her family, without their knowledge.
Eventually they settled down in a small town and picked up more respectable trades. In the proceeding years, her father died to illness, war struck the land and her brother was killed in the escape. Eventually, when her family made it to a place safe from war, the struggle continued as Korinne had to sell her services to a smuggling ring for a year in order to pay her way into the city, and pay off her gambling uncle's debt. She eventually got tied up in a plot to go on an expedition and immediately jumped on board with the hopes she'd be able to move her family into something safer than the slums, however, her sister was fatally injured on the trip.
Eventually, due to her entanglement with important people and being in the wrong place at the right time, her family finally moved out of squalor and into comfort, and things were going well. However, she had some new friends and they brought their own problems too.

Korinne, even in a relationship is quite wild and unrestrained. She's an open flirt and is extremely good at spinning people around her fingers. She's a social chameleon, and can be loud, obnoxious, charming or suave, should the situation require it. She's an extremely sarcastic person and often responds to any situation by cracking a joke about it, or deflecting serious things with humour. While irritating for her friends and most of the time it's in poor taste, it's a method of coping for her. Despite the outward exuberant personality, she's very shut off about anything personal and will refuse to mention anything regarding her family or relationship issues, often at the cost of straining friendships. She considers both friends and family to be the most important things people have and she puts her own relationships above her own personal happiness.

She loves drinking, and never shies away from an opportunity to cause mischief. She hates stiff formal gatherings and will often either try to spice things up in her own special way or just ditch the event for a 'real party'. She's utterly terrified of spiders and death, specifically the death of close friends.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Spirit Kuhna

Occupation: Mage/Healer
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Azrael x Devyn
Colour: #ab7a46

Art: None
- Loosely based on Anders from the DA2 series.

Anders is a mage, skilled in both schools of creation and primal magic. He was pulled away from his family at a very young age, so his magic wouldn't be a threat to others, but he hated it and frequently staged escapes, though with limited success. Eventually, he was sentenced to an entire year of solitary confinement and after that he escaped, and this time for good.
During his escape, he met a spirit of justice that was trapped outside it's realm and offered to let it possess him until he found a way to get it back, but instead they became one person and Anders believes the damage done is permanent. The spirit enhanced his natural abilities, turned his anger at the Circle of Magi into a need for Vengence and also made him highly unpredictable when angered, threatened or faced with an injustice.

He's an incredibly headstrong and stubborn individual, and is wholly committed to his cause. He's proven that he's not above emotional manipulation, outright lying or killing in order to get what he wants, even at the cost of his relationships. Due to this and the fact that he's never forthcoming with his plans (even if they were supported), he's not exactly popular amongst the people he associates with. He's well known for being extremely vocal about injustice, and quite passive aggressive. Before the joining, he was cocky, had a sharp wit and a smart mouth, and it still shows from time to time.

Despite all this, he has a passion for helping those less fortunate and downtrodden. When the party stops in established cities, or whenever Hawke stops for a longer period of time, Anders will do his best to offer his healing abilities to those who ordinarily couldn't afford it, for free.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Mabari Fenref

Occupation: Dog
Form(s): Dog
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #c4906a

Art: None
- Based on a Mabari hound from DA2


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Lavamancer Paragon

Occupation: Warrior/Inquisitor
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #c48229

Art: Chibi
- Inquisitor OC from Dragon Age

Ashe Trevelyan is from a noble family. Being the youngest of four brothers, she had little in the way of responsibilities but there was always pressure from her family to do more. There were constant threats to swear her off to the chantry at a very young age, and then once she hit her teens, attempts to marry her off became unbearable. Despite being an atheist, she took a keen interest in Templars and quickly became enamoured with the concept of sacrificing yourself to protect other people. While she was still too old to join the Templar order itself, her brothers helped her pick up a sword and taught her to fight with basic weapons. Eventually she got professional training with a sword and shield.

