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Koo koo Canillu(Open to all who have Canillu)

Postby Kitty » 03/06/2010 8:11 PM

Oh my goodness. So Midnight's Canillus are my new favorite pet xD Anyone want to join me in an rp with them? Only catch is that you gotta have and rp with an updated Canillu. x3 Either way, I'm gonna start off, see if any of you want to join in. I know not too many have the updated ones but....

So here goes nothing.


Esäel Demal
This guy loves getting into major trouble. He doesn't get alone with very many creatures and loves more than anything to see the tortured look on the faces of others. He likes to cause chaos and will try to make that happen as often as he is allowed.

Dæmi Demal
The complete oposite of her brother, Daemi is kind and caring and gets along with a lot of others. She hates chaos, she hates being mean to others or having others being mean to her, but most of all, she hates her brother. He's the only one she despises with a pation, just as he despises her.

The Demal Twins

The Demal twins are linked in more ways than birth. They can not only hear each other's thoughts, but can't go more than five meters from one another and hate each other's guts. Both sibling often try to kill one another, but fails because both of them know what's going to happen before anyone tries anything.


Ah, fresh air. There's nothing like it. Daemi thought happily, head bobbing slightly as she took in a deep breath. The breeze caressed her cheek, lightly lifting the fur of her face. It was a beautifuly sunny day. The sun filtered through the thick tree leaves above into the small clearing she sat in. I wish the weather was always like this. I wish- Ugh, Daemi, your making me sick with those thoughts.
"Well stop listening in." she responded simply, out loud rather than through her mind as her brother had. Esäel glared at her, his face showing his obvious disgust. Daemi smiled triumphantly, pushing herself to her feet. Her brother followed suite, though very grudgingly. She could hear his angry thoughts at the back of his mind as he tried to keep them from her. She shook her head and began to trot away.
"I don't wanna go that way! I hate water!" he growled.
"You're such a baby." Daemi said, not even turning to face him. "You'll just have to suck it up. You know we can't go far from each other."
"But you can come with me. I have some place to be too." he whined. Now he was just getting on her nerves. He was playing it up, acting a lot more kind than he usually was just to get her to listen. He knew very well that she could tell that he was faking. This made her very frustrated. He could feel that, but he didn't say anything. Now he was getting on her nerves and he'd 'evened out' the playing field.
Daemi ignored the mental party that erupted in his brain and pushed forward. She broke throught the last few bushes out onto the beach of a very small lake. She glanced left and right, then seeing nothing dangerous, she planted her butt on the sandy earth. Esäel came through the trees just then and groaned.
"Not this! I hate water!"
"You said that already."
"But it's true."
"Will you shut up already?" she growled. This was just getting annoying. "Why are you being such a baby today? It can't be simply because of the water."
"Whatever." he said, looking away. His eyes showed anger, but his mind betrayed him. All he was thinking about was some- the bushes behind them quivered, making Daemi jump. Esäel merely glanced behind him. Someone was coming through the trees towards them. Question was, who was it?

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Re: Koo koo Canillu(Open to all who have Canillu)

Postby SpringsSong » 03/06/2010 8:36 PM


"Tell me again why we must be social, Aïna?" a masculine voice asked, his eyes boring into the purple female that had somehow managed to convince him to come out here.  His claws were unsheathed as he glared at her, but the female glared back levely.

"Aisugari... I know it's your nature to be cold, but... it's not good for you, even if you ARE the Ice Lord," she said, giving a slight glare as she snapped at him.  Her eyes, however, soon turned to another pair of Canillu that were by a lake.  Aisugari flattened his ears while Aïna smiled and walked over to where they were standing.

"Greetings," she said quietly.
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Re: Koo koo Canillu(Open to all who have Canillu)

Postby Kitty » 03/06/2010 8:55 PM

((Heyy Fire, nice to have you in the rp! This should be fun 8D And that was quick too~))

Daemi pushed herself to her feet, letting the fur on her shoulders rest. Neither of the newcomers seemed like too much of a threat. She was alright. She smiled, calmly and evenly meeting the female's eyes. She seemed a lot more at ease than the male behind her. Was it some sort of thing with guys, that they were always so prickly and easy to upset? Or was it a coincidence that her brother and the male both seemed quite unhappy.

"Hi to you too." she said, dipping her head respectfully. Her eyes trailed momentarily on the male as she began to say hello to him as well, but her thoughts shot back to her brother as his thoughts entered her mind once again. We're not here to socialize, sis. Let's go. Out loud, he let out a low grumble, hopefully only loud enough for Daemi to hear. She shot him a quick glare and told him to shut up through her mind. He was being extremely disrespectful.

Her eyes left her brothers and she glanced around. Other than the four of them, it was deserted. Not many Canillu tend to travel around here. And if they did, it was because they had to get somewhere else. Like her and her brother were doing. Well, she was. Esäel was not happy with where they were headed. They'd had quite the fight, but she'd won. He'd gone down kicking and screaming, though.

"My names Daemi. This is my brother, Esäel." she said finally, returning her gaze back to the female. "What're your names?"

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Re: Koo koo Canillu(Open to all who have Canillu)

Postby SpringsSong » 03/06/2010 10:32 PM

"I am known as Aïna," the purple female replied, "and my companion is--"

"My name," the icy male said, "is Aisugari, Lord of Ice."  Aïna turned to him and gave a feral snarl; a warning to him that he'd best keep his temper in check.  She clearly wasn't interested in him complaining about being made social--even for a day!

"Please pardon him, Daemi," Aïna said, shaking her head.  "He thinks me to be his charge, and he doesn't like the idea of being social.  Apparently, not many of the Lords or Ladies like socializing, or so he says." Aïna shrugged here--or shrugged as well as a canine could--as she flicked her feathered tails.  "I doubt they're as antisocial as he claims--he's just got a heart of ice that needs a little warming up."

"Do not..."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Esäel," Aïna said, looking over to the red male.
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Re: Koo koo Canillu(Open to all who have Canillu)

Postby Kitty » 03/07/2010 12:25 AM

As Daemi prayed that Esäel would keep his attitude at bay, he answered quite bitterly "Nice to meet you too." Daemi sighed in frustration and glanced at him. That was rude.

Yeah, well, deal with it. He responded, his lips pulling up into a grin. Anger bubbled in her but she shook it off and turned back to Aïna and Aisugari. They were probably confused, seeing as her and her brother were communicating via thoughts, rather than out loud.

"I'm sorry about my brother as well." she said, "He's a lot of the time rude to people he doesn't know." she flicked her tail at Esäel's snort as he sent her a very rude thought. Her comment back was as unpleasant as his. When she focused back on the conversation, it would have seemed like only a short pause had happened. She tilted her head and glanced back and forth between the two others.

"What brings you out this far?"

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