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Not as Alone as I Thought

Postby Lunasa » 02/04/2009 9:38 PM

Mithras hissed the light stabbing at her eyes. Drat these reptilian eyes. Of course, the alcohol hadn’t helped either. Slit pupils contracted ‘til her eyes were naught but swirling orbs of silver, like mercury. She tugged at her hood, pulling it further over her face. The illusion around her hands flickered, barely.  If one had been looking closely, they would have seen a pale hand flicker to a silver talon, then back again. But no one was looking, that was for sure. Or was it? The smoke in the air hung around her like pallid fingers, obscuring the strange woman’s face. The image wasn’t helped by the black hair that slipped out of her hood. She sighed, leaning back. A tavern was no place for one of her kind. Her kind was once revered, now… Bah, that train of thought would not do. It was too late, anyway; she thought she was the last of her kind. Scratch that, second to last. She glanced at the bag on the table, making sure it hadn’t moved. Satisfied it hadn’t she went back to nursing her drink. Normally, she didn’t drink. Ha, normally, she didn’t even come into towns. The world was upside down. She should be in her home, guarding this bundle before her. But, she was on the run, hiding from those who wished to harm her. She finished the drink and left a coin on the table. Mithras shouldered the pack, picked up the long, wooden staff beside her, and slipped out. First, she had a stop. The town square, specifically, the town board. There she could leave something, and pray. She glanced about. Night had fallen; the moon was but a silver smudge on the horizon. The shadows embraced the woman, their dark touch hiding her. A piece of supple vellum was in her hand, onyx letters looped across the pale page. Around the edge, runes danced, the true message, the true plea, the meanings known to a select few. The few she was looking for. Then, she melted into the shadows. She had someplace she had to be…

Dragons. In this world they were almost gods. The people looked to them, not as an evil force to be feared, but as friendly, beneficial leaders, there to help those who needed it. That is, until they came. The Dragonhunters. The Bane of Draconis. They came with honeyed words and white lights. They convinced the people that the dragons were using them, planning to enslave them all. The simple folk were appalled. They hired the Dragonhunters and the genocide began. Dragons were peaceful, having not fought since the last Great Dragon War, which had been nearly a thousand years earlier. They were scholars, schooled in magic, not fighters. They did not fight back at first, then, as the genocide continued, the Dragons anger grew. As a single mind, a single force, they struck down the hunters. Half the mountain range where they were hiding out was destroyed, by the sheer force of the hammer of their mind coming down on the Hunters. The blast rocked the very foundations of the world, calling the Gods themselves to the plight. But, alas, they sided with the humans, choosing five them and endowing them with the power needed to destroy the dragons.  What could the dragons do? They pulled into the recesses of the earth, seeking protection from their own goddess, Firanoeh. She did what she could, throwing the Chosen off the trail. She brought the case of her children before the High Ones. They pitied the dragons, but refused to act. They said that the dragons should feel the repercussions of the actions. The dragons would suffer for the rashness of their action. Firanoeh howled and wept. How could she let her own flesh and blood die out, forever? She worked her most powerful magicks, cloaking herself in human flesh. She traveled the world as a woman in mourning. She would not fulfill her duty as one of the guardians of Girgta, the home of the Gods. The Halls of Girgta are in panic, no one knows what to do. This is where our story begins……
This is RP that takes place during this period of chaos. Whose side are you on? Will you help the dragons, or will you hunt them?

Character Skeleton:
Code: Select all
Race: (Dragon, Chosen, peasant, magician etc.)
Abilities: (Does your character have any magic/special abilities?)

My Own
Name: Mithras
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon
Age: 1,000, young by her people.
Personality: Quiet, mistrustful, and suspicious. She loves books, reading incessantly. Not one to be chatty, she rarely talks. She has a stubborn streak a mile long. Despite her trust issues, if you get on her on her good side, she will protect you with all her magical might.
History: Before the Great Slaughter she was kind, outgoing, and friendly. She had a mate who loved her, and they were awaiting the hatching of their first clutch. This was all shattered when the Hunters came. She saw her mate killed; her eggs smashed, and went berserk. Afterwards, she went into seclusion, praying for the lives she had taken. Then, after meditating, she went out; searching for more of her kind, the only thing with her was the last egg from her clutch. She has been under “cover” for nearly half a year. Will she find any more of her kind?
Abilities: Strong magic user, specializing in dream/illusion and mind magic. These abilities leave her extremely drained. As a dragon, she can do the usual things, breathe fire, and fly, etc. She is skilled in the use of her staff.
Appearance: (In dragon form.) She is about twenty feet long and nine feet tall, lithe and graceful. Her neck is long, her head set on it elegantly. She has long, narrow wings, allowing for speed and maneuverability in the air. Her tail is long and narrow, ending in a spiked spade tip. She has a frill running from the crown of her head, tapering off to about the base of her neck. The frill fades from pure silver near the skin to deep purple at the edge. Several nicks mar this frill and wings. Her eyes are silver. (In human form) She is tall, pale, and graceful. Her skin is a milky white; her hair is black with silver tips. She has long, black nails in this form, similar to her talons on her dragon form.
Outfit: Her normal outfit is a long black cloak that folds around her, hiding her. This cloak has a deep hood, normally pulled far over her face. Beneath this cloak are a silver, chainmail tunic and armored skirt. She wears silver greaves, bracers, and mail gloves. All of this metal is silenced by magic, so she can move stealthily. She carries a staff that doubles as a melee weapon and as a magical weapon.
Other/Extra: Carrying a dragon egg.

