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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Redd » 07/14/2009 2:14 AM

Art grinned savagely. Titus hadn't expected such holy blast of light to purely be made of darkness had he? Art's very existence was tainted with darkness, despite his light form. It was only natural that he used a dark element to base his more special abilities.

That grin was shortly cut off as he was dragged towards Titus and dealt a harsh blow with his sword. With no armor, Art felt the sharp sting of the blade as it cut across his body. He growled a little in agony, but clenched his teeth together to avoid uttering any more cries.

As he was released, he leaped back. Into the awaiting skeletons. He hissed savagely, letting loose another pulse of white aura, then halted as Titus began talking to him, that was one of his faults- he couldn't talk and fight at the same time- and Titus's word had struck a chord.
"So I do not fight dressed up like a tin can." He growled. "To me, donning that thick armor is cowardice. You can not take a blow like a man, if that is what I can call you."
He again growled savagely and took another slash at a skeleton.
"But... I do not know what will happen if you win. Perhaps I will die." He spat out. "But I do not feel like meeting death today."

He knew Titus was stronger than he, as much as his pride hated to admit it. Especially with those skeletons under his control, it gave Art a disadvantage as he had to fight more targets than one. More cowardice on Titus's part, he concluded angrily, but made no comment on it.
He was tempted to take to the skies, but what would Titus do then?


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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Middy » 07/17/2009 12:16 AM

"Coward? Me? You have got to be kidding, even if I wear armor I am at least doing the intelligent thing of protecting myself, rather then being hacked to bits like a slab of meat," Titus smiled pushing him away with a thrust of his sword, "I wonder if you really have a choice in staying alive or meeting death, either way..." his words were cut off as he saw another one of his skeletons fall.

This wasn't going exactly too well for him either... if Art were to take the skies then he would have to wait another minute to gather enough energy for another Death Grip. He couldn't take that chance, so there was something he could try instead.

Titus charged back at Art, making a slash for his wings hoping that the blow would land and sever some of his flying abilities just enough so he could get an edge in. He had managed to hit him... but was this nick enough to debilitate him?

He stood his ground, waiting to see what would happen. He was eager to see the results.
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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Redd » 07/17/2009 3:28 AM

Art scowled in response to Titus, before leaping back to avoid his first sword thrust, and quickly flicking up his own thin sword to parry the blow.

He panted a little, long drawn out fights simply didn't suit his style. For him, it was strike hard and fast, then back away sharpish. Of course he generally picked fights with a company of people, rather than a lone warrior. It was easier to win via trickery with a group of people. But he was not tired yet.

Then his eyes widened as Titus charged towards him. Panic followed and Art quickly flared up his wings and leaped backwards, but not before the sword smote his wings.
Art howled aloud as he hit the ground, and he could feel a line of pain erupt along his wings. He took a deep breath in and pulled himself to his feet.
He staggered back a few steps before regaining himself -that blow had really shaken him up- and shook his wings out carefully, making them rustle like dried leaves in the wind.

He bared his teeth at Titus angrily. That would be a huge setback, especially in combat, he'd have to focus on keeping his wings safe, and on fighting. It was just like fighting with a broken limb, and Art knew that something in his wing had shattered.
His hand clenched around his sword momentarily, before relaxing slightly. He was infuriated beyond belief but he knew he'd never win a fight of strength with Titus. What he lacked in strength, he made up with intelligence.
"If you want.. to fight still... then I'm outta here." He said, wincing slightly as the wounds along his wings and body twinged. "I've had my fun. And... as I said before. I don't plan for my number to be up today."
He could still run if he had too, but he'd prefer not to run, too much effort. Besides, there was more Art liked to do besides fighting.


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And the loopholes
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Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Middy » 07/17/2009 8:30 PM

Titus pointed his sword to Art's neck, "You fought well, Art... although I rose as the clear victor," he smiled a bit softly to Art, pulling his blade away from him in a quick swoop. "This fight is declared over," why not help his foe now, it was apparent that he couldn't do much to fight back now after he had rendered him useless. He knelt down before scooping Art up in his arms, "Although, there are plenty of other things to do other then fight, I admit you gave me quite the rush in battle."

