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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Atoli01 » 11/14/2014 11:11 PM

Ohhhhhh boy, do I agree with you, Toxic. Honestly, it continues to get more and more difficult for me to remain active on the site whenever I come back, due mainly to the slowly declining lack of activity on the site. This very subject has been on my mind constantly since I made my return several weeks ago. I've been finding myself thinking, "This site hasn't always been so dead, has it?" I'm not sure if I'm glad or not to hear that I'm not just imagining things.

As for things specifically that have been on my mind as of late:

Lack of roleplays: If it weren't for a select few users which I had interacted with previously and managed to strike up new rps and plots with, I likely wouldn't be posting this right now. It's a bit irritating and discouraging to, say, update a roleplay search thread and not get a single reply of someone even interested in your characters. I completely understand users not finding certain pets to be interesting (as I, like all of us, have looked at some peoples' pets myself and found one here or there that didn't do a single thing for my muse), but there comes a point where... Huh, I don't know, but I used to get a lot more replies to any roleplay searches. Not just mine, but I've noticed a decline in the number of offers that a lot of people have gotten.

Although, I admit, I am biased toward lifemate rps, it seems as that nearly every rp that takes place now is either lifemating, breeding, plot-related or a self rp. That makes it... really hard to find partners, honestly. What happened to open rps? We used to have tons. What happened to just hopping into an rp with no knowledge of the other party's character and seeing where it takes you? Even if it's pointless and has no aim, it's still an rp. Isn't that what we're here for? Even if it isn't an open rp, I think we need to be more open-minded in that field, and, instead of trying to find the perfect match for all of our characters (and in the end, never write a sentence about them aside from their personality/history), we should start rps just because it sounds funny or because it's cute. Who cares if your characters are totally mismatched? People are too! Who knows-- You may come up lucky and find that that dorky character you thought would make for the rp's comic relief may be the perfect match!

Intimidation: I mean this in several ways. Actually, more than several. I don't know how much some of the issues can be related with by other users, but... Well, here goes.

My age vs. others'. I know it's probably a bit silly to fret over something so trivial, but my brain chooses to remind me on a fairly regular basis that I'm one of the youngest members on the site (16, turning 17 in March). It's a bit odd I suppose, but some of the site's older members tend to intimidate me quite a bit. Is my writing good enough? (They've seen and done much better, I'm sure.) Are they judging me for my age? Do they view me as a child? I've noticed that I tend to get along with some of the younger members more easily.

Post length. I'll just mention this to say that I entirely agree with the points made prior. There are some characters which I can write pages about (Marin's eating a sandwich? Bring it on.), but there's others where I simply feel more comfortable with shorter posts. Long posts sometimes leave me drained or I feel as though I simply don't have the time. So, I'll just mark my acceptance of short posts here!

My pets (vs. others'). It seems as though a majority of peoples' "main" pets either take the form of a breedable or a custom. That's all fine and dandy-- I'm the same way! I'm unsure of whether other people are equally affected by such, but I feel quite limited in the number/type of characters I can make going by these standards. A lot of people are into lifemating, and I know there's people who can get turned off by the idea of their favorite pairing never having the ability to make pretty babies, or "wasting" a breedable by lifemating him/her to a non-breedable pet. I feel like that, as a result, could possibly tie into the rp problem. It seems to me that non-breedable pets tend to be glossed over and dismissed more than their breedable counterparts.

My ideas (vs. others'). There have been a fair number of characters that I have scrapped simply because I felt others wouldn't show the same interest in them that I did. In trying to make my characters "appealing" however, I know that I've made some of them so intricate and complicated that they're just... not characters that others want to get involved with.

IRC. Again, something I know is dumb to get intimidated by, but I haven't poked my head in the IRC in years. This probably ties a lot into the other "intimidation" issues (without any evidence, however), but I'm close to nearly no one on this site and I'm concerned that I guess... I'll say something dumb and turn people off? Or that people will judge me in general/not be interested in me.

To sum that portion up, I love the community and would love to be a bigger part of it, but I'm just so intimidated by the tiniest things. Iunno, it could just be a me problem, but I'm just pointing this stuff out in case there's others who share the same view who haven't had the courage to speak up about it/didn't think of mentioning it.

