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Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/04/2013 4:10 PM

"Yippee!" The girl's delight was unmistakable. Andor gave her a disapproving look, his chest heaving up and down as he fought to catch his breath.
"You shouldn't really cheer." He reminded her, although he had been known to celebrate a victory in just such a manner himself. Madeline pouted slightly but she said nothing. Though she had been working with Andor for a few months now, she was still aware of the fact he could technically dump her as his sidekick at any moment, should he so desire. Therefore she did her best to make sure she didn't argue with him. Well, not a lot at any rate. With someone like Andor, it was nearly impossible to never argue with him.

"Sorry," she muttered, casting her gaze around the alley. The now-deserted and completely crime-free alley, "I'm just pleased, that's all. We cleared those guys in five minutes flat."
"It's not a race." Andor replied, though he was smiling. He had never imagined when all this began that this sidekick thing would work out so well. He was genuinely fond of Madeline, or 'Chasm' as she preferred to be called when they were out. Fond enough to trust her with his secret identity and all of his fighting techniques. She was a good kid, if a little headstrong. Not to mention she was a useful ally on the battlefield

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/04/2013 4:20 PM

"I know. And I also know that's not why we're here, before you say that." Raising an eyebrow, she did a little forward flip. The floor was grimy but she was hardly bothered about that. She'd never been a girly girl anyway, but since taking up her new role as sidekick she had learned to stop caring about whether or not she got messy. Heck, somedays she could pass quite easily as an extra in a horror movie, the state she ended up in. Of course Andor always made her wash up before she went home. Her parents still had no idea about how she really spent her nights.

"Good," he replied stubbornly, "Because we're here to investigate the vigilante. Not to carry out our own heroic deeds." Of course, that didn't mean they were just going to ignore someone in need if they happened upon them. Hence why they had just finished a miniature brawl. Wiping his hands, Andor scanned the area with keen eyes. There had been several reports lately of another hero traipsing the Slums, only this one was not quite as reserved when it came to violence as they were.That's why he had been determined to investigate. He wanted to make sure this vigilante was fighting crime for the right reasons, and that they were actually on their side

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/04/2013 4:28 PM

Ah yes, the vigilante. It sounded so romantic when you put it like that. In reality, Madeline wasn't convinced this person was worth investigating at all. Not that she wasn't curious-on the contrary, she couldn't wait to find this person. But her reasons were more personal. After all, a few months ago she had been in the same position as this mystery hero. She was sure it would be another kid like her, someone who wanted to give crimefighting a try. It would be interesting to meet someone less experienced than her.

Andor led on out of the alleyway and Madeline strolled idly behind him, occasionally stopping to practise a gymnastic move. There was one major difference between her and this person they were seeking though. She had never been quite so violent with what pathetic attempts at crime-fighting she had done before meeting Andor, even with her powers. Yes, he was quite right when he said they needed to find this person and straighten them out. Madeline only hoped that they would be willing to listen

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/04/2013 4:33 PM

Perched up high on the roof, Fray watched the pair with some interest. Of course, he had spotted them long ago-the girl's outfit was dark enough and blended well, but the man was dressed in a hideous shade of orange which was hardly inconspicuous. Then again, he didn't really need to be. Not when he was the famous 'Flame', one of the best superheroes around. And here he was, stumbling round an alley looking for him. The thought was most amusing.

He was surprised they hadn't spotted him actually. Then again, no one ever did look up. The number of times he'd been able to drop unseen from the roof onto a bunch of criminals was comical. Even his red and white outfit, crudely stitched and ill-fitting didn't draw much attention. He planned to get a better one soon of course. He planned a lot of things for this new career

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/04/2013 7:09 PM

"We should split up." Madeline had been expecting this. It seemed like at least once every mission now, at some point Andor would suggest they split up. She had been thrilled at first, thinking it meant he finally trusted her enough to let her go round alone. Now she realized that it most likely just meant that he was getting sick of her following him around, doing gymnastic steps.

