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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/20/2014 8:08 PM

"Thank you Zen," she said, giving him a small hug. She wiped the tears from her face,not caring about the smeared mascara, and continued her story. "It happened while we were in the cafeteria. A bunch of those corpses came rushing in, making their way to the closest student they could sink their teeth into. Michelle and I got away while they ate our... her friends." She waited for another second, searching for the courage to continue. "We ended up in the shed of a local gardener. trapped by a zombie. Michelle handed me this," she held up the machete, dried blood coating the blade, "and told me to fight it off. I said that I couldn't, and she called me a coward. She took it and opened the doors, letting it come at me. I managed to squeeze behind the tractor, but she called me a coward again and it turned it's attention to her." She couldn't continue, tears welling up in her eyes again. "Is it okay if I finish telling later?" she asked in a sobbing tone.

Des' lucain form is non canonical to Des himself. Also, he is renamed Anthony for the purpose of this roleplay

"What're you trying to do, kid? Get us killed?" a stranger whispered, pulling Orlando's arm away from the crowd. "I'm trying to clear a path. I need to go out," He replied. "Not like that, you're not," the stranger continued. "Do you realize if you start poppin' caps, the noise will just attract more of those things?" Orlando couldn't tell if the poppin' caps comment was racist, due to Orlando's skin color, but the man had a point. "I'm sorry, but I'm starving. Do you know of another way out?" As if he had the answer already, the man gave Orlando a baseball bat. "Swing away," he added with a chuckle.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/20/2014 8:17 PM

The man hadn't been prepared for Lucy to hug him, and stiffened a bit when he did so. After a second or two he was able to relax and pat her back once or twice, shooting Renee a look as if pleading for help. She simply hid her laughter behind her hand. Zen obviously didn't know how to react to a girl who was actually feminine, and Renee was enjoying the humor of him attempting to figure it out.

Both of them turned their attention back to Lucy though as she continued her story. When she began crying, Renee placed a comforting hand on her shoulder while Zen reassured her that the rest of her story could wait. "You don't have to continue now, I suppose." He spoke softly now, no longer perceiving her as any sort of threat. "I think you could use some rest. In fact, we all could. Lucy, you wait here while Renee and I make sure that there are no zombies wandering around the house. Then, if you feel up to it, you can help us barricade any entrances into the house. After that, you can find yourself a place to sleep."

He conveniently left out the fact that neither he nor Renee ever slept without someone keeping watch. For that night at least, Lucy wouldn't be bothered with having to watch for zombies. He looked towards Renee and mouthed the words, 'First watch' and she nodded. They both seemed to be on the same page - they would keep watch and let Lucy sleep undisturbed. Sooner or later she'd be given the same amount of responsibilities as they had, but for now she would be able to simply sleep.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/20/2014 8:51 PM

Now she hugged Renee, trying to keep the tears to a minimum. "Thank you both. I know I'm an inconvenience right now, but I'll be better. I promise. "When Lucille was done crying, she finished off the can of mandarins as soon as possible, then looked for a hammer, nails and wood to start boarding up. It only took a couple of minutes for the hammer and nails, but it was a little strenuous finding the wood in the basement. When she'd gotten to the bottom steps, she saw a large stack of flooring planks, but as she grabbed one, she heard faint moaning coming from the opposite corner of the small basement. She held up her machete and yelled, "Zen. Renee. HELP!"

Orlando sneaked up behind one of the zombies and bashed it right in the side of the head, destroying it's brain. Meanwhile, his new friend had brought his wood cutters axe to the neck of another, slicing it's cranium nearly off completely. The other three came at them, but the man slammed it into one of their heads, while Orlando knocked the other to on the ground. They then began smashing and hacking at the faces of the monsters. "Well that was fun," said the stranger. Orlando gave him a confused look. "I don't know how you consider this fun. It's down-right barbaric." The man just shrugged and answered "Maybe that's the point. The name's Anthony, but you can call me Anton." "Orlando. Just Orlando." The man chuckled again and mocked his wording. "It's nice to meet you, Just Orlando."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/20/2014 9:03 PM

Zen and Renee split up to search the house. They had just finished checking the second floor, the first floor already having been cleared, when they heard the shouting. Without hesitation, they both sprinted down the stairs. Renee twisted her ankle halfway down, but ignored the pain and pushed forward, desperate to reach her new friend in time.

