In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 5:12 PM

She was so fucking anxious. He'd visited her only once before, and since their meeting he had texted her at least once a day. There was no way the butterflies in her stomach would fade, not after seeing his face and hearing his voice. When he'd gone so far as to mention her to a friend... she'd about died.

To be so wholly consumed by him... She knew it wasn't healthy. He did not hold the same feelings for her as she did for him. their correspondence thus far has been friendly. Little he did could be considered friendly, but her twisted view of him made it so. It was also professional. Perhaps as a way to keep her close while denying her any emotional connection. He was so mysterious, and elusive, she could only guess at his motives.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 5:16 PM

He had joked with her one night. Something about how he'd always thought he needed an assistant. 'assistant' meaning she amused him enough to keep around, but nothing more. A toy to play with, and not even a favored toy. In their first meeting he made her place very clear. did she regret this fresh hell she was in? No, regret had not once crossed her mind.

The incessant butterflies ate at her stomach. It was difficult to eat with them nesting there, which only added to her nausea. She forced herself to eat before she left, and she was making sure to stay hydrated. What would he think of her if she couldn't even take care of herself? He was offering her responsibility, and she wasn't going to piss it away before she even had it in her grasp.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 5:22 PM

There was someone behind her. Even as a human she could sense His presence. He stopped next to her. She didn't turn to him, as much as she wanted to, she couldn't yet.

"A lovely day hmm?"

For the first time she took in the scenery. Black sand heating from the rising sun. It wasn't yet midday, but the fog that set in over night was burned away. The waves rolled in lazily, and there was a soft breeze that kept the temperature from rising too high.

She was saying goodbye.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 5:30 PM

She could feel his eyes on her, picking her apart. She wondered what she would look like when he put her back together. She wondered if he would ever put her back together.

"There's no going back."

His voice was almost comforting, but he was warning her. there was no room for hesitation or regret. Finally she turned to him. "I don't want to go back," there was no hiding the desperation in her voice. she lost all composure being this close to him. He was frowning softly at her words, but when their eyes met his normal condescending smile returned.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 5:55 PM

"Then there is no need to waste more time."

Time seemed to slow. She could barely comprehend what was happening. A slit wrist. His blood in her mouth. Then nothing.

She got the feeling that something more was meant to happen. His frown had returned as well. Fear tortured her in their silence. What was wrong? What had she just done? Why had she liked it?

The butterflies turned perverse. Demon blood had a strange effect on the human body. She felt giddy, and powerful, and sadistic. A fire sparked in her eyes, and she felt more connected to him than ever.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 6:28 PM

"That explains a lot."

He sounded annoyed. "Please, please tell me what's going on," she begged. He considered her for a moment. the look in his eyes was strange, as if he was wondering how she even existed.

"Tell me: where did you live before?"

"L-Lambastia," she blurted. He knew that. "The holy city has been my home until now," she specified. the white city of holy purity. What would it think of her now? It couldn't think, and she reminded herself that she didn't care what anyone thought of her choices.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 6:50 PM

"Hmm, I suppose you might be old enough to have crossed paths with me. In your time, it has been too long since I've been to that blinding city," he said thoughtfully. "To think you've been bound to me for so long, and I had no idea," he chuckled, but there was a dangerous glint in his eyes. "A loose end. A piece of string so small I over looked cutting it away," he mused.

His eyes bore into her with an intensity that made her nervous. Then he seemed to compose himself. He relaxed his body, and turned his gaze to the sea.

She let go of a breath she didn't know she'd been holding.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 7:01 PM

"Even small strings, once pulled, can break down a larger structure," he said. "Lets tie you up. come work for me."

"Happily," she replied. Her decision had not changed, though his offer turned into a command.

She feared this new world would be one she learned slowly. It seemed he liked his secrets, and when she questioned him he always diverted her attention. Although once she was in his world she would need to know how it worked in order to function. Perhaps things would change once she settled into her role.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 7:23 PM

"I'll be in my study. Don't keep me waiting."

She spun around, but he was gone. "Where-" someone grabbed her from behind. She couldn't even think to scream as she blinked out of and then in to existence.

"Where are we?" she asked. Before her was a grand looking grey brick mansion. Beyond it the world dropped away and there was only water.

"At His manor. just east of Jawan," came her captor's response.

She knew better than to look, that rule had been set up early on, but he felt giant behind her.
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Re: 'Assistant' (Self | Quest | L)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2017 7:25 PM

"And his study?" she asked.

"Enter the house, and go down the first left hallway. At the end is His study," the man said.

She bit her lip and nodded. With the warning of not keeping him waiting she began walking to the study. There were a few people milling about the grounds, as she passed they stopped to stare at her. The attention was unsettling. In the house there were even more. Most of them looked deadly, and she kept her eyes towards her goal.
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