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Re: [* Do You Have a Wish? [P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/10/2014 4:55 PM

Samael looked at Allovera, his eyes glittering in the shadows. He was silent for a moment, his smile seeming more like a mask, and then he waved his hand. "Such a pity. I had such high hopes. In the end, you are just a weird half-breed outcast, aren't you? Though I commend you for separating yourself from the air vampires; they're a horrible bunch. A complete pain in my side." Realizing that he was rambling again, the demon waved his hand, and the shadows slowly began to melt away, receding back into the nooks and crannies that they came from. "If you wish to leave, then I certainly won't stop you. You turned out to be a horrible disappointment, my dear. I can only imagine what your mother felt."

I hope this works? I don't have a reason why Sam wouldn't let her go at this point lol. Also color will be added later *shakes fist at school computers*
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Postby Jaykobell » 12/14/2014 5:51 PM

[Haaaaaaaaahah sorry for the wait. I FIGURED SOMETHING OUT FINALLY.]

Allovera waited for Samael's speech to be over, just as the demon finally took down the wall. She was somewhat surprised that he had nothing to say about the fact she was a half-breed. It wasn't exactly something vampires or humans liked to hear, knowing the two kins had gotten together in that way. If the humans didn't want her dead because they were scared of her, the vampires wanted to kill her because she was an abomination to their species. Samael, though, wasn't a human nor a vampire; and maybe that was why he didn't seem to care at all over her dhampyr lineage.

She narrowed her eyes at his words, but she didn't bother to answer him. Instead, she kept her eyes fixated on the demon as she turned around to leave, eventually stepping out of the alleyway to go back home. Well, maybe not home just yet... but if anything, anywhere away from this pain in the ass of a man.

His comment on her being disappointing somewhat stung, but she could afford to let it go. However, when he brought up her mother, Allovera stopped dead in her tracks. She didn't answer right away, but those words got imprinted into her brain as her mind repeated them in a loop.

"I can only imagine what your mother felt."

Over and over and over again. And then all over again.

Her hands clenched, and she gritted her teeth. She wasn't sure what to say back to him, but her anger would sit there and fester if she didn't talk back to him. "What do you even know?" she started with, a bit quietly, just as she turned around to face Samael again. She looked hurt when she turned around, even through that face of anger. Her heart did ache at those words, because part of her knew her mother had probably given her away because of what she was. Even so, who was this demon to say such things? "As if you knew her."
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Re: [* Do You Have a Wish? [P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/14/2014 9:36 PM

Samael raised an eyebrow, and almost pitying look on his face. "I can imagine, can't I?" He replied, a smirk on his face. "It's not hard to put yourself in the mindset of a snobby vampire bitch who is so disgusted with herself that she can't abide her own child. You toss it out and pretend it never happened. Easy-peasy." Samael shrugged lightly, giving the simple gesture an almost mocking quality. "It's a miracle that you aren't more screwed up than you already are. If it were me, I would go crazy."

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Postby Jaykobell » 12/14/2014 10:13 PM

[Oh Jesus lord he didn't bite his tongue there, lmao. x'D IDEK HOW TO MAKE ALLOVERA REACT TO THAT. But this is what I want out of him ohohohohoohho. I love him so.]

While Allovera's initial reaction was to be angry, when Samael spoke again, her expression changed. It relaxed a little initially, but as the demon's words got worse, so did her face. At the end of it all, the dhampyr just looked shocked to hear those words, staring at Samael with a dumbfounded face that said it all. Her mind couldn't even dissect what he'd just said. There so many insults, so many disgusting assumptions, and so many points of denial that Allovera didn't even know where to start.

"You... Y-You don't even know my mom!" Not that Allovera did, either, but she already knew more than Samael did, that was for sure. "She gave me away because... She..." She struggled to find a good reason, her eyes dropping eventually as she failed to defend someone she, herself, didn't know. "Sh-she did give me away... but she gave me away to someone. She didn't just leave me to die!" That accounted for something, right? But that was all she knew; the only people who knew more about her situation were her caretaker and his parents, and they weren't with her right now to confirm or deny what she was saying. "If... if she'd really wanted to just toss me out and pretend I'd never happened," she added, using the same terminology Samael had used, "then she wouldn't have made sure to hand me over to another person."
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Re: [* Do You Have a Wish? [P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/14/2014 10:58 PM

[Sobs there's no point to it; Sam's just being mean ;o;]

Samael shrugged, at that, his eyebrows raising slightly. "Oh, so she dumped you on someone else out of consideration to you. That makes so much sense!" Samael shook his head slightly, the pitying smile still on his face. He looked an acted a lot like the considerate facade he had used when he first met Allovera, except all the words that spilled out of his mouth was pure poison. "It wasn't very considerate to the people forced to take care of you."
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Postby Jaykobell » 12/14/2014 11:46 PM

Allovera's arguments didn't really hold that much water, so when Samael retorted with his own, it didn't take much for her confidence to crumble. She couldn't explain why she'd been abandoned by her parents, nor why she'd happened, nor if either of them had ever loved her. It honestly bothered her that she couldn't argue those points; they were a big reason why she hated her whole situation. Was it really just the dhampyr factor? Had it been something else?

