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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby crow » 01/10/2016 1:50 AM

Hhhhh all the gifts. All the DARGON AEG GIFTS.


Zein gifted me with this guy and I know EXACTLY what I'm gonna do with him 8) He's based on one of the War Nugs from DAI (I love War Nugs. I love them so much. Why would I ever want to ride anything that isn't a giant pig-rabbit hippo thing); bonus points in that this coloration sort of looks like one of my old HxR creature characters, so this also heralds the return of Grunty. <3 Grunterrrrrs. What a cutie! The new Torkens are so rad.


And Zap got me Fenris! I now have the arch-nemesis to Kreepy's mage husband. Let the glaring competitions begin! Look at his markiiiiiiings ;v; They're so. They're so swoopy. I love love LOVE the color of his eyes. I know they're just based on actual Fenris but that's my favorite shade of green and I am so crispy.
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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby Skeetzybug » 01/10/2016 2:45 PM

Oh, I didn't see this topic!! Look at all these lovely gifts from the season~ Especially loving all the Dragon Age gifts, didn't realize there were so many fans here! >w<


So starting off is the pet I got from Wish-a-Thon!! I finally got my Talbie and I couldn't be happier! Now I can just focus on hoarding customs >3


Next I got a surpurrise from Mojave in the form of this double-gift!! I'm so happy with both of them, can't wait to figure out exactly what they're gonna be.


ThEN!!! THEN! It turns out I got one hell of a pick and Baal was my Secret Santa! They made me THIS beauty, based off my fursona! Eeeeeepp!! I love love LOVE that merling, and the touch-ups done to the Albie itself here make an already charming pet (of course) even BETTER. Didn't think it was possible, really...


And finally. Crow did a number of things for me this year. First, they gifted me a Lucain from their trades to swap into the EPE when I saw that THIS minty beauty I've admiring for AGES had been dropped off. That alone would have been enough - but then then this arrived in my inbox.

It's a Tali based off a Fernhound from Guild Wars 2! I am an absolute GW2 NUT, especially about Sylvari and their entire culture and world. This was a very unexpected, very thoughtful surprise, and I am incredibly thankful for it. As well as everything else they've done this year.

Thanks to everyone, and let's try and continue this kind of thoughtfulness and compassion throughout the year. <3

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/11/2016 6:20 PM

It's far past the holidays now, but, even if it's late, I couldn't let myself just not give credit where credit is due and fawn over stuff.

My Millie box opened up to be this girlie~ Millie strikes again with dropping something on me that has come from one of our own pairings. <3

Kyrit dropped this lovely, creepy, bloody thing on me! Yay bloody pet~ I have this thing where I really, really like pets that look like they're weeping (blood, acid, ink, ANYTHING) from their eyes. I have a few ideas for it, so we'll see what happens.

And then, after finding out that I'm trying to collect all these, Cita threw this adorable thing at my face! One more Stargoyle down! <3

Through the staff SS and Wish-a-Thon, I recieved THIS lovely gal from Thunder~ She's a pet of my own design, and I am SO happy to see her brought to life! My little geneticist! It really is awesome seeing her with all of her shading, since I only made a flat version of her.

And my gifting war with Mojave-waifu rages on! (Dang, woman! She's best waifu, too!) This BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL BABY is the alternate form for this Lucain, which actually even better represents his character (human, well, fairy, form). Charmaine is a rainbow, shape shifting, gender swapping, fairy, after all. xD; But, HOMG, Kuhna with rainbows. <3

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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby Flame » 01/15/2016 12:42 AM

And the gifts continue to roll in! <3

First off, did I hear the words 'Guild Wars 2'? Because that's basically my summoning call, haha. XD I am absolutely obsessed with the game (and play waaaay too much of it, and would love nothing better than to cosplay my own characters if only people would get it ;-;). One of things that I absolutely was NOT expecting to get this year was unexpectedly dropped into my inbox by the wonderful Nyxia, and here it is:
ISN'T IT PERFECT? It's the first of my (hopefully to-be) collection of dragon-corrupted Kuhnas (there are these Elder Dragons in GW2 that are totally awesome and basically dictate the flow of magic in the world but I could go on and on about lore forever). This particular baby is based on the Dragonbrand, the corrupted followers of the Elder Crystal Dragon, Kralkatorrik. Kyrit did a phenomenal job on it, and I'm just...so happy right now. ;-; I can't thank both of you enough for this babu~ <333

And THEN came the feels pet. The amazing Jessari dropped this beautiful thing in my inbox a few days ago as well, and I'm finally getting around to posting him now:
IT'S ATLAS, MY BABY BOY. For you guys who haven't seen my obsessive posting in my journal about him, Atlas is my Australian Shepherd puppy (who's just turning 6 months old in a few weeks <3). Here's a picture of his stinkin' adorable little puppy face (from November) after he'd just passed his AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy test. He's a little genius, but that's Aussies for you. And a couple more for anyone who cares, because I'm one of those moms that just loves to take pics of her baby. <3 (I may need to make a tiny tweak at some point in the future so that his eyes are heterochromatic like they are IRL :3)
Thank you so much! I didn't even have him on my wishlist, but you knew exactly what to get for me. <333
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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/16/2016 6:43 PM

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

This, THIS was TOTALLY not expected!