"No problem." Doing one last handstand to annoy him, she sprung away and began to head in the opposite direction. To be honest, it made little difference to her as to whether she was alone or not. Admittedly she liked having the extra help in fights, but she was also confident she could handle almost any situation on her own. After all, it wasn't like she was some amateur baby.

"Call me if you find them!" Andor shouted after her, knowing full well that she'd probably just ignore him. That was the downside to her headstrong personality. They had clashed more than a few times, and the longer she spent as his sidekick, the more willing she seemed to dismiss his plans.

"I will!" She called back, rolling her eyes. Time to do some hunting

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/04/2013 7:16 PM

Fray was surprised when the pair went off in different directions. He had been watching them for a good while, seen the ease with which they'd worked with each other. He'd always thought that partners always stuck together if they could. The way they'd fought had been particularly entertaining. He'd always known the Flame would be amazing to watch, but the girl had held her own almost as well, despite being far younger and obviously less well-practiced. No, it was her who intrigued him the most.

They were both powered too. Fray had been expecting that. Almost all the heroes he'd heard of had powers of some sort. It made him angry to think about it. What, did they think that 'normal' people couldn't be as good at fighting as they were? That they cared less about justice and helping others? Well, Fray was going to prove them wrong. Starting now.

Unable to follow them both, he snuck along the rooftop so that he was walking practically beside the girl. It still amused him, how she failed to spot him. He wasn't even really hiding anymore. She was good but not good enough. Time to test his theory

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/04/2013 7:25 PM

This was not turning out to be as action-packed as she'd hoped. Letting out a sigh, Madeline began to idly trace her way along the edge of the pavement as if it were a balance beam. She was going to be exhausted tomorrow. She always was when she went out on a school night. Andor tried to limit her activities to the weekend, but this was somewhat of an emergency and she'd refused to be left out. Like she said, she wanted to meet this new vigilante.

She was going to get her wish sooner than she expected.

The appearance of the boy was quite sudden. One second she'd been bored, lost in her own little world. The next second a masked figure appeared to drop quite literally out of the sky, landing only two metres in front of her. In a rather un-superhero way, she did not leap into action. Instead she jumped back in shock, catching her foot on the pavement which sent her sprawling back onto the hard floor.

Not again...

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/04/2013 7:34 PM

The whole thing was so pathetically easy it was hardly worth the effort. He waited for a few minutes for the best moment to strike, choosing to drop from the roof the second she let her guard down. It had the desired effect-well, almost. Actually he'd rather been hoping for a mini-brawl, but in some ways this was even better. Effortlessly pulling out an arrow, he stepped forward so he had her pinned to the ground.

"Honestly? I'm a bit disappointed." He smirked, taking in her costume. Unfortunately it was a bit better made than his own. Flexible black material, a simple black domino mask-nothing special but it served its purpose well. His own costume was slightly more extravagant and a lot less professional, and as a result it had caused him quite a few problems already. Mind you, he wasn't here to check out her outfit.

"Not that I know who you are, to be disappointed in you. But you work with the Flame? Let me guess-Cinderella?" He was enjoying this, this quick rush of power. Especially considering he was the 'normal' one

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/05/2013 3:51 PM

The second she was down, Madeline did her best to get back onto her feet. Unfortunately she was too slow. Seconds later this masked figure was pointing a bow and arrow at her, preventing her from moving. Idiot! She cursed herself for being so stupid. It was the first rule of crimefighting-always have your guard up. Now it looked like she might be in some serious trouble indeed.

At least she had found what they were looking for. Gazing up at the boy, she tried to work out what she could about him. A white domino mask hid his eyes, but he looked around her age. His costume was a mixture of red and white, rather poorly made by the looks of it. Definitely an amateur then. That gave her some confidence. Swallowing her nerves, she managed a slight smile.