In the basement were three zombies. They had been alerted to the presence of fresh meat by Lucy's scream, and were practically on top of her by the time Zen and Renee reached her. Not wanting to waste bullets, Zen grabbed his hammer, which was attached to his hip by a makeshift holster. Renee was already wielding the hunting knife that she always kept strapped to her thigh.

Zen attacked the first zombie, bringing his hammer around in a wide arc to hit the undead woman in the side of the head. There was an audible crunching noise as her skull was crushed, and she dropped, never to move again. While Zen attacked the second zombie, Renee ran past him to see the third zombie. It was a male, with most of his left arm missing. Bits of gore dangled from its severed limb as it reached towards Renee with its remaining arm, but Renee was ready for him. She twirled to the side and brought her knife down to the base of his neck, splattering herself in gore before the zombie fell dead at her feet. Zen had finished off the second zombie, and they were safe again.

"Lucy? Are you okay?" Renee knelt in front of the frightened girl, grabbing both arms and checking for any bite marks. "Were you bitten? Lucy, were you bitten?!"

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/20/2014 9:24 PM

The animals ran at her as she yelled for help. She swung the machete at the first, but it just got stuck in it's arm. Lucile, now weaponless, felt like an idiot for not aiming at the head. She grabbed a large plank and used it to knock the three away as they came near. Taking a risk, she reached for her machete, grateful that she'd managed to pull it off, along with the rest of the arm, without getting bitten.

Help arrived just as she was backed into the corner and fell onto the pile of flooring. She watched as her friends dispatched the dead cannibals, in awe of the skill with which they dispatched them. Renee was immediately in front of her, asking if she'd gotten bit. Lucy checked over her body, but gave a smile and a nod. "I'm fine, thanks to you two." She looked down at the wood. "I think I found something to board the doors up with."

"If you want to take a zombie out from a distance," Anton started. "You gotta do it quietly." He held up a small ninja's throwing knife. "That looks like one of those weird knife thingies on Naruto," Orlando said. Anton simply gave a disappointed look. "Observe." Anton creaked the door of the apartment complex lobby and sneaked out to hide behind a car. He peaked up from behind, threw one into a far away zombies head, and hid again all within a second. He continued the process until there were only three zombies left and no more throwing knives. Orlando then sneaked beside him and gave a smart-mouthed comment. "Nice aim. Now what do we do?" Anton simply smirked and answered "We bash their fuckin' skulls in."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/21/2014 12:25 PM

Finding Lucy to be unharmed, Renee sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. Perhaps it would be better if you didn't wander off on your own, even around this house. At least until we can get you a few lessons on self defense, you should stick with either Zen or I at all times. Is that...is that okay?" She didn't want to sound strict or commanding. But she also didn't want Lucy running into zombies by herself and getting herself eaten or turned. Whether or not she was willing to accept it, Lucy wasn't ready to defend herself. Not yet.

Zen began heading up the stairs, gesturing for the females to follow him. He pointed out a room that had one queen sized bed in it. "If you two don't mind sharing a bed, we'd probably be safer in numbers. I found a mattress that I can drag into the room, and I'll sleep on that. Is everybody comfortable with that?" Renee nodded, but kept her gaze on Lucy to see how the other woman would react to that idea.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/21/2014 4:29 PM

She nodded in response to Renee's request, consciously admitting to herself that she'd be dead had they not showed up. Despite her current inability, she forced herself to take charge. "Then I'll that much harder to get better. Besides, I've got to guard your backs, just as much as you do of mine." She hardened her face to show she'd rise to the challenge, no matter how hard it would get.

Lucille followed beside Renee, a creek from each stair they stepped on as they went upstairs. When Zen finished leading them to the room and showed them the bed, it looked so comfy, her knees felt shaky from the five day walk she'd still been on. "It sounds like a good idea to me," she answered smiling at Renee...

Later that night, Lucille dreamed of the day she'd been trapped in the gardeners shed. The feeling of being betrayed by her only friend. The sight of the zombie ripping at her throat. And most of all, the hate she'd felt towards herself when she ripped the machete from Michelle's hand and bashed her mangled corpse, along with the assailing fiend.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/21/2014 9:17 PM

Renee and Zen got Lucy into bed, and then went to work boarding up the doors, windows, and anything else that could possibly be used to get inside the house. They tried to work quietly, not wanting to wake the girl. Luckily, it seemed as if her exhaustion was enough to keep her sleeping throughout their work. When they finished, Zen gestured for Renee to go back to the room. "I'll take watch, see if any zombies come into the yard while you girls sleep. If you wouldn't mind, maybe in a few hours or so..." Renee nodded. "Yes, you can wake me. Don't worry, you'll get some sleep too."

