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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby RiDragon » 01/27/2017 1:33 AM

 "Alright!"  Olive clasped her hands together as she walked into the place.  "We gotta be sure to document our adventure into the Rainforest, just in case we get horribly lost and die.  Or something."  She didn't seem too concerned over the idea, though her companion did.  "Let's just get this over with." He grumbled, rubbing pale hands against each other as if cold.

Area: Tengel Rainforest
Username: Ridragon
[HUNT] Ayo, Let's Go!
- item None


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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 01/29/2017 10:38 PM

Lisa was back. She still didn't like this place much. it was a bit overwhelming, especially trying to squeeze past all the people that visited. But she was on an errand, so this was her job, and she always took her jobs very seriously. "Um...hello. I'm back again. I have a list of new explorations. I wasn't sure if I needed to make a second trip or..." Gosh, she hoped she wasn't bothering anyone.

[Paid; 30 KS]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 02/09/2017 12:19 AM


"Well, hello!" A bright-eyed man with a cap of blond curls walked onto the premises with a sheaf of papers in hand. Tall and gangly, he gave off a rather oblivious air, a bounce in his step and an irrepressible grin. In the light of the sun, he seemed to shine a little himself. It was only slightly unnerving; the rest of him looked too harmless to be any real cause for alarm. Probably.

Brandishing the papers, he said, "I suspect Aram's been here recently, hasn't he? Well, we didn't quite get our mark last time, but second time's the charm! ... Or maybe it's third? Numbers get the best of me sometimes. At any rate, we've done what we could. If you could be so kind as to expedite this, I'd greatly appreciate it."

Thread: Test Run (starting from last roll)
Area: Lya Pointa Cathedral
Item: none

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby RiDragon » 02/15/2017 9:19 PM

Olive skipped into the saloon, already quite familiar with the place though she had only been there once before, and that was a few weeks ago.  Her partner followed slowly behind, hands in his pockets.  Though he appeared to be quite sullen and boring on the outside, he was quite excited for their next adventure.  A city this time, instead of somewhere dangerous or cold.  It would be a welcome relief to be in civilization again.  Though he was annoyed that Olive insisted on documenting their travels.  What was the point if they weren't going anywhere dangerous?  He sighed with a smile, shaking his head.  Olive had her reasons, and he had learned to trust them.

Area: Lamenolai City
Username: Ridragon One Short Day in Lamenolai City - None


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warming, selfless
I will give... I will take

I will feel the stars crash, crash down
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/23/2017 5:32 PM


Clone had already been here once, not all that long ago, really. So, when it came time for things to be done again, she took it upon herself to do so. The Meji skipped happily into the Saloon once more. "Hello, hello!" She greeted the Hydrolisk happily. "I have another few folks that are out and about. Maybe they'll run into something, hm?"


Area: Terrace Park
Location: Children For A Day
Item: None


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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 03/27/2017 7:13 PM


A boy on a bike slid to a stop in front of the saloon. Parking his bike out front by kicking down the leg stand, he dismounted neatly and walked in, digging through his satchel for a sheaf of papers. "Hi, this is the place, right? I've got someone wanting to submit a hunt. They've got the paperwork... I guess they just didn't have time to come in themselves." He laid the sheets out, only slightly crumpled, and grinned a little uncertainly. "This should be fine, right? I---"

Whatever else he wanted to say was cut off as his phone went off. Hurrying to answer it, he said 'yes' a few times, then hung up. "Sorry, I've got to go. Um, their number is at the bottom if there's any problems. Thank you!"

Thread: Test Run (starting from last roll)
Area: Lya Pointa Cathedral
Item: none

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby RiDragon » 03/28/2017 2:00 AM


A tall woman briskly made her way into the saloon, flashing a sharp toothed smile at the man in charge.  "Hello there."  She said smoothly, tapping her sharp fingernails on the counter.  "A friend of mine has asked me to meet her in the mountains, I thought I would just quickly report that I was going, just in case anything happened."  She chuckled lowly, flashing another grin.  "Though I doubt anything bad could happen to me, better to be safe than sorry, no?"  She quickly wrote down her location on a scrap of paper and slid it to the man.

Area: Tuun Mountains
Username/Username: RiDragon A Meeting In The Mountains - No Item


I see the stars,

Drifting aimless
I feel their heat
warming, selfless
I will give... I will take

I will feel the stars crash, crash down
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 03/31/2017 10:19 PM

Sam was back; she'd started a new mission, and she was eager to report in. She stepped into the shady looking establishment, wondering why she was supposed to report to a place like this. Feeling unsure, she inched inside until she found the proprietor. "Um...Sergeant Branigan, reporting?" Her statement was more of a question, and she saluted uncertainly. "I have a mission report to submit. I hope you'll find that everything is, um, in order?" She cast a glance around her, feeling more and more uneasy the longer she stayed.

