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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Redd » 07/23/2011 1:20 AM

'Goddamnit Chimera. Shut. The hell. Up.' Alcatraz twisted around in his seat to glare at the Kirund in the back. The said canine, Chimera flicked his master an affronted look, and whimpered before shuffling closer to the car door and settling his head into his paws. On the other side of the passenger seat sat a bizarre, pulsing egg, whose two eyes were locked on the agitated Kirund.

Alcatraz turned back around in his seat with a satisfied air, before a thought struck him. He angrily swung around to face the driver - a lucain - now human for the moment - cyborg. 'Bullet. Why the hell did you bring that stupid idiot of a dog along?'

Bullet initially offered a brief shrug as an answer, but continued when he realised that Alcatraz's angry glare wouldn't subside. 'I can't leave him alone at home. He causes too much trouble.'

'Trouble? I'll give you goddamn trouble! That stupid animal has not shut up since you put it in the car. I'd be better off feeding the stupid thing to the experiments...' Alcatraz growled, but accepted the answer. He'd rather not have Chimera set free any of Alcatraz's experiments - the dog had a knack for opening doors and causing chaos - and Chimera did earn his keep.

Bullet slid a disdainful glance at the fuming scientist but kept his mouth shut and returned his attention to parking the car. 'I'll stay in the car and mind Chimera. I'd make this quick though. With that thing gone, Chimera will get bored and restless quickly.'

'I know, I know. I'd keep your mouth shut Bullet, or I'll get your goddamn voice box removed.' Alcatraz replied, slamming the door. 'Get in the back and keep the dog quiet, I'll drive home.'
He never really liked car drives, especially with the Kirund and Bullet. They did nothing to improve his already short temper and he just wanted to go back home; there were experiments to attend to and he didn't like leaving them alone and unattended for a second. Sure, they were under constant video surveillance and digital monitoring, but the genealogist liked to personally be there for any new developments.

That in mind, Alcatraz grabbed the egg from the back seat and pushed the front doors open to the questionable building with a hasty air. 'Here. I'm here to drop off this egg.' The man thrust the egg into the arms of the first person he spotted, as well as a bag of keystones. 'I don't need an appointment or consultation, I just want to order the Lunar-X Strain, A-Strain and the Fortuna Strain for this thing. Is that too difficult, or did you want me to write that down, step-by-step for you?'


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And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby amapup » 07/23/2011 6:15 PM

The blonde girl walked in, clutching the egg nervously. Although Aussie had neevr been to a scientist's office, she didn't like the look and feel of this place. It felt untrustworthy. She'd won the egg a few days ago, and thought it was the cutest thing ever. But today a friend had seen it and told her it couldn't hatch by itself... Something about it needing it's mother to hatch, and that by now it was only possible to help it through a labratory...

The little egg's eyes were spinning wildly as Aussie approached the desk. She didn't trust the woman sitting there, but she didn't have anyone else to trust at the moment. "Excuse me..." Aussie said, her blue eyes blinking. The woman barely grunted, not looking up from her work. "I was told this poor egg was defective, and looking to help-"

"Leave it here," the old woman grunted, as it was the only appropriate word to describe her speech. Taken aback, Aussie hesitantly set the spikey egg on the desk, before pulling out a white envelope and setting it besides the egg. "My friend told me to give this to you... I don't know how long it takes, but I wrote my phone number on the back of it... Just call me when he's done. The woman glanced at it through her horn-rimmed glasses and returned to the papers. "Don't worry, I'll be back," she whispered to the egg, petting it before she regrettfully turned and left, wondering if she'd done the right thing.

Poor Aussie. If she'd seen the syringe her friend had put in the envelope, she would have never come here.


There was also a note;
One Lunar-X first

A check for 200 KS was enclosed with it.

