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A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/16/2013 10:53 PM

Cobra & Tarantula
#dbb87a || #432b05

"Cobra, where the hell are you taking me."

The older of the two men walking through the forest didn't seem nearly as happy about this outing. While the other male was practically prancing with barely contained excitement, he looked upon his surroundings with a sneer. It was bad enough that all week he had been talked to about this 'surprise' and how 'romantic' it would all be. He had a feeling that by the end of the night, he would have to kill his brother, Cobra.

"Aww, Terry, just stop complaining for a bit, would ya? I know you don't like this kinda stuff, but you promised me that you'd let me have one romantic night out - just one. You promised that you'd go along with it. So just...shut up and go along with it!"

Sighing, Tarantula finally decided to be quiet. Why had he ever agreed to this in the first place? The young woman that Cobra had willingly slain and brought to him was now no longer worth what he had offered in exchange. He had been an idiot to promise such a thing. There was no way he could enjoy this thing, but he was pretty sure that if he ruined the night, Cobra would demand another one. So, he gritted his teeth and decided that he might as well go along with it. Besides, it was just one night. One night wouldn't kill him...


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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/27/2013 5:11 PM

"Okay, now cover your eyes!"

Well, maybe this night would kill Tarantula after all. He looked at his younger brother skeptically, one brow raised. "Excuse me? Why would I do such a thing?"

Pouting, Cobra held up a bandana, obviously meaning for Tarantula to cover his eyes with it. "Please? I want what I've set up to be a surprise! I'll lead you there, and then take the blindfold off. You know that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you...I love you too much!"

Groaning audibly, Tarantula snatched the bandana and, with some struggle, finally got it tied over his eyes. "If you run me into anything," he growled. "I'll be having your blood as a 'romantic' Valentine's champagne."

Cobra simply chuckled. "You know I wouldn't do that." He took his brother's hand, and was pleasantly surprised when Tarantula entwined their fingers together. His brother usually wasn't one to show any affection, so it was a moment to cherish. He began leading his brother forward, moving quickly enough that it wouldn't take ages to get to the spot, but slowly enough that Tarantula, even temporarily blinded as he would, could follow and keep up easily.

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/27/2013 5:20 PM

After about fifteen minutes of walking, Tarantula was beginning to become tired of the antics. "Can I just take the blindfold off? We can both move a lot quicker if you allow me to do that."

"No." For once, Cobra's voice was firm and dominating - something that was usually Tarantula's domain. Cobra couldn't see the movement, due to the bandana covering it, but Tarantula's eyebrow raised again, and he grinned.

"Well, well. Look who's finally decided to give in to his dominant side tonight." He licked his lips, positive that Cobra would be watching his every movement, practically swooning. "I like that. And because you're finally showing some sides of aggression, which pleases me, I'm yours tonight. I'll indulge your every whim. I'll even be...submissive."

Cobra gulped. Tarantula, being submissive? That was...impossible. Surely his brother didn't mean it...right? But something about the tone in Tarantula's voice told Cobra that he wasn't kidding. For once, Cobra would be able to dominate his brother.

The night was going to be the best night of his life.

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/27/2013 5:32 PM

Finally reaching their destination, Cobra stopped, and Tarantula with him. As Cobra let go of his hand, Tarantula waited for the blindfold to be removed...but a minute passed, and then two, and nothing was happening. "Cobra? Where the devil did you go?"

In response, Tarantula felt a warm breath on his neck. Despite all his attempts to not let it affect him, he felt a tingle go down his spine. When he felt Cobra's lips on his neck, and then his teeth, Tarantula gasped.

Just as he thought about reaching to pull his brother closer, Cobra undid the bandana and stepped away. Being left like this, yearning and unfulfilled...it was painful for Tarantula. He realized that this was the kind of thing he did to Cobra all the time, and he suddenly had a new appreciation for his brother for being as strong as he had been all those times.

Still...he couldn't care less what effects his teasing had. It seemed, though, that he might be made to pay for them tonight. That was fine by him. He would be able to get Cobra back...a thousand times over, again and again, for all of eternity. Because while he was giving himself over to Cobra willingly for one night, Cobra was desperately addicted to Tarantula, willing to do anything to please him. Sure, Cobra would get his one night. But Tarantula would get thousands more.

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/27/2013 5:39 PM

"Well? What do you think?"

