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Contana Ranch [Self]

Postby Kat-Wolf » 06/04/2009 8:41 PM


(Mount training :P)

With a curious green-eyed gaze, the Gyrraptor watched his approaching master with caution. The wooden slat fence bordered the entire dusty pen, save for a food trough filled with dried meat of all sorts and a metal gate that was firmly latched.

She had a light blue halter and a lead rope. Not a good sign.

The reptilian edged along the side of his enclosure, eying her warily. She vaulted the fence, her boots sending up little puffs of dirt in the light wind. He trusted her, but... well, not this much.

"Easy, Radon..." Kat murmured, approaching the hazardous animal slowly, taking her time to make each step soft and quiet. The halter swung in her hand, loose and unbuckled, and the lead rope was twisted in a loop over her shoulder. The Gyrraptor chirruped and raised his head, preparing to run. She stopped.

"Hush," she said quietly, giving him a chance to calm down before beginning her snail-like pace again. The Venom pet began to back away as she came closer, his neon green eyes wide with fear as she began to lift the halter.

His skull now perched high in the air, Radon chirped in alarm, turning to bolt. The piece of tack went back down to the human's side immediately as she suddenly ket out a string of soothing words, trying to calm the frightened beast down. Her hand came to his cheek, and she stroked him softly, whispering relaxing noises.

"Easy, boy, easy..." The Gyrraptor lowered his head a bit, more at ease than before. Kat took her chance, and began to raise the halter once again, always keeping her hand on his feathered jaw, trying her best not to startle him.

As soon as the noseband came over his snout, Radon screamed, his cranium shooting upwards. His desperate master quickly grabbed the browband and pulled it over his forehead, reaching down and buckling the entire thing together at the same time, while swinging wildly in the air as the reptilian frantically tried to shake her off. The lead rope slipped off her shoulder and into the crook of her arm, and she hurriedly snapped it on, dropping to the ground with the guiding leash still firmly in her hands.

The creature chirped and growled, terrified of this new contraption that his owner had sewn onto his face. She clucked at him, giving the him a soft lead, and Radon soon calmed down, though the whites of his eyes still showed and he continued to hyperventilate, sweat dripping down his neck.

"There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?"

[Radon: 1/5]
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Re: Contana Ranch {Self, but open}

Postby Kat-Wolf » 06/07/2009 5:52 PM

Kat walked down the pathway, vaulting over the wooden fence and throwing some meat into the trough. She only had two animals on her ranch so far: Verso and Conan, two gyrraptors.

ImageImperial Gyrraptor

ImageWood Gyrraptor

I'll get more soon... she thought to herself. Someday... Actually, she would have had 3 gyrraptors, but she had sent the other one, Ely, out to find her a Mr. Wilson at Terrace Park. Oh, well. She would just have to do with Conan and Verso for now.

"Hey, Conan!" The wood gyrraptor trotted up to the side of the pen.

"Yes?" His yellow, intelligent eyes turned to Kat, letting her give him a pat on the nose.

"I'm thinking about training Verso today. Can you help? You're sorta a translator between us, and Verso's so... well, difficult..." Conan nodded. They both knew how the imperial gyrraptor could be aggressive, to say the least. Conan could speak human, where Verso could not, which added to his confusion.

"Of course."

"Great! I'll get the tack." The girl ran into the tack room, seizing only a rope bridle. It had no bit, as gyrraptors did not need one to be guided. "This'll make it easier for harvesting time, and it'll make him easier to handle in general," she said, to no one in particular. "And Verso trusts Conan, so that should help with the training." She hurried back to the pen, the bridle swinging at her side. "Verrrrrrrrsoooooooo!" she called. The creature looked up, snarled, and then continued eating. Conan went to the trough, and, after a series of clicks, growls, and chirps, hehad persuaded the imperial to come along with him.

Conan: 1/5
Verso: 1/5
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Re: Contana Ranch {Self, but open}

Postby Kat-Wolf » 06/07/2009 6:20 PM

Once again, Kat vaulted the fence. "Hey, Verso..." she said, trying to reassure the gyrraptor. He growled and turned away. The girl walked slowly toward him, with snail-like, deliberate movements, trying to get close enough to him to slip the bridle on. Conan stood right next to him, ready to jump in if anything went wrong. "Easy, boy, I'm not gonna hurt you, easy..." She quietly moved her hand up and between his eyes. Verso snapped, missing her fingers by an inch. Conan turned and gave him a strong slap with his tail, leaving the imperial yelping and lowering his head to submission. Wow! Kat thought. Not only does Verso trust Conan, he respects him, too! Who would've thought? Conan must be whipping him into shape while I'm not here... She proceeded to put the bridle over his head, giving a quick pull to the chinstrap to make sure it was securely fastened. Verso drew back his lips, but other than that, he remained silent. "See? It's not so bad, is it?" The gyrraptor looked like he was about to bolt, but with Conan glaring into the back of his skull, he stayed put. "Now I'm just gonna get on your back..."

"EEEEREEEEEEEESCH!" Verso screamed out a sound neither Conan nor Kat had ever heard before. He bolted around the pen, with his trainer flailing behind him, holding onto the reins for dear life. The imperial gyrraptor bucked, jumped, and reared, anything to get this... this.. creature off his back! Conan let out a burst of speed, pulling in front of the two. Verso screeched to a halt. The wood hissed, with his tail waving in the air. Once again, Verso slunk down, wanting to sink into the ground. Kat panted, giving the reins a bit of slack as the imperial trembled in Conan's unwavering gaze.