Even if Art was going to attack him, he still had his sword unsheathed. He wasn't going to take any chances just yet... no not until his was absolutely sure about it. Might as well ask him the silly question and get it over with, he had been with aggressive creatures before, why was he any different? "So... what do you do for fun?"

[[Sorry, short]]
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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Redd » 07/18/2009 1:47 AM

Art tensed a bit, Titus sure liked pointing that sword around didn't he. But he visibly relaxed as soon as it was away from his throat.
"I'm glad you thought so." Art replied, tossing his head casually, tossing a few words together to see if he could worm his way out of any further harm- that is, until some strange power kicked in that allowed his bones to knit back up. "Although I hope you do not think me of being to... cowardly as you so nicely put it earlier. One has to keep oneself alive, especially if when I do not know what will happen if I so happen to lose my life."

Hmm~ What would Titus want to do now, since Art had kindly gave Titus such a nice boost to his already high ego. By the sounds of it Titus was open to a lot of options.

Art made to move, but flinched a little as the man strode over and lifted him up. Zu'hai... that was also another major blow to his pride. He could walk, he wasn't completely helpless, he just had shattered wings and a gash across his torso. But he didn't complain, rather he shifted himself so his wings were in a more comfortable position.
"What do I do for... fun?" Art repeated the question, raising his deep blue eyes to Titus' glowing ones. "Well... I like to do a variety of things for fun." His lips curled into a cold smile. "We fought. I find that fun, unless I am clearly in the losing spot. And... well I enjoy a few other things to." Art's smile widened into a grin as he half twisted to get a fuller view of Titus' face. Well, if combat hadn't broken him, why shouldn't he try and see how mental games would suit Titus. "But... would you care to guess what I like to do for fun?"
He raised his eyebrows questioningly and ran a few fingers lightly up Titus' arm. Sure, with the armor on, Titus probably wouldn't be able to even feel Art's fingers but he sure as hell would be able to see it.


All the stories
And the loopholes
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Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Middy » 07/18/2009 3:56 AM

Titus was pleased to hear Art's words, he had finally admitted to being the coward... and that was something that really brightened up his evening. His words also intrigued him, perhaps it was best to let this boy live and he could have a little more fun with him instead. There were plenty of things that he could do besides fighting, maybe asking questions or even talking normally.

He felt Art shift in his arms, it was no problem really. He did grab him in a rather awkward position to begin with, and being uncomfortable wasn't to pleasant now was it? "Other things huh... like what?" he asked calmly. He listened to what Art had to say, he snickered just a little, "I could make a few assumptions... but I rather like showing better then telling."

Titus saw Art's fingers trail up his arm, he looked down into Art's eyes... is this what he meant? Should still be weary of his actions no matter what. Never get caught off guard in the perimeter of your foe. Grinning he decided to reply to his actions, "Although, I can see what you are getting at exactly..."
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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Redd » 07/18/2009 4:33 AM

"Then... why not show?" Arts' face broke into a demonic smile, not unlike the one his 'tutor' pulled when he thought of a particularly evil or dark idea. That man... his name was... Yoru or something like that, was Arts' idol, not that he admitted it at all, Art had picked up a variety of mannerisms from him. And sucking up to(as well as openly flirting and hitting on) someone who had just tried to kill him was one of Yoru's tricks. Of course, the man assured him that he hardly ever needed to do that however.

"Really, eh?" Art questioned bringing his deep blue eyes up to Titus' again, "And what say you to that?"  
Art's fingers trailed up Titus' arm again, but this time continued further up, towards his face. Then they stopped just over his scarf, on the base of his neck, and Art wriggled a little closer into Titus' chest, and put his face close to his, that wicked, devious smile alight on his face.
"Would... 'what I'm getting at' be good... or bad?"  
So maybe Titus fancied the same things he did, and that would make it easier and harder for him at the same time.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Middy » 07/18/2009 3:38 PM

"I wouldn't say bad, but if you tried something such as attacking me then it would be hm?" he knelt down carefully placing Art on the ground next to a large rock that could support him if need be. Titus took a seat close to him, still feeling a bit pleased from his touch. Why not... he scooted closer to Art, holding him against the rock in his arms, pulling down his scarf to show the rest of his face... as well as his expressions.