This cute little baby was dropped on my doorstep by Nyxia, surprising the shizz out of me! I was totally dense at first (like oh, it reminds me of Rudolf, or it's like a magical snowman, but NOPE) and then, after staring at it, I realized... it's a Zero Kuhna. I believe I've made it obvious that I like Nightmare Before Christmas after this last Christmas season and, knowing that, she ordered me this little baby~

Which may have just officially opened a can of worms, since I've toyed around with making a Jack custom in a different breedable species, but never officially decided to get him.

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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby MillietheWarrior » 01/19/2016 3:52 AM

Ere dropped this amazing gift a while back. Its based on my dog, Holly (At least I assume so; Holly and my dog Max who my Mekkayena is based on literally have identical markings so it can be hard to tell XD) Its such an amazing, wonderful gift, no matter which dog she based it on. I love both of them so much and its so wonderful to have this pretty Tali. <33 (Pokes Flame) I smell an RP in the future ^w^

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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby MillietheWarrior » 01/19/2016 6:54 PM

Double post cuz Ere is awesome! I think she knows what a mischievous nerd my dog can be and I ended up with this amazing ball of terror! ILU Ere! You know my lovable jerk dog so well!

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby Flame » 01/19/2016 8:03 PM

You guys. I can't even handle this. XD

So Millie bombed me early this morning with two AMAZING Kuhnas off of my wishlist:
First off is this gorgeous hunk - the second of my growing collection of Guild Wars 2 dragon-corrupted Kuhnas. This beautiful baby is based off of the Destroyers in the game, minions of the Elder Dragon Primordus. They're supposed to look insectile, with black carapaces and glowing, molten interiors. Kreepy did an AMAZING job, considering she only had screencaps and art to go off of, and homg, I'm just speechless right now. <333
Then there's THIS beautiful thing. It's a Lakundra based on the Zodiac pets (from the birthday month zodiac pets). Kreepy did an amazing job once again! Celestial things = <33333.
Thank you both so much for these gorgeous gifts! ^^

And then there was ANOTHER surprise from Jessari, which was also totally unexpected:
It's Atlas, muh babeh again! ;v; To go with the Tali Atlas, she got me a Werecain version for him as well! I'm usually somewhat conservative when it comes to Werecain, but he looks so intense on that base, haha. Maybe I'll make a were-version of him for Evelon for this form. Thank you so much!!! This is such an amazingly thoughtful gift. <333
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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby Jaykobell » 01/23/2016 6:35 PM

It only seems fair that I share the new gifts I got recently.

First was this adorable little Shinzo from Jessari. The poor girl also happened to catch/gift me at a very unfortunate time, and I only got to thank her personally today... I'd seen the gift the day of, but with things at home, I just hadn't had a chance or even the will to properly sit down. So again, Jessari, thank you so much for this soft little baby. <3

This one is a beautiful little gift from Nyxia... she absolutely didn't have to do anything, but she sent it to me to make me feel better considering everything that's been happening in my family this past month. After... experiencing what it feels like to hear someone in your family tried to commit suicide (bless my poor mother who had to partially see it happen before the staff at the hospital took her away), amongst other things from the last month, it was so sweet and heartwarming to see this adorable baby in my inbox. Honestly, I don't even have words. <3 Nyxia said in her message that it's based an old art a friend had drawn called a Hope Rose, and that the meaning of it was to be a source of comfort during hard times. So not only is the Kitrell gorgeous, but the meaning its theme just adds to it tenfold. <3
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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby Freezair » 02/01/2016 4:19 AM

So Pickle (with a little help from Baal) surprised me out of the blue today with a surprise gift! And lucky me, I think people know what I like. XD


This boy drove me CRAZY when I first saw him, because I knew he had to be based on SOMETHING, but I couldn't figure out what! I wracked my brain over it. I figured he must be a reference to a monster game I love, especially after Millie surprised me with a custom based on my childhood favorite Lil' Monster, but I couldn't figure out what... until I remembered. "Oh. Duh. MONSTER RANCHER." He's based on the Naga species, but the Naga from the anime in particular. And he's awesome! I've needed a Sailfin in my life. <3 Thank both of you, loves!

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I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby Kyrit » 02/07/2016 1:36 AM

It's been a while, but people are still gifting! (Of course, it helps that we have a few orders left. XD We're workin on 'em though)


Flame dropped this absolutely amazing Shinzo on me tonight, and Kreepy did such an amazing job I'm speechless. It came with a message that warmed my heart too.

There are also a few I missed posting, since things got a little busy.

Toxic was my Staff Secret Santa this year and gave me this wonderful gal. She was completely unexpected, but she'll fit right in with the rest of the Nobodies.

Kreepy also threw this furball at me, based on the Pokemon Eevee. Granted, the character won't just be a Pokemon, as she's Eevee because of my cat named Eevee! She's a lovable little fatass, and she'll be joining Kyrit's pirate crew.
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Re: Christmas Gifting 2015

Postby zapdragon555 » 02/08/2016 6:19 PM

Hopping on the custom kuhna train once more! Crow got me this stunning baby as a companion to Vastra; this friend here is based off of the video game flOw, another game created by the same company who made Journey (the game Vastra was based off of). Thank you so much, crow, and also to Kyrit who put up with all my tweaks. xD He still needs a proper name lolol.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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