At Cobra's request, Tarantula began to look around the clearing. The sun had gone down sometime during their walk, and the moon was shining brightly, giving a gentle glow. It wasn't typically Tarantula's kind of thing, but the forest had taken on a certain mist that gave it an eery look that made the surroundings almost...pleasing.

"It's...not bad."

That was obviously the closest that Tarantula would be getting to a compliment, and Cobra smiled, willing to accept it. "Good. I tried to think of everything. We have music, drinks, and...entertainment." He grinned, baring his vampire fangs.

"Oh? Entertainment, hmm? The way you said that word. It sounds promising." Tarantula smiled back, his own fangs glinting in the moonlight.

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/27/2013 8:51 PM

"Oh, trust me, it will be." Cobra gave his brother a cheeky wink, and surprisingly, was able to keep from blushing while doing so. My, how this day for lover's seemed to transform him! He mentioned over to a large body bag that was lying just a little ways away. "So, what do you say? Dinner and drinks first? Or entertainment?"

Tarantula thought about this for a moment. The smell of fear coming from the body bag was tantalizing, but he had a feeling that if he indulged in Cobra's entertainment first, he wouldn't be able to enjoy the dinner, since the rest of the night would be rushed as his feral side would have kicked in. It would be a waste of all of Cobra's hard work to let the night progress in such a way. And even though Tarantula could care less about Cobra's feelings, he wanted to see more of this dominant side.

He sat at the table that Cobra had prepared, looking around at the dishes, carefully covered. "I'm famished. Let's eat first. There will be plenty of time for fun later, provided that you secured our entertainer correctly."

"He's secured, trust me." Cobra licked his lips, and then sat across from Tarantula. With a flourish, he began to pull the covers off of dishes, revealing the tantalizing food that was hidden beneath.

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/27/2013 11:57 PM

Staring in astonishment, Tarantula couldn't help but sigh in delight as the fragrances rose up from the dishes. "Damn, little brother. You really did go all out on this. I hope that you'll go all out for everything we do tonight." He winked, and watched his brother, waiting for him to blush and squirm. However, Cobra just smirked and turned away, murmuring something too quietly for Tarantula to hear.

It was incredibly odd, feeling as if, suddenly, he had lost his power over the one person that he was able to manipulate the most. Tarantula felt an odd, sinking feeling in his stomach. What exactly was going on with Cobra? Perhaps he should go back on his word to be submissive. After all, he couldn't allow any weakness to tamper the relationship between the brothers. Tarantula would always be the master, and Cobra would always be the lovestruck one, too obsessed to even think about going against his big brother's wishes. Cobra was Tarantula's pawn, and Tarantula intended to keep it that well.

"Well? Aren't you going to eat, Terry?" Cobra's voice snapped Tarantula out of his thoughts and back to reality. Cobra was leaning back, the smirk still on his face. "Go ahead. I spent a fortune on this, so you'd better enjoy it."

As Tarantula began to eat, the wondrous flavors of the food soon distracted him from any ill thoughts that he had been thinking earlier. A single night wouldn't change things. He had nothing to worry about.

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/28/2013 12:08 AM

As the older brother ate, Cobra turned on the radio. The music was romantic...yet in a haunting, almost frightening way. He knew the music to be the type that would both soothe Tarantula whenever he was angry, and fan the flames of passion within him. Once the music was at a comfortable level and Cobra was sure that Tarantula could hear it, he himself began to eat.

The food was perfect. He had specially ordered everything, and hired two chefs to prepare the feast. Of course, the chefs had suffered a rather horrible fate once their task was complete...but Cobra couldn't help himself. After having to watch all the wonderful food be prepared for hours, and not being able to taste any of it, he was left hungry and with two options: ruin the dinner by eating the food, or murdering the chefs and gorging himself on their blood. Obviously, he chose the second option. In fact, it was the second chef, whom Cobra had been unable to finish, who was lying in the body-bag, probably panicking.

Pulling out a wine bottle, Cobra popped the cork out of the top and poured the wine into two glasses, setting one in front of his brother. The liquid was the deep, rich color of blood. It was very impossible that the "wine" contained more than a bit of blood, actually...

"Here, brother. Taste this, and tell me what you think. It should be to your liking, I think."

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/28/2013 12:23 AM

For the briefest of moments, Cobra's grin unsettled Tarantula. He studied the offered glass without taking it. Surely Cobra wouldn't do anything as bold as...poison him. Right?