When Samael brought up her foster family, that was the only time she could actually speak with confidence. "Maybe... maybe it wasn't," she admitted, holding one of her arms tightly as she looked away. "But they never... never let me down," she added, sighing a bit as she looked back at Samael, frowning. "Even knowing what I am. I can't talk for my real parents, but I can talk for the family that's taken care of me this whole time."

[Oh man I should bring Hamilcar into this whole discussion. And with Sam's help, they can truly learn the meaning of a ~*family*~ (so beautiful). Admittedly he's probably been looking for her this whole time, lmao.]
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Re: [* Do You Have a Wish? [P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/15/2014 10:57 PM

[Yeeee, that would be fun! It would stop Sam from breaking Allovera ;o;]

Samael rolled his eyes dramatically at that, letting out a huge sigh. "Do you really believe that? The whole lie that you can have a new family? Please. No one in their right mind would ever volunteer to have a child that isn't even theirs. Especially not when the child is a bratty half-breed." Samael shook his head, pinching his nose between his fingers. "Such naivete."
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[27] [1]

Postby Jaykobell » 12/15/2014 11:49 PM

Allovera grimaced at Samael's words. It was true that, more often than not, she got into arguments and fights with her caretaker. They would fight over her parents, they would fight over her problems, and they would fight over stupidities at times. "You can say whatever you want," the dhampyr answered, shaking her head, "but I know they do care." It was a bit embarrassing to admit it, but she was a lot older than she looked, thanks to those vampire genes inherited from her mother.

While they were busy arguing, Allovera noticed something rushing right past the entrance to the alleyway. She blinked, turning to take a look, only to see nothing but the street. With all this agitation, she assumed her mind had been playing tricks on her. She shook her head as she turned to look back at Samael, but she didn't have a chance to place any word in before someone almost literally knocked her off her feet.
It was a young man who'd quite literally bowled into her, almost making her lose her balance as he brought her into a tight embrace. "Allovera! Finally," he breathed, abruptly breaking the embrace and grabbing the girl by the arms. "I couldn't find you anywhere!" His voice was almost high-pitched at that point, just as he put a hand on Allovera's head and looked at her this way and that. "Are you hurt?"

Allovera just quietly stared as she was dragged into a forceful hug and then shaken just a little bit from all the excitement and relief of the other. "Hamilcar..." she said quietly, and while he didn't look angry, she had a feeling he would once he got over his relief at having found her. "I'm fine," she replied simply, a curious expression on her face, as she looked away from him.

Hamilcar tilted his head to try to follow her gaze, though he didn't force her to look back at him. Instead, he actually turned to look at Samael, whose presence, to him, was incredibly suffocating. Through that inhuman presence and powers, however, he could also smell a faint hint of blood. "Who are you?" he asked the demon, straightening up, still holding onto Allovera.

[[/breathes] I hope this is okay. ;v;]
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Re: [* Do You Have a Wish? [P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/18/2014 5:02 PM

Samael was looking at Allovera's and Hamilcar's embrace with an expression of one who was looking upon the squashed carcass of a bug. So this was Allovera's caretaker. How utterly nauseating. It appeared that Samael's fun was going to end. It probably was a good thing, since their conversation was getting a bit repetitive. As Hamilcar addressed Samael, the demon looked straight into his eyes with a deadpan expression. "Allovera's lover," he lied, his voice completely serious. He might as well have a little fun teasing them.
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[28] [2]

Postby Jaykobell » 12/18/2014 11:16 PM

While Allovera had a bit of an unusual presence to her because of her vampire blood, Hamilcar was completely different. He felt nothing like a human, and the vampirism was easy to pick up for other non-humans. There wasn't only that about him, though, as another weird feeling could be picked up from him. It felt a little surreal, even though it was only a tiny fraction of something indescribable. It felt warm, however, and had a certain soothing presence to it, however minimal it was.

When Samael flatly replied to his question, the demon's answer only seemed to slightly confuse the vampire, as he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. "I'm sorry?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, mostly just a little put off by that answer.

"What?! No you're not!" Allovera shout out at Samael, reaching out beyond Hamilcar to glare at the demon. "More like my abductor, you freak." She wasn't very powerful as a vampire, but Hamilcar did have a lot of power. If she could turn the conversation to her liking, then she could probably find a way to get Hamilcar to send this guy packing.