(Edited because original order was invalid)

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to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby jobiehanna » 07/24/2011 6:15 PM


Evangeline had finally managed to steal the poor egg from the facility. It had been her goal to rescue all the creatures and sneak them into the estate, but the little egg was the easiest to steal. Her mother and father didn't know about the egg yet, and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it once it was grown. That was why she had come to this creepy clinic, to change the egg.
Since she came from a royal family, it was easy to get the money from her parents, mainly because they never asked her what she was going to us it for. They assumed that their 'perfect teenager' was using it to help others. Well, she was, technically helping others, though she didn't know who the 'other' was at this point because they egg hadn't hatched yet. Evvie cleared her throat and placed the egg on the counter. "I'd like a Lunar-X and SP-Strain for this egg please," she said sweetly. Then she rummaged through her shoulder bag and produced a needle, this one she had won from a contest without her parents knowing about. It would make the creature one of a kind for sure. "And, after the Lunar-X and SP-Strain have been inserted, I'd like to use this Fortuna strain on it as well." The preluhna smiled sweetly and handed the ks over.

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Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Mojave » 07/25/2011 11:08 AM

Held in her ephemeral jaws was a basket, inside nestled an evil looking egg with a malevolent eye in the middle. It wriggled in it's socket, staring balefully at everything around it. Gingerly, she placed the basket on the counter and grinned. I'd like to purchase a lunar X and a SP strain please. Once you have used those, I'd like you to use this fortuna strain someone in the home won. She pulled a heavy bag of keystones from around her neck, the number 700 stitched into the cloth.


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Postby Kyrit » 07/26/2011 6:28 PM


"Ooooh. Let's turn it in to a Lucross, Yukimi! They're so cute. I'm sure Miss Kizai would LOVE a Lucross. She could play with it all the time and the Socross would have a little buddy~"

The siblings stood out like sore thumbs the moment they entered the building. They were petite girls of probably fourteen or fifteen, both with their hair pulled up in different sorts of buns and wearing clearly Asian influenced clothing. The one that spoke first wore the more girly outfit, a kimono of sorts that had been turned in to just a shirt and had a skirt to go with it and seemed to be carrying one of those peculiar eggs within her arms.

The other, wearing a pair of hakama and uwagi, was obviously the more quiet, tomboyish of the twins. She shook her head, ignoring her sibling as she walked up to the desk. "Hurry up and put it down. You know she said she wanted a Solorex right now. We can come back for a Lucross some other time. Right now the the Solorex is more important than having another housepet." As she finished fussing at the other young girl, she looked at the man behind the counter and placed a syringe on the counter. "We already have one of those Fortuna things. We need a Solar-X and am A-strain. Well, we need to buy them at least. You can go ahead and just use them all on the egg."


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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Flame » 07/26/2011 9:31 PM

The scene looked almost cliche, like something straight out of one of those mystery or detective movies. The faint shadow thrown upon the cracked pavement seemed to glide along, almost of its own volition, the padded footfalls of its owner silent upon the worn cement. The road had long since turned into nothing more than a narrow alleyway, and the walls of the buildings flanking the street gave the distinct and foreboding impression of oppressive darkness as less and less light filtered down to the ground, as if leeched away by the sinister atmosphere itself. Any lesser, less brave soul (or perhaps one much wiser and more prudent, one might argue) would have turned around at the first sign of what might be described as 'shadiness', but the apparent imminent danger seemed to pose no particular threat to the trespasser. Indeed, she seemed quite at home amongst the shadows, and if one didn't know better, they might have thought that this was her 'natural habitat', so to say.

However, the young woman's garb seemed to quite contradict this theory in and of itself; after all, who would have dressed as cleanly and elegantly as she who now wandered through the less-than-savory backstreets of the city? The thing (for lack of a better word) in her arms though, seemed a little more fitting for the occasion. A spiky, horned top jutted out from the circle of her gentle embrace, a scaly red mass visible just beneath it. Upon closer inspection - if its bulging shape was anything to judge by - it was quite clearly and unmistakably a large, lumpy egg of some sort, but the most disturbing part about it was not its unnatural size or its strange textures and protrusions. No, after all, how many eggs did one come across in a lifetime that had eyes sticking out of it? The red orbs were catlike and slitted, and to pull off the entire effect, they weren't even the same size or vaguely close. One almost grotesquely outmatched its counterpart in diameter, giving the egg quite a demonic look overall. Nevertheless, the young woman who held it swaddled carefully in her arms treated it as if it were a newborn infant, making sure not to jostle it too much, though with its thick shell and intimidating horns, it looked as if anything it was thrown at should have been more concerned for its own safety than the egg's.

