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Strictly Plumber Business [RE2] [Self/PM to Join]

Postby potterchic » 11/24/2010 4:15 PM

Andramoda warily made her way through the thick vegetation, her Plumber's badge clutched tightly in her left hand with a small gun set on "stun" in her right. Crack! What was that? Fumbling a bit as she brought her badge up to her mouth, she breathed "Why?"

Taking a few more steps forward, she turned and scanned the area. Sounding a bit less panicky, she repeated "Why?" The half Anodite leaned against a tree, setting down her gun and fiddling with the badge some more.

"Stupid thing... won't work..." She tapped it, then resorted to banging it against a few things. While doing this she wandered away from the tree and her weapon.

"Why?" she said yet again into the badge. "You there? Look, I don't have time for you to mess arou-" She stopped talking and promptly started screaming when something grabbed her around the waist and wrists, pinning her against a tree.
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Postby potterchic » 11/24/2010 4:49 PM

"Oh, jeeze!" Wivern laughed, letting go of Andramoda. "I can't believe that you fell for that!" He then assumed a serious face, passing her gun over with his bottom left hand. "If I was actually some kind of monster-alien-thing, you would be dead."

Andramoda just glared at the Human/Tetramand hybrid. "You jerk," she said. Then she turned around and walked away.

"Oh, come on!" he said, predictably running after her. They both stopped, and she whipped her head around, her curly blue hair (pulled back into a ponytail at the moment) somehow managing to tickle him through his shirt.

"You know that was wrong," she said, her voice laced with venom.

Ouch, thought Why.
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: A - L1 Posts 2/5 2 Total

Postby potterchic » 11/25/2010 6:51 PM

Andramoda made her best "stubborn" face. "This is business. We're SUPPOSED to get in and get out. Have you already forgotten about the fact that there may or may not be alien activity here?"

"...I still think it's probably just the Moonlings..." mumbled Why.

"Exactly. Think. As in you don't know," she said before handing him her gun and trying her best to climb a tree with a big branch near the bottom.

"Whatta ya' doing now?" said the half Tetramand, not even moving after her this time.

"OBVIOUSLY the trees are making our badges malfunction or something, so I'm getting closer to the top to see if I can pick anything up."

Why stepped forward, easily picking the girl up and lifting her until she was able to scramble onto the branch. "...yeah, because that happens all the time with our badges..." he mumbled, and Andramoda shot him yet another look.

"You don't know! Evelon is different!"
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Postby potterchic » 01/04/2011 7:50 PM

Why smiled a bit. There was no way she would be able to do this. Since when did Andramoda, who everyone thought of as the logical (although uptight) one become so... crazy? Maybe that was why it was so hilarious? "You know," he said, "you could probably make this a lot easier by using your powers."

She froze, and Why almost let out a laugh. Almost. The half-tetramand figured that she might fall if he did.

((Note to self: WORK ON THIS. At the very least to make money for stuff. You can do a bunch of short posts for all I care, just DO IT.))
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Postby potterchic » 01/04/2011 11:27 PM

Andramoda froze halfway onto the the next branch. She hadn't even THOUGHT of that! Ugh, she felt so stupid! Of course, she wouldn't admit it. "Fine," she said, "but if the ALIENS-"

"Insistent Terminology, anyone?" Why called out. Stupid Why and his stupid websites.

"Shaddup. Lemme finish. ANYWAY, there's a possibility that they know when we do things like that. They could be monitoring the area for any sort of activity like ours, and they could attack us if I give away our location," she said, feeling very proud of herself for coming up with what seemed to be a plausible excuse. The human-anodite hybrid threw her friend a smug smile before working on getting up to the next branch.
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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