This whole situation was confusing for Hamilcar, being that he had only now wandered in it, but it went without saying that he believed Allovera much more than this deadpan of a man. "What did you do to her?" he asked the demon, considering he didn't quite like the idea of anyone hurting Allovera: she was his responsibility, and due to what she was, he was especially careful that she was always safe. Well, as much as he possibly could, but he did do his best.
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Re: [* Do You Have a Wish? [P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/19/2014 12:04 AM

Samael couldn't help but laugh at Allovera's reaction, and he chuckled, looking down at the ground as he ignored Hamilcar's question. "Come now, Allovera, don't equate our profound relationship to something of that base level." He said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he chided Allovera. He glanced at the vampire man, a dispassionate look in his eyes, and he sighed, looking as if the last thing he wanted to do was deal with Hamilcar. "I assume you have something to tell me? Threaten me perhaps? Or are you the type to use physical force rather than words. That's always much more fun than lecturing. However, you don't quite seem the type."
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[29] [3]

Postby Jaykobell » 12/19/2014 12:33 AM

At the very least, Allovera found comfort in knowing that Hamilcar would side with her, no matter what Samael would say. She usually didn't leave the house without him, so the odds of her having a lover were slim to none. Not to mention, the whole dhampyr factor turned a lot of people off, including herself.

Hamilcar did much of the same as Samael, ignoring the indecent lover comments. He didn't quite appreciate how Samael threw those words around at her, all things considered. Hamilcar did like the ladies as well, but that didn't mean that he enjoyed putting them on the spot and spreading false rumors about them, himself, or both parties.

He let Samael's words sink in when the demon addressed him, letting that uninterested attitude of his go right over his head. He couldn't care less if Samael didn't want to deal with him; it was Hamilcar's job to protect Allovera, and if this guy had done anything to her, then he wasn't going to let it go. "I have nothing to tell you, because I don't know what you did to her. Because you didn't answer me," he pointed out, subconsciously moving over to push Allovera back and away from Samael. "I don't like fighting, but I'll teach you a thing or two if you do force my hand." He would highly prefer if it didn't come to that, because he did hate confrontation; even this was making him uncomfortable. Ah, the things he did for his dhampyr protégé.

"Um," Allovera started, trying to fight against his pushing, "he abducted me? Kept me trapped in an alleyway against my will? I literally just said that," she pointed out, giving Hamilcar a look, but the older vampire ignored her, keeping his attention focused on the demon.
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Re: [* Do You Have a Wish? [P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/21/2014 10:04 PM

Samael rolled his eyes at that, feeling a little grossed out by the vampire and dhampir's family dynamic. How utterly moronic. "I didn't abduct you, dear. To abduct is to take away by force. As you see, you are in exactly the same place that you were before I met you. And as for you," Samael said, turning his gaze back to Hamilcar, glaring at the man with an impassive stare. "You should keep a closer eye on your pets."
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[30] [4]

Postby Jaykobell » 12/21/2014 10:47 PM

"Whatever," Allovera retorted, rolling her eyes before glaring back at Samael again. "You trapped me here and prevented me from leaving," she added, and not to mention the fact he'd used his weird shadow magic powers or some such to keep her trapped in place, too. "Sounds close enough to me!"

Samael's demeanor was unsettling to Hamilcar. Hearing what he'd done from Allovera didn't help his opinion of the demon, either. "She's not my pet," the vampire retorted, frowning a little at that condescending way to refer to Allovera. "She's my daughter." They didn't quite have that relationship, really, but to strangers, that's what they usually said. It wasn't something that came up often, but that was what they said when strangers assumed that they were a couple. "And she's old enough to walk through the city on her own." That, too, was relatively false; he did prefer to be with her as much as he possibly could, considering what she was. Still, he didn't prevent Allovera from going out on her own... as long as he knew where she was going. And in this case, she hadn't told him where she was going, instead having just ran away from home in a rage.

Still, that would be enough for Samael. Calling Allovera Hamilcar's pet was just uncalled for.
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Re: [* Do You Have a Wish? [P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/22/2014 1:45 PM

Samael smirked at that, sniffing out the traces of lying in Hamilcar's words. He sighed, leaning back against the wall of the alleyway, a look of pure disbelief mixed with the right amount of scorn on his face. "Your daughter. Right." Beginning to chuckle, Samael gestured to the entrance of the alleyway with his hand. "Well then, you should probably go back home to your loving household and cook her a nutritional dinner and be the loving, respectful father that you are. Because we all know that your father-daughter love for each other transcends all evils. So much so that your poor mutt of a daughter knew better than to confide in a complete stranger all the anger and fear that festers in her dear little heart."
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