This was ridiculous. How could Tarantula become so paranoid, just because Cobra was suddenly acting bold, and less weak-willed? Tarantula had grown far too used to having his younger brother as a lapdog. Of course, Cobra would be remaining his lapdog, but from now on, Tarantula would have to have a firmer hand in 'training' him. He couldn't rely simply on the affection of his younger brother anymore.

Knowing that Cobra was beginning to wonder why he hadn't taken the glass yet, Tarantula grabbed it, raised it to his lips, and took a sip. His eyes closed as the flavors danced over his tongue. The drink was, indeed, to his liking. It was the most magnificent thing he had ever tasted.

"Cobra...where did you get something like this?" He opened his eyes again, and searched Cobra's for answers. "This cannot be anything made by mere mortals, surely?"

To his dismay, Cobra refused to reveal the secret. "Sorry, darling. But you're going to have to live the rest of your life wondering what exactly was in your drink, and how exactly I laid hands on it. Feel free to drink as much as you like, though." Cobra took his own, graceful sip of the drink as his brother poured himself a second glass.

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/28/2013 12:38 AM

"Bastard," Tarantula muttered the word quietly as he took another drink of wine. He absolutely had to find out where this stuff had come from. It was so exquisite, it made his head spin...

Wait a minute. His head really was spinning. And his limbs felt heavy. He spat out the mouthful of wine, and glared at Cobra. "Y-you poisoned me!" He barely managed to choke out the words as he gasped for breath. "How c-could you do this to m-me?"

Cobra shook his head. "You're a dumb-dumb, sometimes. I didn't poison you...I just gave you a love potion. You'll most likely lose consciousness for a few minutes, and when you wake up..." Cobra's eyes glowed with happiness, and he was grinning from ear to ear. "You'll finally love me the way that I love you!" Seeing the expression on Tarantula's face, he sighed. "Don't worry, it doesn't last forever. I just...I just wanted to finally have one night in which we both loved each other, not just me loving you." His voice was quiet now, and his gaze settled on the floor. He had longed for this night for so long, the night when Cobra would actually love him. He had suffered years of abuse, of torture, for this one night. He looked up, determined. "This is my night, Terry. You promised me I could have my night. I knew that you couldn't make yourself love me, and neither can I. But I can give you a potion that does the job."

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/28/2013 10:49 AM

Even as he struggled to keep his eyes open, Tarantula could tell that it wasn't going to work. He tried to snarl out curses at his younger brother, but his tongue felt heavy and dry in his mouth. He stood from his chair, only to stumble down, causing a few scrapes that began to heal instantly. He gasped a few times, still trying to fight it, but he just couldn't do it. His head lolled to the side as he lost consciousness.

Cobra sat back, taking another sip of the wine - Tarantula had been so absorbed with the deliciousness of the potion to realize that Cobra was drinking from a different cup than the one that he had poured the loved potion into for himself. That was just to put Tarantula's mind at ease, and obviously it had worked.

Taking advantage of the time he had, Cobra began cleaning up the remainder of the meal, and preparing the desserts to be eaten.

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/28/2013 12:48 PM

It seemed like he had been asleep for years and years when Tarantula's eyes finally opened. He gazed at the smiling face of his brother, who was leaning over him, and realized something. For the first time, he saw how beautiful Cobra was. His body, his hair, his face, and his eyes...the man was simply stunning, and Tarantula couldn't tear his gaze away from him.

"Terry? You okay?" Cobra gently ran his fingers through his brother's hair, and Tarantula smiled. "Yes...I'm better than I've been in a long while." Grabbing Cobra's face in his hands, he pulled his head down to kiss his lips - gently. It was their first gentle kiss, and it sent shivers of happiness down Cobra's spine.

He couldn't believe it. The potion had worked! Smiling, Cobra said, "I've been waiting for you to kiss me like that for a long, long time."

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Re: A Bittersweet Thing Called Love [Hunt][Self][M]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 03/01/2013 2:53 AM

If there was still daylight, it would be near impossible to see, and if it was past nightfall, only few would actually notice it. Some people reported seeing a comet shooting overhead, while others saw the 'comet' landing in a bright flash of light in a nearby bush, or in the middle of the path in front of them.

It seemed, this Valentines, that the Legend of Love was indeed true, for the item that lay nearby, ready for your discovering, was Valentines related.
If you wandered over to the light you would discover:
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