He ran his finger's through Art's hair, even with gauntlets on he could tell that the boy's short hair was soft. He couldn't risk taking off his armor to make sure, that would be a foolish move on his part now wouldn't it? He could still have a bit of fun with his 'captive' couldn't he? "Your hair looks soft..." he mumbled, not really wanting to say it out loud. He sounded silly, but... oh well?
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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Redd » 07/18/2009 5:15 PM

Art didn't reply to Titus until he had been placed on the rock, and again had carefully adjusted his wings, so they would not be harmed, as he leaned his back against the rock.
At first Art thought he was winning these little mind games, as Titus set him down, but he was somewhat pleased and a little surprised when Titus sat down next to him and ran his fingers through Arts hair.

"Would you really think me that foolish?" Art questioned, tilting his head to one side and shifting away from Titus coyly, against the rock wall at his back. "Really. That does offend me."
Art had decided not to attack Titus now, he still knew it would end in a disastrous manner. Titus was aware of Arts full capabilities now. Well maybe not about his weak healing ability, but he knew that he could summon his blade at will, and release a weak pulse of white aura and that was the full extent of his abilities. He was also inhumanly strong and fast, but only by a little bit, and Titus' strength and defense well overtook his own-probably even without his armor, Art wouldn't stack the odds in his favor.
And Art rarely fought if they weren't.

Art ignored the mumbled comment from Titus. He was sure that he hadn't meant to say it aloud, yet it pleased him, in an odd way.
But... these mind games were working in a sense. Titus seemed to be torn between taking off his armor to be able to actually touch him, and not taking it off, in fear of being hit when he was vulnerable.
Mind games were mind games at the end of the day- if Titus liked males as much as he did, that was one game that had failed, but it opened so many more too.


All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Middy » 07/19/2009 4:12 PM

"I never knew such remarks like that would offend you, perhaps I was wrong," he couldn't tell if Art meant to trick him with his words, or if he really meant it. All his years of training told him never to take anything too seriously, especially from his foes. Then again, Menethil said never to trust anyone... he was different from that cold hearted monster anyways. Although, if Art tried a sneak attack he was well prepared for it. He knew of his capabilities already and knew what to expect.

He decided to take a chance in this anyway, he carefully took off one of his gauntlets then looked back at Art. He traced his face again drawing him a bit closer to him with a devious smile on his face, "Amazing that you can fight so well and be beautiful..." perhaps he could try to charm his way out of this situation, or maybe even take Art home with him. He loved seeing a mildly helpless creature at his mercy, it made him feel powerful.
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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Redd » 07/20/2009 3:18 AM

"Haha~ Then you must have forgotten the reason for our little... disagreement earlier." Art said, laughing a little. "Nevertheless, I don't think it matters any more."

Art shifted closer in towards Titus, placing one hand on his chest and the other around his waist, so he was basically sitting on Titus' lap.
Art really was a canine in all respects. He was a dominant and pushy dog, yes, but just like a wolf or dog, if there was something clearly more powerful than he, then he'd back down from any sort of open conflict.
"Fight so well? I guess I survived that little conflict." Art laughed.  "I guess... that could be taken as a compliment."
Then, Art untangled himself from Titus and shifted a good deal away from him, so Arts' back was up against the rock face that was behind him. His face seemed a good deal more serious than it was before, but he was really just putting it on.
"But you never did guess what else I liked to do for fun." Art said. "You didn't show, nor tell me what your guess was."
Now it became apparent that Art was just being coy. Art never liked to be called 'easy'. And he knew a good deal of 'psychological power games', to make Titus feel like he was in a position of power, and making Titus actually come to him, was one of them. And the fact that Art was backed up against a wall sort of helped too.


