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Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 12/02/2011 5:20 AM

{General warning: This roleplay contains gore, violence, torture, incest, sexual encounters, rape, foul language, and possibly more. If you are offended by any of the above, please, do not read any further. Thank you.}

Sticky, crimson blood stained the man's hands and chest, and splatters of it could be seen on his face as well. The body had been disposed of, but the mess was yet to be taken care of. Resting one elbow on the metal table in front of him, the man ran his other hand through his hair, leaving streaks of blood that nearly blended in with his red highlights. Various surgical instruments littered the table, many of them slick with yet more blood that was yet to be cleaned. Heaving a sigh, the man turned towards the door on the far left of the room.

"Cobra!" The name came bursting through his lips angrily, and he scowled as no answer was heard. "Damn that unreliable bastard. If he weren't my brother, I would kill him next...after having him clean up this goddamn mess, of course." He opened his mouth to call again, but decided against it. Chances are Cobra was out doing whatever the hell it was he did right about now. The mess would be his to clean this time.

Muttering and cursing under his breath, the man, who was called Tarantula, set about the heavy task before him. Armed with a spray bottle in one hand and a cloth in the other, he started cleaning the instruments on the table first. He handled each one with the greatest of care, tenderly stroking each and every object as he cleaned it until it shone, sparkling in the dim light that came from a single, flickering lightbulb.

As he continued cleaning, he began humming a sadistic tune. He couldn't quite remember the words, but he knew that the title of the song was 'Pretty Toy'. It was a bit ironic, in his mind, that he was humming a song like that right after he had finished "playing" with his mortal victim.


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 12/02/2011 7:35 AM

"Shit! Oh, god, Tarry is gonna kill me!"

A rather ruffled young man ran towards his destination, not bothering to apologize to the frustrated people that he ran into on the way there.Their comfort and well being were of no concern to him, especially not when he was being threatened with a slow and painful death if his brother's anger got too bad. Both Tarantula and Cobra killed for fun, so it would be no trouble for Tarantula to snuff out Cobra's life as if it were meaningless to him. Which, as a matter of fact, it probably was.

The only reason why Cobra was still alive was because for some reason, while Tarantula honored no other moral codes or values, he placed family and blood ties above all else in his life. Cobra wasn't exactly sure why his brother was like that, but he was glad that he was; there were several times that Tarantula could have killed Cobra for one of his stupid mistakes. Thankfully, though, they were blood brothers, twins, in fact, so Cobra was gifted with not only his life, no matter what mistakes he made, but also his brother's protection.

On this particular day, however, Cobra wasn't so sure that Tarantula would be able to forgive him. Today was the anniversary of their first killing, and Tarantula always enjoyed participating in special torture or feeding sessions on that day. Cobra had never been late before, but for some reason he had gotten caught up at the bar, watching a rather tantalizing morsel of a woman and trying to figure out here she was from so that he could "visit" her later. He had finally figured out where she was from as she relayed her address to a friend of hers, but by that time, Cobra was already late for their first victim. In fact, he had probably missed the torture and feeding entirely.

Finally making it into their house, Cobra took the stairs two at a time, kicked open the basement door, and flew into the torture room. "Tarry! I'm sorry...I was just...I didn't mean to..." He looked down at the floor, ashamed. "I'm sorry."


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/01/2012 4:40 AM

The sounds of a door slamming open and then shut made Tarantula pause in his work, senses suddenly on the alert. From the noise, it wasn't very likely that any sort of police force had realized what was happening to all the missing people and were coming to try to take Tarantula to prison, but it was in his nature to be overly cautious. Carelessness created room for error, and in Tarantula's life, error was simply not acceptable.

A quick sniff of the air, though, confirmed Tarantula's suspicions that it was only his brother, Cobra. The scent of his half-vampire blood had a more sharp, stronger smell to it than human blood did; even if another half-vampire had been in the area - which they hadn't, as far as Tarantula had seen - Cobra's scent was well implanted in Tarantula's brain, and he could pick it out among a thousand other scents. Cobra was finally back, although unacceptably late. Tarantula would have a little talk to him about that, when he finally got his ass down the stairs and into the torture chamber.

Rapid, thunderous footsteps on the stairs caused Tarantula to grimace. While he preferred slow, silent grace in his movements, Cobra was far too energetic to ever move without making some sort of ruckus. Yet another door was slammed as Cobra flung himself into the room, nearly scattering the surgical instruments that Tarantula had just put up as he bumped into the glass case in which all the torture devices were kept.

