Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby MythicDusk » 12/21/2008 7:00 PM

A sudder ran through Akkia's body, she grabbed the slaughter dalma by the scruff, toseed it to a side, grabbed the Relowockee by the mask that was attacked to its face, pushed it away, got up with a struggle and slammed the Relowockee's head into a tree, repeatedly, until the mask cracked-repeatedly. She then threw the limp Relowockee to a side, then moved to Corff, picking up the struggling, insane, dalma by the scruff, charging towards the pool of the falls, pushing the dalma into the water, drowning it and throwing the corpse from the water. Luw wasn't dead, at least. Merley stunned. A fire sparked in her eyes as her whole body tensed, her vision hazed over with red as she walked slowly, her shoulders trembling and her face a mask of rage. She circled the bnattle between her love and the albie, awating her time to strike.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/21/2008 7:09 PM

There was a tense feeling in the air as Rosa and Noali circled each other; Rosa shifting into her Lucain form to give her an advantage in fighting.  Noali laughed madly as she said, "You'll not escape us this time, Musical One."

Rosa growled.  "I think not, Noali.  You couldn't get me last time when you had many other demons on your side and I had other people to protect me." She said, jumping at the Albie and biting into her neck.  As Noali whined in pain, Amethysta walked out into the clearing, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous fire.

"Thisss may be, Musssical One," she said, grinning madly, "but, jussst like lassst time, you are in love.  But thisss time, not even ssshe can sssave you.  You belong to me." As the Battleheart said this, she placed a large, clawed foot on top of Rosa, putting just enough pressure on her to make it hard for the other Lucian to breathe, but a little more would crush virtually all of Rosa's bones.

It certainly looked like they were in a bit of a predicament.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby Yomegami » 12/21/2008 7:20 PM

Hm. Seems like the two females were losing, although one did manage to fight off her attackers. At first Malum did not notice that someone had been killed; however, in a few moments he saw that he wasn't fast enough to perform his job.

What told him that? A wisp rising out of the river and hovering just above it. This was the spirit of the dalma that had been killed - and, not to mention, what Malum was supposed to be dragging to the afterlife just now. As he watched, the wisp took on a vague shape of it's living self, then went after the brown female, attempting to bite at her heels.

Malum decided to take care of that later - his attention was, more or less, on the great battleheart that had its hand on the other female. Incorrectly guessing the female was the one to die, he boldly approached. Then, within three feet of the reptile, he snarled:

"If you intend on killing her.... you're encroaching on someone else's job."
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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby MythicDusk » 12/21/2008 7:32 PM


"Bombs awaaaaaay~!" A similar voice chimed from above, a streak of purple fur, with rather large wingblades and....2 tails, curled into a ball came plummeting down to earth, aming for the battleheart. A hollowheart hovering above, a old-fasioned flying hat on, goggles over his eyes and staring down at the battleheart. Akkia snarled and charged for the Battleheart herself, changing into a lucain in mid-pounce, diving at the creatures leg. The leg that was pinning Rosa. The hollowheart dived down, landing, flapping his wings and turning his tail end towards the battlehear, wriggling it at her and laughing, knowing that he could spark her hatred for Hollowhearts, a hatred the two races had for eachother.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/21/2008 7:41 PM

Amethysta growled as she shifted her weight, putting a slight bit more weight on Rosa and causing a rib or two to snap.  Rosa coughed loudly, but soon, the job of keeping the Lucain pinned shifted from Amethysta to Noali as she batted at the other femme Lucain and turned to the male one.

"Forgive me, I wasss not aware that you are the Grim Reaper.  Thisss one, thisss Musssical One, isss mine and mine alone.  Ssshe isss to ssserve me or die my my clawsss." She said angrily, swiping at her attackers and trying to keep her eyes on the skies above.  However, Akkia was causing her enough trouble before she noticed... the Hollowheart.