"Not exactly. I'm Chasm. You may have heard of me," Was there a way to get out of this? Perhaps if she distracted him. It was a cheap tactic but it usually worked. That's why Andor was always so chatty, "Can't say I recognize you, though I have heard of you. We-I was looking for you." Did he know about Andor? She only hoped not. Maybe he could help her then

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/05/2013 4:10 PM

Hmm, she sounded younger than he'd expected, judging by her voice. Perhaps even slightly younger than him. This threw him slightly, although he didn't let it show. What did her age matter? She was still one of them. She was bound to be as snobby.

"Chasm? Adequate enough name I suppose. Doesn't ring a bell though. Guess you're not as famous as you thought." He didn't like that smile. Suddenly he was almost afraid, nervous that she was going to do something and attack him. He shifted his feet slightly, making sure the arrow was pointed straight at her throat. Stupid of her really, to leave it exposed. It was so pale it stood out as a target among the dark of her costume.

"I know. I heard you talking before. I must say, I'm rather flattered you'd take time out of your busy schedule to chase down a nobody like me. Why were you looking for me anyway?" He was sure he had already guessed the answer but it couldn't hurt to ask. No doubt they were trying to stop him. Well, just let them try!

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/10/2013 3:28 PM

Oh brilliant!

Despite the rather difficult situation she presently found herself in, she still couldn't help but be annoyed by his dismissal of her. Months she'd been at this hero gig, and still no recognition! People swarmed Andor whenever they went near the city during the day. Where were her adoring crowds?

"And what would your name be? The Shadow?" Forgetting that she was supposed to be distracting rather than antagonising him, she momentarily lost control of her temper. Realizing the close proximity of the arrow, she quickly slipped back into that friendlier tone, "You've been making quite a name for yourself. People were bound to take notice." She watched him considering her words, trying to determine if they were the truth or not. That was all the distraction she needed. Quick as a flash, she melted the tip of the arrow before he even realized what was going on. By the time he noticed it was too late. With no weapon it was easy enough for her to overthrow him, taking him down with a swift kick and some help from her ice powers of course

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/10/2013 3:36 PM

Aha, so he was right! She was acting all friendly but there was fire under that.

Quite literally in fact.

"Oof!" By the time he had smelt the smoke, she was already on her feet, sending him reeling with a fast kick to the chin. He overbalanced before he could stop himself, falling to the floor like a clumsy child. That was it. He tried to break free but she was too fast for him, pinning him down to the ground. To his horror he felt his hands begin to freeze, sealed to the ground by shackles made of ice.

"Let me up!" He struggled angrily, hating the triumphant smile she wore. Why had he been so stupid? Never let your guard down, it was the number one rule! She'd probably run off and fetch her partner now, and then that would be the end of that.

To his surprise though, she didn't run off the first chance she got. In fact, she stayed right there watching him, her expression eerily calm. It was only when he stopped thrashing that she spoke to him again.

"There. Calmed down now have you?"

"Go to hell!" He growled

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Re: Once more into the fray [Self, moderate violence}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/27/2013 7:27 AM

Rolling her eyes, she let out a snort. This was going to be trickier than she thought. Then again, she could have guessed it would be no picnic just by looking at him. He struggled for a few more minutes, then finally seemed to give up for good. He was still looking at her with intense anger. Had she been this difficult with Andor? God, she hoped not.

"Believe it or not, I don't actually want to fight with you. I have much better things to do with my time." Glancing over her shoulder, she debated shouting Andor. It was the right thing to do she supposed, and he would be annoyed to find out she hadn't called him. Then again, Andor was pretty angry about this guy's activities. Perhaps he wouldn't wait long enough to hear him out, and honestly, she was curious about what he had to say.

"Like calling your buddy?" He spat, as if reading her mind. She turned back to him with her signature scowl.

"I'm not getting the Flame. Not yet anyway. First, I want you to tell me what makes you think you have the right to go around beating petty criminals to a pulp."

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