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Return to Nu'san Temple

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/01/2009 11:55 AM

As was his business to do, Eriot noticed that the female was hurt right away. Some sort of wound on the arm. Well, that would soon be taken care of. If it were up to him, he would just as soon turn her male, too, but the god of this temple would kill him - or at least send him back - before he could bestow more power unto his creation. Instead, he knelt on one knee, bowed to the female, then reached out to rest a hand over the wound. There would be a flash. A moment of intense heat but no pain. Then, the wound would be gone without a trace. He was, after all, the God of Life where he was from. Surely he could heal a little injury or two without being frowned upon.

"A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Ms. Paranoia." he said, standing and bowing once more. "My name, as Seio already told you, is Eriot."

He didn't see the need to tell her he was a god. The glowing and fancy clothes pretty much gave that away right off the spot. But now, he turned his attention to Seio.

"Seio..." he began. "... I have a number of gifts for you. But there are some you may receive now, and others you must wait to receive. I will tell you ONLY once, of the conditions on receiving these gifts. The first condition - and most sacred - is that you remain chaste. The moment you break this promise, is the moment you lose your power completely. That, I cannot help you with. The second is that you find a new Charge. The boy from before is safe. I saved him myself. And no - I am not mad with you."

He made a motion with his hands in the air, and produced a sort of mirror, hovering there. In the mirror was the picture of Seio's next charge. Benji. There were two images. One, a completely black young Kuhna with a white tuft of hair, orange eyes, and large black wings. The other, a picture of a small boy with pale skin, white hair, and startling fire-like eyes.

"He is a misplaced soul - like Arrikanez on this world - You are to guide and protect him, and the body in which he resides. Currently, he wanders the streets. You are to seek him out and care for him. Find him a suitable life-partner. Once this is done, I will assign you a new charge."
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Postby Kyrit » 01/04/2009 6:42 PM

The human form Shinzo blushed slightly as Paranoia winked at him, only to stare in awe a few moments later as his creator took care of the wound that he himself had done his best to at least get nice and bandaged so there would be no infection. Yes, he knew Eriot could heal. That was a given with what he was the god of. It had just been so long since he had gotten to see the man in action. So long since he had gotten to see him do anything...

When Eriot's attention was turned back to him, he was very attentive, listening to each word with great care. Chaste? The blush found its way creeping back across his face. It wasn't like he had exactly planned on hopping in to bed with anyone, so that should be easy to keep. He hadn't even been the one to cause the kiss from earlier after all, and Parri was a good looking girl. He just.. Didn't feel a deep attraction to anyone currently.

Ah? The boy was safe? Oh how wonderful it was of him to go and save him. Sure, Seio still hated that he couldn't have done it. Felt bad that his creator had to do what he had failed at doing. But... at least the child was safe now.

Blue eyes fixed on the mirror, Seio gave a small nod. New charge.. He wouldn't screw up this time. He'd be sure to do this the correct way this time and not give up no matter what. A small smile spreading across his face, the young male gave a small nod and spoke, "Yes sir. I'll take care of him with all that I am."
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Re: .:~I Couldn't Hate You if You Tried~:.

Postby MythicDusk » 01/06/2009 6:13 PM

Paranoia turned into her human form, cocked her hat and leaned forward, placing her hands on hthe arms of Seio's armchair so her face was level with his, then giving him a gentle kiss, she stood back up. Giving Seio a small wink. "Sorry to leave suddenly, but I gotta get moving before my owner wants to put me in a cooking pot. See you all again." She chuckled slightly, she was quite sure on it. Beginning to run towards the entrance, she turned into a lucain and shot out the door and into the swirling snow outside.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: .:~I Couldn't Hate You if You Tried~:.

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/31/2009 3:31 PM

Perhaps Eriot had been a little mistaken in terms of the whole 'in the streets' thing, because Seio's charge was sliding into the temple, sneezing. He was in human form, but that whole 'overlay' thing was of a small black kuhna with wings and a white tuft of hair. He was cute, fairly cold, and really lost.

"H-hello?" he called, teeth chattering. "I don't think anyone's here, but if they are, can they please come? I'm cold..."

Apparently recieving no reply, the young one came further into the temple, continuing to speak.
"I mean, I'm lost... and I'm tired too. And this place was all open, and looked warm and stuff.. But if there's nobody there, could nobody please tell me how to get warm?"
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Postby Kyrit » 11/24/2009 1:48 AM

(Sorry for the wait. Evelon holidays keep me busy. XD)

"Oh you poor dear!" came a woman's voice from not too far away from the young one as he stepped closer in to the temple. It was hard to tell just how dainty her form was, what with the thick robes, scarf, and blanket she had tightly wrapped around her. Apparently, she was one of the monks that lived at the temple. Or.. maybe she just lived there. She didn't seem much like a monk, but she didn't seem like much of a traveler either.