Noali knew that her Mistress was as powerless to her instinctual hatred of Hollowhearts as Magistreys were prone to their instinctual hatred of Garudors.  So, when Amethysta launched herself into the air at Braska, she was not surprised.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby Yomegami » 12/21/2008 7:53 PM

"Yes, I am the Grim Reaper. And if you don't move it, I'll take your life as well as hers." Malum responded. He wasn't bluffing; his powers could take down a garagnir just as easily as they could kill a lucain his own size. Battlehearts were no different.

However, before he could say anymore the battleheart took her attention off the lucain and charged at a hollowheart that just dove out of the sky. Funny how things work out sometimes.

He was going to let the others take care of the injured female lucain, but it seemed everybody was focused on attacking the battleheart. He rolled his eyes, and then focused his efforts on getting the "Musical One" to safety. He put his nose under her, and then worked his head under until she was resting on his neck just in front of his wingblades.

"Be grateful, female," he said, "I am not usually this kind to people."

((Hopefully I got everything right, tell me if something's wrong and I'll edit it.))
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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby MythicDusk » 12/21/2008 8:00 PM

Braska was zooming through the sky, once in a while wriggling his tail at her in a taunt, grinning at her and circling her, diving, flying behind her, over her, beneath her, beside her, then just infront of her, wriggling his hind end infront of her.
It must be said, he was good at ariels.
He then shot off in a certain direction, hoping to leat her away from the small battle that was now below. He was now taunting her with words, booming them form one mind to another. "Oh come now! You can't possibly be that fat, that you can't keep up with an old hollowheart!"

Akkia stared at the angel of death carrying Rosa and nodded once, praying he would take her to safety, then turning her attention to the albie, as did Styx, both snarling ang growling like demons, hackles risen, lips pulled back, prepared to slaughter.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/21/2008 8:09 PM

Rosa could only weakly acknowledge the Angel of Death that was carrying her off; she feared she was dying, but his words made her less certain.  Be grateful, female.  I am not usually this kind to people. She would have nodded, had she had any desire to move right about now.

Amethysta snarled as she unleashed a column of fire from her mouth, accelerating through it to catch up to the Hollowheart.  I wouldn't taunt me, if I were you!  I can sssummon your death jussst as quickly as I can disssappear. She called back, although she was not sure how she could get Rosa to sing now.

Noali whimpered, but then snarled.  She wasn't going to let this change in events shake her up in the least.  They were just two more Lucain; one of which the Musical One was in love with.  "You are no different from the weaklings I took on at Basantha when my Mistress and I tried to capture the Musical One that time.  The only difference is that there are fewer of you, and neither of you go feral at the smell of blood."

I hope. Noali added silently.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby Yomegami » 12/21/2008 8:36 PM

Malum ignored the chaos that was going on around him, and focused only on getting the female out of there. He was definitely going against his job description now; he was supposed to bring death, not save life! Sometimes, though, one's gotta do what one's gotta do.

Lowering his head some, he pushed through the bushes, hoping that no one noticed his exit, and also hoping there was a smaller clearing around her where he could set this lucain down. Unfortunately, he wasn't coming across any. Then what was he supposed to do - charge into battle carrying a wounded female on his back?

He went with a better option: making one himself. And so, he did that, flattening the plants with his paws to the best of his ability. Fortunately, most of the plants here were ferns, which not only gave way easily, but also would make a cushion of sorts.

After several grueling minutes, it was done. The angel of death gently let the female slide off his neck and onto the ground. He still had no idea on why the heck he was doing this. Maybe it was his X marking.
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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby MythicDusk » 12/21/2008 8:43 PM

Akkia began to grin slowly and Styx chuckled. "Ahh, we do not go rabid, but you see my friend here? When she gets angry, she goes insane, and so far, she has been at the peak of her anger and I can go nothing but aid her, so may i give you a suggestion? Run." He brought his face down so it was level with hers, snorting in her face, still grinning.