Verso: 2/5
Conan: 2/5
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Re: Contana Ranch {Self, but open}

Postby Kat-Wolf » 06/07/2009 7:24 PM

The wood gyrraptor took a step towards Verso, baring his teeth. "Stop," he snarled, in gyrraptor tongue. His voice was cold and steely. Verso took a step back.

"She, she, she mounted me! How dare she!" the imperial protested. "She stuck this infertile bridle on me, jumped on my back like a lazy taosig, and expected to ride me!" Conan snarled again, and Verso slunk down.

"That is no excuse for your behavior," he hissed, tail waving angrily. "She had given you food, a home, and shelter; the least you can do to repay her is to act civilized and to be ridden like you're supposed too!" The reptilian took a few steps forward and looked Verso straight in the eye. "You... will... be... ridden... understand?" He said the words slowly, pronunciating each and everyone.

Verso nodded, trembling. "Yessir. T-thankyou, sir." He stood up, quivering with fear, and began to walk shakily.

"Thanks, Conan," Kat replied, her heart still pounding from the run.

Verso: 3/5
Conan: 3/5
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Re: Contana Ranch {Self, but open}

Postby Kat-Wolf » 06/08/2009 8:15 PM

The rest of the day was somewhat normal, and Verso's training was going along quite well. Whenever he acted up, Conan would just give a growl and he would utter out an 'eep!' before going silent. Both the gyrraptors had been brought into their stalls for the night, and Kat was musing on the day's events by the wood's stall.

"Mmm, Conan, I've been thinking about getting another gyrraptor."


"Yeah. I've found a pretty good lookin' one at the main pens. What do you think?"

"Fine by me. We need all the keystones we can get, and it'll be nice to have another penmate besides Verso for a change." Kat nodded.

"Good. I'll be back with it tomorrow morning."

Meanwhile, Verso overheard their conversation. He could understand a few of the words, words that Conan had taught him. 'Conan... gyrraptor...' 'keystones... penmate... Verso...' He growled. Are they going to replace me?

Verso: 4/5
Conan: 4/5
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Re: Contana Ranch {Self, but open}

Postby Kat-Wolf » 06/08/2009 9:26 PM

The next morning, Kat woke up and went to the Main Pen. The Main Pen was a huge area, offering all of the normal, regular pets. "Hmm... Well, Scales and Tails is the way to go..." she murmured, glancing up at the large, arched sign leading her to the reptilian section. Once there, she looked around until she found the Gyrraptor Holding Area. Many of the creatures ran around, squealing, hissing, and clicking. There were commons, jewels, temples, and prismatics, but Kat only had eyes for one of them. Running along the edge of the pen was a beautiful blossom gyrraptor, her brown and pink feathers groomed to perfection.

ImageBlossom Gyrraptor

Eager future-pet owners crowded around the edges, each slipping on their own halters and leashes, walking their brand new pet away. Kat did the same, pulliung out a nice nylon halter and attaching it to the blossom's head. "Hey, girl..." she said, stroking her soft plumage. "Ready to get to Contana?"

"Well, there you go, Kila." The new gyrraptor rushed into her new home.

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Re: Contana Ranch {Self, but open}

Postby Kat-Wolf » 06/17/2009 11:41 AM

Kila trotted around, head held high. The nylon halter fell to the ground. She swiveled her head with interest at the two other males in the pen with her. "Hello..." she murmured, loping up to them. "I'm Kila, and I'm new."

Conan looked up with shock. He had expected a temple gyrraptor, or maybe even a prismatic, but a blossom? Wow, Kat could be so odd sometimes. The wood twisted his head, looking at the female. "I'm Conan," he said, clicking his claw on the ground. "And this is Verso," he added, giving a nonchlant wave to the imperial, who was showing off by running around the ring. Kila laughed.

Kat smiled. I better get back to the Main Pen soon, she thought. Harvesting will be over in three more days! I need one more pet...

Kila: 2/5
Conan: 5/5 Level up!
Verso: 5/5 Level up!
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Re: Contana Ranch {Self, but open}

Postby Kat-Wolf » 06/17/2009 11:54 AM

Image Hollow Aries


Once again, Kat was at the Main Pen. Many arched, wooden signs hung above her, each pointing her in the directions of different pets. "Furries, I guess..." She hurried down one path, dust flying up behind her. The girl looked around, searching for the right pen. "Hmm... where is it, where is it... Aries! There it is!" She jumped up, running over to the wooden holding area.

Many of the creatures ran around the edges, each with their own shimmering pelts. Like the day before, future owners grabbed the one they wanted, attaching halters and leadropes to the magnificent beasts. A venom aries ran past her, and she could feel the soft, sleek pelt that they possesed. Celestial wool... she thought, running her hand over the venom again. Celestial wool, that'll be sold for a profit. She held the blue nylon halter in her hand, and, with a quick push from her legs, she vaulted the gate, bolting to a hollow aries. The animal snorted, but allowed Kat to slip the halter over his gray-and-black head. She stroked his side. "Welcome," she murmured. "Welcome, Ethereal."

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