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Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby Cookie » 09/27/2009 2:37 PM


Nexis wandered towards the volcano, the hot steam making the frill on her head sink low, her wings folded up against her. This was not her element, that was for sure. But she wanted to see the sites, she wanted to see into the volcano. Maybe this was where she should give up during her little adventures, a volcano was a little too much for an ice elemental to handle.. especially when she couldn't use her ice powers, her brother was no where to be found, he was off frolicking around with some female he had met. She scoffed, a bit mad with her own brother for leaving her out here to explore on her own, with no one to talk to besides herself. She finally trudged her way up to the tip of the inactive volcano, even though you could see the lava in it, it wasn't going to erupt any time soon, thankfully. She dug her claws into the side for support, though as she did, the rock beneath her, without her knowledge of it, began to crack a little. As she applied a bit more pressure on it, about to turn to leave, the rock started falling through, making her loose her footing. She was doomed for sure, letting out a frightening scream, trying to use her wings to fly, but the hot steam from around had affected her too much and she was unable to get into flight.
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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/27/2009 3:12 PM


Sleep was an easy thing, especially after the long night he had previously or, rather, the long morning. He came to his home after the sun had already rose, having gone off on some adventure with East. Whenever the winds carried her or West by, they were sure to drag Oekke off with them. Now, however, he had been asleep for quite some hours, catching up on his snoozing. His life was far too simple, that it did not matter that he had slept the day away. He would simply do something at night, when he awoke. Only, it was night now, and he was overdue for an awakening.

A scream. A scream shattered through his strange, sleepy and delusional state. The dragon began to stir beneath the lava, his floating and craddled body stretching out. His metalic wings spread out, acting as paddles as he darted for the surface like a water serpant. The source of the muddled voice came from above. Someone was in danger, he was nearly sure of it.

He burst through the surface, sending splashes of molten lava out with him. His mind didn't even have time to register all that was going on, but he secured his forearms around the large blue and green figure falling toward him, his wings hardly straining as he kept himself and the other afloat.

The Lavamancer carried the other Paragon away from the mouth of the volcano, setting her securely on the solid ground a few good yards away. He took in a deep breath as he, too, landed. "Volcanos are not places to play."

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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby Cookie » 09/27/2009 3:59 PM

Nexis clamped her eyes shut, awaiting for her doom until the other Paragon caught her. But she still didn't open her eyes, afraid of what she might find if she opened them. Wait, was this what death was like? She was too scared to open her eyes to find out if some winged angel was carrying her up to Paragon heaven or not. But when she heard the others voice, she opened one eye, looking at him and tilting her head "I...I.. thank you.." she said, dipping her head a little. She stood carefully, her legs shaking beneath her, still scared from her fall. "I... I.. I owe you big time... you saved my life" she said, dipping her head again, stretching out her wings slightly. The frill on her head was still low, both from being scared out of her mind, and from the heat of this place. This was not her place to be, but this other.. he seemed quite comfortable being here.. ah, he was a Lavamancer, that explained it. Just like her mother was a Frost, the Lavamancers tend to be used to the heat, as the Frost are used to the cold and ice. Though her species didn't have a certain elemental trait that they could easily adapt to, she, like her mother and brothers, had a certain power over Ice. She looked down at a gash in her front leg, blood running down from it. She couldn't feel it right now, as her legs were numb, but she was sure once she got over the shock of almost dying, it would hurt.. a lot.
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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/27/2009 4:14 PM

Oekke could only shake his head, his eyes drawn to Nexis and unmoving. Was the girl alright? He watched her stand on shaky legs, and couldn't help but think she should have just sat and rested before moving about. A near-death experience wasn't exactly good for anyone. But he... he wasn't any sort of hero. He had just been there, sleeping in the lava. He heard a voice and he acted. There was nothing special about that.

"No need to thank me, I'm just glad you're not h-" Oh! Wait, she was hurt. A frown pulled at the Paragon's features. Rather the SailFin realized it or no, she had a gash in her leg, and he just hoped that it wasn't from his metalic claws when he'd caught her mid-fall. Oh, wait, yea, she did notice, considering she looked down at it.
"You really ought to not move right now," he commented, his voice warm. He might have been a strange creature, but he wasn't cruel. "And you should get that fixed up, before you loose too much blood." They were large creatures, and they would have to loose a lot of blood before it would be fatal but, none-the-less, he didn't want her to risk it.