When she went into the room to sleep, she noticed that Lucy seemed distressed. Knowing that the girl was probably having a nightmare, she slipped under the blankets next to her and hugged her from behind. She was pretty much in a spooning position with the other girl, but she wasn't sure what else she could possibly do to comfort her without waking her up.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/22/2014 4:38 PM

Lucy's dream was quite vivid. The blood and gore gushing from her friend seemed to illuminate the shed in an eerie, red light. But then something happened. Her dream shifted from a nightmare, to one of comfort. She could picture being held in the arms of another. And though she didn't know who was holding her, she didn't care. She just wanted to be held.

When she woke, she was alone in the bed again. Renee was nowhere to be seen. In the smaller bed, Zen had fallen asleep. It was morning, as evident by the light shining through the planks on the window. Lucile got out of the bed as quietly, as to not wake Zen, then she searched the house for Renee...

Anton ran into the street, heading for nearest zombie and slashing it's skull wide open with the axe. Shocked by the complete disregard for discretion, Orlando stood there for a few seconds before realizing he should do the same. He jumped over the front of the car, launching with his left hand and wielding the bat in his right, then went towards the middle corps. "You could've told me before running out!" he yelled at Anton, whom replied "Where's the fun in that." Orlando struck the monster in the eye, then continued to bash it's skull in. The last zombie was near him, so he struck it in the chest, then let Anton finish it off with an axe head to the forehead. Anton simply smirked, mocking "My point." Orlando simply glared at him and muttered under his breath. "Crazy bastard."

Orlando browsed through the aisles of the nearest grocery store, filling his empty school backpack with snacks and sodas. Meanwhile, Anton danced idiotically down the street, counting his throwing stars as he picked them off the dead bodies.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/29/2014 9:59 PM

((Sorry it took me so dang long to reply. I'm forcing myself to type this up now))

The sound of footsteps alerted Renee to the fact that someone else had entered the kitchen. She had grown accustomed to the heavy stomping of Zen, but that wasn't the sound she heard now. Knowing that it could only be one other person, she smiled. Without looking up from the oatmeal she was making, she greeted Lucy. "Good morning. How did you sleep, hon?"

It was a pleasant surprise to have found the cabinets so well stocked. Renee spooned a generous heaping of brown sugar into a bowl of oatmeal and offered it to Renee. "I hope you like it. It sucks, but there isn't much room to be a picky eater when the world ends." She gave Lucy a lopsided grin. "Zen should be up soon, but we should let him sleep a bit longer. Besides, we could use some girl time, right? Not like we'll have much of a chance to be alone while traveling."

Renee perched gingerly on the edge of the counter. Holding her own bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other, she began eating. "So, I don't think we fully explained our plans to you earlier. If you want to come with us, which I really hope you do, you'll probably want to know exactly where we'll be going and what we'll be doing. Right?"

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 07/30/2014 7:16 PM

"Good," she said, interrupted by a yawn, but continued, "morning. I slept pretty well." Lucile nodded, accepting the food. she didn't like the taste of brown sugar, but grumpy taste buds were nothing to the emptiness she'd just recovered from. If she hadn't been starving, she'd probably have been repulsed, but she scarfed it down like it was chinese food. She listened as she forced the oatmeal down her throat, one spoonful at a time. Lucy nodded, her mouth full of oats. She'd like to know what they were planning on doing and just how useful she'd be to them. After all, she didn't like the idea of free-loading off of them.

"Hello?" Orlando looked around, curious who was nearby. "Is anyone there?" the voice said again. He listened to the female voice, following them to the back of the store. "Are they gone? Those... things?" He quickly knocked three times on the heavily dented bathroom door. "It's safe to come out." She protested, "No! You're one of them, aren't you?" He sighed, "They don't speak."  A couple seconds passed before the girl unlocked the door and stepped out. Her grey jogging suit was drenched in sweat and blood and her hair was fraying from pulling at it. "Are you okay?" he asked...

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/31/2014 11:46 PM

As she spoke, Renee kicked her legs so that they were bumping against the back of the counter, one after the other. It was probably a childish habit, but she didn't care at that particular moment. Since she had gotten used to having to move quickly to either fight or flee at any given moment, she had become a bit restless. If she was still for a long period of time, she began to feel as if she were in danger. She always wanted to be moving, ready to escape if needed.

