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I Didn't Order This

Postby Kyrit » 10/02/2017 5:01 PM

(Continuation of this RP)

He had been hoping to have more time than this. He still hasn't even gotten the chance to put a shirt on, let alone consider any sort of food. Hades knew there was no time to head for his bedroom either, so he had to brace himself for what he felt was likely to be an awkward encounter again.

Shortly after the voice could be heard from the back entrance, another man entered in to the living room. His skin was pale, almost green, and it looked like most of his body was held together with stitches. The moment his one good eye took in the sight in the living room he became completely still, and if at all possible, even more pale.

"This," Hades started out, "is Gires."
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Re: I Didn't Order This

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/03/2017 3:21 AM

The APL had been nodding along, as Hades began to explain the living situation. That was certainly not a question that had been asked on the survey, if the potential User lived alone or with others, but it was pretty vital information, all things considered. He concluded that it would have to remedied on future surveys.

As Alpha stored the names of the other housemates safely away into his memory, the other voice interrupted Hades, and grabbed his attention. His ears shifted into an obviously alert position, as he turned to face the direction from which the voice had come. When the other man, Gires, as Hades introduced him as, walked in, the APL's eyes shifted up and down him, taking in his appearance, before tilting his head to one side.

Many things ran through his head, so to speak, at that moment. Was this man sick? Was he human or something else? Did human standards apply to him? What was he to his User? Then again, what was Marava to his User? Should he introduce himself? That was proper etiquette, so that should probably happen, but he was also  more curious about the other things.

In the end, more than one thing poured out of his mouth. His head moved back up right and he smiled slightly at Gires. "Hello, I am Alpha," he gave a slight nod of his his head in greeting, but nothing more than that. "What are you?" He thought to maybe greet him by waving or offering to shake his hand, but wasn't really interested in either.

Without even considering to wait to hear an answer from Gires, though, his gaze shifted back to Hades. There were more pressing matters. "And what is he to you?" It was rather obvious what Alpha meant, exactly, by that. According to the data, Hades had previous relationships, so Alpha wanted to know if Gires fell into that category; if that was the case, he wasn't sure how he felt about that.

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Re: I Didn't Order This

Postby Kyrit » 10/07/2017 8:40 PM

He could feel the pressure of both men staring at him. One obviously upset the other seeming to be analyzing everything about him. "I uh...." More important than the questions were those piercing gold eyes melting down to his soul. He wasn't entirely sure if this was what he was thinking until he saw the box in the living room. That confirmed it. He knew the answers to Alpha's questions, and they were both the same.

"Dead. Most certainly dead." He turned slightly, as if looking back toward where he came from would help the situation any. Perhaps he was hoping that Marava would come to his aid, but it didn't seem very likely with the sound of water in the distance. He knew she had said she was going to go bathe before coming in, but he had expected she would have at least come to say hi to their housemate
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Re: I Didn't Order This

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/13/2017 3:14 PM

Alpha's tail flicked back and forth idly while awaiting a response from either of the other men in the room, but, when Gires actually gave an answer, he tilted his head slightly to one side. It was either confusion, disbelief, or both that caused such a reaction, but Alpha had to reason that if something like him could exist, then something dead could very well move, too. Sure, the APLS existed because of science, but he could not rule out any possibilities. And that was also taking the statement literally, and not figuratively, even though Gires' physical appearance made him seem as good as dead.

"Is he?" The APL questioned, obviously asking his User, with how his attention was on him, specifically.

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Re: I Didn't Order This

Postby Kyrit » 10/14/2017 8:37 PM

As to be expected, the response seemed confusing for Alpha. Hades let out a sigh and looked down at Alpha before responding, "Well, I doubt that's what he was referring to, but technically yes. Or, actually, undead would be the more proper term. I think people tend to call them 'zombies'? He's a reanimated corpse."

There was a pause, as his attention turned back to Gires. "What he likely meant though, was his response on what he was to me. Anything you want to explain, Gires?"

He knew it was coming eventually. He knew he likely wasn't going to be staying in the house tonight. But if he wanted to keep what bit of life he had. "I uh.... I... Didn't think that raffle was real?" He admitted it, he was the culprit of the entry.
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Re: I Didn't Order This

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/25/2017 4:01 AM

"Oh." When Hades explained, Alpha only nodded his head, storing the information. Zombies. Undead. It was something that the average person didn't really believe existed, and instead were most often only found in various forms of media, but Alpha couldn't be that surprised if Gires really was undead, since most average people didn't believe that something like he, and the other APLs, could exist, either.

His eyes shifted from Hades to Gires when the former addressed the latter, but, internally, he heaved a sigh of relief. Based on what he was hearing, the two weren't involved.

Although, when Gires admitted that he'd been the one responsible for the filling out the entry, Alpha then wanted to clarify something. "Hades. Should I disregard the information that was inputted into the raffle questionnaire in regards to your preferences? If someone other than yourself filled it out, it's likely that it is inaccurate and I do not wish to operate on false information."

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Re: I Didn't Order This

Postby Kyrit » 12/02/2017 4:53 PM

Hades could only imagine the sort of things Gires might have answered. Well, for one, obviously he says he interested in guys? Or at least had put down that Hades was bi. Truly he hadn't ever put much thought in to his own sexual orientation. Well, not after the first time he showed interest in someone went... bad.

"Yeah, ignore any data from the survey," he started out. "Our at least we can sit down and you can go through the questions with me and I'll let you know what was right, what was wrong, and correct any errors."

While Hades was addressing Alpha, Gires was slowly starting to back his way toward the bedrooms.
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Re: I Didn't Order This

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/21/2019 3:28 AM

Since Hades informed him to ignore the data from the survey, Alpha nodded his head. "Confirmed. I'll currently operate under the assumption that the data is only Gires' opinion or nonsense." There was a possibility that some of the information was accurate, or at least half true, but, for now, it was best to simply not consider it valid information.

"If you'd like, we can go over the information whenever you want," the APL went on to say, smiling in a very easy going sort of way. Though, they had yet to address further matters of Hades' lifestyle, over all, since they'd been interrupted by the third man's sudden appearance. Both matters were of some importance.

Alpha glanced over at Gires, as he noticed him beginning to back away but, for now, the other man was not his priority, so he didn't watch him for long. He'd have to learn more about him, since he also lived here with Hades, but his User took precedent.

"Is there anything I can help you with in current time?"

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