Eventually she inevitably got caught up in a plot to kill a religious leader, and her interference marked her with a magical scar that was revealed to be slowly killing her. She took charge of a small private army, and is now attempting to chase down and kill the person responsible. With her own life already on the line, she had no problems turning to a highly addictive and dangerous substance that grants enhanced abilities, and will often do extremely reckless things.

Initially, she was a little reluctant to accept her role, but has since embraced the opportunity to use her influence to help people. She's stubborn to a fault, headstrong and immensely dislikes all the ballroom cloak and dagger antics associated with her background. Not to say she can't put up a facade and act the part when she's been invited to fancy parties or negotiating diplomatic incidents, she just does not enjoy it.

Despite the heavy things going on in her life, she does her best to keep her head high, and just take things as they come. She comes across as pretty cheery, and really enjoys bad humor, especially puns. She'll humor her friends antics, no matter now crazy and can be a bit of a giggly nuisance when around the right people.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Knight Honeydew

Occupation: Knight-Commander/Military Advisor
Form(s): Human & Paragon [For Breeding]
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #5b1f11

Art: None
- Based off Cullen Rutherford from the DA series

It is generally agreed that Cullen bears the look of a man who has seen far too much. At a young age, Cullen very enamoured with the idea of becoming a Templar, and strived his hardest to train and join the Order. He was deployed to a mage circle, but it fell to demons and he was imprisoned and mentally tortured and forced to watch his fellow Templars die. He was eventually rescued, and was redeployed and for a while firmly believed in his cause, despite whispers of corruption. His own Commander eventually went crazy and ordered him to kill an old friend and the Kirkwall Champion, and he was forced to turn on her, once again his views on the world completely shattered. He eventually was recruited by Ashe's Inquisition to lead, train and advise on military matters.

Despite the trust issues he developed over the years, he is fiercely loyal and will not back down from a fight, even if the odds are completely against him. Due to his devotion to training, he hasn't had a whole lot of time to develop his social skills and is easily flustered, embarrassed or put out of place and he has little to no patience for politics and machinations of nobles.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Mabari Shielupe

Occupation: Dog
Form(s): Dog
Lineage: Custom
Colour: 705E60

Art: None
- Based on Cullen's Mabari from Trespasser
- Named after Loyal Betyar, Dragonslayer. Who I didn't even know existed until I got him on Heroes of Dragon Age

Abandoned by some Orlesian, who probably had him as a pet. Imprinted on Cullen. Is a massive doof.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Tattooed Diosol

Occupation: Hunter/Rogue
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #dd262a

Art: None
- Alt-Canon DA:O Character, Dalish elf turned into one of Hawke's contacts.

Initially Quinn was from a small nomadic group of travellers, but her wanderlust eventually drove her to leave her clan and venture into cities.
Despite best intentions, Quinn normally has a very bad habit of not understanding customs and social cues and often any attempt at helping people, ends up horribly backfiring. The one thing she can rely on, is her ability to blend in and sneak past anything without being noticed and her ability to use a bow.

Much to Hawke's dismay, she's constantly getting into trouble with city gangs and low-lives, and is constantly needing to be bailed out of trouble. She's very talkative, quite naive and generally likes to try to view the world in a positive light.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Mirror Kuhna

Occupation: Bandit
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #aa4729

Art: None
- Alt-Canon DA:I Character, Qunari turned into one of Hawke's contacts.


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Lucain

Occupation: Templar
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Naberius/Meeka
Colour: #15078e

Art: None
- Alt-Canon DA:2 Character, Human turned into one of Hawke's contacts.


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Lucain

Occupation: Mercenary Leader
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Myxed/Zexi
Colour: #057ae2

Art: None
- Alt-Canon DA:O Character, City Elf turned into one of Hawke's contacts.