Abruptly, the willowy woman came to a halt with a swish of dark cloth, bright silver eyes seeking a nondescript door which they soon fell upon. There was only a brief moment's hesitation as she glanced between the smooth steel and the bundle in her arms before she carefully extricated one hand to turn the cool metal doorknob and slipped inside the building, leaving no trace of her presence behind in the once again desolate alleyway.

The scenery inside was a stark contrast to the dark, grungy atmosphere outside. It had that distinct sterile, hospital sort of feel to it, which was no less than Nocturne might have expected. At least the people who ran this place had some sense of cleanliness, which was a slightly comforting thought, considering the services she had come here in search of. For the time being, the room (one would assume that this was the waiting room, of sorts) was vacant save for the newcomer and her silent companion, but she knew that someone would be along shortly. In the meantime, she crooned softly and soothingly to the egg, and perhaps it was a figment of the imagination, but one might have heard the faintest rumble of a response from the otherwise immobile, impassive sphere, although its mismatched eyes did flick towards her face to gaze unblinkingly back at her.

The sound of footsteps on tile finally drew Nocturne's attention away from her unresponsive charge as she looked up to see a bespectacled man in a slightly blood-smattered labcoat approaching her. A faint, metallic clinking belay the robotic components which made up the mechanical arm which was mostly hidden under the doctor's sleeve. "Good afternoon," she said politely by way of greeting, her voice fluid and almost lute-like in quality. A small smile accompanied her words as she glanced over this 'doctor', as if judging how good of a custodian he would be just by appearance alone. "I've heard that you have means of..." here she paused momentarily, glancing down at the silent egg, "helping this little fellow along." Indeed, she'd had the dormant creature for quite some time now, and still it showed neither indication nor inclination of changing its current state. Rumor had it that it was incapable - something about incomplete genes - of moving to its next stage of development without some help of some sort from outside, and it was said that this was the only place to go for these cases. So, here she was, speaking to the only man who could help her and her charge.

Shifting the egg over securely to one arm, she procured first a syringe of clear, light-golden fluid, then a hefty pouch that clacked heavily from the folds of her loose-fitting black clothes. "These should cover the procedure," she stated simply, passing them over to Einsor. "There should be 700KS in there; 200 for the Lunar-X syringe, and another 500 for the SP-Strain. I believe you know what to do with the Fortuna Strain?" Her glance was meaningful as she turned her gaze unwaveringly upon the doctor once again. "I hope to hear that you've treated my charge with the utmost care and that I shall see both of you again soon. Your many accomplishments have reached my ears more than once, and I'm sure I won't be disappointed with your efforts." She turned her attention away from him to bend near the egg once more, murmuring softly to it, although whether it comprehended (or even heard) what she said was debatable. "I'll be back for you soon, alright? I promise. Behave yourself while I'm gone." With that, she passed her precious bundle carefully to the patiently waiting doctor, and with a last, parting smile and a brief dip of her head in acknowledgement, she swept across the room and a moment later, had vanished through the door once more, leaving the egg and its treatment and payment quite alone with the doctor. A faint rumble issued once again from the unmoving patient, its eyes now fixed steadily, innocently, trustingly upon its temporary keeper.

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 07/27/2011 7:06 PM



Einsor had been busy catering to one of the experiments strapped down to a metallic table, when his scalpel almost slipped. Wincing in aggravation, the mad man turned to see Dr. Eichburg come running in excitement towards the operation table.