Et cetera: Just mentioning these to tie up loose ends and agree with other people;

User-hosted events: Yes. Just yes. I feel that it's really a way for people to get out of their shells and be more social and get to know one another/our writing styles better, all in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Give me all the user-hosted events. Please. If I ever have a good idea for one, man, I will not hesitate in starting that right up.

Evelon lore. I think this has been bothering me since I joined the site, actually. Evelon is a really great place! Earth has its history, so I'm sure Evelon has its own history too! Everywhere does! Whilst I'm completely lost in the plot, my characters are all floating about and hoping they grab onto something Evelon... y. They all have a differing sense of what Evelon really is, to be honest. And I think that's great! But I know that it would definitely help some people (like me) to have more of a solid foundation for people to cling onto.

On another note, I think it would be really great if we all made an active effort to at least keep the Gossip and Chatter section going. Not only are we a community who should be socializing anyway, but socializing us gives us more chances to get to know people! Not only is that how you make friends, but that's also how new rps come about~

So here's my suggestions, summed up nice and cleanly: discuss post length with rp partners (see what the two of you life best!); start rps just because they seem fun to do, or to develop your character more (not only for the purpose of plots or pretty babies); more open rps; be less shy around other users (we're one big community, yeah!); more official Evelon lore; lots of random gossip and chatter, like the forum says!

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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Thunder » 11/15/2014 5:41 PM

Evelon technically does have lore, but it has never...really been elaborated on as fully as it could be, I feel like. We got some info about the Triumvirate and Seraphs/Chaos/Dwellers, but that seems like just one piece of the puzzle.

@Atoli I promise the IRC is really not scary at all xD; I haven't been on there too much recently, but I've definitely been in there enough to say this. We're always doing really silly things on there. You also don't really come off as 16 years old at all. I know you're one of the younger users, but that's never been any kind of bother. If anything it makes you seem quite talented at writing for your age.

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Postby Kyrit » 11/16/2014 9:03 PM

So Baconwizard (are you fine with Wizard? Or Bacon? I don't know what to call you for short, but I gravitate toward Wizard) asked in PMs if a user based lore thread would be okay, and I did tell her that for the most part we'd have to ask Baal about world building, but she has been fairly open about the staff doing what they want with Evelon's new history (as indicated by the current war).

I also brought up that you guys are more than welcome to at least have a thread that asks us questions. We aren't Baal and thus can't answer everything, but some staff members do know a good bit, especially about the different humanoid races. And you can always speculate too. I'm pretty sure Baal has always wanted things very flexible for users to do as they wish.

I do actually have one bit of lore/history typed roughly in to a story that Baal told us about. Granted... people probably wouldn't learn much from it. xD; Back when I was planning the wiki I was planning on going back and rewriting my scribbles to go in more detail about the story, but then the wiki fell through and all. I would be more than happy to at least go back and finish elaborating on that though if users wanted to read it. =)
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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Silver » 11/19/2014 1:44 AM

I think that any community like this can't sustain itself forever without new members. Many users may stick around, but we all change as we grow older, and may not always have as much time as before. Without a flow of more people with more free time, it will stand to stagnate. As for a solution to this problem? I'm not sure there is one.

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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Mojave » 11/19/2014 3:25 AM

I honestly feel that if there were more breeding rooms/keys there would be more activity. Nobody can deny that things pick up around here when breeding rooms are being released since everyone wants more pretty pets. Not only does activity pick up, but it also helps stir the economy because there will inevitably be trades/sales.

I know the Modmins/Mods/Silv are all back logged and busy with work, etc and that causes delays with babies and nobody wants to wait a month or so for offspring. But at the same time, there are still keys hoarded away and not being used, and there always will be so I don't see how that's a good reason/excuse to not release more. Not trying to fuss/complain/etc I'm just stating my opinion and suggestion.

Also, I know the last couple of contests were duds, but not every contest is going to appeal to the masses- especially if the prizes aren't appealing to the user. We have Alonia, why don't we use it? Everyone wants official lore? Make a contest, the whole of Evelon can have the opportunity to help shape the world officially, and there are pets in there that I'm sure people have been wanting. I suspect everyone with access to the .psd files of the pets sometimes colors a pet out of boredom? Throw it in Alonia.