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Non-binary Sparkdrake Paragon

Occupation: Pride Demon
Form(s): Human, Demon, Abomination, Shapeshifter (inside dreams)
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #925796

Art: None
- Based on a Pride Demon


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Non-binary Voidbringer Paragon

Occupation: Sloth Demon
Form(s): Human, Demon, Abomination
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #ab3d59

Art: None
- Based on a Sloth Demon


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Male Sandshark Paragon

Occupation: Desire Demon
Form(s): Human, Demon
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #1c3085

Art: None
- Based on a Desire Demon from The Masked Empire/DA:I
- Baal told me to


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes
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Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:32 AM


Two separate groups of ragtag heroes travel across the lands, in a desperate bid to stop a rival from awakening monsters fierce enough to destroy continents. All characters here are based off my Pokemon OC's.

Male Legendary Fenref

Occupation: None
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #cf6b2a

Art: None
- Based on an Arcanine


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Cat Ferret Rabbot

Occupation: None
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #d61321

Art: None
- Based on a Zangoose


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Wood Gecko Gallizar

Occupation: None
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #5ca92d

Art: None
- Based on a Grovyle


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Big Jaw Insonia

Occupation: None
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #5ab4f6

Art: None
- Based on a Feraligatr


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Female Mouse Khimera

Occupation: None
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #d77e03

Art: None
- Based on a Raichu


Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:33 AM


A lone hunter and their pet cat travel around the world hunting all sorts of big game.

Female Armoured Scordrak

Occupation: Monster Hunter
Form(s): Human and Paragon
Lineage: None
Colour: #a34d22

Art: None
- Based on my Monster Hunter Character. Used this form because I don't stick to any particular armour.

Keeley is one of the town's more renowned hunters, known for taking down a large variety of dangerous beasts, Wyvern, Elder Dragons and the occasional raging Fanged Beast. Though these tasks were never set before her by the guild, instead Keeley and Kayde prefer to travel the lands, hearing rumours of aggressive beasts terrorizing townsfolk, and pursuing them in the hopes of it turning out. It works out, due to the fact she can still get a lot of causal hunting done on her way to the town, so even if the rumours did turn out to be false, she at least didn't' waste her time.
She still has her guild badge though, in the case of a nation-wide catastrophe, she just prefers to take her caravan out and hunt casually.

Keeley is laid back, care free and has somewhat of an arrogant attitude, firmly believing in a high risk, high reward mindset and this is reflected in her fighting style too. Her weapon preference is the large and unique weapon known as a Switch Axe, known for it's ability to shift between a sword and an axe, and due to it's heavy nature, it puts the hunter in a lot of danger. But that's just the way she likes it. To make up for this though, she's extremely resourceful and makes it her business to know everything there is about hunting monsters and their weaknesses.
She's also a true hoarder, and loves to use her monster materials to create new armour and new weapons, so she's prepared for any situation, and the back room of her caravan is a cluttered mess of equipment of every sort of color and style.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: N/A

Male Assault Kuhna

Occupation: Monster Hunter
Form(s): Anthro
Lineage: None
Colour: #d0943e

Art: None
- Based on my Monster Hunter Ace Palico. He's actually grey and black striped but this Kuhna's colors reminded me of the basic Palico armour, so we're sticking with that. I mostly keep my Palicos as 4 Healers and 1 Stealing, so his abilities are based off that.

Keeley's most trusted and most experienced partner and he's pretty much the only guy who can tolerate Keeley's obsessive and paranoid attitude when it comes to hunts. He's a laid back Kuhna, who can take the helm if needed. In the field, he's an expert at recognising herbs and how to mix concoctions to keep his human alive, as well as being fast and mobile enough to distract monsters from mauling his hunter for too long.

He's calm, patient and will happily take the time to coach his trainees well, so they can serve under him, hunt on their own, or go find their own human to take under their wing.
Due to his training with Keeley, he's also got a good handle on the behaviors of each monster and what you do to kill or capture them. He's no encyclopedia but he can hold his own in a trivia competition.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Headless Kuhna

Occupation: Monster Hunter
Form(s): Anthro
Lineage: None
Colour: #28660c

Art: None
- Based off one of my main for hire Palico's in MH4U. She's a Stealing Palico, and my highest leveled non-Ace Palico.

Kartia is one of those cats who knows she's needed. She's smart, sassy and full of attitude and will go at her own pace, rather than someone else's. She was picked up by the team from a Feylne camp, and she knew that she could lead this team towards greatness.