Taking the blanket from her own shoulders, she wrapped it around Benji before doing the same with her scarf. "We seem to be getting quite a few visitors today. Come, come. I'll take you to the room where we're letting the others rest. There's a nice fire in there that you can sit near and I can go get you some hot chocolate or something to put in your belly."

She didn't rush him forward in a hurry, but the young woman did take his hand and walk him to the room that Eriot and Seio were currently in. She stopped at the door though, giving him a gentle nudge forward. "Go ahead and sit by the fire. I'll be back in just a few minutes." She seemed to disappear almost as suddenly as she had appeared, skittering off to fine the young one a nice, warm drink.

(Figured it'd be easier to bring him to them than to bring Seio to him since Seio's still with Eriot.)
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Re: .:~I Couldn't Hate You if You Tried~:.

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 12/08/2010 1:59 AM

The young Kuhnaboy was more than happy to be escorted down the hallways, and into the warm place with the fire, and... He stopped when the woman left, and blinked at the other two.

"You're not nobody..." he murmured. "Can I get warm here? Please?"

Eriot looked up from his conversation with the one he'd set here, and caught the fiery eyes of the very same charge he had just been talking about. Deciding that discretion - for this situation - was best in the light of what he had just said, he kept quiet as to who he, and his construct, really were.

"Of course you can warm up in here, kiddo. Just come sit by us." He smiled. "I think I have some chocolate in my pack somewhere if you'd like it?"

Benji looked as though he'd just been offered a cauldron of happy. Starting to nod, he nearly vibrated with excitement, as Eriot produced a bar of chocolate from 'his pack' [I.E. nowhere] and handed it over to the child. The white-haired boy took it with a look of extreme gratitude, and started to munch, casting glances over at both of them while he did so.

Eriot cast his own glance at Seio... back and forth between he and the boy. It was supposed to be understood that this was the exact one the godcain had been talking about just moments prior. A mission, of sorts. But a cute one at that.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/08/2010 2:58 PM

Where Eriot's eyes traveled, so too did Seio's. He didn't need to see the glances shot in his direction to understand just who this was. Sure he looked a bit more... rough around the edges, but hey. He looked tired and worn out. Such a frail body making its way through such weather... He was actually quite surprised that Benji made it here on his own from wherever he had been previously.

After simply staring in awe for a few moments, Seio caught himself and realized that now was not the time to just sit there and gawk. He had to take care of this kid, right? Standing up and moving a bit away from the fire, he motioned for the child to go ahead and take his place so he could warm up a lot quicker. At least it seemed as though someone else had taken care to bundle him up, though he figured he probably hadn't been given the garments until he got there, considering they had not a single drop of snow anywhere on them.

"Of course we're not nobody. Nobody would make for terrible company, don't you think?" His words may have been a bit late considering Eriot had already offered for him to come sit with them and even gave him a bit of chocolate, but better late than never, no? He was also hoping that maybe he could get a laugh out of the kid, though really that probably hadn't been all that funny he supposed.

"You look like you've traveled quite a ways. What brought you all the way out here, little guy? Oh! I'm Nhil'kinai'seio. Or well... Seio if you'd like. I suppose that might be a mouthful to say."
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Re: .:~I Couldn't Hate You if You Tried~:.

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 12/08/2010 3:14 PM

Benji giggled a bit, and nibbled more of the chocolate. Of course, he swallowed what he'd bitten off, before responding to the other with the long and funny name. He liked Seio. Seio was a pretty name. Completely without asking, because he didn't think Seio would mind, he cuddled up to him, and rested against him for warmth. His ears flicked a bit as he settled himself, and half-closed his sleepy eyes.

Eriot rose from his position while the boy was situating himself, and gave his construct a nod and smile. He was doing the right thing. And with that, he simply walked out of the temple, leaving him to it. After all - he had other things to attend to, and it seemed as though the boy was in good hands just now.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/08/2010 10:36 PM

At first, Seio was a bit surprised that the little guy had decided to cuddle up close to him, but he really didn't mind at all. Instead of moving away, he adjusted the blanket the woman had wrapped Benji in to make sure it was nice and secure around him before letting a hand rest on the child's back, patting it softly. "Go ahead and get a good rest. Once you're fully rested we'll see about getting you something to eat."

Icy eyes straying over to watch Eriot leave, the Shinzo gave a soft smile and waved his free hand. He didn't know when it was that he'd see the man again, but he knew that this time he would not fail. He would find someone for this little guy. He'd make sure that he was loved. Whenever he managed to do that, he knew that he would once again see his creator.
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