Also, what about user sponsored events? o3o I'm not sure how the bruma from Millie's event came into existence, but how about an item be sold in the marketplace kinda like a slashbot on Aywas. We can buy them and host a site-wide event and design one pet to be given out during the event by roleplaying of course. No experiment pets, and nothing insanely edited. Maybe just a simple recolor or even an option for a recolor with a simple $3 add-on? If a user decides to host an event, they are in charge of making sure the event is set up to run smoothly. If it fails, it's on the user who 'sponsored' the event and there are no refunds.
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Postby Kyrit » 11/19/2014 4:35 AM

Breeding Keys:
There are currently 19 Kuhna, 32 Lucain, 34 Paragon, and 15 Soveris keys sitting around not being used. Granted, some of these are held by users that haven't been around much recently, some are even held by staff. When there are 30 keys of a single type not being used, to me that just shows that people aren't wanting to use them right now. If I were personally to release keys I'd end up putting a restriction that users with keys couldn't enter, and then we get those users that have keys complaining that it's not fair that they can't buy them, even though it's likely those keys would just be added to the ones they aren't using.

There are also Diosol BBs still in stock in the Clinic that people aren't buying. I understand they're a bit more expensive though, so that's a bit understandable.

If I actually see some breeding activity, sure. I'd totally release keys more often. Of the 10 Kuhna Keys from the key raffle I held back in September not a single one has been used. No one's bred a single Kuhna since June, despite us having gone through a massive effort to revamp them. So yeah. If I'm going to release breeding keys (and this is just me speaking, I don't know how other staff members feel) I'm going to have to see people actually wanting to breed or not complaining when I turn away people that already have keys.

Sponsored events:
I'm not particularly fond of an item that allows anyone that buys it to dictate us making a pet. We have a suggestion thread specifically for user hosted events though, and I love the idea of user hosted events. Zap is currently in the process of planning one that we're gladly giving her pets for, though the pets are indeed taking a bit of time since those ones do require some edits. When users ask for non-customs/just a new pet coloration with minor edits at most they're easy to supply and I'm happy to supply them. Users just... have to actually suggest events, as I've mentioned before.

Contests/Contest prizes:
Most of the pets any of us randomly make eventually get used as seasonals or war pets, though some are also set aside for auctions/raffles and contests. The most recent two contests didn't get much attention, yeah, but that isn't going to keep us from holding contests. We just probably won't do contests of those order any time soon. As for a lore contest, as mentioned earlier, anything relating to the Evelon lore would need to be approved by Baal rather than just us mods. If you guys do have any contest ideas though, please feel free to suggest them. We do have a thread for that, though no one's posted in it since 2010.

Sorry if all of this was a bit long winded, and if it comes off as touchy in any way I promise it's not. Just trying to explain why we have/haven't done anything in each section.
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Postby Mojave » 11/19/2014 7:35 AM

Kyrit wrote:Breeding Keys:
There are currently 19 Kuhna, 32 Lucain, 34 Paragon, and 15 Soveris keys sitting around not being used. Granted, some of these are held by users that haven't been around much recently, some are even held by staff. When there are 30 keys of a single type not being used, to me that just shows that people aren't wanting to use them right now. If I were personally to release keys I'd end up putting a restriction that users with keys couldn't enter, and then we get those users that have keys complaining that it's not fair that they can't buy them, even though it's likely those keys would just be added to the ones they aren't using.

I personally don't give a fig if those who have multiple keys hoarded away complain that they can't buy more. The point of releasing keys is for people to breed their pets. The fact that everyone is hoarding them away makes me feel there should be a rule in place that prevents anyone from buying a key if they already have one of that type.

As for the rest, I completely understand. I just never go to the suggestions forum. :/ And maybe I'm part of the problem there, maybe enough of us aren't going to the suggestions forum.
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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Silverin » 11/19/2014 10:15 AM

I am going to say this :l I am kinda back logged due to some issues in real life. However... I don't do breedings. I am technically the only staff member who does not do breedings at all. (even though a tiny part of  me would love to at the same time.... >3> <3<;;)

Actually let me rephrase that. I don't work on or with the breedings, meaning I don't make babies for folks. So in turn my back log has nothing to do with breedings or babies since I don't work on them.

I however do add ons... I have not done add ons in a while due to the fact that I am back logged with a bigger project... unfortunately this bigger project is not showing face yet :c so a lot of my work as well as work by other staff members is not showing at all. Kuhnas/lukundras and Hondew are the only two things that have showed their faces so far.