Kayde doesn't really get along with her for this reason, but she secretly likes antagonizing the other Palico by deliberately slacking off anyway. In the field, she excels at stealth, keeping quiet, avoiding the monsters attention and using ranged attacks to keep them at bay. She also utilizes this skill to steal off monsters when they aren't looking, and thanks to her unique skills, she's able to produce all sorts of useful and rare scales and materials from monsters.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Lavamancer Paragon

Occupation: Wild Monster
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #71853a

Art: None
- Based on a Rathian from the Monster Hunter Franchise.
- Based on my pure hate for the species. There is no redemption for them.

An overly aggressive and grizzled individual, though not as a result of the Frenzy Virus. She seemingly hasn't bothered to take a mate either and actively chases off any interested Rathalos. Rathian has also been observed chasing off Tigrex and Zinogre out of her territory. She barely tolerates the company of the local species of bird wyverns and sometimes goes out of her way to kill them out of spite.

She used to once have a mate, but the Rathalos had attempted to protect their territory from an intruding Shagaru Magala, and instead fell prey to the dreaded virus. When she tried to help him, he turned around and attacked her, forcing her to fight him back. Since then, not understanding the nature of the virus, she's trusted no Wyvern.

No hunter has ever bested her, save for one. It snuck into her lair, attempting to steal her food, and enraged, she tried to chase it off. The hunter didn't get the message, so she attempted to eat it instead.
What she didn't anticipate was the hunter's strength. They almost killed each other, and were too weary to finish the other off. So they both reluctantly went their own way. Rathian never forgot the hunter though and vowed to kill her. They've had a few run ins, but neither has managed to kill the other yet.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

[Ay-peks Rath-ah-loss]
Male Grim Paragon

Occupation: Wild Monster
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #941e2e

Art: None
- Based on a Rathalos infected with the Frenzy Virus from the Monster Hunter Franchise.
- No Apex Rathalos exist in game, so he's sort of not canon, but oh well. It fits in with my plot.

Was an ordinary Rathalos, decided to try and win over a Rathian who had an incredibly violent history with other Rathalos. Still, he persisted and eventually won her over. They had decided to make a nest in a mountain, when a strange virus began to infect other creatures and make them incredibly hostile.

Rathalos wasn't prepared to give up his dwelling however, and flew off in search of where the virus was coming from. What he didn't expect to see was a Shagaru Magala, but he attempted to drive it off. The Rathalos didn't stand a chance against the Elder Dragon and was forced to flee, but in the conflict it had inhaled too many of the small scales that carried the infection and it too came down with the terrible disease. It returned to the nest, unknowingly carrying the virus, but after it had incubated, he awoke and turned upon his mate, driving her away from the nest.
Eventually, the Wyvern overcame the virus, and embraced it, becoming an incredibly violent and hostile monster. It remembered the Shagaru and once again fought it, using it's new-found strength to repel the monster and take the mountain for itself. It now currently terrorises the mountain, all memory of it's past life gone.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

[Sill-ver Rath-ah-loss]
Male Lavamancer Paragon

Occupation: Wild Monster
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #8c8885

Art: None
- Based off a Silver Rathalos from the Monster Hunter Franchise

Not much is known about this elusive monster.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

[Ah-zur Rath-ah-loss]
Male Lavamancer Paragon

Occupation: Wild Monster
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #2c7c87

Art: None
- Based off a Azure Rathalos from the Monster Hunter Franchise

Not much is known about this elusive monster.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

[Shag-ah-roo Mah-gah-lah]
Male Carapace Paragon

Occupation: Wild Monster
Form(s): Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #9e8b48

Art: None
- Based off a Shagaru Magala from the Monster Hunter Franchise

A proud and regal creature, though a very deadly one. Shagaru Magala possesses a very potent virus that it uses to infect it's prey, turning them against their allies before they too fell to the virus. Killing monsters in such a way ensures that Shagaru would always have a large amount of food available to it.