"Your apologies are worthless to me," Tarantula growled in a voice dangerously emotionless and silent. "You do realize that you have missed the procedure entirely? Did we not share the same blood in our veins, I would kill you were you stand without allowing you time for your puny little brain to register what was happening to you. You do realize this, don't you?" Shaking his head in disapproval, Tarantula turned his back to his brother, and gestured with one arm towards the still bloody operating table and room. "Clean this up. I have to document this in my files. If you're thirsty, I saved a few pints of blood for you, although the devil knows you don't deserve him."

Shrugging past Cobra, Tarantula took the stairs two at a time in order to make his way up the stairs and into his office. As was his custom, he set about documenting the events of the torturing that had just occurred.


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/13/2012 4:52 AM

It hurt. God, did it hurt.

There was nothing that hurt Cobra worse than Tarantula's disapproval of him. Cobra should have been used to that by now; he knew that Tarantula was never going to stop. But no matter how many times it happened, the pain never seemed to decrease, not in the slightest. As much as Cobra tried to gain Tarantula's approval and love, it seemed that all he could get was disapproval or, on a lucky day, simply a total and complete lack of acknowledgement.

Could vampires cry? Cobra wasn't sure. However, in all honestly, Cobra was only a half vampire. Perhaps the vampire side of him couldn't cry, who knows. But the human side of him sure as hell could. Despite his almost painful attempts to keep them in, the tears started to spill over, rolling down Cobra's cheek, each one shining like a tiny, delicate diamond.

Even as he cried, he couldn't help but begin making excuses for Tarantula. After all, Cobra had been late. Cobra was the one who was always messing up. Was it Tarantula's fault that he didn't want to be associated with such clumsiness and failure as Cobra? Could Tarantula truly be blamed for withholding his love from someone who was completely and utterly undeserving? Of course not. As always, Cobra was the one with fault, and he was the one who was simply getting exactly what he deserved.

It didn't stop the pain, though. Nothing could reverse the effects of Tarantula's harsh, unloving words. So, resigning himself to a future of unending failure, Cobra did the only thing he could do; he began cleaning up, just as Tarantula wanted him to do.


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2012 12:44 AM

The shuffling of papers and the soft, scratching sound of his pencil as it flew across the paper were the only noises that dared break the silence in Tarantula's office. In small, perfectly neat and cursive letters he wrote out all that had happened during the procedure. Every device of torture used, and every response it had gained. From the loudest scream to the slightest muscle twitch, it was all recorded there for future use in research.

He knew that Cobra was probably beating himself up right about now, but honestly, Tarantula couldn't care less. Honestly, the boy needed to grow up. They had been closer when they were children, and everything was simple. But as the years had passed by, Tarantula had matured, growing cold and harsh and aloof. Cobra had retained his playful, immature personality, although he too had developed the same love for the kill and lack of sensitivity that Tarantula had. And then, of course, there was the whole thing with Cobra being in love with Tarantula...

Tarantula had known from the very beginning that the feelings Cobra was developing for him weren't natural. The way that Cobra had looked at him, admired him, eventually worshiped him - it wasn't right, by normal standards. But then again, Tarantula didn't go by normal standards. And while he certainly didn't go out of his way to encourage Cobra, there were some nights when intimacy with his brother was the perfect way to unwind.

To be quite honest, he enjoyed the love-making that Cobra bestowed upon him. It certainly wasn't special in the emotional sense, but since Cobra had the same endurance, strength, and fierceness to him that Tarantula had, it made for many pleasurable nights.

But he didn't love Cobra. Not in the slightest.


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature} ((Hunt))

Postby Kitsumi » 01/26/2012 9:30 AM

It appeared that most of the mess had been taken care of by Tarantula before Cobra had even arrived; the tools were already cleaned and put away, the surgical table wiped down, and most of the blood splatters on the floor had been cleaned as well. However, Cobra knew that Tarantula liked everything to be immaculate and spotless, so he worked hard to clean up the little that was left. It wasn't until every square inch of the room, from floor to walls to the scarce amount of furniture was sparkling clean that Cobra finally deemed the job 'done' and allowed himself to rest.

A quick scan of the room revealed no sign of the blood that Tarantula had claimed to have saved for Cobra. The burn of thirst in the back of his throat was almost unbearable, and Cobra knew he needed blood. Using his keen sense of smell, he scented out the room. After a moment or two, he caught the familiar scent of warm blood, coming from Tarantula's shelves. Reaching in, careful to avoid the various skulls and body parts preserved in glass jars, Cobra felt around for anything that could possibly be holding the blood.