The wishing well is another thing all together since all the staff can do that :U. I particularly enjoy doing it.

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Re: Re:

Postby Atoli01 » 11/19/2014 5:49 PM

Mojave wrote:I personally don't give a fig if those who have multiple keys hoarded away complain that they can't buy more. The point of releasing keys is for people to breed their pets. The fact that everyone is hoarding them away makes me feel there should be a rule in place that prevents anyone from buying a key if they already have one of that type.

I have to agree 100% with this. People who have 3-4 keys already have absolutely no right to complain about not being able to add to their collection when there are others who can't get their hands on one to save their lives (who would actually use them). With the exception of my Diosol breeding which Crow and I have been trying to work out for a while now (we seem to keep getting distracted, oops), all of my breedings have been done within a week after getting my key. I know there are other people like this, so there definitely is an interest in breeding that shouldn't be defined by those who collect keys.

Another idea would be to place a time limit on new keys. A user will have two or three months, let's say, before, if they have not begun their breeding, the key will either be deleted or even auctioned off to another user (perhaps a user who does not currently have a key, to keep it from going to someone else who will be apt not to use it) and have the time limit reset? This could be for special event keys, even; not all of them. (The keys could have numbers attached to them for easier documentation/tracking?) This would ensure that the keys get used, and in a timely manner at that.

My original concern with that method was that it would make users feel pressured or rushed to make a decision, although... If it were three months per se, that should be more than enough time to make a decision. My other concern was the timer as well. Would it reset if the key was traded? But then couldn't users trade to someone else and then back again to reset the timer? It would likely be easier for the timer to reset only in cases of the key being auctioned, and have users simply notify anyone looking to purchase the key of the remaining time.

Sorry if it sounds a bit complicated. Just flinging ideas and suggestions around now. It irritates me to see keys laying around everywhere when there's people who would sell their soul to get one.

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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Azura Rayume » 11/19/2014 6:00 PM

I know I tend to hold things for a while (I have a Sov key still) but it's mostly because I'm horrid at making decisions on breeding partners. That said, I wouldn't have a problem not being able to get another key if I had one already with the only exception being maybe if they were currently in a breeding using said key that would be preventing them from getting another. If that sounds fair. Just because I wouldn't want someone who is trying to get a license and only needs a breeding or to to be prevented from getting it for a while because they were currently using said key. Is that sensical? I dunno. Maybe.

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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Atoli01 » 11/19/2014 6:06 PM

^ I second this one. My only concern is that someone with only one key of that type would quickly start a self-breeding (or quickly arrange it with a partner) after seeing the announcement and snipe an additional key. Perhaps this rule would only apply if the breeding was started before the key announcement?

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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Mojave » 11/19/2014 6:34 PM

I personally don't like the idea of a time constraint. I thought about it, while posting, but I don't see anything wrong with having a key just to have a key. My problem with people being allowed to hoard multiple keys is that they're not using the first, why should they have access to more? Now if they choose to use the key so that they can get another, I have no problem with that, the key is still being used. That is the central problem. We have keys that nobody is using when there are people on the site that DO want to breed, and right now, but don't have a key because the ones already in existence are just being hoarded which is preventing more being released. If we had the measure in place that a person had to use their current key before they can get another, people would actually start doing the breedings they have lined up instead of keeping the key and taking their time about using it. But the lack of time constraint means those that are still working out the details/roleplaying up to the breeding, waiting for someone to come back from a RL hiatus (like Middy's surgery for example) don't have to worry about losing their key. They just have to make the choice if they want to breed now with a pair that are ready to go or wait for their partner to be ready.
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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Silver » 11/19/2014 6:43 PM

I definitely echo the sentiments above! If there are this many people saying they'd use keys if they can get some, then maybe the solution is to offer them only to people who don't have them yet. I know I've never even been able to get my hands on one (in my entire time here, even), but I'd definitely use it if I grabbed it.

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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby zapdragon555 » 11/19/2014 6:44 PM

I agree time restraints might not be good, just because RL things get in the way and it's just a tricky business. But I 100% agree on number of key restraints and wholeheartedly support the idea!

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Re: Discussion on Evelon Activity?

Postby Silverin » 11/19/2014 6:45 PM

We actually have been doing key restraint stuff on numbers of keys. Having it so that if you have more than one or two keys of one type means you can't get another this round or can't enter the raffle.

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