"Look, look! I made zeeeeees. Zey luff meee~!" He giggled, followed by an entourage of vicious creatures, though the larger ones waited outside with predatory patience. Einsor had let Eichburg introduce the serum samples into the eggs (something that delighted Eichburg to no end). So far, it looked like he'd done a decent job with a ranged turn-out. "I filled out ze forms too~" He sure seemed proud of what he'd done, so Einsor gave him an acknowledging nod and accepted the clipboard full of reports for each of the experiments he saw before him. Scanning the reports, Einsor's eyes scanned the pages and saw the profiles for each creature. Hrm. Everything looked up to par, actually (minus Eichburg's horrendous handwriting).


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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby jackie125 » 07/27/2011 9:53 PM

Storm was in his human form, taking a Lucross to the Clinic. His owner had been too squeamish to. He was basically dragging the Lucross by the leash through the doors of the Clinic. "Your not making this any easier", he said to the creature he was dragging. He yanked the leash as he came to a set of doors. He pushed the scared and bedraggled Lucross through the door.   The Lucross would not be moved. Storm picked it up and more or less threw it through the door. "And stay in there!", he said to the Lucross. He casually walked in after the shaken creature. He walked up to the desk and Said to the worker there: "I am here for you to experiment on this." He pulled the Lucross out from behind him to show the worker. "Also, I will give you this Fortuna Strain to work with. It was purchased for me from Haunting-Ur-Nightmares. I am sure you will improve on this thing."

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Thunder » 07/28/2011 2:51 PM


A tall, blond haired man with a scar on his left cheek walked into the lab carrying what appeared to be a Mysterious Egg in his arms. The man's expression was blank, indescribable, and his eyes gave no clue to his feelings as they were blocked by slightly tinted, square shaped glasses. He had heard of the remarkable transformations Einsor's lab could provide, and today he was here to see the results of some certain well-known syringes on his egg.

Xenon did not seemed phased by the sight of Einsor, bloody and with a metal hand. He simply nodded at the other scientist, as if he had seen such gruesome sights before. Upon asking to see the syringes, Xenon was guided to them, and he browsed over them carefully, contemplating.

After a while, he finall made his decision. Xenon handed the egg over to Einsor and gestured at two of the syringes. "I would like a Solar-X and an A-Strain to be used on this specimen," he told Einsor. "I believe that would be 700 Keystones in all?" Xenon drew out a bag of cash from his pocket and placed it in Einsor's metal claw. "I am eager to see the results of your research..."

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/29/2011 10:43 PM

Beads clacked together as the young woman swayed with each step into the clinic. This place made her a bit nauseous, she had to admit. She didn’t know what went on here, but from the things she’d seen coming in and out, she had a fairly good idea. She just hoped her beloved little egg would remain mostly unharmed. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen to it once she dropped it off, but she hoped it would feel better. It’d taken ill as of late (how one could tell an egg was sick, she had no idea; she just did) and she’d heard tiny little coughs coming from inside the shell.  When she’d asked the menagerie proprietor about it, Millie had merely smiled enigmatically, handing her a bag of keystones (A rather large amount, which she wasn’t quite sure what to do with) and a strange syringe full of strange liquid. She’d said it was to ‘make the egg better’ but the young Fellox woman wasn’t entirely sure that was all true. What if it only made things worse?

She gulped slightly when she reached the desk, wondering if she was doing the right thing in handing over he little eggie. She’d been told to ask for a specific vaccine to help make it better, and when coupled with the weird syringe full of gold liquid given to her, she’d been told it would cure the strange cold her egg had recently acquired. Hefting the bag of keystones, the syringe, and her egg onto the counter 9the egg was cradles in a soft bag slung over her shoulder). “Um, hello,” she began timidly. “Uh, I was told to give you this Fortuna strain and ask for a Solar X and A strain as well? You see, my egg has caught a bit of a cold recently, and, well….I was hoping you could help it. It’s been coughing and sneezing and it just sounds so bad.” She shoved the bag of keystones forward. “I have keystones I can pay with. So please…” She sniffed, looking a bit upset. “Can you help my egg?”