"Zen and I had been talking about our plans a lot," she continued, through a mouthful of oatmeal. "And it's actually good that we stumbled upon you, because we're going to need a lot of help." Another pause, as she shoveled more food into her mouth. Finally, she spoke again. "We want to create a sort of colony. A safe one. With barricades and lookout towers and all that cool stuff. Inside, we'd be growing our own food. If we're lucky, we'll also be able to scavenge a few animals for meat."

Her bowl was now empty, and she placed it in the sink, despite the fact that she probably wouldn't be washing it. There was running water, which was good, but she didn't want to waste it on dirty dishes. "We wouldn't just let anyone in," she added. "It sounds cruel, but in these times people are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their own safety. But we would give out food to those who need it, and probably set up a few safe shelters nearby that people can stay for a little while before moving out to find their own place. If we get to trust a person well enough, they'll be able to join the colony. So, whaddaya think?" She turned to face the girl, wondering what she thought of their plan.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/01/2014 10:39 AM

"I think that sounds great," she said after she swallowed the last spoonful of oatmeal. "We could have a doctor to treat those who got hurt. Lots of guards to protect the town from those monsters out there. It'll be great." At this point, Lucile could use any ray of sunshine she could find. Hope was certainly better than hiding in a closet, fearing the apocalypse and it's new citizens. Set her bowl on top of Renee's, then reached for the faucet handle. She paused, realizing if she'd turn the water on to wash the dishes, that'll be less water for them to live off of. She retracted her arm. "Have you thought of where you might want it?"

"I'm fine," she said. "What happened?" she asked. "I came out of my appartment building for my morning jog and they just started running after me. I made it here, but they cornered me in the bathroom." She was still in shock, as Orlando realized. He pulled out a slim jim and handed it to her. "Thank you. I haven't eaten in days. Thank heaven the faucet was working, otherwise I'd' have died in there." Orlando didn't want to give her too much food. He knew if he did, her stomach might burst. Plus, it'd be a waste of food. "Let's just find my friend," he said before calling out "HEY ANTON! WE GOT A SURVIVOR! How are you feeling?" he asked as he turned back to her, only to find her replaced by an undead version of herself. She launched herself at him.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/01/2014 7:58 PM

Before Renee could answer, a deeper voice was heard from behind them. "Wherever we can find good soil for farming and plenty of metal and wood to use for barricades. That's where we'll start our new life."

Zen walked into room and looked at both ladies. Exhaustion was easily seen on his face, but he was awake and alert and that was all that really mattered. "I suppose that Renee here has already invited you to stay with us, Lucy?" He nodded. "Good. We could use all the trustworthy people we can find. Assuming you don't stick a knife in us while our backs are turned between here and wherever we end up," he paused to chuckle, proving that he was saying this part merely in jest. "You'll certainly be of help to us. And don't think that we won't be around to watch your back, either."

"Lucy, you were right about needing a doctor," Renee said. "You don't happen to know anyone who may have survived, do you?" It was a small chance, but any chance was worth asking about. If nothing else, both Renee and Zen knew quite a bit of first aid. Some knowledge could be obtained through book reading, if they were able to scavenge the books, that is. But it would be far better to have an actual doctor around.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/02/2014 2:10 AM

She was surprised to hear Zen behind her. Lucile turned around to face him. "Good morning," she said in her nervous voice. His eyes were bloodshot from exhaustion and bags were draped below them. Concern washed her face as she noticed how tired he was, but it switched to one of fear when she heard his thoughts on if she betrayed them. She knew she shouldn't be worried, especially because she couldn't possibly think of betraying them, but she still was. Fortunately, Zen was only joking and when he showed it, relief overcame her.

She turned back to Renee to listen, but nodded, letting her know she didn't know anyone who was a doctor. Then a thought crossed her mind. "I think my best friends boyfriend. His dad was a doctor, or something like that. Maybe if he's alive..." Her thoughts trailed off. For all she knew, they were both being torn open like a cannibals buffet table...

Orlando struggled to keep the corpse from biting him. For every inch he pushed her away, she gained and inch and a half. "ANTON! GET OVER HERE!" he yelled. Seconds later, his friend arrived, standing there like he couldn't do anything. "What are you waiting for? Christmas? Take it out with one of your throwing knives!" Anton replied "I can't. I might hit you." Anton thought for a second, then tackled her off of him, knocking Orlando over as well. After a moment of struggle, Anton managed to shove one of the knives under her jaw directly into her brain. "Next time, just throw the knife," Orlando said. "I don't think there's gonna be a next time," Anton said. Orlando looked to see Anton holding up his arm with a fresh and bloody bite taken from it.

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