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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby Cookie » 09/27/2009 4:31 PM

Nexis sat down, looking at her leg. She wasn't sure how she'd got it, whether it was from the rocks or from the other Paragon, but she wasn't too worried about it. "I... I'll be okay... I heal fast.. a perk about being a Sailfin." she said, her voice soft, looking up to him. The wound wouldn't heal super quick, but it would at least heal enough soon that it wouldn't be life threatening. "None the less, I do need to thank you... if you weren't there, I don't think I would be alive right now... I'm not a fire elemental, I wouldn't last long in that lava.." she said, looking back to the tip of the volcano, then back to the other "M..my name is Nexis.. what is yours?" she asked, figuring a proper greeting was in order to the man who just saved her life. The Crescent Moon pendent around her neck shone out as she moved a little, catching the light of the sun.
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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/27/2009 4:42 PM

The Lavamancer's pointed tail twitched back and forth, though he carefully kept it in check and away from his new-found female comapny. He didn't want her to get any more injured that she already was, and his stinger could prove to be quite dangerous. "Really, there was nothing to it. I live within that volcano. I was asleep, and your voice awoke me." Really, it was all just good timing, or so he believed. By no means could it have been fate. Still, he offered her the best smile that he could manage. "I just happened to be here, that's all." Which was actually kind of strange, since he rarely slept in as long as he did this time around. "My name is Oekke... You're name is, uh, quite nice, Nexis." What he really ment to say was that her name was beautiful, but the male didn't have enough nerves to actually say it. "What were you doing all the way out here by yourself, if you're not the type to easily handle the heat?"

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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby Cookie » 09/27/2009 4:54 PM

Nexis decided that telling him it was a big deal was a fight that she didn't want to have. There was no need in arguing about it or pressing the matter, so she didn't and just nodded and dropped it at that. She smiled a bit as he mentioned her name was nice, she also thought that his name was also nice, but she wasn't much for saying complements out loud. "Thanks" she said, giving a soft smile, then frowning a little as he questioned while she was out here "Oh, I was just exploring a little.. I wanted to see the Volcano... and well, I guess I got a pretty good view of it, eh?" she joked, laughing nervously. "Yeah... its really out of my element, but its nice to step out of the norm." she paused for a second, looking around "So you live here? In the volcano?" she wasn't surprised, but it was also nothing you heard every day. A lot of creatures had evolved to where they lived in houses, though she was not one of them, she knew a lot like that. Her mother and father had raised them to not be dependent on modern technology, most of the reason that her and her brothers stayed in Caverns.
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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/29/2009 2:33 PM

Out of her element, huh? That made the Lavamancer chuckle, though it also managed to raise some questions within him, which would go unanswered, as he would not open his mouth to ask them. An element opposite of lava, thus meaning fire, would be water, and he held a great fear of said element. But he reminded himself that it all could have just been the saying as well, which was something common enough said to just mean out of one's usual place. His tail twitched. He was over thinking something simple.

"Yes, the volcano is my home," he confirmed, giving the female a sudden look of curiosity. "It is an unusual place, I suppose, for many Paragon which have gone tame, but I'm wild here and at heart. I couldn't stand to remain housed all the time." Like many others, he held a human-type of form. Most Paragon did, as it was easier to traverse in some places as such, but he often retained this imposing form. To him, it was more logical, and he was proud of what he was. "And you? Where do you live, if this place is not to your liking?"

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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby Cookie » 09/30/2009 4:05 PM

"Its a nice home.. maybe not for me, but nice enough that if I was a fire element, I would live here... I live in some caverns a ways away from here." out of her element and far from home, a situation that she put herself in constantly. She liked exploring around, not wanting to really stay put in one place. Though she tried to remain near her family all that she could, she didn't like being kept locked up in one place for very long. Which sparked a question in her mind "So, do you like to explore or anything?" she asked, tilting her head a bit. Normally she'd be questionable about his element, but her step mom was a fire element, and she grew up around both an ice elemental and fire, who both somehow shared the same mate. Which also brought up questions in her mind about family, friends, even mates... but she didn't want to burden him with too many personal questions.
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Re: Fire and Ice Just Don't Mix! (Private; Me and Toxie)

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/30/2009 5:04 PM

Yes, indeed, it was a well enough home for any fire elemental. Living within the lava might have been a bit extreme, for not even some fire elementals could do that, but Oekke had a special gift for it. He didn't specifically come from an elemental line, as far as he was aware, but he had just been fortunate. At times, an elemental could be born from those without powers. It was all just a matter of the gifts that they were born with, or so he believed.

Oekke shifted his weight from one side to the other. So she was quite far away from home then, truly. A cavern? "Then you're like myself, more wild than some of our kind," he commented without much thought on the matter. He was just pointing out the obvious. "Exploring...? Well, yes. I don't spend all my time sleeping in a volcanic cradle, no matter how that may appear." He chuckled a bit. "A few friends of mine have the tendency to drag me out of here and to the corners of the earth, whenever they have the chance. Sitting here isn't exactly interesting, so I move a lot, only coming here to rest." From the tone of his voice, even the way he held himself, the Lavamancer was a rather friendly creature. He didn't mind any of the female's questions at all.

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