I will playing all the gods (will be adding a list soon)

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Re: Not as Alone as I Thought

Postby Celtic » 02/06/2009 5:43 PM

OoC:// I added some things? *shot*
Name: Relodani ("Roadi/ Dani")
Gender: Female
Age: Teen Years
Race: Wind dragon
Size: Prince, only a bit smaller  (Smallest type of dragon)
Appearance: (Dragon-)
Scales-a light blue. but with a bright purple scale here and there. From far away her purple scales make a intricate design that looks very mystyrious and whimsycle. The design makes humans and other wonder but the rest off her body is hidden and she is rarely seen due to her color.
Wings-soft and leathery to the touch. they have a nice white talon and the tip for gripping things. Her wings color grows a deeper and deeper blue as you go up almost to a black.
Tail-long and thin but very effective in battles. goes lighter and lighter blue until finaly a pure white at the tip were the point is so sharp that it could pierce metal with a little bit of effort.
Other-Her eyes are a deep bright purple and they glint with a deep wisdom and knowledge

She is exoctic, and Roadie loves to take on an exotic look for her human illusion! Her skin is dark and her eyes are indian. Yet no matter how many tricks she does, Roadie finds it impossible to change her eye color. Her general clothing depends on where she's at. But generally, her clothing is a colorful sundress, complimenting her black (or red when she goes with a pale skin complexion), blue silver and purple streaked hair.
Personality: Roadie is a vain but clever girl. Vanity drives Roadie’s every move and she will do
anything to look pretty all the time (even though she already is very pretty) or stay this way forever. Roadie’s parents long ago kicked her out because she refused to marry anyone, and so she stays at a little inn in whatever town pleases her.

Yet, Roadie’s charm and ability to flatter and be subservient have helped her get into several high banquets and have allowed this vain girl to become influential even if they don’t know it. Also, Roadie is vengeful and her temper is something to be feared because even though she may not show it her cleverness gets back at the offender. Not always large acts of revenge, but usually several little ones. Such as ruining a dinner by replacing a key ingredient with something nasty, or placing bugs in their beds. Small things, until she is satisfied and moves on, or until someone else angers her.
History: Roadie's past is a bit veiled...
Abilities: Roadie can create the illusion that she is something else warping shadows.
Weapon: In human form, she uses two daggers. One is silver with a thin hilt engraved with galloping horses, and the other has a thin gold hilt that is engraved with an eagle.
Other: She wears a black opal pendant on a silver thin chain.

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Re: Not as Alone as I Thought

Postby Booper45 » 02/18/2009 8:29 PM

Race: Dragon
Personality:Sweet,fun loving,medium temper,But also tries to avoid violence since the death of her siblings.

History:The youngest, she was sticking with her siblings Jasper and Lucia. Saphire was living life on the wild side,for a while carefree doing daring things with her oldest and only brother Jasper and her sister Lucia.She loved her little coven dearly.But the only problem..(for now) was her clutzyness always bumping into somthing along their jouneys.One evening, she and her siblings were out exploring, Jasper felt a danger but it was too late the hunter came and killed her siblings.Saphire escaped amazingly by trying to fly but all it did was send a big shock out and kill the group of dragonhunters;pinning them against trees and boulders.She tried as she might to save Lucia and Jasper but it was no use her healing powers hadn't been perfected yet.She left grieving a couple days after the catastrophe.She just wandered but one day she was in a dense woods were she had been before but in a different section this time She stumbled apon a little cave it looked from the front more like a humans house but not caring wandered in there she found an elder, they taught her to master blades in her human form witch seemed handy on her jouneys about 100 years later she stopped mourning and left her master.She started exploring the world under the cover of the trees in dragon form and under dark cloaks and robes in human.One day she stumbled in to a town square not knowing where she was she immediately went to the town board.

Abilities: Healing magick and invisibility,sonic shocks from wings if threatened, scales turning color with mood,Master at blades and sometimes ribbon witch can be useful at times.Shock tiped wings.

Appearance:(In dragon form)Scales have almost a silk texture but are very durable.Tail is long and has a deep green tip.Her eyes are almost a Metalic gold.Her wings are a bit over-sized in lengnth but small in width,her wings have little spikes at the tips if touched a shock is sent into watever has touched them but she is able to control this.Talons are a deep blue thay are long and almost pearl like.Her neck is very long about 15 feet so she can see over the treetops,her torso is about 20 feet and her tail 15 feet.Her head is set on her long neck like someone placed it there very carefully making it even.

(Human form) Pale almost translucent skin,Deep blue long nails hidden in her cloaks with long sleevs if not there In black long elbow length gloves.She is skinny but not that she is to attract attention.Very tall she stands about 7 and a half feet tall,hovering high above most human girls.she tries not to talk,she barley ever does.Though when disliking somthing tends to hiss witch attracts alot of attention then she has to flee.

Outfit:dark colored cloaks with not that deep of hoods.She wears Simple cotton made Skorts and a3/4 sleeve woven shirt and has flat black shoes.Her hair is spikey and Black. Gloves black,Elbow length.Blades crossed in knapsack only grips out.Note*Those are not just for show* :)

Other/Extra: her knapsack were she keeps her blades,ribbon,books,and keepsakes from her past travels she only keeps a few, the rest are in an underwater cave hidden by magic.
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