He was about to give up, and go hunting for someone to kill, when his fingers touched a warm thermos. He pulled it out and popped the cap open. Sure enough, it was full of sticky, warm blood. Cobra took a sip, savoring the rich taste. The man had been in the prime of his life - Tarantula had chosen a delicious morsel this time.

Carrying the thermos with him and taking a sip out of it from time to time, Cobra walked back upstairs, trying to move slowly in order to lesson the thunderous thudding of his footsteps. If Tarantula heard them and it hindered his word, he would be angry with Cobra; and Cobra didn't think he could take any more anger or disgust from Tarantula today. His heart had already been broken, shattered into tiny  fragments. He didn't want to deal with any more pain today.

Too afraid to knock on the door to Tarantula's office, Cobra simply took a seat on the couch in the adjoining living room. Hopefully, Tarry would be done soon, and Cobra could spend some time with his beloved brother.


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature} ((Hunt))

Postby Kitsumi » 04/11/2012 1:21 AM

It was incredibly obvious that Cobra was standing right out side of Tarantula’s door.  His scent, one that was tampered hugely by several different emotions, was strong, and filled Tarantula’s senses. He may not have loved Cobra, but his brother was a good lover. And his scent…it was almost too much for Tarantula to deny. Even as he continued writing, his face an emotionless mask, he felt himself begin to long for his brother. It was sinful, and wicked, and everything evil – but then again, Tarantula was already all of that. Incest was the least of his many, many problems.

However, just as he began to feel as if he would lose control, Cobra moved.  He hadn’t gone far, it seemed, but the scent was no longer as strong. It seemed that now Cobra was sitting on a couch in the adjoining room. Tarantula picked up his pencil, hardly even aware that he had dropped it. Then, he continued writing. But his mind was on other things. Dirty, nasty, incredibly pleasurable things. And it was those thoughts that finally urged Tarantula to rush through the rest of his report.

Finally, feeling free to do whatever he wished, Tarantula put the papers in the correct area of his filing cabinet, and then opened the door. Just as he had expected, Cobra was there, waiting. Tarantula leaned against the wall, waiting for his brother to look up from the Nintendo DS game that he appeared incredibly attached to at the moment. Tarantula would only wait so long – if Cobra would not look up and notice him soon, then Tarantula would be forced to make some sort of noise that would assure his presence being noted.

However, no noise was required. After a few moments, Cobra seemed to pick up Tarantula’s scent. He looked up, and then a huge grin filled his face, and his eyes lit up. Tarantula smirked, one side of his mouth lifting in a half-smile. “Hey, brother. What are you playing?”


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 04/15/2012 3:12 AM

At first, Cobra hadn’t noticed that Tarantula had entered the room. But his brother’s scent was one that Cobra knew well, and he quickly looked up as he caught a whiff of it.

Tarantula’s words made Cobra blush, and he looked down to hide the grin and the elation in his eyes that his brother was actually speaking to him! Sometimes, to punish him, Tarantula wouldn’t speak to Cobra for days, or even weeks. Cobra hated when he did it, feeling as if he might die if his brother didn’t speak to him soon. It seemed as if he didn’t have to deal with it this time around.

Shutting the game off, Cobra stood. “N-nothing. I mean, nothing important.” When his eyes lifted to meet his brother’s, there was shame in them. “I’m sorry I was late.”


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 05/31/2012 6:29 AM

With his trademark smirk and an evil glint in his eyes, Tarantula moved forward to where Cobra stood, waiting. Leaning over so that his lips where just barely brushing over his twin's ear, he whispered, "That doesn't matter anymore, Cobra. Of course, if you're still worried about it...I know a way that you can make it up to me."

His tongue flicked out quickly, snake-like, and ever so slightly touched Cobra's earlobe, bringing a gasp from him. Still smirking, Tarantula waited a moment, feeling Cobra quiver with longing and lust. Capturing the soft skin of Cobra's earlobe with his teeth, Tarantula nibbled and teased until Cobra was panting and moaning quietly, now shaking nearly uncontrollably.

"Oh, you like that, do you?" Tarantula pulled back after one last tug of Cobra's ear, looking into his brother's eyes which were half-lidded and glazed over with pleasure. "I can't say that my goal in life is to bring you pleasure, but at this moment in time, it pleases me to make you long for me."

Faster than any mortal eyes could have seen, Tarantula reached out and pulled Cobra to him in a swift, fluid movement. Their bodies collided, and Tarantula could feel the heat rising off of Cobra's body.

Oh, yes. This was going to be quite fun.