Braska yelped, shot upwards and grinned. "Oh, please, I'm old and I can still out-maneuver you! Whats wrong? Afraid of little old me? Or are you just too fat that you should really be immobilized? As I can see the biginnings of a double shin there, lass." At those words, he shot off at the highest speed he could possibly muster.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/21/2008 8:57 PM

That enraged Amethysta, to be sure, but something else had caught her attentions.  She had caught onto the battle down below, but something was missing.

Or someone.

"The Musssical One hasss essscaped again!" Amethysta cried in a rage, first shooting up as high as she could in the air, hoping to swipe at Braska as she both came up and descended rapidly, her wings tucked in so that she was falling at a very rapid pace.  When she landed, the entire ground shook, and the now-frightened Albie had even more of a reason to be afraid.

Mistress was mad.

Noali began to back up as soon as she saw the snarling female.  The words of the male reached her, yes, but she was immobilized as soon as she felt herself back up into Amethysta's snarling snout.

Rosa groaned weakly as she was slid onto the bed of ferns, her breathing ragged and the case on her back out of place--but thankfully not damaged.  She could not shift forms now, so that at least the oboe case would not be pressing so hard against one of her broken ribs; hard enough that if she tried to breathe too deeply or was moved, it might cause the rib to puncture a lung.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby Yomegami » 12/22/2008 1:16 PM

Right now, he was thinking that he needed some medical experience. That way, he could have done something to help the female recuperate. Alas, given the fact that he was an angel of death, a.k.a. a grim reaper, he could do jack squat besides make sure no one brought her to harm.

It was a good thing they were back here, because a few moments after he had sat her down, the ground shook, indicating one furious battleheart. Even he was reluctant to take on such a creature - although it would take quite a bit of force to take him down, an angry battleheart was capable of inflicting really severe injuries.

For now, he hoped that it'd be over soon - the sooner this was over with, the sooner he could stop playing heroics and get back to what he was supposed to be doing.
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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby MythicDusk » 12/22/2008 1:24 PM

"Run!" Styx bellowed, bolting off in the direction of the forestry, Akkia following close behind, hoping the other two were pre-occupied, biting Braska's tail as he was about to send off another insult. Braska growled then took flight, watching the other two run beneath him. Akkia skidded to a halt, blood glistening on her underbelly, splattering up her ribs. "Akkia, your bleeding." Styx stated simply. "I want my woman!" Akkia growled at Malum. "Akkia."
"Your bleeding." Akkia looked down, saw the flash of white...A rib. Sticking out of her flesh. Oh. Yay. She then fell to a side, unconcious. Styx panicked silently, his face drawn, watching Akkia's breathing shallow.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/22/2008 2:06 PM

Rosa knew that voice; that voice that demanded that she be brought to her.  It had to be Akk's voice; who else would demand a grim reaper to Give me my woman! so bluntly?  One of her silverish eyes opened slightly as she groaned, "Akks..."

That was the last thing she said before she blacked out herself.

Meanwhile, Noali was left to deal not only with Amethysta, but Braska as well.  Amethysta let out a furious roar as she looked down at the Albie.  Oh, how she would love to just step on the little Albie and have it all over with now instead of putting her through all the torture she'd put Cyril through for collaborating with Hollowhearts... but no.  She had to punish.

"Missstresss isss very angry with you, Noali." Amethysta growled.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: Memories beside the falls. [Private; Me, Arctic and Fire]

Postby Yomegami » 12/22/2008 8:41 PM

Fortunately for Malum, the other female was quick in coming back, along with the other male lucain on the scene. Upon arrival, she bluntly stated that she "wanted her woman." Not exactly the sort of greeting most would give an angel of death, but he couldn't blame her.

"Relax, she's right-" he began, only to have the one he was speaking to fall over unconscious after seeing a rib poking out of her side.

He looked around, but saw no other recourse. When he saw the other female coming, he hoped he could leave. However, that led to this, and now he had no choice. He had to do something in order to make sure he didn't have to claim more lives than he had to.

"This is great. Really great," he said, a tone of sarcasm. He then turned to Styx and asked, "Well, I've got nothing. Have any ideas?"
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