All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Middy » 07/20/2009 1:42 PM

His heart would beat... if it could. He stood still for a bit, becoming a bit excited when Art was so close to him. Sometimes having physical contact soothed him after a fight, but getting so close to someone who was his foe as a bit awkward for him. So he wanted to be shown hm? Titus himself was more of a shower then a teller anyways, it was how he has always been. He still felt very much in control over Art, even if his body or facial expressions didn't show it.
"Oh... I can show you. That is no problem to me at all..." Titus sidled over to Art, placing his hand on his cheek and pulling him close against him, "I guess it all depends how far I can go with this..." he jerked Art forward, Titus was someone that was hardly deemed gentle in any sense. He only knew that he had this boy at his mercy.
Why not surprise him a little? It would be for some laughs, Titus pulled his face closer to his before kissing him on the lips. He pulled away quickly, still giving a small smile, "Then again, what is the fun of being told no hm? So... what DO you do for fun... Art?"
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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Redd » 07/22/2009 4:02 AM

Art was getting a bit excited in more of a lively sense. His heart beat in his chest, not wildly but a tad faster than what it was before, but not as much as it was in the fight. Art was just trying to play it cool, without falling prey to his own emotions. Yet, he wanted to have a good time, as well.

Art felt Titus' hand on his cheek, then was pulled roughly towards him.
"Oh ho~ I am interested to see just what your capable of boy." Art laughed harshly, before falling silent and studying Titus' face.
Titus' kiss had certainly caught Art by surprise, and he made no move to respond to it, but quickly replaced the look on his face with a calm smirk as soon as Titus pulled away.

"Hmm, well... it does remove the suspense, that's for sure." Art laughed, propping himself up on Titus' lap, placing both of his hand on Titus' chest and leaning in towards him.  "Well... I like doing a lot of things. But sometimes, words aren't that good at explaining things."
Art leaned forward and returned Titus' kiss, it was brief, but Art definitely tried to make it count. His hands crept up and gripped Titus' shoulders, and pulled the man slightly to him, then he pulled away, surveying Titus' reaction.
Art also secretly wished for Titus to be a bit more rough with him. Art secretly craved that kind of abuse, and quite enjoyed being jerked into the bigger man's arms- yet he'd never let that secret be spilled, Titus would just have to find it out his own way.
"Did that answer your question at all?" Art asked softly, his hands resting on Titus' chest again, and his face not very far away from Titus' own.  


All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Middy » 07/22/2009 7:15 PM

Titus forced Art much closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around him, "Acting a bit affectionate... I like that," he replied with a smirk, gently rubbing Art's back. Titus wondered if this boy would actually think about coming back with him... it sounded risky but he didn't seem at all like he was going to attack him again. Only if he were stupid enough maybe, being undead, Titus never did feel tired, and clearly Art seemed a bit exhausted.
He did seem a bit surprised when Art kissed him back before quickly pulling away from him, and his face showed it as well. "That did answer my question, thing is... could you actually... never mind. Why not show?" he jerked him forward a bit forcefully, gripping onto his sides a bit roughly before embracing him further. This game seemed very interesting for the both of him.
Question... was this all some clever ploy to catch him off guard as he had thought before? Or was this real? No matter the outcome, he strongly believed that he would have the upper hand in this matter. He kissed Art again, this time holding him closer for awhile longer then he had before, "Any wishes....?"
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Re: Never Too Far (Private | Me/Krypto) PG 13

Postby Redd » 07/23/2009 5:14 AM

"Really, eh?" Art replied, his arms snaking up around Titus' neck and resting on his shoulders. "Affectionate? That's an interesting term."
Art closed his eyes for a second and relaxed visibly. He didn't know what it seemed to Titus, but his wings weren't shattered any more. They were still bruised and battered, but he didn't need to devote his bodies energy to healing them.
But, no he wouldn't strike Titus. That was complete folly.

"Hmm? What is it?" Art asked, raising one eyebrow and leaning in closer, a tantalizing smile playing across his lips. "Do tell... or show. Whatever suits your fancy." Art smiled, taking one hand that was wrapped around Titus' neck and traced the side of his face, then slid it down his neck.
As Titus kissed him, Art responded this time- eagerly and passionately and leaned heavily against him, so all his weight would be on Titus.
Would that throw him off-balance and pitch them both of their seat?


All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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