Shagaru Magala believes itself to be above the lesser Gore Magala and above the weak Wyverns and Beasts and it's vanity can be it's downfall. Because of this vanity, it's been repelled by skilled hunters before and other Elder Dragons, due to the fact that it hugely underestimated it's target and the fact that it's virus doesn't affect those groups very well.
Shagaru regards those kinds of monsters with a large amount of contempt and will aggressively lash out over and over again at them to make it's power known.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes
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Re: [--Lost Thoughts

Postby Redd » 05/02/2015 2:34 AM


A small lone cabin in the Whisper Forest is the only landmark for miles, and within it are the small family of an adventurer and sword for hire. The man of the house is not usually at home, and instead he uses it as a storage house for all his trophies. His wife, adopted children and houseguard can usually be found here though.

Male Rockbeak Paragon

Occupation: Mercenary
Form(s): Human and Quad
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #ad754b

Art: None
- Based off my Khajiit OC from Skyrim. No idea why I chose a Paragon form though.

Khesis is a free spirited adventurer and craftsman, who is never seen without his trusty blade or bow. He makes a simple living by travelling. When on the road, Khesis will hunt game, dive into ruins to look for trinkets, and then will try to sell his findings in the next town. He usually haunts the more market orientated, or isolated towns, due to the better sales.

He's a friendly guy, and willing to help out a stranger, for a small fee. He, however isn't a family man. He used to travel the countryside, with his trusty companion, Lydia before he fell in love with a woman from a small town in the northern most regions of Lambastia. He tried to settle down, got married, had two small children, but the call for adventure couldn't leave him sitting idle.
So, he employed his companion to watch the homestead while he traveled. He unfortunately isn't the most faithful of men, if only because of his inability to keep commitments.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: Yes

Female ???


Occupation: Bodyguard
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Custom
Colour: #097eb6

Art: None
- Very loosely based off Lydia from one of my Skyrim playthroughs.

Leona was an honourable servant to her lord, and that's what put her in such a mess. She was one of her lords guards, until a stranger came along and offered his services in helping out the kingdom. The lord agreed and sent him off on a mission to set up diplomatic relations with another Lord that they were nearly at war with. When the stranger returned back weary but victorious, the lord immediately assigned Leona to be his personal guard and follow him to the ends of the earth, and duty to her lord is what is keeping her here.

But she's unhappy. Sure the first few months were great, they'd travel the world, fight bandits and wolves, spend winter nights huddled under furs, grasping for warmth and during summer sleep under the stars, but she wanted more. More specifically, she had developed a certain romantic fondness for Khesis, but by the time she had worked up the courage to act on it, he had already found another woman.
Leona had been assigned to watch over the house, and his adopted children, but some sneaky part of her always yearned for another life. To be someone else, or something else even.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: No
Public Breeding: Yes

Female Lavamancer Paragon

Occupation: Housewife
Form(s): Human
Lineage: Atreyu x Kitah
Colour: #a56d3d

Art: None
- Loosely based off Jenassa from Skyrim, the woman my OC chose to marry.

Vanessa is the wife of Khesis, though she unfortunately spends most of her time acting as a housewife. She used to be the simple daughter of a hunter, however, one day a traveller entered their town and asked her to guide him to a spot in the wilds that she was well acquainted with. The pair were struck with misfortune and on the way, they were attacked by bandits. After that encounter, the pair had a strange fascination with each other, and after some long term dating, they eventually married.
Khesis had a house built for his family, and eventually they adopted some children.
She doesn't really trust Khesis's bodyguard, on the assumption that they had been seeing each other before she came along. She never was a spiteful person, but her unbridled jealousy has corrupted her good nature, even despite her own infidelity in the relationship.

Aside from this jealousy, Vanessa is an open, welcoming woman who only wants the best for her children and her husband. However, due to the distance in the relationship, and her husband never visiting home, she's known to visit the town and pick up partners. She's also quite a skilled cook and an expert huntsman.

Public Use
Trade/Sale: Yes
Public Breeding: Yes
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