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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 12/20/2013 3:29 PM

Pet Image/Name: Image Lelouch

Additional References (optional): 1, 2, 3

Order Type: Colored Chibi

Description of Order: Okay, this is Lelouch. He's six, a prince, super-cute, always energetic and cheerful and, above all, a fan of ice-cream, huggies and bunnies (but especially bunnies). He's the one who takes care of all my Diosols in my pen (well, with a bit of help from the adults). He loves them all a lot, so a picture of him with one (or more) bunnies would be amazing. Can be either normal bunnies or Diosol, really, since he normally lives not in Evelon but another world and only comes over to visit.
The first ref - the pencil one - is the most accurate one; the other two are just what Google gave me when I tried to search for more similiar pictures. Lelouch likes to wear rather simple, black clothes (though they tend to have some gold lining here and there since he *is* the prince) because clearly, everything else is super-girly. XD; He has dark violet eyes and his hair is black, not the blueish hues the colored refs imply. Just go with the pencil ref for the most part (his hair also is as messily cut as in the first two refs; the third has it way too straight, but hey, I thought more refs is still good for overall children pictures).

Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): whatever you do the cute chibis with XD

Custom Size Dimensions (optional): ---

Payment Type: RL money, will be sent via paypal in a minute
EDIT: Sent the payment. =D

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 12/21/2013 9:31 PM

Oh yeah. I have...a question. =/ Which I forgot to ask since quite some time, lol.
Are we allowed to make requests for pets-in-planning? As in, we have the characters, but not the pet form yet. In fact, your drawing would help me figure out things, possibly. You see, there is this suuuuper-old videogame called "Demikids", which is from 2003 and for Gameboy Advanced. It's like Pokémon, only with mythological creatures. I've long wanted Felloxes based on the Moirai as I've always (since ten years now) adored the way they were shown in the game (kinda like legendary Pokémon lol). The thing is, all I have of them are their little pixel sprites from the game and I have a bit of trouble there when it comes to base Felloxes off of the little images. So I was wondering if you would be willing to draw a Quick Sketch based only on the sprites. =) Having a "real" image would inspire me much more. =D

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Postby Kyrit » 01/07/2014 6:12 AM

Pet Image/Name: Tamoriel, Cuss, Ardis
Additional References (optional): Tammy sketch (If you can't tell well from the sketch, his hair a bit long-ish in the back)
Order Type: Quick sketch
Description of Order:
"Short curly brown hair with red highlights (almost strawberry blonde in ASHUN SPEAK). He has a bit of a beard on his chin and moustache but not as well kept. He’s quite short and thin. He’s a solid sort of guy, lean and mean (no, really). His hands are heavily scarred and he’s a heavy lifter even if he is kinda’ tiny. He doesn’t hide his hands at all. He’s not well kept, his hair is a little too long and hangs over his eyes, his beard needs to be trimmed. Hair pokes out of his shirt at the top and where ever his sleeves end the hair begins. The hair on his body is a lot more red than the hair on his head, almost firey. He always wears steel toed boots and is partial to overalls and plaid."
^ Stolen character description for Cuss. And.... You know Ardis since you made her. So. Make your NPC. )< Cuss is 5’4” and Tamoriel is 7'7" (and only 4 pounds heavier, lol Seraphim) so.... make Cuss a midget. 8D Ehehe. Such vastly different characters. It's great.Anyways! For what I actually want drawn though.....

Well, I actually wanna give you a choice of two different things. You could either draw the scene where they're getting out of the river when they freaked the hell out about a fish chaos being in there (aka boxers. ;D) and chatting with Ardis oooooooor you can draw the three of them all dressed up for the festival (in which case Tim would need his hair gel'd and fancy). I think either one makes for a nice scene, so. Have fun. C=
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): Digital please~ I wanna color it. 8D
Custom Size Dimensions (optional):
Payment Type: 25 GT~

Edit: BUH. FINE. I caved.

Pet Image/Name: Tamoriel
Additional References (optional): Same as above
Order Type: Quick sketch
Description of Order:
I want you to draw Tammy's undisguised form for meeee. ;___; Because I'd probably die trying. I was thinking maybe an attacking scene with his blood scythe or something. Here's an RP section where his seraph form was described:
His skin became more tanned, his sclera began to turn black, and black streaks began to spread through his strawberry blond hair. To top it all off was what he disliked most of all. His wings were still somewhat in tact, but most of the feathers were gone and replaced  by blood that seemed to hang from bone as if it were going to drip down, only to hang there and move back and forth. The long blood droplets essentially took on close to a feather shape, but they had no where near the intricate build of a feather and thus not the surface area needed for flight.

I've never really... put much thought in to his clothes for some reason. =| Put they'd probably be pretty generic considering he doesn't try to stand out anywhere. Or you could just slap him in that suite he wore for the festival.
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): digital
Custom Size Dimensions (optional):
Payment Type: $15 via paypal (I'll send it after I've slept)
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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/08/2014 4:30 AM

Shieba wrote:Oh yeah. I have...a question. =/ Which I forgot to ask since quite some time, lol.
Are we allowed to make requests for pets-in-planning? As in, we have the characters, but not the pet form yet. In fact, your drawing would help me figure out things, possibly. You see, there is this suuuuper-old videogame called "Demikids", which is from 2003 and for Gameboy Advanced. It's like Pokémon, only with mythological creatures. I've long wanted Felloxes based on the Moirai as I've always (since ten years now) adored the way they were shown in the game (kinda like legendary Pokémon lol). The thing is, all I have of them are their little pixel sprites from the game and I have a bit of trouble there when it comes to base Felloxes off of the little images. So I was wondering if you would be willing to draw a Quick Sketch based only on the sprites. =) Having a "real" image would inspire me much more. =D