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 05/31/2012 6:30 AM

Of course Cobra was shocked by his brother's easy forgiveness, which was usually a thing that took weeks and almost more pain than Cobra could handle to gain. However, he wasn't going to question the gift he was being given; making love to Tarantula was what Cobra lived for. Most of the time Tarantula was rough, bringing pain to Cobra and dominating him, but Cobra loved every minute of it. And then again, there were the times when Cobra's brother was gentle with him...

Those were the times that truly gave Cobra something to live for. All of the beatings he received, the scoldings, the times that Tarantula told Cobra that he was worthless, hated, and a waste of space - all of that faded away under the gentle caresses and tender kisses. At times, Tarantula had even said those three little words, the words that made Cobra tingle all over.

Even if it was all a lie, especially when Tarantula said, "I love you," it was still incredible. In fact, making love to Tarantula at all - whether rough and passionate or gentle and loving - was wonderful to Cobra. And so he willing opened himself up to all that Tarantula gave him.

As Tarantula began working on his ear, Cobra felt himself become aroused. He tried to hold back, embarrassed by how quickly and easily his brother could affect him in such aw ay. But there was no hiding the fact that he was full of lust for his twin. It was sinful, it was despicable, it was horrendous in every way - and Cobra didn't give one fuck about any of that.

Pulled against Tarantula, Cobra placed one hand on his brother's muscled chest, feeling breathless. His other hand moved up to tangle in Tarantula's dark, perfectly straight hair. Pushing his brother's head towards him, Cobra kissed Tarantula softly, questioningly.

Would Tarantula allow Cobra to get away with such a bold move?


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 05/31/2012 6:30 AM

On any other day, the more dominant of the two brothers would never allow his younger twin to move in such a way without permission. Today, though, things were a bit different. He wanted the pleasure that Cobra would bring him so desperately, that he was willing to let Cobra move freely.

As his lips met with his brothers, Tarantula's right hand snaked under Cobra's shirt to dig his fingernails into his back. Sucking Cobra's lip into his mouth, Tarantula bit it softly, and then harder, the metallic taste of his brother's blood only heightening his senses and fueling the fire that was already raging inside of him. He could sense his brother's arousal, and it was quickly matched by his own as he felt his brother's tongue press into his mouth, wrestling for dominance.

While his right hand continued to scratch lightly at his twin's back, Tarantula's other hand roamed lower, to cup Cobra's perfectly shaped backside. He squeezed softly, and felt Cobra's quick inhalation of breath, causing Tarantula to smirk against his brother's lips.


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 05/31/2012 6:30 AM

With each passing second, Cobra's longing's were becoming greater, and then they were a need. The scratches inflicted a mixture of pain and pleasure which caused his eyes to roll back in his head as he tugged at his brother's hair gently. The way Tarantula could make him feel was far greater than any of the other men or women he had been with; and Cobra had been with hundreds. None of them were a match to Tarantula.

His brother's hand began to grope his backside, and Cobra gasped once more, giving Tarantula's hair a sharp pull. He wanted more. He needed more.

Pressing hard against his brother, he felt the heat from their bodies radiating off of them. He suddenly wanted to be free of the constricting clothes that bound him, and tugged at his shirt impatiently. At this point, clothes were only a hindrance.


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Re: Twins of Torture and Terror {Self RP - Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 06/01/2012 2:00 AM

Obviously, Cobra was just as turned on as Tarantula himself was. Feeling his brother tugging at his clothes, Tarantula paused in his scratching and other caresses to grab his brother's hand, ceasing the motion. For a moment, Cobra made soft sounds of protest, but then Tarantula himself tugged the shirt over his twin's head and tossed it towards the corner of the room.

This time, both hands went towards his brother's backside. They grabbed at the flesh there for a moment before Tarantula lifted his brother easily, Cobra's legs locking around Tarantula's waist. Capturing Cobra's soft lips yet again, Tarantula began moving towards his bedroom, knowing that Cobra's would be far more messy than Tarantula's immaculately clean room. The large bed was going to be far more comfortable and suited to their actions than the couch would be, although that would have worked as well.

Kicking the door open with one strong, muscular leg, Tarantula strode into the room. He dropped Cobra down on the bed, and Tarantula quickly lay over him, propping himself up on his elbows and one knee to keep his weight from pinning his brother.

"I have a feeling we're both going to enjoy this..."


((Fade out for the sake of keeping content forum appropriate; if you wish to read the following scene which I have edited out, you may go here to read. WARNING: The link is incredibly mature as it contains highly graphic depictions of the act of intimacy. Do not read if you are underage or disturbed by such content.))

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