Rp name: [Exploration] Back to the Barracks
Area: Wilt'no
Item: Purchasing Digging tools
[Linkto the RP]

[Paid; 50 KS]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/01/2017 12:13 AM


More than enough time had passed since Clone last stopped in. In fact, she was late.

Skipping into the shop, the Meji was humming some random, made up turn to herself. As usual, she seemed quite cheerful and beamed at the one in charge of this establishment. "Hello, again!" she greeted him, with a tip of her hat.  "It looks like those kids are still at it."


Area: Terrace Park
Location: Children For A Day
Item: None


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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 04/10/2017 9:33 PM


"Excuse me... Do you... take requests, by any chance?"

The one who walked in was a boy, or perhaps a young man. He looked barely on the cusp of adulthood, still in his teens, though the weary look in his eyes belonged to someone much older. He was slender, bordering upon alarmingly thin, and there were prominent dark circles under his eyes. He would have been attractive in a juvenile way if his cheeks weren't so hollow.

He took a look around the place and seemed to decide that whatever he had come for, it was a futile effort. With a sigh, he shook his head. "Nevermind. Sorry for the bother." Turning on his heel, he left, though a piece of paper fluttered down in his wake.

Thread: Rosewater Rain
Area: Wilt'no Desert
Item: none

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2017 4:01 PM


From what she understood, her earlier friends were still adventuring as they pleased. However, the didn't stop the Meji from skipping into the Saloon once more.

"Hello, hello~" she greeted the one in charge cheerfully. As usual, Clone had a smile on her face. "It looks like my other friends are still out and about. Could you check in on them, perhaps?"


Area: Medicai City
Location: Promotional Speed Dating
Item: None


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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 04/27/2017 3:36 AM


Ji-tae looked up as he brought his bike to a stop, kicking down the kickstand with the ease of long practice. "This place again, huh?" he mused to himself. Dismounting, he checked his bag to make sure the parcel was still there, before heading through the door. He greeted the shopkeep with his usual bright smile.

"I've got another delivery for you," he said, brandishing the package. Contrary to his apparently cavalier attitude towards it, however, he set it down gently. It wouldn't do for this to get damaged by rough handling, after all. He wanted to keep his job. "That's everything for me today. Have a good one!"

Thread: Rosewater Rain (starting from last roll)
Area: Wilt'no Desert
Item: none

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 05/11/2017 3:49 AM


Paperwork. It had never been something Damien particularly cared for, but he recognized it as necessary, he supposed. Of course, it did help that he was largely kept away from it. Someone of his talents was too important to waste on such trivial matters, when it could be delegated to someone else.

This had held true for most of his time among the Order, but not this time around. This particular journey was his own undertaking, and his superiors weren't exactly happy about it. If he was too important to waste on paperwork, then he was certainly too important to waste on some harebrained scheme to look for something in the middle of the Lightless Wilds, especially when that something likely didn't exist to begin with. He was wasting his time, and in all likelihood going to his death. Paperwork didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but if they could use it to hamper him, they would.

"Here," he said ungraciously, slapping down a stack of sheets. "This will suffice, I presume? I've registered my expedition as outlined by our most recent protocols on the matter. Now if you'll excuse me." He turned around and strode out before anyone could stop him.

Thread: A Dissertation on Wilderness
Area: Whisper Forest
Item: none

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Kylo » 05/15/2017 9:39 PM


He did not normally interfere in the affairs of mortals, at least not personally, but it would not hurt to make an exception just this once. He watched the curious exchange of information from person to person in this saloon from the safety of the Void, making note of what information he would have to provide in order to make this work. He scrawled the information down on a thin slip of paper. Waiting until the person behind the counter was not watching he entered the world and left the paper on the counter, before stepping back into the Void. A cool breeze blew through the place and shifted the paper across the counter alerting the reptilian to it's presence.

Thread: Death, Guilt, And Other Dark Things
Area: Lya Pointa Cathedral
Item: None


Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 05/26/2017 1:16 AM


The sound of bike wheels on the dirt path announced the young man's arrival before anything else. He walked in with his usual grin, looking around as if taking stock of his surroundings. "It's me again. Boy, you guys are probably getting sick of seeing me around here, huh?" He had the grace to look a little sheepish about it, but not very much. It wasn't really him sending these letters in, after all. Ji-tae only went where he was paid to go, and dropped off what he was paid to drop off.

"I'll make it quick and be out of your hair in a minute. Just came to give you this." With a smile and a wave, he was out the door again and back on his bike, speeding away.

Thread: Secrets of the Deep
Area: Nodia Sea
Item: none

[Processed up to here]
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