Sure, I can totally do that Shieba. :) Sorry for the delayed reply~ I've been trying to catch up on everything. x'D

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/08/2014 7:11 PM

Awesome! =D I'm currently trying to get through the game again to remember their personalities better, but after 10 years I forgot everything about it and the game is super-hard to begin with, so I might need a few days. But you have an order from me still anyway, so it's not like I'm pressed for time, haha. And you have enough customs to do, I bet. =3

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/08/2014 11:03 PM

Speaking of, next order down~


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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/08/2014 11:51 PM

Aaaah, so cuuuute! 8DDDDDD Is that Cinderella? Awww! Bunneeeeh~ <333 Thanks so much, it's amazing and I love it!

Ordering moooore~ I found an artbook for the game, so I'm good with stuff:
Pet Image/Name: No pets yet. Names are Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
Additional References (optional): Little sprites and here the same from the artbook: Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
Order Type: Quick Sketch
Description of Order: So. Moirai. I would love to get a picture of them not as cutesy-little-sprites but real, goddess-like beings, ahaha. Let's see, personality-wise:
- Clotho, the oldest of the three, is the calmest and quietest of them and also the most withdrawn. She's pleasant to talk to, but prefers to just sit somewhere and spin her threads. Even if she isn't using her "magical" spinning wheel for the threads of life, she's usually found with another, normal one. She just likes spinning and can often be found singing while doing so.
- Lachesis is far more outgoing than Clotho, but given that she's not a mortal and doesn't live in the mortal realm, it's not like she's ever socializing much. She's really friendly and usually cheerful, though, and it's pretty hard to depress her.
- Atropos, the youngest, is just as outgoing as Lachesis, but has a bit of a flirty and teasing streak in her. She's never really mean or anything; she stands above pranks and all that as a goddess, but it's still noticeable. However, she does tend to speak her mind far more than the other two and therefore can sometimes seem a bit blunt. She likes to rib Clotho about her spinning quite a bit, though (good thing that Clotho doesn't really get upset about it).
They're all normally really friendly, but have over the years killed a lot of people with their ability, so they are feared quite a bit. However, when it comes to the gods and goddesses around, they're definitely some of the kindest and closest to mortals both in actual behavior and understanding and caring for them.
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): I would prefer pencil, in the same style you did Bentner and Morwena, but I'm cool with other things too if you have other preferences
Custom Size Dimensions (optional): --
Payment Type: RL money (15+5+5 = 25)

And another! 8D
Pet Image/Name: Morwena! You know her!Image
Additional References (optional): I got more refs by now. Your penciled sketch image is still the best and most accurate, though: 1, 2, 3, here's yours lol, and your chibis, 6, 7, 8
There. 8D But seriously, just draw her as you did before because you did besssssst. o3o
Order Type: Colored Bust
Description of Order: I don't know. XD I'm not sure if there's much stuff possible if it's a bust. XD Just do what you feel like doing; her character and all is explained on the first page of this thread in detail if you forgot. XD What you need to know as well which might or might not be important for a bust is that she wears no jewelry and that her makeup is, of course, green (except for her lipstick, of course, which is either pink or red).
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): I don't even know if there's something to choose from here. XD
Custom Size Dimensions (optional): --
Payment Type: RL money (25)

50 GT bucks total. <3 I'll send them in a second!

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 03/09/2014 2:47 AM

It's been awhile but progress has been made! Here's Kyrit's crazy commissions~




As well. I'm going to complete Shieba's soon. After that I will be CLOSING my shop for a bit until I can offer it more attention again. :"I

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 05/11/2014 5:51 AM


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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/20/2015 2:48 AM


Just posting to say my shop is open agaaaaaaaaaaaaain cause I'm a poor sumbitch. 8I ALSO. You may have noticed some changes. I'm now taking orders for pet add ons! 8D

Also please note that due to time restraints, I'm only taking ONE order per person per slot, so choose wisely.C: If anyone has questions, feel free to ask. And read my guidelines on the first post first if you're looking to purchase you some shiny addons.~ That's it for now!

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Kyrit » 01/20/2015 2:49 AM

Pet Image/Name:Image
Order Type: Add-on
Description of Order:
- Top wings turned in to flame wings, as if the little disc was producing the flames.
- Black blood dripping from the bottom wings.
Payment Type: GT or KS, depending on the cost.
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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/20/2015 2:54 AM

Can I snag a slot? I'm about to go to bed, but I'll edit the whole order in tomorrow with ordering form and all. xD; I can tell you already that it's gonna be a colored bust of Bentner. You drew him a lot already, so you might remember him. Or not, who knows? XD The refs are... basically all done by you, too. xD I'll edit the proper form tomorrow, I promise!

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed! (Slots: 2):.

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/20/2015 2:59 AM

@ Kyrit: That'll be about 8 GT or 200 KS. :3

@Shieba: Sure thing! :D Ehehehe I remember him~

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed! (Slots: 1):.

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/20/2015 3:11 AM

~**Another small update but the shop is now more KS friendly! C: **~

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed! (Slots: 1):.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 01/20/2015 3:26 AM

May I snag the last slot? I'll have to get the form together and the pet and everything, if that's okay? ^^ It'll be for add-ons.

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