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I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Shieba » 07/30/2011 2:10 AM


Dear goodness! It was Haephnes again! Where did she get these eggs from? She had been so very pleased with the last one, so it probably didn't matter. Einsor was making quite a small fortune off the strange Fellox, that was for sure. She had another basket with her egg, this time with a multi-colored ribbon, and the usual bag of keystones. "Hello, my dear!" She beamed at Einsor. "I got another of these cute, little guys! They're so amazing, you know? Can you do what you are usually doing to them again and make it all grown and pretty for me? My son gave the instructions like he always does. You two must be so good friends by now!"

She put her note onto the counter as well. It read: "This egg is to be injected with Lunar-X and SP-Strain after purchasing them. Afterwards, a Fortuna Strain is to be used on it. Payment has been sent for it by haunting-ur-nightmares."

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Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

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I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Jessari » 08/01/2011 2:17 AM

Image  Image

Gravity sauntered into the clinic, so much attitude loaded into each step that it was a wonder he didn't crack the floor tiles. He didn't really want to be here. It wasn't the clinic's fault, really. It was just that Gravity didn't much like dealing with people. This was a necessity, though. More and more outsiders were finding their way into his graveyard, and while his sanctuary was far from being overrun, he thought it prudent to obtain a watchdog of sorts to guard the boundaries.

"I am in need of a Lusikross. Please." The last was an afterthought, further evidence of his low socialization skills. He set the egg on the counter, along with a bag filled with ks. "Here's my egg. I'll need it to be injected with Lunar X, and then the SP-Strain. Ah, and once it's made it to that stage, go ahead and stick it with a Fortuna Strain." Why not go all-out? It's not like he needed to put back the money to pay the heating or electric bill.

((So, in this post, I'm purchasing the Lunar X for 200ks and the SP-Strain for 500ks for a total of 700ks. I've also purchased a Fortuna Strain (payment was sent to Baal yesterday), and would like that used on the Lusikross. Thankies!)

(Proof of payment not provided.)
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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Chayden » 08/04/2011 6:56 PM


The moment was a tender one. Though he knew that he should never have fathered a child... He couldn't help but love him. His tiny breath, his beating heart, his pure one.
His Valrys.
Chernobyl held the egg tenderly to his chest with his claws. Outwardly, he professed the desire to have a child with his destructive prowess, his unholiness, and his hate. But inwardly... Secretly, he wanted him to be an angel.
Just like his mother.
His gory, beautiful angel.
He placed the egg on the counter reluctantly, trailing the pad of a finger against the cracks surrounding the egg's eye. It blinked at him sadly, and Chernobyl felt his heart clench. In that way, the child was already so similar to his mother: so soft, so clean, the only thing able to get through to toxicity and hardness of his steel exterior and draw its claws through his heart.
"I know you'll have my horns."

/200 KS for one Solar-X, please, to be injected straight away~ I'll come back to purchase and use other things when I have the KS for it laturrrrr~

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 08/12/2011 9:27 PM


"I put moar Breedy Boostieeees up okay?"

Eichburg looked over his shoulder and spoke as he put out another case of Breeder Boosts for the crowd, speaking to... no one apparently. There wasn't anyone there behind him. Einsor had probably left for a break about half an hour ago and that hadn't seemed to have sunken into the poor anesthesiologist's drug-addled brain yet. The imaginary Einsor behind him gave him a wave and a smile (how nice!), giving him the go ahead. "Yeeeey! I put zees up for youuuu~"

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/12/2011 9:36 PM

The young woman stepped into the clinic. Her big, round eyes looked around with something akin to wonder. She'd never been here before. She glanced at the paper in her hand, before she nodded resoloutely. Stepping up to the desk, she carefully set it down. "I'll be buying one breeder boost, please. And I'll be paying with...uh...five dollars?" She seeemd confused at the name of the currency, but shrugged.

(Item recorded.)

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